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Academic Leadership: Prescriptions,Practices and Paradoxes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ideas from the new public managementphilosophy infusing higher education oftenstress the need for strong and strategicacademic leadership if successful adaptation toa changing environment is to take place. Byshowing some of the challenges facing academicleaders in Sweden and Norway, this articlequestions the wisdom of employing new publicmanagement ideas on leadership during changeprocesses in higher education. It is arguedthat an academic leadership able to attachmeaning to paradoxical situations and toilluminate challenging dilemmas may be a morepromising option for a sector where change inthe years to come will be more the standardsituation than the exception.  相似文献   

第一代中国法国史学人的主要代表是杨人楩、沈炼之、王养冲、张芝联、端木正等诸位先生。他们著述甚多,涉猎颇广,多数长寿,见证了中国近百年的沧桑巨变,其思想、著述与行动为中国法国史研究奠定了坚实的基础。勾勒第一代中国法国史学人的群像,梳理其在不同历史处境下所做的政治选择、人生际遇和学术研究,不仅能够拓宽当代中国知识分子史的研究,而且也可能对中国法国史学科自身的反思有所裨益。  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - University support to students’ transition to university life can be divided into three dimensions, namely: academic adjustment, social adjustment and...  相似文献   

An increasing number of scholars, especially those whose work has focused on ethnic studies, curriculum reform, and multicultural education, will be called on to share their observations and recommendations with colleagues whose universities are engaged in the formative stages of expanding the cultural boundaries of their curriculum. The work they will be called on to do as 'cultural consultants' will place them at the center of an ideological and pedagogical debate that has now transcended the educational arena. The political nature of this debate will necessarily cast the consultant in the role of advocate in a struggle that dates back to the controversial beginnings of ethnic studies in the American university. I examine the current discourse-its pedagogical, political, and cultural aspects-and link these to considerations for the consultant who enters into a collaborative relationship with change agents (consultees) in the university of the 1990s. I examine the persistent issues and challenges encountered in my visits to a variety of campuses where the spoken agenda may have been multiculturalism but where an implied strategy may be heralding a more profound level of structural change in the culture of American higher education. The intent is to chart a kind of 'topographical road map' for those who plan to embark on similar journeys. I speak from experience as a consultant, guest speaker, lecturer, evaluator, and observer.  相似文献   

我国研究型大学教师评价存在着偏差,科研成果成为评价研究型大学教师的核心指标.本文将其归纳为教师评价的四个悖论,即大学功能的多样性与评价指标的单一性、学科专业的差异性与评价标准的统一性、科学研究的艰巨性与科研成果评价的时限性、转型的社会与静态的评价.  相似文献   

高校学生思想政治教育是高校学生工作的首要任务,高校要适应后勤社会化改革和高等教育改革,通过加强制度建设,建立园区思想政治教育长效机制;通过健全园区工作网络体系,建立思想政治教育联动机制;通过解决学生实际问题,建立全面思想政治教育机制;通过占领新的教育阵地,建立多渠道渗透思想政治教育机制。从而引导学生开展自我教育、自我管理,自我服务,促进学生健康成长成才。  相似文献   

随着我国核心政治的转变,民生政治成为当前理论研究的热点,然而,人们却往往把我国的民生政治理论与西方生活政治理论相互混淆。因此,在对民生政治理论与生活政治理论进行比较研究的基础上,进一步思考我国社会主义民主政治的走向成为必然。吉登斯提出的生活政治的命题是在反思现代化及现代性的过程中提出的救治资本主义的政治处方,而民生政治则是对我国社会当下民主现状及其未来发展方向的反思,二者虽存同更求异。只有民生政治才是中国特色社会主义民主政治的发展与走向,以政治民主促进社会民生是我国民生政治的未来图景。  相似文献   

目前许多大学都在进行课程改革,以应对全球化、市场化和信息化的挑战。大学课程改革应处理好以下几种关系:一是处理好移植课程与本土课程之间的关系;二是处理好课程的国际化与地方化的问题:三是处理好创新课程与传统课程之间的关系;四是处理好工具价值与人文价值之间的关系;五是处理好稳定师资与流动性师资之间的关系;六是处理好科学规划与自由竞争的关系;七是处理好现代教学手段与传统教学之间的关系。  相似文献   

良好的治理是世界一流大学的决定性因素。作为澳大利亚的一所公立研究型大学,墨尔本大学在激烈的国际竞争和国内财政紧缩的背景下实现了学术竞争力的快速提升。墨尔本大学在静态的治理体系结构中始终把学术治理放在核心地位,在动态的权力运行中坚持基于学术委员会的自治机制、各层级部门之间的协调机制以及不同权力系统之间的制约机制,并积极实施以学术研究、教与学、知识转移为要素的"三螺旋"学术提升战略。  相似文献   

学术诚信缺失是当前高校学术建设进程中亟待整顿的一个问题。文章首先分析了高校诚信缺失的主要表现,然后对产生原因进行了剖析,最后提出治理高校学术诚信缺失的应对策略。  相似文献   

我国建国60年,改革开放30年,社会主义经济、社会的巨大发展,社会主义教育事业的空前繁荣,社会主义大学教育的跨跃式进步,为大学教师成就自己的学术梦想,奠定自己的学术地位和树立自己的学术声誉提供了必要的社会历史条件。而大学教师学术梦想的实现,学术地位的提升和学术声誉的传播又会极大促进社会主义教育事业的发展,促成哲学社会科学中国学派的形成和走向世界。  相似文献   

文章认为,思想政治课应从遵循生活入手再回归生活的根本路线,即:从知识道德观向生活道德观转轨、从唯知识课程论向生活经验论转变、从单项传输向交互作用转型,以取得良好成效。  相似文献   

在儒家礼治传统中,衣冠往往还具有重要的政治意义,是儒家“生活政治”得以落实的重要载体.日常生活的衣冠可以作为维护秩序与等级的工吴,承载和传递政治价值与政治信息,成为表达政治情感和政治认同的工具.传统社会的人们,尤其是具有政治身份的人,在日常生活中,往往必须要接受衣冠礼议的规训从而成为符合礼仪传统的知礼之士,衣冠制度也因此成为政治事务.传统衣冠制度也在一定程度上束缚了人们的心灵自由、妨碍了人们对于身份平等的认同.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the phenomenon and concept of “academic resistance.” Several aspects are identified: resistance as an integral part of power relations in university education, the pragmatic nature of resistance, and the impossibility of constructing an overarching conception of resistance. The author concludes that researching particular cases of academic resistance is important to developing a deeper and more integrative understanding about the identities of various actors that are part of university educational practices.  相似文献   

Many feminist philosophers of education have argued that the teacher's pleasure plays an important role in the classroom. However, accessing such pleasure is often easier said than done. Given our current academic climate, how might teachers develop pedagogical practices that cultivate these delights? This article investigates the (rather surprising) response to this question offered in Augustine's De catechizandis rudibus. Despite his reputation as a pleasure‐hater, Augustine spends the majority of his text defending the delights of teaching. In particular, Augustine argues that if teachers wish to find pleasure in teaching, they would do well to study the pleasures of mothers. To this end, I analyse the nature of Augustine's maternal appeal. What insight does Augustine find in the experiences of mothers? In what way does he hope his colleagues will allow these experiences to shape their pedagogies? I conclude by exploring the benefits and the risks of Augustine's claim for those who teach in the contemporary feminist classroom. Augustine's defence of pedagogical pleasure suggests that he shares a common interest with feminist philosophers. But, the social/political limits of his account highlight the value of submitting such pleasures to the terms of feminist critique.  相似文献   

The emeritus college, a recent higher education innovation, provides retired professors with a means to stay intellectually engaged and continue to contribute professionally in retirement. The emeritus college can also help institutions maintain a steady flow of professional talent by making retirement more attractive for senior academics. This article introduces the emeritus college concept; discusses its implementation at four universities; assesses its benefits for individuals, institutions, and the community; and offers guidelines for institutions wishing to implement their own emeritus college. The emeritus college can provide a bridge from an academic career to a fulfilling retirement while also helping to enrich academic communities.  相似文献   

学术共同体既是知识发现的主体,又是知识发展的机制。它将以以学术为志业的学者凝聚为一个集体,通过对话与交流、争论与批判、自主与自由等方式,进行思想的交流、精神的交往,推进学术发展,促进学术繁荣。  相似文献   

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