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Singapore, the smallest country in South East Asia, enjoying the name of "Garden City" for years, is now set to be upgraded further. This time, it will focus on public toilets.Initially (in 2002), in the "Cleanest Estate Competition, the judges will also select five "cleanest toilets" at food centres. The winners will each receive $1000 in cash and a plaque.·?Public toilets will be ranked under a new system 公厕将在新制度下分级  相似文献   

Two women on a train werearguing. At last one of them calledthe conductor. She said, "If thiswindow is open, I will catch cold.And I' ll probably die."The other woman said, "But ifthis window is closed, I will havedifficulty breathing and I will die."A man had been listening to themall the time. He said he had an idea."First open the window. That willkill one," he said. "Next close it.That will kill the other. Then itwill be quiet."两个女人在火车上吵了起来。最后其中一个女人叫来了列车长。…  相似文献   

一、一般将来时的构成:1.一般将来时由"助动词shall/will+动词原形"构成,shall用于第一人称,will用于第二、第三人称。美国英语在陈述句中不论什么人称一律用will。2.一般将来时的否定和疑问形式:一般将来时的否定形式是在will或shall后加上not,willnot缩写为won't;shallnot缩写为shan't,一般将来时的疑问形式是把will(shall)提到主语前。例如:Theywon'twatchTVtonight.他们今晚上  相似文献   

1. A country maid was walking alone with a can of milk upon her head. 2. She fell into the following train of reflec- tions (沉思). 3. "After I sell this milk, I can buy 300 eggs." 4. "These eggs will produce at least two hun- dred and fifty chickens." 5. "I will have a lot of money after I sell these chickens, and have enough money to buy a new dress." 6. "In this dress I will go to the fair (集市). All the young fellows (小伙子) will want me to be a partner (伙伴). 7. Suddenly, the can …  相似文献   

1.课文原句:When you have readsome Chinese poems,you will have seenand heard some of the features that allgood poetry shares.考点:"将来完成时态"的用法。解读:"将来完成时"由"will/shall have(been)dode"构成。表示到将来某一时  相似文献   

My Sister and I     
My sister and I look the same. Maybe you will ask the question like this. "Are you twins? " Then, I will say, "Yes, we are." Now we are 14 years old, and we'll be 15 years old soon.  相似文献   

王盼盼 《海外英语》2011,(15):295-296
When discussing Chinese traditional handicraft, the definitions of the terms "Chinese culture" and "Chinese traditional handicraft " need to be understood. Then, considers literature survey of Chinese culture and Chinese traditional handicraft. It is useful to expand the background of Chinese culture and Chinese traditional handicraft. After it, the methodology of this research will be discussed. They will be presented in chapter 1.In the design of children’s book, it is worth noticing that the children’s interests. What are the classical cases and why they are successful. They will be presented in chapter 2.During the research, the fact that there are aesthetic appreciation for boys and girls that different is examined. Findings on this aspect will be presented in chapter 3.Gathering theories and findings for this research are placed within my own practice. And discussed the results and findings. They will be presented in chapter 4.Finally, it has a conclusion. It will evaluate the solved issue and forecast the developing trend of children’s book in future.  相似文献   

God created the 1)mule, and told him, "You will be mule, working constantly from 2) dusk to 3)dawn,carrying heavy loads on your back. You will eat grass and lack 4)intelligence. You will live for 50 years."The mule answered, "To live like this for 50 years is too much. Please, give me no more than 20." And it was so.  相似文献   

John Milton introduces the Biblical world into literature. Some modern critics think that in Paradise Lost, Milton makes Satan a hero while God a tyrant, yet, adopting the original Biblical perception, the reader will see the "Eternal Providence" of God and will agree that Milton has succeeded in justifying God as a Father Who says "Man Shall Find Grace". A Biblical reading of this epic will be done by focusing on its detail contents.  相似文献   

Footballer David Beckham will take his first major acting role in themovie Goal!, in which he will play himself. Directed by Judge Dredd film-maker Danny Cannon, Goal! is due tobe released in August 2005 as part of a £100m film trilogy. "I want to be involved in youth coaching when I finally hang up myboots," Beckham said. "I believe that the Goal! trilogy will provide a positive message to  相似文献   

The soldiershad been marchingand fight- ing,theyweredirty,hotand tired. "M y m en, Ihave som e goodnewsand som e bad newsforyou. W hich one would "The goodnews!" you like first?" "OK,thegood newsisthat you will each be receiving a complete change "Hurrah!" ofclothing." "And now forthebad news.Jack,you willchange withJohn. John, you will changewithTom . Tom , you willchange withRobert.Robert… …"Good News and…  相似文献   

1.他将在四小时后到达. 误:He will arrive after four hours. 正:He will arrive in four hours. 析:在表示将来的时间时,应用in.in之后接一段儿时间,表示"经过……时间"或"在……以后";after表示"在某一具体时间之后",后接时间点.其次,after后接时间段时,只与瞬间动词的过去时连用.  相似文献   

<正> JokeThe judge warned the witness, "Do youunderstand that you have sworn to tell the truth?""I do.""Do you understand what will happen if you arenot truthful?""Sure," said the witness. "My side will win."  相似文献   

薛瑞贞 《初中生》2012,(3):52-54
正Q:薛老师,How soon,How long,How often在用法上有什么区别?A:How soon意为"再过多长时间"或"再等多久",通常用在一般将来时中,对"in+时间段"进行提问,中文翻译通常为"何时"。如:-How soon will he come?-He will come intwo weeks.  相似文献   

"Don't read this, you will hate me." Some girls have all the luck…   If you've spent years fancying the same guy and have never plucked up the courage to talk to him-don't read this. You will hate me.……  相似文献   

An old proverb says, "Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach him to fish, and he will eat for a lifetime."Greg Mortenson's understanding of that proverb might be, "Give a girl an idea, and she'll solve a problem. Give her an education, and sh…  相似文献   

Mimi is a yellow and white cat. She is only 42 days old. I of ten play with Mimi. I take a fish high and then call her. She will do her best to jump, but she always fails to get it. Then she will be angry. She will sit down, staring at me. Mimi likes watching TV very much. When I turn on the TV, she will sit in front of it and watch it quietly. Sometimes she walks around it. Maybe she is thinking, "Why are the men on the TV so small?" What a lovely cat!  相似文献   

Our life will be different in the future. In hundreds of years,the earth will be crowded and the cities will be bigger.There will be lots of high buildings.There will be fewer trees and more pollution.People will go to work by subway or plane,because they will be faster.There will be a robot in each family.The robot will help us to do the housework.We will have more free time to relax.People will fly to the moon for vacation.Some people will live in space.In the future,our life will be very easy and interesting.We will be very happy.I can’t wait!  相似文献   

Dare for More     
Taking over the relay stick from Athens, Beijing, the《 高 中 》 二 六 年 第 五 期 capital of China, which is going to host the 29th Olympics Games in 2008, becomes the focus of the world. It is indisputable that people from all walls of life in China will have a important role to play in carrying out the theme "One World, one dream". Some will act as volunteers. Some will enter the gyms to cheer athletes. Some will gather in a bar to hold sports fans' parties. As plain as the nose on your…  相似文献   

综观近几年的高考英语试题,IT引起的几个易混淆的时间句型被多次考查到。本文就此问题作一分析,归纳。1.It was/will be 时间段 before…此句型在肯定句中意为"过多长时间才……";在否定句中意为"没过多长时间就……"。主句的时态可用过去时was或将来时will be。用was时,before从句的动词用一般过去时;用will be时,before从句常用一般现在时。例如:  相似文献   

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