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阅读是外语教学中五大基本技能之一,日语读解能力的培养至关重要。本文对如何提高学生日语读解能力提出了自己的看法,认为要提高日语读解能力,首先要加大阅读量,提高理解能力;其次要采用多种阅读方法,掌握多种读解技巧,提高阅读速度;同时加强文化背景知识的学习,提高学习者的综合能力。  相似文献   

[内容提要]日语能力测试在2010年做出了全新的改革,其中读解的新变化提高了难度。本文从新旧日语能力测试N2读解题型比较着手,首先对安徽三联学院日语系二年级学生参加新日语能力测试N2读解得分情况进行分析,然后针对失分原因提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

为了全面提高学生的日语运用能力,首先要充分调动学生的学习积极性,提高学习的兴趣。在教学中要用日语组织教学,加强语音、朗读训练。精心讲好语言点。重视读解、翻译、听说技能的培养。  相似文献   

商务日语能力考试(ビジネス日本語テスト,以下简称BJT)由听解、听读解及读解三部分组成。作者在『商务日语能力考试(BJT)的听解部分的题型分析及应试策略』中,在对BJT考试听解部分题型进行分析的基础上,探讨该部分的应试策略,分析听读解及读解部分并探讨相应的学习方法及应试策略。  相似文献   

郝雯 《文教资料》2013,(20):47-48,63
日语报刊阅读课程是通过训练学生阅读日语报刊文章,培养其读解和表达能力的专业基础课。一般在日语专业高年级阶段开设,虽然课时量少,但在学生的语言应用能力培养上能够发挥重要作用。本文主要结合日语报刊阅读课程的教学实践,从明确教学目的、开放性教材的选用、因材施教原则下的教学法、灵活有效的考查方式等方面出发。具体探讨如何提高学生的语言应用能力。  相似文献   

问题教学法是以问题为载体贯穿教学过程,使学生在设问和释问的过程中萌生自主学习的动机和欲望,提高自主学习能力的一种教学方法。在日语泛读教学中,合理运用问题教学法,能够有效提高学生的读解能力。深入探讨日语泛读教学中问题教学法的有效运用,对于强化课堂教学效果、培养学生的阅读能力有着非常重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

提高日语阅读能力之我见   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在分析近年来的日语高考试题的基础上,着重阐述了读解策略的使用与阅读能力的关系,并强调阅读教学与理解文化背景知识二者并重的重要性和课堂教学与课外阅读指导相结合的必要性。  相似文献   

蒋成瑀在他的力作《语文课文读解理论与方法》一书中提出了“读解课文的三极走向”学说:①作者一极,以恢复作者的原意为读解目标;②文本一极,以作品文本自身为意义,依文立解,以文本为出发点或原点的读解理论;③读者一极,以读者为中心,认为作品文本的意义是读者介入后赋予的。其中,以“读者为中心”的读解理论启示我们:阅读教学要从接受者,即学生的实际出发,了解学生的语言发展水平,珍视学生对文本独特的认识感受,引导学生多元读解,读出新意,培养阅读能力,使阅读教学从教师阐释课文转移到让学生学会阅读的轨道上来。  相似文献   

"熟读生巧","读"是"说"的前提.学习外语的终极目的是能够表选出来,即"说".而"说"这项技能不是一朝一夕能够练成的,需要以大量的阅读作为基础.那么,作为学习者来说,如何阅读?优质的阅读需具备什么技能?对于教授者来说,如何教授阅读一篇文章?如何提高学习者的日语读解能力?尤其是针对初级日语学习者.  相似文献   

阐述了培养学生日语自主性学习能力的意义,分析了学生日语自主性学习能力偏低的主要表现及其形成原因。指出必须要更新教育观念、改变教学策略,培养学生日语自主性学习的能力;并提出了督促学生阅读日语资料、培养自学能力,以及强化日语学习方法的指导、培养"会学"能力等具体举措。  相似文献   

张卫 《考试研究》2012,(2):41-48
高考日语新课标卷从2011年起开始正式使用,根据新课标命制的试卷与旧考试大纲卷相比,在试卷结构、命题思路方面发生了一些变化,阅读理解部分减少了试题量,加大了对篇章的考查层次,并将阅读任务的真实性和多样性相结合,全面考查学生的阅读技能。同时,难易度适合考生群体特征。本文通过分析2011年高考日语卷阅读理解试题,阐述考查的意图,总结试卷呈现的特点,并对中学的新课标日语教学提出若干建议。  相似文献   

In this article, the effectiveness of an intervention aimed at the development of reading motivation and reading strategies within problem-oriented learning environments is evaluated. The basic assumption underlying the intervention is that reading should occur in meaningful contexts and that reading and science should be regularly integrated. The intervention challenges pupils to investigate a self-formulated problem, read several books or texts on the topic and report the results of their study. The participants were six experimental third-grade classes and seven comparable control classes. The effects of the intervention were measured using a pretest-posttest control group design. Analyses of covariance were conducted to examine the effects as measured by a standardized Reading Comprehension Test, a Reading Comprehension Questionnaire, a Reading Strategy Test and a Reading Motivation Scale. The results showed the experimental group to outperform the control group with regard to knowledge of reading strategies (Reading Comprehension Questionnaire) and the use of such strategies (Reading Strategy Test). A significant difference in favour of the experimental group was also found for the Reading Motivation Scale. An effect on the standardized Reading Comprehension Test was not found.  相似文献   

李瑛  王矗  黄燕  许英英  刘欣 《成都师专学报》2009,(1):107-111,116
本文作者从审慎-冲动型认知风格问卷调查、阅读策略问卷调查、英语阅读测试和被试学生访谈四个方面,以定性、定量结合的方式对认知风格、阅读策略与中国大学生英语阅读能力的关系进行了研究。本研究涉及三个问题:(1)审慎和冲动型两种不同认知风格在阅读策略的选择和阅读成绩方面是否存在差异?(2)认知风格与阅读策略和阅读成绩间是相互独立还是相关?(3)阅读策略与阅读成绩间是否有关系?若有,阅读策略是如何影响阅读成绩的?数据分析结果表明:审慎-冲动型认知风格对阅读成绩影响的差异没有达到显著性水平;使用阅读策略水平的高低对阅读成绩的影响差异达到了显著性水平,并且这种差异主要体现在情感策略上;总体而言,阅读策略对阅读成绩影响不大。  相似文献   

浅议图式论与英语阅读教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阅读是英语学习的主要培养目标,又是生活和工作中获取知识和信息的主要手段.提高阅读能力是英语教学研究的一个重要课题.通过对图式理论的分析,探讨提高阅读水平的方法.  相似文献   

Among developing and poor readers, text comprehension is strongly related to word decoding accuracy and reading fluency. However, among relatively skilled adult readers, these aspects of reading skill are largely independent of one another. The reading of 193 second- and third-year students enrolled in an educational psychology course at a public research university was described well by three orthogonal principal components: Word Decoding Accuracy, Reading Speed, and Text Comprehension Accuracy. Furthermore, component reading skills were not associated with individual differences in the extent to which students in this sample had succeeded in postsecondary education. Decoding Accuracy was most related to spelling accuracy and phonemic awareness. Only Text Comprehension Accuracy was associated even minimally with grade-point average. A subgroup of 15 students who reported various reading problems did not have a low mean grade-point average.  相似文献   

阅读题是英语专业四级考试中重要的组成部分,其主要目的在于检测考生的阅读技能运用,尤其是考察学生综合运用阅读分项技能从阅读语境中准确获取和推导语篇言语意义的能力。文章提出英语专业四级阅读题十大解题技巧,帮助考生更准确巧妙解题,以最佳的状态体现自身的英语阅读技能与英语语言文化知识综合运用能力。  相似文献   

This study examined the contribution of word decoding, first-language (L1) and second-language (L2) vocabulary and prior topic knowledge to L2 reading comprehension. For measuring reading comprehension we employed two different reading tasks: Woodcock Passage Comprehension and a researcher-developed content-area reading assignment (the Global Warming Test) consisting of multiple lengthy texts. The sample included 67 language-minority students (native Urdu or native Turkish speakers) from 21 different fifth grade classrooms in Norway. Multiple regression analyses revealed that word decoding and different facets of L2 vocabulary explained most of the variance in Woodcock Passage Comprehension, but a smaller proportion of variance in the Global Warming Test. For the Global Warming Test, prior topic knowledge was the most influential predictor. Furthermore, L2 vocabulary depth appeared to moderate the contribution of prior topic knowledge to the Global Warming Test in this sample of language minority students.  相似文献   

本文分析了目前我国高职高专公共英语阅读教学的现状和问题,并结合图示阅读理论与自己的教学实践,从阅前准备、阅读过程及读后巩固三个方面对高职英语阅读教学提出了一些对策和建议,以期提高高职高专英语教学质量。  相似文献   

According to Gough and Tunmer's Simple View of Reading, Reading Comprehension = Decoding (D) x Listening Comprehension (C). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the model with a sample of First Nations children, known to have average decoding and listening comprehension but poor reading comprehension. In addition, the authors examined the contribution of naming speed and phonological awareness to reading comprehension beyond the effects of D and C. Consistent with the findings of previous studies, the children exhibited poor reading comprehension despite average performance in decoding and listening comprehension, a finding that challenges the simple view of reading. The results also revealed that an additive model (D + C) fitted the data equally well as a product model (D x C). Neither naming speed nor phonological awareness accounted for unique variance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the Woodcock Word Comprehension Test and several measures of reading achievement and verbal intelligence. Subjects were 194 children who were tested in a University Reading Clinic. All were administered the Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests, the Slosson Oral Reading Test, an Informal Reading Inventory, the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children—Revised, the Slosson Intelligence Test, and the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test. Pearson product-moment correlations (r) were used to test the relationships. It appeared that the Woodcock Word Comprehension Test assesses reading ability more than general verbal ability.  相似文献   

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