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Despite the need for information technology knowledge in the business world today, enrollments in information systems (IS) courses have been consistently declining. Student performance in lower level IS courses and student assumptions about the level of difficulty of the courses seem to be reasons for lower enrollments. To understand how student motivation may explain learning outcomes in introductory IS courses, this study investigates the impact of intrinsic and extrinsic academic motivations as framed by self‐determination theory on two measures of learning outcomes: (1) student self‐reported measures of learning and (2) actual grades obtained in courses and course components. Using 269 student responses collected in a second‐year undergraduate core course and a first‐year MBA core course, both of which are offered in a traditional face‐to‐face classroom environment, study hypotheses are analyzed. Results indicate that the motivational model explains both the affective and cognitive perceptions of learning held by students. In examining overall grades and grades in course components, the motivational model, however, was unable to sufficiently explain student performance. Data also indicate that there are significant differences between undergraduate and graduate students in terms of their motivation and learning outcomes.  相似文献   

万力勇 《现代教育技术》2005,15(5):18-20,13
知识管理可被看作是一种整合信息的过程,从不完全的信息中抽取其意义并更新,条文化(编码化)过程(codification)将知识转化为可供访问和应用的格式,使其尽可能具有组织性、清晰性、便捷性和易于理解。实践社区(communitiesofpractice)是有共同知识和经验的一群人的集合。既然学习包括了知识的条文化和获取、技能、策略、态度和行为,如上所述的知识管理、信息的条文化和实践社区都将在学习中应用。学习环境是管理知识的场所,我们分析了几种不同的学习环境模型,但是没有哪种模型能兼具知识管理、信息的条文化和实践社区这些特征,本文提出了一种新的模型构架,并且开发了一种环境来应用这种模型。  相似文献   

自主学习过程中的个人知识管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文首先论述了信息技术环境下,自主学习过程中进行个人知识管理的必要性;在此基础上介绍了个人知识管理的概念和个人知识过程,然后从实际操作的角度重点探讨了自主学习中个人知识管理三个主要步骤:构建个人知识仓库、知识的共享和交流、知识的实践应用。  相似文献   

A comprehensive conceptual framework is developed and described for evolving recommender‐driven online learning systems (ROLS). This framework describes how such systems can support students, course authors, course instructors, systems administrators, and policy makers in developing and using these ROLS. The design science information systems research approach was used to develop the framework. The ROLS framework incorporates both the cognitive and situative perspectives of the constructivist paradigm of learning. Research propositions are developed to highlight new research opportunities for these systems. The framework demonstrates how various components of an evolving ROLS can be integrated to provide potential benefits for all users.  相似文献   

Active learning has attracted considerable attention in higher education in response to concerns about how and what students are learning. There are many different forms of active learning, yet most of them are classroom based. We propose an alternative to active learning in the classroom through active learning outside of the classroom in the form of student consulting projects. While the literature on student consulting has largely focused on projects to assist small business owners, this research demonstrates the potential for using student-consulting projects in the Production/Operations Management course. We use a case study to describe the use of a student-consulting project as an alternative to the other types of active learning described in the Operations Management education literature.  相似文献   

该文首先分析了目前个人知识管理研究的现状与存在的问题,然后分析了信息技术对个人知识管理带来的影响,在此基础上提出了研究个人知识管理需要明确的几个基本问题。  相似文献   

Designing intelligent services for workplace learning presents a special challenge for researchers and developers of learning technology. One of the reasons is that considering learning as a situated and social practice is nowhere so important than in the case where learning is tightly integrated with workplace practices. The current paper analyses the experience of more than 10 years of research intending to offer intelligent services through capturing and leveraging knowledge structures in workplace learning. The reflection looks at results of several European research projects that have promoted this view. From this analysis, I arrive at a dichotomy of guidance versus emergence that describes how the technologies foregrounded one or the other, and what the effects of these design choices have been. I derive conclusions for dealing with this design trade-off in terms of conceptual, technological and empirical research.  相似文献   

面向过程的学习设计就是具有创新性的学习活动的集合,这些活动包含了教师制定的一系列相互关联的学习任务。文章基于知识管理的理念结合学习设计的过程,提出了一种教师知识管理框架,使教师在不需要编程的情况下就能组合、共享、重复使用和执行面向过程的学习设计。  相似文献   

随着信息通信技术和学习理论的发展,学校越来越重视班级学习共同体的建构以及知识共享在促进个体成长和共同体发展方面的作用。然而在班级学习共同体内部隐性知识的共享存在着诸多的障碍,如何克服隐性知识共享上的障碍、有效地挖掘和利用这些知识,应该成为当前教育领域高度关注的问题。本文仅对“班级学习共同体”隐性知识的共享作尝试性的分析,指出隐性知识共享的障碍并提出克服障碍的方法。  相似文献   

Many colleges of business require a course in computer applications concepts, often consisting of spreadsheet and database applications. Quite often, students resist taking the class because they do not see any worth to it, it duplicates what they already have taken, and they already know much of what is purported to be taught in the class. Instructors too are often frustrated with this class. This article suggests that part of the problem is the method of instruction often used: lecture and demonstration of tools followed by end‐of‐chapter assignments. We propose that problem‐based learning is an alternative instructional method that may produce more positive results for students. To examine this approach, a semester‐long study involving 186 business school students enrolled in a computer applications concept course of seven different sections was conducted. Student motivation, computer self‐efficacy, knowledge, and satisfaction were studied. Results strongly support a problem‐based learning approach as an instructional approach to teaching this class.

工作场所学习作为一种有别于传统"学校本位教育"的学习方式,发生在工作场所之中,其内涵经历了知识技能观、交互观、过程观和混合观四个阶段的发展演化。伴随新媒体技术在工作场所中的应用与普及,工作场所学习的内涵发生了新的变化:工作学习一体化、集体知识群建共享、工作学习内容生成而非预设等。知识生成视角下的工作场所学习是工作场所学习的高级形式,它的提出是以知识生成隐喻为基础,强调集体知识库的生成、虚实结合的协作交流与分享、学习者之间的交流与互动。学习元平台作为一种能够支持协同创建、内容生成以及语义关联的知识社区,可以支持虚实结合的工作场所学习方式,实现知识与技能获得、参与工作任务、知识系统化生成三个阶段的学习。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):244-262

The development and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in education has led to most universities incorporating elements of online learning into their traditional classrooms via the use of a Learning Management System (LMS) (Burrell-Ihlow 2009, Angeli 2005, Salisbury and Ellis 2003). However, it is not known how well students who are used to traditional face-to-face learning environments and who do not necessarily prefer online environments adapt when placed in such environments. This study investigated the attitudes of students towards the use of a LMS in a traditional face-to-face classroom. The combination of the LMS and the face-to-face mode of instruction were considered as a “mixed learning mode of instruction”.

The study aimed at assessing the attitudes of students towards a mixed learning mode of instruction. The results showed a positive trend towards the acceptance of a mixed learning mode of instruction for learning. Many students involved in this mode said that it was the mixed mode of delivery that enabled them to benefit from this course, have more contact with the lecturer and were motivated to work. Most students felt that the efficiency and quality of education had improved. These results suggest that more courses should be offered using a mixed mode delivery.  相似文献   

3G通讯、微电子和网络技术的高速发展,为泛在学习提供了广阔的发展前景。本文在简要介绍泛在计算概念的基础上,阐述了泛在学习的内涵和特点,并运用游戏中的动态地图理念、移动GPS定位技术和RFID标签探测技术,构建泛在学习环境下的个性化知识感知地图系统,使学习者能够准确了解帮助者的信息和快速寻找到离自己位置最近的协作者,并对其组成要素、基本结构、系统支持及具体应用进行了分析和研究。  相似文献   

内隐学习和外显学习是两种不同类型的学习方式。学习复杂任务时应先具备内隐知识基础,然后再建立外显的任务模型。结合内隐学习理念,在非母语教学环境中进一步加强外语语言规则和教学策略的研究与应用,同时加强语言环境建设,必有利于外语学习能力的提高。  相似文献   

论知识经济背景中学习型社区的建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本立足于知识经济的社会发展背景,概述了学习化社会的理念以及国际上学习型社区建设的实践,并就推进我国学习型社区建设问题进行了思考。  相似文献   

缄默知识是相对于显性知识而言的,也就是"只可意会、不可言传"的经验知识。在人类的整个知识世界中,缄默知识要比显性知识显得更为根本。教师教育活动中存在大量的缄默知识,但是在具体的教师教育活动中大量的缄默知识往往被忽视,这也是导致教师教育活动低效问题的一个重要原因。基于缄默知识理论,要实现教师教育效率的提高,我们必须实现缄默知识与外显知识的协同,必须重新审视实践性教学的重要价值。  相似文献   

This article integrates management education and organizational learning theories to identify the factors that drive the differences in student outcomes between the online and classroom settings. We draw upon theory on knowledge transfer barriers in organizations to understand the interlinking relationships among presage conditions, deep learning process, and product in the 3P model of student learning. We test our model in the context of undergraduate education and find that confidence in the instructor's expertise, perceived content relevance, and the social richness of the classroom learning environment enhance student enjoyment of the course. Confidence in instructor's expertise and perceived content relevance also contribute to greater understanding of causal relationships among course concepts. Enjoyment is positively associated with learning performance in the classroom, but not online, and student ability is positively associated with learning performance in the online context, but not in the classroom. Our results have implications for course designs in the traditional classroom context and the more innovative online environment.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates an active learning technique for teaching the Central Limit Theorem (CLT) in an introductory undergraduate business statistics class. Groups of students carry out one of two experiments in the lab, tossing a die in sets of 5 rolls or tossing a die in sets of 10 rolls. They are asked to calculate the sample average of each experiment. An easy‐to‐use Excel template is designed to calculate the averages from the students' dice rolls. Empirical histograms are generated dynamically for both sample sizes of 5 and 10 rolls, visually demonstrating the convergence toward a bell‐shaped distribution for the sample means. Our classroom experiences with the learning approach show that most students view it as fun and valuable to their learning of the concepts underlying the CLT.  相似文献   

美国利用信息技术推进高校教学变革:特点、个案及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
处于世界信息技术前沿的美国,利用信息技术积极探索高校教学变革。文章总结了美国利用信息技术推进高校教学变革的特点,并以威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校作为个案进行了分析,对我国高校利用信息技术推进教学变革提出了建议。  相似文献   

In this article, we present an experiential perspective on how a big data analytics course was designed and delivered to students at a major Midwestern university. In reference to the MSIS 2006 Model Curriculum, we designed this course as a level 2 course, with prerequisites in databases, computer programming, statistics, and data mining. Students in the class were mostly seniors or at the graduate level, and had a strong technical and quantitative background. We include details of concepts covered in the course, as well as summaries of four major sample course assignments used. Some of the concepts covered include large‐scale data collection and management using the Hadoop ecosystem, stream mining, visual analytics, and social network analytics. Besides Hadoop, the course also introduced various IBM and Teradata big data tools. We show how the course modules align with the intended learning goals and course objectives. A post‐course survey indicated that the structure and organization of the course helped students clearly and concisely assimilate the course content.  相似文献   

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