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复杂网络领域科研合著网络演化及知识传播特点研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以复杂网络研究领域1975年-2012年间的科研合著网络为例,分4个发展阶段对科研合著网络的静态特征、拓扑特征、动态演化特征等参数进行计算,来解释和说明科研合著网络的演化和知识传播特点。仿真实验表明:当知识传递率一定时,知识传播速度受到个体创新能力的影响较大;当个体创新能力一定时,知识传播速度受到知识传递率的影响较小。  相似文献   

针对科研合作网络演化建模的基于Agent实验平台原型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科研合作网络是近年来复杂网络研究的热点问题之一,但当前关于科研合作网络动态演化问题的研究还很不充分,特别是把网络演化和网络中知识创造与传播问题结合起来的研究还鲜见报道.本文在分析Guimera等人提出的一个基于团队组合的科研合作网络演化模型的基础上,提出一个综合网络演化和网络中知识传播的动态网络建模框架暨元模型.进而,以所提出的元模型为依托,开发了一个计算机仿真实验平台原型,以辅助采用基于Agent建模范式的科研合作网络演化和知识传播研究.通过若干建模试验,初步验证了所提出的元模型和相应的实验平台原型的有效性.  相似文献   

将复杂网络的研究方法引入到科研合作网络的研究中,为分析和评价科研人员提供了一个新途径.文章以合作网络为背景,微观深入地研究了科研合作网络中个体成员的网络生命特性,从全局网络和局部社团演化的角度定量分析个体网络生命过程对网络发展的影响.文章以大量的科技文献数据为实验数据集,以网络演化为线索跟踪个体成员的生命过程,同时考虑网络演化中的普通成员和核心成员对社团演化的不同影响,定量分析演化特性和个体网络生命过程.数据分析证实了科研团队要持续不断地发展,既要不断吸纳新成员为科研团队注入新活力,同时又要有相对稳定的中坚力量维持着团队的科研方向.更进一步地,文章的研究方法可以扩展到对其他社会组织分析,追踪分析相关组织的发展趋势及关键人物对组织演化的影响.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]旨在研究肿瘤疫苗领域技术创新合作网络演化特征,为我国肿瘤疫苗领域的技术突破和产业发展提供思路。[方法/过程]提出一种产业技术创新合作网络演化特征分析方法和框架。首先引入专利指标法,通过技术生长率、技术成熟系数、技术衰老系数和新技术特征系数等指数的定量计算对肿瘤疫苗产业技术生命周期进行划分;其次利用社会网络分析法构建技术生命周期各阶段合作网络,从节点数、网络密度、中心势、核心-边缘分析等维度对合作网络的拓扑结构演化规律进行分析;从中心度、凝聚子群分析、创新机构等维度对核心个体演化规律进行分析,进而揭示肿瘤疫苗产业技术创新合作网络的动态演化特征。[结果/结论]以肿瘤疫苗战略性新兴产业为案例进行研究,验证方法的有效性和可行性,为肿瘤疫苗领域技术发展战略和技术合作提供理论依据。  相似文献   

[目的 /意义]了解我国第五次和第六次人口普查数据的科研合作现状、特征与演化规律,为我国更有效地开放人口普查数据、提高数据分析效率和质量提供政策建议。[方法 /过程]选取CNKI中使用第五次、第六次人口普查数据进行研究的论文,通过复杂网络分析方法,利用Bibcomb、Gephi软件计算合作研究的关键词、作者和机构网络,并绘制网络的可视化图、计算相关网络系数,以探究合作研究的主题、作者和机构网络的演化规律。[结果 /结论 ]由于两次普查数据的合作研究论文数量有限,两次人口普查数据合作论文的主题网络都更接近于小世界网络,作者和机构合作网络属于随机聚类网络。得益于人口普查数据的逐步开放,第六次人口普查数据的合作特点比第五次更强,这一点在整体合作研究数量、主题范围、作者数量和机构数量方面均有体现。鉴于人口普查数据开放程度不足、合作研究相对较少,建议在数据研究平台的共建和宣传推广、学术交流合作平台建设等方面进行完善。  相似文献   

基于关键词网络的科技项目多角度演化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文使用25年国家科学自然基金材料领域的项目数据,从项目题目中提取出项目关键词,构建了有关材料领域关键词的多维网络,详细研究了网络参数对网络演化的影响,根据关键词的统计特征和网络参数特征提取出重点关键词,并从机构,领域等角度对其所在社团进行多维的演化分析.分析得出,材料领域题目中的关键词可以分成三类,即材料领域常用词,弱相关词和骨干词三类.通过关键词共现网络分析可以得到材料领域的研究发展轨迹,即关键词网络的扩张是以核心词为中心向其他关键词扩散,在这个过程中又生成了新的核心词及以此核心词为中心的社团,同时又涉及了新的领域.另外,通过重点关键词的研究能得到关键词所在社团的发展趋势与关键词网络参数之间的关系.  相似文献   

科研合作网络的重要作者发现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,使用复杂网络理论对文献的科研合作网进行分析得到了广泛的研究.文章对DBLP数据库中1998年至2007年的作者合作数据构造科研合作网络,并且通过复杂网络的基本统计度量,如度、聚集系数等对网络的总体面貌进行了宏观上的描述.在微观层面,文章提出了高效的重要作者发现算法,能够从作者的合作数量以及合作范围对重要作者进行排名.通过分析科研合作数据作者的影响力,从而为科研人才评价提供参考.  相似文献   

针对机构的科研产出和合作两方面,以文献计量学、社会网络和复杂网络分析中的相关指标为基础,提 出部分改进指标和新增指标,构建新的用于评价科研机构发展状况的框架,并选取肿瘤学领域进行应用研究。通过新 指标RCF、ARCF与传统计量指标,一系列跨区域合作特征指标与网络指标的结合较好地体现了不同时期国内肿瘤学领 域不同地区不同机构的科研产出实力和合作特征,筛选出领域内科研实力较强的机构并定位其在世界范围内的水平。 该方法可以从整体、局部和个体等多层面揭示领域内科研机构科研实力及其发展历程。  相似文献   

通过对“生物多样性”研究高产机构所构成的合作网络进行社会网络分析,揭示科研机构合作网络知识扩散规律,剖析我国当前科研合作网络知识交流、扩散的特点。认为科研合作网络已成为科研领域的常态化事物,科研合作网络的结构对知识扩散具有重要要影响,因此,有必要全面探索其自身发展演变的规律,以促进科学知识的交流与扩散,同时也为我国科研政策的发展提供支持。  相似文献   

参照人际关系网络中的亲密因子构造一个科研合作网络演化模型,分别从网络的度分布、点强度分布、平均路径长度以及聚集系数对亲密因子进行分析,发现演化后的科研合作网具有较短的平均路径长度和较大的聚集系数。最后对一个科研合作的实证网络和仿真网络进行比较,发现两者社团结构具有相同的特征。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyse and describe the topological properties of the institutional and national collaboration network from the profiles extracted from Google Scholar Citations (GSC). 19,912 unique profiles with “co-authors” were obtained from a web crawl performed in March 2012. Several statistical and network analysis techniques were used to map and analyse these collaboration relationships at the country and institution level. Results show that The United States dominates the world scientific map and that every research institution is grouped by national, geographical and cultural criteria. A clustering phenomenon based on the self-similarity and fractal properties of scale-free networks is also observed. We conclude that GSC is a suitable tool for collaboration studies only at macro level between countries and institutions.  相似文献   

《Journal of Informetrics》2019,13(2):708-716
Peer review is not only a quality screening mechanism for scholarly journals. It also connects authors and referees either directly or indirectly. This means that their positions in the network structure of the community could influence the process, while peer review could in turn influence subsequent networking and collaboration. This paper aims to map these complex network implications by looking at 2232 author/referee couples in an interdisciplinary journal that uses double blind peer review. By reconstructing temporal co-authorship networks, we found that referees tended to recommend more positively submissions by authors who were within three steps in their collaboration network. We also found that co-authorship network positions changed after peer review, with the distances between network neighbours decreasing more rapidly than could have been expected had the changes been random. This suggests that peer review could not only reflect but also create and accelerate scientific collaboration.  相似文献   

药物基因组学是一门年轻的学科领域。该领域内相关科学研究工作者之间形成的科研合作关系网络,也具有类似许多大型合作关系网络数据库所具有的无尺度网络特性,其非连通合作网络内部具有较大连通组群的聚类特性和小世界特征等相关性质。  相似文献   

Convexity in a network (graph) has been recently defined as a property of each of its subgraphs to include all shortest paths between the nodes of that subgraph. It can be measured on the scale [0, 1] with 1 being assigned to fully convex networks. The largest convex component of a graph that emerges after the removal of the least number of edges is called a convex skeleton. It is basically a tree of cliques, which has been shown to have many interesting features. In this article the notions of convexity and convex skeletons in the context of scientific collaboration networks are discussed. More specifically, we analyze the co-authorship networks of Slovenian researchers in computer science, physics, sociology, mathematics, and economics and extract convex skeletons from them. We then compare these convex skeletons with the residual graphs (remainders) in terms of collaboration frequency distributions by various parameters such as the publication year and type, co-authors’ birth year, status, gender, discipline, etc. We also show the top-ranked scientists by four basic centrality measures as calculated on the original networks and their skeletons and conclude that convex skeletons may help detect influential scholars that are hardly identifiable in the original collaboration network. As their inherent feature, convex skeletons retain the properties of collaboration networks. These include high-level structural properties but also the fact that the same authors are highlighted by centrality measures. Moreover, the most important ties and thus the most important collaborations are retained in the skeletons.  相似文献   

介绍了基于科研人员学术论文所构成的知识关系网络,以及在这种知识网络基础上所形成的科学社区Researcher ID,揭示了科学研究之间的合作关系、引文继承关系。随后介绍了我国机构仓储服务的现状、特点。并将其与Researcher ID做比较,以Researcher ID为参考,构建基于科研人员知识网络的机构仓储,提升机构仓储服务功能,促进学术交流与传播。  相似文献   

基于CSCD和SCI的跨省区科学合作网络可视化分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
利用CSCD(1998-2005)和SCI(2000-2005)数据库得出我国31个省区科学合作论文的数据矩阵,构建出一系列跨省区、有向加权的合作网络。利用网络绘图分析软件Netdraw将其可视化,并从不同角度将省区间的科学合作状态表现出来并加以分析。结果显示:弱势省区倾向于与强势省区合作;弱势省区之间合作极少;SCI合作网络中各省区之间的合作差异程度大于CSCD合作网络中的合作差异程度。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]基于科学数据构建合作网络,并与传统出版物合作网络进行比较,从网络分析层面解读两个合作网络的差异,为科学数据管理工作提供借鉴。[方法/过程]以ClinicalTrials.gov网站的临床科学数据库为例,利用爬虫抓取该网站上传统论文题录信息以及临床试验信息的元数据并分别构建合作网络,通过复杂网络分析比较试验合作机构网络与论文合作机构网络之间的异同。[结果/结论]基于科学数据集和论文数据集的元数据构建的合作网络,与仅从论文数据集中提取元数据构建的网络相比,前者能够展现更丰富准确的合作信息,从而揭示科学数据管理和开放共享的重要性。  相似文献   

Towards an explanatory and computational theory of scientific discovery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We propose an explanatory and computational theory of transformative discoveries in science. The theory is derived from a recurring theme found in a diverse range of scientific change, scientific discovery, and knowledge diffusion theories in philosophy of science, sociology of science, social network analysis, and information science. The theory extends the concept of structural holes from social networks to a broader range of associative networks found in science studies, especially including networks that reflect underlying intellectual structures such as co-citation networks and collaboration networks. The central premise is that connecting otherwise disparate patches of knowledge is a valuable mechanism of creative thinking in general and transformative scientific discovery in particular. In addition, the premise consistently explains the value of connecting people from different disciplinary specialties. The theory not only explains the nature of transformative discoveries in terms of the brokerage mechanism but also characterizes the subsequent diffusion process as optimal information foraging in a problem space. Complementary to epidemiological models of diffusion, foraging-based conceptualizations offer a unified framework for arriving at insightful discoveries and optimizing subsequent pathways of search in a problem space. Structural and temporal properties of potentially high-impact scientific discoveries are derived from the theory to characterize the emergence and evolution of intellectual networks of a field. Two Nobel Prize winning discoveries, the discovery of Helicobacter pylori and gene targeting techniques, and a discovery in string theory demonstrated such properties. Connections to and differences from existing approaches are discussed. The primary value of the theory is that it provides not only a computational model of intellectual growth, but also concrete and constructive explanations of where one may find insightful inspirations for transformative scientific discoveries.  相似文献   

Collaboration networks have primarily been studied in developed economies. In this paper, we present a comprehensive analysis of co-inventor networks in a small but thriving OECD economy in Latin America: Chile. Using a dataset for patents granted in the country between 1989 and 2018, we study a variety of statistical properties for five different co-inventor networks. We show that these networks exhibit power-law, small-world, and preferential attachment properties, all of which have been used to describe networks in more advanced economies. We also highlight some apparent differences in collaboration patterns between networks (and inventors) and we reveal the precarious nature of the network of local inventors by confirming the community structure property. Evidence for strong positive autocorrelation between highly and lowly productive inventors is presented via methods used in spatial econometrics. Our results show that the inventor system in Chile is highly fragmented, which emphasizes the need for strong government intervention in steering research funding, and for more collaboration between inventors, especially local ones.  相似文献   

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