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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine the relationships among social support, attachment security, and psychopathology in an adult sample of high risk abuse survivors. Attachment security was conceptualized in terms of two underlying dimensions, the working models of self and other. METHOD: Sixty-six participants (24 men and 42 women) who met conditions for physical or sexual abuse were recruited from the greater Boston area. They completed the "Record of Maltreatment Experiences." the "Relationship Scales Questionnaire," the "Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire," and multiple measures of psychopathology. RESULTS: When multiple risk and protective factors were examined concurrently (e.g., social support, attachment, abuse history, IQ, SES), a negative view of self (one of the attachment poles) was the strongest predictor of overall psychopathology. Social support did not emerge as a significant direct predictor of psychopathology, once the effects of negative view of self were accounted for. However, among participants low on social support, in comparison to those who are high, a negative view of self was more highly correlated with some psychopathology measures. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that among maltreatment survivors, negative view of self emerges as the most substantial predictor of psychopathology when examined in combination with other relevant risk factors.  相似文献   

The majority of analytic approaches aimed at understanding the influence of environmental context on children's socioemotional adjustment assume comparable effects of contextual risk and protective factors for all children. Using self-reported data from 289 maternal caregiver-child dyads, we examined the degree to which there are differential effects of severity of intimate partner violence (IPV) exposure, yearly household income, and number of children in the family on posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTS) and psychopathology symptoms (i.e., internalizing and externalizing problems) among school-age children between the ages of 7–12 years. A regression mixture model identified three latent classes that were primarily distinguished by differential effects of IPV exposure severity on PTS and psychopathology symptoms: (1) asymptomatic with low sensitivity to environmental factors (66% of children), (2) maladjusted with moderate sensitivity (24%), and (3) highly maladjusted with high sensitivity (10%). Children with mothers who had higher levels of education were more likely to be in the maladjusted with moderate sensitivity group than the asymptomatic with low sensitivity group. Latino children were less likely to be in both maladjusted groups compared to the asymptomatic group. Overall, the findings suggest differential effects of family environmental factors on PTS and psychopathology symptoms among children exposed to IPV. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

We examined effects of participation and forensic context on 4-year-old children's testimony. Children in "participant" and "police" conditions actively participated in games with a "babysitter"; each child in the "observer" condition watched a videotape of a child and the babysitter playing. Eleven days later, children were individually questioned about the event. Before the interview began, children in the police condition talked to a police officer who said the babysitter might have done something bad. Comparison of participant- and observer-condition performance indicated that participation increased free-recall accuracy concerning actions that took place and lowered suggestibility. Comparison of participant- and police-condition performance indicated that forensic context led to increased error in free recall and additional comments to misleading questions. However, forensic context also resulted in higher accuracy on an age-identification task and did not affect children's accuracy in answering abuse-related questions.  相似文献   

Findings from the Watamura, Donzella, Alwin, and Gunnar (this issue) study support the growing recognition of the importance of context on physiology and affective and behavioral regulation early in human development. This discussion focuses on the role of context and development on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis regulation in young children. Discussed in this article are the Watamura et al. findings with regard to relevant animal studies, extension of these observations to samples of children at elevated risk for psychopathology, and experimental prevention studies with young children. It is contended that environmental factors operating at key points in development may shape affective and behavioral regulation as well as HPA axis function in children, much as environmental factors have been shown to shape HPA axis regulation in animals.  相似文献   

普通话水平测试中,被试常常因为各种不良心理因素而影响成绩,测试动机、自信心、紧张度都直接影响被试普通话水平的发挥,本对这些不良心理因素的产生及其对成绩的不良影响进行了分析。  相似文献   

以往对《文心雕龙》语境思想的研究多关注其语境适应论和静态语境的构成要素,但不可否认的是,刘勰的语境思想是多维的而非单一的。在关注其语境适应论即纯粹语境观的同时应该结合《诏策第十九》和《谐隐第十五》等篇发掘其不纯粹语境观,即文化语境变异观。刘勰的动态语境观既指语境是语用过程中的动态变量,又指语境构成因素的情境变异;既指语用主体对言语交际诸因素综合体的认知状态,又指言语交际中主体客体交融过程中的语用综观。  相似文献   

教学效率的影响因素与对策:基于博弈理论的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教学过程是在教师的指导下以学生为主体的学习过程,由于学科性质不同以及学生对不同学科的重视程度不同致使授课效果存在显著差别.非良性教学效果的形成固然有教师的原因,但学生的责任也必须充分重视.实际上教学过程是师生间的一个博弈,教师会根据学生的反应而进行投入产出比较,学生不配合教师授课的情况下教师会减少教学投入,学生应该对恶性博弈结果的形成负有较大的责任.教师是教学过程的主导,改变这种教学状态的重任应该由教师承担:通过探索多种教学策略达到教学效率提高的目的.  相似文献   

语境研究的几种态势透析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
纵观语境, 其研究呈现出几种重要态势, 即多元化、动态化与认知化。1 、多元化经历了一元化(上下文) 、二元化(语言语境、情景语境) 与三元化(语言语境、情景语境、知识语境) 的过程, 语境的多元化(或者说语境特征的细化) 有助于系统而详细地描述语境与意义之间的关系; 2 、动态化是指以动态的观点去分析与解释语境, 它反映了言语交际的实际, 也是当前的语境研究不同于传统语境研究的一个重要方面; 3 、认知语境不是指任何具体的语境, 而是具体语境的内在化、认知化, 人们在言语理解中所依赖的, 往往是这种认知语境。语境的虚拟化研究, 即视听意义上的动态语境的研究, 是一个很有潜势的课题, 但“语境学(contextology) ”建立的必要性与可能性尚待探讨。  相似文献   



Information technology (IT) has tremendous potential for fostering grassroots development and the Indian government has created various capital-intensive computer networks to promote agricultural development. However, research studies have shown that information technology investments are not always translated into productivity gains due to poor computer use by employees. In this context, a research investigation was conducted to develop a Computer Utilization Model that explains how individual and organizational factors influence computer utilization in extension organizations in India.  相似文献   

学习理论和第二语言习得是理论语言学与应用语言学共同关注的重要课题。长期以来,由于中英语言研究的两张皮现象以及特定区域内英语语言教学实践者本身对语言学这一学科的盲从,从而使得特定区域的第二语言教学捉襟见肘、顾此失彼;亦使得该区域的教改因误导而举步维艰、收效甚微。故此,笔者拟结合自己多年来的学习和实践就学习理论和第二语言习得中的相关问题作一探讨。具体如下:(1)学习理论综观;(2)第二语言习得中存在的具体及应对策略;(3)反思。本文以文化语境为基点、交际能力为主导,力求多视角地探讨学习理论在第二语言习得中的先导作用和重要地位,使得该课题的跨学科研究能够引起学界前辈、同仁以及决策者的关注。  相似文献   

艺术的目的是多样化的,美的形态是多元的,审美的标准也因人而异,但审美素养是每个当代人必须具备的。对绘画艺术作品的品评应是全面的、兼容的和科学的。“像的”不一定全是好的;“不像”的不一定是不好的。重要的是作品是否能够运用恰当的艺术语言和艺术手法表达出艺术家的主观思想、情感,以及它能否引起欣赏者的情感与审美的共鸣。  相似文献   

Although child sexual abuse (CSA) is associated with psychopathology, limited research examined mechanisms through which CSA leads to psychopathology in children. It is generally assumed that CSA is associated with secrecy among children, to our knowledge this assumption has not yet been empirically tested. This gap in our understanding of the aftermath of CSA is surprising in light of abundant evidence linking secrecy to psychopathology among children. The current study examined whether, as compared to children who have not experienced CSA, CSA victims have a greater tendency for secrecy as reported by mothers and children, and whether psychopathology in CSA victims may be explained by their tendency to keep secrets. Sixty-three non-offending mothers and their sexually abused children (68.3% female; M age = 10.89) and 48 mothers and their non-abused children (62.5% female; M age = 11.17) completed questionnaires on secrecy and psychopathology (i.e., internalizing and externalizing behavior problems). Mothers of abused children perceived higher levels of secrecy and psychopathology in their children as compared to mothers of non-abused children. There were no differences in child-reported secrecy between abused and non-abused children. Mediation analyses revealed that mother-reported secrecy mediated the association between CSA and psychopathology. These findings suggest that secrecy is a potential mechanism underlying psychopathology associated with CSA, which has important implications for treatment of abused children.  相似文献   

在大学英语课教学活动中 ,一种常规的做法是 :通过句型转换练习训练学生用不同的表达方式来表达同一思想内容 ,从而培养学生灵活运用语言的能力。从文体学的角度出发 ,探讨句型转换练习所带来的不良影响 :学生运用语言时容易忽视言语交际的最根本的原则———适合性 ,不利于提高学生的交际能力。因此 ,在进行句型转换练习的同时 ,应使学生意识到不同词汇和不同句式的不同文体色彩 ,使学生既要注意语言运用的“正确性” ,又要重视其“适合性”。  相似文献   

在科学技术水平日臻成熟的今天,信息技术的应用范围也日益广泛,并在各个行业中获得全面的普及。高校图书馆作为最基础的设施,不仅可为师生提供较为良好的学习场所,而且可为学生自主学习提供极大的便利。在“互联网+”时代背景下,高校图书馆向信息化方向发展已成为主流趋势。基于此,在概述“互联网+”、高校图书馆信息化建设相关理论的基础上,重点对影响其信息化建设的关键因素进行了分析,并针对其在关键因素方面存在的问题,提出了相应的改善对策。  相似文献   

Childhood adversities are strong predictors of psychopathology and suicidality. However, specific adversities are associated with different outcomes, with cross-national variations reported. The current study examined rates of adversities reported in Northern Ireland (NI), and associations between adverse childhood experiences and psychopathology and suicidal behaviour were explored. Data was obtained from the Northern Ireland Study of Health and Stress (NISHS), conducted as part of the World Mental Health (WMH) survey initiative (2004–2008); response rate 68.4% (n = 1,986). The on-line survey used, the WHO Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) to examine psychopathology and associated risk factors in the NI population. Prevalence rates of retrospectively reported childhood adversities were calculated, with gender and age variations explored. Females were more likely to experience sexual abuse. Individuals who grew up during the worst years of the civil conflict in NI experienced elevated levels of childhood adversities. Participants who endured childhood adversities were more likely to have mental health problems but variations in risk factors were found for different disorders. Parental mental illness was associated with all disorders however, with ORs ranging from 2.20 for mood disorders to 4.07 for anxiety disorders. Population attributable fractions (PAF) estimated the reduction in psychopathology and suicidal behaviour in the population if exposure to adverse childhood events had not occurred. The highest PAF values were revealed for parental mental illness and sexual abuse. The findings indicate that a substantial proportion of psychopathology and suicide risk in NI are attributable to childhood adversities, providing support for early intervention and prevention initiatives.  相似文献   



Childhood maltreatment occurs often among those with an eating disorder and is considered a nonspecific risk factor. However, the mechanisms by which childhood maltreatment may lead to an eating disorder are not well understood. The current study tests a model in which attachment insecurity is hypothesized to mediate the relationship between childhood maltreatment and eating disorder psychopathology.


Treatment seeking adults with eating disorders (N = 308) completed questionnaires about childhood maltreatment, eating disorder psychopathology, and adult attachment.


Structural equation models indicated that childhood trauma had a direct effect on eating disorder symptoms. Also, attachment anxiety and avoidance each equally mediated the childhood maltreatment to eating disorder psychopathology relationship.


Attachment insecurity, characterized by affect dysregulation and interpersonal sensitivities may help to explain why eating disorder symptoms may be one consequence of childhood maltreatment in a clinical sample. Clinicians treating primarily those with trauma might assess for disordered eating as a potential manifestation of the sequelae of trauma and attachment insecurity.  相似文献   

<左传>作者在对郑庄公的评价中渗透着儒家的"克己复礼"意识,在这种意识下对郑庄公形象所作出的评价带有儒家的主观色彩,如果历史地看问题,那么郑庄公并不是"伪善"、"违礼"的君主,而是旧时周礼时代惯性与春秋初"礼崩乐坏"时代挤压下的诸侯形象.  相似文献   

中苏从50年代短暂的“蜜月时期”到50年代末关系急剧恶化主要是中苏国家利益的冲突、意识形态的分歧及领导者个人之间的矛盾三种因素造成的。然而,导致中苏关系恶化直至分裂的这三种因素都不是不可避免的。可以说,即使双方有矛盾,也不应该恶化到反目成仇的地步,以至给中国带来如此严重的后遗症。  相似文献   

Investigating psychopathology in school‐aged children is a topical discussion given the recent increased focus of the U.S. government and professional psychology on this issue. In the last 5 years, the Surgeon General of the United States (Satcher, 2000) and the President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health (2003) both addressed the need for schools to actively participate in the treatment of children's mental health disorders. Further, psychologists were charged with transforming mental health care for children and families by promoting collaboration between schools, families, and communities; identifying empirically supported interventions; and enhancing culturally competent care for children and teens (P. Tolan & K. Dodge, 2005). To achieve these goals, mental health professionals in the schools need to be able to understand and effectively treat psychopathology in the school setting. School‐based treatment of psychopathology should be based on effective collaboration and grounded within the cultural context of the student population. A comprehensive understanding takes into account the biological basis of these disorders and factors influencing risk and resiliency. Treatment needs for these students often combine traditional therapies and psychopharmacology. Within a comprehensive system of care, specific disorders such as Reactive Attachment Disorder, Early Onset Bipolar Spectrum Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, depression, and anxiety can and should be treated in schools. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 43: 413–417, 2006.  相似文献   

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