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In this article I described the means of identifying teaching behaviors that have cognitive and affective learning effects on students who are taking a course in mathematics. This study was conducted on 50 mathematics teachers who were teaching in the eighth grade. I obtained the data on teaching behaviors through direct systematic observation. Multiple regression was used as the method of analysis. For the cognitive domain, the results showed that effective teaching behaviors are: (a) high-level questions put to a large group of students; (b) probing, followed by a correct student response; (c) teacher waiting after asking a question; (d) successful redirecting; and (e) all forms of positive acknowledgement. Effective teaching behaviors in the affective domain are: (a) all forms of teacher lecture/explanations; (b) probing, followed by correct student response; and (c) all forms of positive acknowledgement. More teaching behaviors have a positive effect on mathematical knowledge than have a positive effect on students’ attitude toward mathematics.  相似文献   

THE LITERATURE on cooperative learning suggests it can benefit mildly handicapped and nonhandicapped students academically, socially, and emotionally. This article emphasizes the cooperative learning approaches of Johnson and Johnson, Slavin, and other closely related practitioners. It discusses salient research on cooperative learning, shows how it can help meet student needs in heterogeneous classes, addresses how to overcome potential problems, and offers implementation guidelines. It also provides a framework for initiating cooperative learning in ways that reduce or eliminate resistance.  相似文献   

以学习小组为核心的合作式课堂教学方法,改变了传统课堂教学"重结果轻过程"的不足,由学生来主导构筑知识、发现知识、转移知识和扩展知识的过程,全面提高了课堂教学效果。  相似文献   

传统教学方式即灌输式教学在高校政治理论课教学目标达成上已经明显不足;合作学习方式具有主动性、互补性、合作性、探究性、创新性等特性,能够弥补传统教学方式的不足,而且完全符合高校政治理论课特征的要求,有助于促进教学目标的达成。  相似文献   

合作学习是一种以学生为中心,以小组为形式,改变了以讲授为主的教学模式,显示出培养学生合作意识、自主学习能力等方面的优势。本文就合作学习小组的组织、合作学习的模式、合作学习中教师的角色以及合作学习中的评价等几个方面对小学英语合作学习进行探析。  相似文献   

Perspectives courses at Valdosta State University are charged with expanding undergraduate students' intellectual and attitudinal horizons by exposing them to both interdisciplinary and multicultural perspectives. The Religion and Culture Perspectives course focuses on how a diversity of religions respond to real-life dilemmas using the medium of cross-cultural case studies and religious autobiographical narratives. This course can effectively foster imaginative engagement with and appreciation for diverse religious perspectives and practices through specific cooperative learning strategies. Research explored the effects of cooperative learning on appreciation of religious difference. Students showed changes in their attitudes as a result of course participation.  相似文献   

合作学习是新课程提倡的重要学习方式之一,但在具体实施过程中还存在着诸多问题。教师应该对合作学习的本质进行了深入探析,从培养学生的合作学习能力,以个体学习为前提,以小组内个体成绩总和为评价依据,科学组织合作学习过程,善用外部激励等实施。  相似文献   

合作学习是小学数学领域新课程变革鼎力提倡而又十分重要的学习模式之一。它伴随着数学领域的课程改革进一步向前推进,已成为我国当前小学数学在课堂教学中的一种重要的教学策略和组织形式。根据小学数学合作学习的有效性现状、影响因素以及出现的问题展开分析,并在此基础上提出小学数学合作学习的有效性解决策略。  相似文献   

This paper seeks to inform the development of media education in primary schools through an analysis of classroom utterances. A rationale for the analysis based on concerns with scaffolding pupils’ media will be presented. The capacity of this approach to allow comparisons to be made between age groups, teaching arrangements and pedagogic priorities, focusing on distinctions between image making and image study, will be illustrated. The conclusions drawn include reference to the applicability of the method, and to effective media teaching in primary classrooms.  相似文献   

合作学习,是发展学生个性与综合素质的有效措施,是新课程积极提倡的学习方式,能够促进学生知识的建构,培养学生的合作意识。小组合作学习中"议"与"展"两个环节又是合作学习的重中之重,因此,在数学教学中,教师要重点针对这两个环节对学生进行合作学习的指导。  相似文献   

远程合作学习项目是一种典型的信息技术与课程整合方式,它基于项目开展,强调小组内部以及小组之间的交流合作,培养学生的责任感,锻炼学生的合作能力、交流能力、动手能力、分析解决问题能力.项目的开展能够促进学校的信息化建设,提高教师、学生和家长的信息素养,构建良好的信息技术环境,促进信息技术与课程整合.本文根据项目实践中的一些问题,提出了小学远程合作学习项目的选题、组织合作活动、资料收集整理、培训和指导四个方面的实施策略.  相似文献   

李秀妹 《天津教育》2021,(9):156-157
新的教育时期,如何发挥学生的学习自主性和提高学生的学习效率,成为教师十分关注的问题。基于此,“小组合作学习”模式的应用价值逐渐突显出来。为此,笔者结合相关的文献资料分析了与小组合作学习有关的内容,并着眼于小学语文教学实践展开了研究。而本文将结合相关的研究成果,具体阐述在小学语文教学中实施小组合作学习的必要性以及如何将这一教学模式应用于小学语文课程中。  相似文献   

This study reports on the impact of a 2-month classroom intervention that sought to alter the learning environment of two Hong Kong Primary Year 3 general studies classrooms. Mixed methodology, employing quantitative and qualitative data-gathering strategies, was used to investigate changes to the learning environments, including changes to the teachers' language and ultimately the students' metacognition. The quantitative facet of the research involved the development of a 15-item learning environments instrument, the General Studies Metacognitive Orientation Scale (GSMOS), that evaluated elements of the metacognitive orientation of the classrooms' learning environments. While the data from the administration of the GSMOS suggested no statistical differences between the pre- and post-intervention environments of the classrooms, student interviews and classroom observations provided supportive data for some changes, which resulted in students developing metacognitive knowledge of teacher-selected thinking and learning strategies, as well as some awareness and limited control of their use of such strategies in their classrooms.  相似文献   

The development of oral language in classrooms has been an incidental occurrence historically. The amount of oral language that children have is an indicator of their success or struggle in school. To meet the needs of these children, teachers can make oral language development a primary focus for instruction. This article examines ways that teachers can both implicitly and explicitly teach children about language and its functions in primary classrooms through the environment, connections to literature, developmentally appropriate oral language activities, and engaging curricula.  相似文献   

合作学习被越来越多的老师引入课堂,现已成为小学生学习数学的重要方式。我们的课堂活起来了,动起来了,这是教师们在上课、听课中的最大感受。但透过这份热闹对课堂教学的有效度作一番冷静思考,却发现教学理念与教学行为之间还存在某些偏差,课堂教学的形式与期望达成的效果之间尚有一定距离。在实施小学数学合作学习时存在着诸多不良现象,归纳起来共有5种,现试着逐一进行解读。现象一:合作时机不够恰当,次数过于频繁。学生没有独立思考的时间,在合作学习中花的时间较多,整堂课貌似热热闹闹,实如一盘散沙。[解读]独立思考是小组合作学习的前…  相似文献   

2003年初,笔者在宁波市随机选择了六所小学发放了180份问卷,对小学数学合作学习的情况进行了调查:在调查表中,设置了12个问题,分别就学生对小组合作学习的兴趣、分工组合情况、参与程度、人际关糸及效果等无个方面进行调查,调查结果见文后的附表。  相似文献   

孟祥燕 《成才之路》2021,(15):140-141
美术是对学生进行审美能力培养和审美情趣启蒙的重要课程,能陶冶学生情操,提升学生审美素养。合作学习契合学生的年龄特点,能营造良好的教学氛围,激发学生学习兴趣,提高美术教学质量。文章对合作学习在美术教学中的运用进行探究,旨在为美术教学提供帮助和借鉴,促进美术教学发展。  相似文献   

1.合作契机应把握在探究规律性知识时 一些抽象的规律性的数学知识往往需要学生通过操作才能发现,仅凭个人的学习会困难重重,须挖掘集体智慧,才能集思广益,达成目标。例如,教学“三角形的面积计算公式”时,我是这样进行的:课前让每位学生随意准备好两个完全一样的三角形,上课后,让学生操作:“你能用两个完全一样的三角形拼成一个什么图形?这个新拼成的图形和原来的三角形存在着什么关系?”在独立操作的基础上,再让学生在小组内交流,初步概括出各种三角形的面积公式。  相似文献   

长期以来,由于小学班级学生人数较多,以集体授课为主的班级授课制成为英语课堂教学的组织形式.其单一的教学组织形式束缚着学生英语实践活动的全面发展,制约着学生英语运用能力的提高.小学英语教学中普遍存在着"教师讲的多,学生练的少"、"费时多,收效慢"等现象.同时由于缺乏人际交流,不少学生失去了学习英语的兴趣.在这种情况下,小学英语教学需要引进能面向全体学生的、有利于学生语言实践活动全面开展的学习方式--合作学习.  相似文献   

自主合作学习对于弥补班级教学和个别学习的不足,提高学生学习效率,促进学生非智力品质的发展有重要作用。所以小学英语教师要学习生本理念,掌握学生自主学习的训练方法,科学管理好学习合作小组,使每个学生都能成为学习的主人。  相似文献   

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