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我在心里筑了一道墙,一道陌生人止步的墙;小女儿在学校筑了一道墙,一道不敢请同学来家里玩的墙;我妈妈筑了一道淡淡的怨怼的墙。  相似文献   

我集中研究了微软亚洲研究院170个研究员和工程师中最富有特色的30人,他们被人们当作聪明、成功、快乐和富有的典型。  相似文献   

徐静芳 《早期教育》2005,(12):18-18
大一班的音乐活动开始了,老师正带领小朋友一起学唱歌曲.这时,有两位小朋友趁大家唱歌时,在人群堆里你推我打.待这个活动单元结束后,我对他们的行为进行教育."刚才小朋友在唱歌时你们为何打闹?""我们没有打闹."他俩竟然不承认.我问全班小朋友有没有看到他俩打闹,大家都说看到了,并大声喊:"老师,罚他俩站到前面去!""不给上音乐课!""不许吃饭!"等等.看他们的神情个个欢呼雀跃,异常兴奋.我不禁陷入了思考……  相似文献   

本期杂志编辑出版之时,正值新中国六十周年华诞,在为祖国六十周年所取得的成就自豪、欣喜、欢庆的同时,我们也明白,国家更进一步的发展,还需要全体国人的不懈努力和工作。其中,我们青年知识分子,责无旁贷。本期关注,即以“实践与思考”为主题,几位研究生朋友与读者交流自己深入社会实践的历程与思考。  相似文献   

据世界卫生组织最近报告,目前全世界每年死于与吸烟有关疾病的约有300万人,大多数是在发达国家。预计到2025年,与烟草有关的疾病造成的死亡将要达到1 000万,其中700万在发展中国家,仅在中国就将达200万。据国内近年来对全国50万人口吸烟情况的抽样调查结果表明,我国15岁以上人群平均吸烟率为33.9%,其中男性为61%(20岁以上男性吸烟率高达68.9%),女性为7%,全国吸烟人口近3亿。尤为令人担忧的是,在大、中学生中吸烟率随年龄、学龄的增长而显著上升,开始吸烟  相似文献   

姚勇 《教育文汇》2009,(6):52-53
女儿出生后,一直是全家人呵护的重点,我们对她几乎倾注了全部的爱,希望她每天快乐、幸福。  相似文献   

心澜 《家长》2012,(2):21-22
我邀请同事们带着孩子一起游市内的各大公园,一路上,女儿叽叽喳喳地说个不停。同事们都夸女儿"自来熟",像个小大人儿。那一天,我接7岁的女儿放学。在回家的路上,我们遇到了同事小汪。小汪带着她的女儿去买东西,她女儿比我女儿小两岁。虽是初次见面,  相似文献   

最近在报纸上读到这样一则故事:朋友一家到野外游玩,一只飞虫钻进了朋友的耳朵里,怎么倒、怎么晃都没法弄出来.  相似文献   

佚名  夕雾 《阳光搜索》2005,(5):13-15
在很久之前,我是生活在海底的。我的父亲有12个女儿,我是他最宠爱的小女儿。我曾经快乐地穿梭在鱼群中,在如女巫头发般凌乱的水草间寻找海星、海葵,我用它们拼成很多好看的图案,然后一边唱歌一边欣赏它们。  相似文献   

原子核是由质子和中子组成的,这已经是一个常识,但在20世纪20、30年代.就不是常识了,而是摆在科学家面前的重大谜团。从1920年英国物理学家卢瑟福发现质子,到1932年查德威克发现中子.历时12年。在这十几年的光阴里,中子就像一个神秘的小精灵,虽然已经与一些科学家“亲密接触”,但却因为他们“有眼不识中子”而失之交臂。  相似文献   

通过分析大量书面语料,采用描写与解释相结合的方法,试描述"研究引用"修辞结构,为读者在阅读此类篇章时能迅速从各类繁杂信息中有效辨认重点信息提供便利。  相似文献   

Yes,volunteering makes you feel good.Yes,you learn from other people.But there are many other reasons people volunteer,too.And here are ten from 1)Matador members who are 2)experienced volunteers.  相似文献   

The aim of the article is to provide teachers some ideas about thedevelopment of physical knowledge and to make them more receptive to thedifferences between their and the students thinking. I want to show, thatthese differences lie not only in the richness of experience, but also in thestructure of this experience. I try to point to some of these differenceslying in the content, form and meaningfulness. The article is based on anadapted version of Piaget's model of the growth of physical knowledge. Themodel represents the changes of semantic understanding, formal language andlogical structure of a theory during its historical development. I illustratethe model on the development of classical mechanics, but similar changes canbe found also in the history of electrodynamics or quantum mechanics. Thecentral idea of the paper is to use this model of the historical developmentof physical knowledge in analysis of the cognitive processes in physicseducation.  相似文献   

理解MOOC平台学习者的动机结构和基本特点是提升MOOC平台建设质量和学习质量的基础性工作。文章以中国最大的MOOC平台之一——"学堂在线"学习者为研究对象,通过机器学习的方法,对中国MOOC学习者自填的动机文本进行分析。结果表明,中国MOOC学习者学习动机可以分为三类九种。其中,稳定型学习动机包括认知兴趣、提升自我和习惯性学习三种取向;实用型学习动机包括职业发展、补充学习和外界影响三种取向;尝鲜型学习动机包括优质资源、新型学习和人际交往三种取向。稳定型特别是认知兴趣取向的学习动机占比最高,反映出在线学习目前是一种自主性、非制度性的学习方式,以满足个体非功用性需求为主。MOOC学习动机和过程性学习质量之间的关系,还有待进一步探索。  相似文献   

他们为什么选择网络教育   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
现代远程教育是对我国现有教育形式的重要补充。什么人最适合读现代远程教育?该群体的学习特性是怎样的?现代远程教育要向哪个方向发展?我们就这几个问题选择了中国人民大学网络教育学院进行了调查与分析,对学生的群体构成、动机、目的、疑点困惑以及网络教育的社会形象和发展前景做了据实分析和总结。  相似文献   

A concern commonly raised in literature and in media relates to the declining proportions of students who enter and remain in the ‘science pipeline’, and whether many countries, including Australia and New Zealand, have enough budding scientists to fill research and industry positions in the coming years. In addition, there is concern that insufficient numbers of students continue in science to ensure an informed, scientifically literate citizenry. The aim of the research presented in this paper was to survey current Australian and New Zealand scientists to explore their reasons for choosing to study science. An online survey was conducted via a link to SurveyGizmo. The data presented are from 726 respondents who answered 22 forced-choice items and an open-ended question about the reasons they chose to study science. The quantitative data were analysed using t tests and analyses of variance followed by Duncan’s multiple range tests, and the qualitative data were analysed thematically. The quantitative data showed that the main reasons scientists reported choosing to study science were because they were interested in science and because they were good at science. Secondary school science classes and one particular science teacher also were found to be important factors. Of much less importance were the prestige of science and financial considerations. The qualitative data expanded on these findings and showed that passion for science and/or curiosity about the world were important factors and also highlighted the importance of recreational pursuits, such as camping when a child. In the words of one respondent, ‘People don’t go into science for the money and glory. It’s passion for knowledge and science that always attracted me to the field’.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore how Year 8 students answered Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) questions and whether the test questions represented the scientific understanding of these students. One hundred and seventy-seven students were tested using written test questions taken from the science test used in the Third International Mathematics and Science Study. The degree to which a sample of 38 children represented their understanding of the topics in a written test compared to the level of understanding that could be elicited by an interview is presented in this paper. In exploring student responses in the interview situation this study hoped to gain some insight into the science knowledge that students held and whether or not the test items had been able to elicit this knowledge successfully. We question the usefulness and quality of data from large-scale summative assessments on their own to represent student scientific understanding and conclude that large scale written test items, such as TIMSS, on their own are not a valid way of exploring students' understanding of scientific concepts. Considerable caution is therefore needed in exploiting the outcomes of international achievement testing when considering educational policy changes or using TIMSS data on their own to represent student understanding.  相似文献   

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