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Compassion International is a prominent Christian humanitarian organization. Working primarily via a digital platform, Compassion International aims to connect financially stable sponsors with impoverished global children. This essay deals with Compassion International’s online sponsorship platform as an illustrative case study of a neoliberal media ecology and the digital, humanitarian, visual, and Christian rhetorics therein. Compassion International’s sponsorship platform presents a triad of appeals that (re)imagine would-be sponsors as digital missionaries fulfilling God’s commission, as stand-in family members, and, ultimately, as consumers. Compassion International’s sponsorship model is digitally rendered via a marketplace platform in which children are placed into virtual shopping carts. Both children and Christian users are, this essay concludes, coopted by a digital rhetoric of capital.  相似文献   

Although much scholarly attention has been devoted to conceptualizing communication, few attempts have been made to examine the practical consequences of individuals’ beliefs about communication. This paper reports the results of an initial investigation into the relationships among personal theories of communication (or message design logics), privately held philosophies of human nature, and personal assumptions about the world. Results demonstrated significant differences in participants’ philosophies of human nature and assumptions about the world as a function of message design logic. Implications and directions for future research are addressed.  相似文献   

未来大学图书馆的专业本质--信息领航员   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从信息资源构成、管理体制及馆员定位三方面论述未来大学图书馆的专业本质应为信息领航员,并探讨其行使方式.  相似文献   

运用哲学原理探讨编辑人工语言与科学、语言以及编辑运动规律的关系;应用分析一综合的研究方法,考察编辑技术加工的内在属性。结果显示:建立编辑人工语言概念和理论具有科学依据,科学作为知识形态直接表现为语言形式,其中人工语言表达的间接性和规范性决定了其具有科技编辑学的属性;编辑人工语言是对编辑技术加工内涵的深入揭示和科学描述,...  相似文献   

文章从网络负面影响以及用户道德失范现象所折射出的人性之异化入手,揭示出高校图书馆网络用户道德教育人性存在的必要性,力求通过人性教化的思路和手段,达到"服务育人"的目的,在"道德他律"与"道德自律"的人性升华中实现创建和谐社会的目标.  相似文献   

文章论述了新时期高校图书馆共产党员从思想上、行动上体现自身的先进性,以确保并促进文献信息服务工作向纵深处发展.  相似文献   

This essay provides a model of how to critically read non-representational sound by attending carefully to its material elements. It presents a novel conceptualization of glitch music, an experimental medium of digital art comprised of the unpleasant sounds of technology malfunctioning. The analysis examines the representative songs of glitch artists Oval and their sonic articulation of the regenerative possibilities of failure. Although Oval largely considers conventional musical form to be tyrannical, its sound art simulates traditional musical elements such as rhythm, phrasing, and instrumentation, and transforms them into their respective glitch equivalents of metrical dissonance, repeated sound textures, and timbral experimentation, thereby altering digital malfunctions of sound into a sensual affective experience. Although music is theorized elsewhere to be persuasive because of its mobilization of emotions within the listener, the glitch art of Oval is suasory because it generates affective intensities that operate at an intercorporeal level of matter-energy. The songs of Oval update the modern directive of the Futurist sound movement to train the listener to accept a life surrounded by the sound of digital technology.  相似文献   

In the era between the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act and the Immigration Act of 1924, nativist advocates for immigration restriction commonly invoked metaphors of eating and digestion to support their cases. This essay draws on political, popular, and scientific discourses around immigration and digestion in order to analyze the affective power of the rhetorically constructed “body politic.” While numerous scholars have addressed the ways immigrants have been variously figured as threats to the nation—as pollutants, toxins, disease, floods, or invading armies—few have analyzed metaphors of eating and digestion. I argue that the national body became a metonym for the ideal (white) citizen body, which supported anti-immigrant rhetoric through metaphors of eating, digesting, and eliminating undesirable aliens—those who did not agree with the national stomach. The body politic came to represent the ideal US American body as individuals were invited to identify with the nation through the trope of the body politic; immigrants who did not share this ideal body were rendered undesirable through their association with indigestibility and disgust. This essay demonstrates the affective and thus political power that digestion metaphors provided, shedding light on an early instantiation of the disgust that pulses through twenty-first-century anti-immigrant discourse in the United States.  相似文献   


In order to understand better and explain the practices of Google Scholar, this essay takes a rhetorical and holistic look at the search technology, language, and sociopolitical implications of the Google Scholar interface as well as the connection between Google Scholar and the actions of the Google Corporation. The relationship between Google Scholar and the academic library is also explored. In addition, the essay offers ways to encourage students to undertake this kind of critique in the information literacy classroom.  相似文献   

Undertaking analysis in the area of critical yoga studies, this article identifies two strategies of anticolonial resistance to Bikram Choudhury's copyrighting of a sequence of twenty-six yoga poses. First, it examines decolonial vernacular, which contests Western commodification of yoga through the use and misuse of terms and phrases, such as “yoga piracy” and “cultural patents,” derived from intellectual property rights, international human rights, and cultural property regimes. Second, it considers dewesternizing restructuring emerging from the creation of the Traditional Knowledge Digital Library, a database of information on yogic practice and medicine, which uses non-Western classification systems to interrupt the legal and economic structures through which patents and copyrights are enunciated. Together, these anticolonial strategies force intellectual property rights regimes to integrate Otherness, making space for the recognition of Indian agency in knowledge production.  相似文献   

From the 1990s to the early twenty-first century, a range of writers in sociology, history, and cultural studies would increasingly see emotion as an important area of study. This “affective turn” has offered an important corrective to standard scientific conceptions of emotion, highlighting the mysteries of embodiment that are ignored by a narrowly empirical approach. While celebrating this development, this paper offers a series of cautions drawn from a comparative history of scholarly attention to emotion. Similarly to the early twenty-first century understanding of affect, the social sciences of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century employed a neo-romantic conception of emotion. By the 1920s, this idea would be subsumed into a new scientific paradigm that saw the new recording technologies as perfect vehicles for taming the mysteries of emotion. I discuss strategies for avoiding this scientizing of emotion in our own period, which is similarly taken with a series of “new technologies.”  相似文献   


Marketing is no longer a sporadic activity undertaken on an ad hoc basis, but rather has become an integral component of every library's day-to-day operations. This article provides an overview of basic marketing principles and then examines effective marketing strategies and promotional techniques in an academic environment. While viewed within the context of the law school setting, a majority of the marketing activities discussed are equally applicable in other types of law libraries.  相似文献   

This essay examines the organizational rhetoric of the Land Institute in order to address the ways place-making contributes to the inducement of organizational identification (OI). In addition to defining place-making as a practice of cultivating arrangements, the essay unpacks two ways in which a strategically arranged place facilitates OI: (a) materializing the places and times imagined in textual materials, and (b) generating encounters with OI targets. By analyzing the Land Institute’s Prairie Festival alongside discursive materials, the essay also demonstrates how organizations take control of place’s inherently inventive character and thoroughly distributed rhetoricity in order to achieve organizational ends. In order to make these arguments, the essay employs a critical method that operates through both field immersion and textual criticism.  相似文献   

China's soft power campaign has spawned many scholarly studies on it, but few have examined its rhetorical aspect. Through keyword analysis, this research examines strategic ambiguity in China's public affairs rhetoric surrounding the Six Party Talks over North Korea's nuclear program. The two keywords, ‘the Six Party Talks’ and ‘da ju’ (big picture, overall view), are semantically open and central to China's rhetoric in defining ‘What is it?’ and ‘Why is it?’ with regard to the talks. Analysis shows that strategic ambiguity contributed to some of China's goals. However, it was not adjusted when it stopped working. Its effectiveness was undercut by certain inconsistent messages, and da ju failed to differentiate between domestic and international political context and was also culturally maladaptive. This research contributes to public diplomacy and public affairs rhetoric research.  相似文献   

胡慧源 《出版科学》2015,23(3):19-21
基于逻辑分析,对大数据及其思维革新进行论述,并从生产理念、生产方式、营销对象、营销手段、营销渠道等方面分析大数据对内容生产与营销的影响.本文认为,开放性思维、参与性思维和关联性思维是大数据引致的重要思维变革,这种思维变革引起内容生产与营销模式的转变,即生产理念上从供给导向向需求导向转变、生产方式上从垂直单向向水平互动转变、营销对象上从大众市场向利基市场转变、营销手段上从被动推介向主动推送转变、营销渠道上从单一媒体向全媒体转变.  相似文献   

IFLA国际营销奖是图书馆界非常重要的一项大奖。以往我国公共图书馆在IFLA国际营销大奖评奖中成绩欠佳,佛山市图书馆的邻里图书馆项目获得IFLA国际营销一等奖是一个突破。邻里图书馆项目与国际上流行的小型免费图书馆运动有相似之处,但它具有公共图书馆总分馆主导、现代信息技术的支持和更注重利用民间人力资源的特征。佛山市图书馆荣获IFLA国际营销奖有两个启示:申报项目本身应具有图书馆营销理念与特征;应以营销的理念姿态对待营销奖的申报。  相似文献   

曹邑 《新闻界》2008,(6):183-184
本文借鉴“符号”,“格式塔”和“意境”的相关理论,对现代广告中的视觉认知要素加以分析,探讨“视觉场”认知模式在广告视觉领域应用,尝试建构图象准确表达意义的方法论,为现代广告视觉设计架构起一条视觉创意和表现的理论路径。  相似文献   

The number of received citations have been used as an indicator of the impact of academic publications. Developing tools to find papers that have the potential to become highly-cited has recently attracted increasing scientific attention. Topics of concern by scholars may change over time in accordance with research trends, resulting in changes in received citations. Author-defined keywords, title and abstract provide valuable information about a research article. This study performs a latent Dirichlet allocation technique to extract topics and keywords from articles; five keyword popularity (KP) features are defined as indicators of emerging trends of articles. Binary classification models are utilized to predict papers that were highly-cited or less highly-cited by a number of supervised learning techniques. We empirically compare KP features of articles with other commonly used journal-related and author-related features proposed in previous studies. The results show that, with KP features, the prediction models are more effective than those with journal and/or author features, especially in the management information system discipline.  相似文献   

叶勤 《新世纪图书馆》2021,(3):18-21,74
馆店融合发展成为图书馆事业中的一种重要发展趋势,是政府、社会、居民和书店主办者多方共赢的策略,两者在融合发展中战略营销管理合作具有必然性与可行性。针对目前发展中面临的问题,提出需要注意明确营销定位、建立长期的营销合作伙伴联盟、营销成本分摊及产生后续收益的组成及分配、组织文化发展及志愿者群体在战略营销管理中的作用与地位等战略营销设计中的对策与建议。  相似文献   

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