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Exploring new sources on the Great War a hundred years after it ended is a unique and exciting experience for any First World War historian. The very nature of the documents that we are dealing with in the present case makes it even more thrilling: hundreds of investigation and prosecution files documenting the invasion and occupation of Belgium, produced by both military and civil jurisdictions in an effort to prosecute war criminals. These fascinating records – repatriated to Belgium from Moscow in 2002 – offer new material on issues such as the German atrocities and everyday life under the occupation, but they also provide highly valuable insights into the history of international criminal law. This exploratory article will trace the unexpected trajectory of these archives, contextualise their creation and highlight some of the treasures they contain. In doing so, this article will attempt to discuss the thorny issue of archive repatriation and the questions this raises from an archival and historical perspective. It also seeks to show that the establishment of an International Criminal Court, despite the fact that it is now being called into question more than ever before, rests on solid and far-reaching historical foundations.  相似文献   

Namibians often find themselves in situations of litigation where they need person-related records to defend their rights and privileges. Such person-related records include birth, adoption, marriage, or divorce or deceased estates. It has been observed that the institution where such records should be expected, the National Archives of Namibia often cannot retrieve person-related records of persons previously classified as non-whites under colonial and apartheid laws. Many native Namibians end up losing property or have problems claiming their constitutional rights due to lack of evidence. The purpose of this paper was to explore whether the existing archival literature can guide National Archives of new and emerging African nations on how to handle challenges brought about by gaps in inherited colonial archives. Using a literature survey to explore the state of what is written on the content and usage of colonial archives in post-colonial era, this article argues that the content and use of colonial archives in Africa do not feature prominently in the literature of archival science. Although there has been a rising interest on the subject during the last decade, none of this emerging literature has systematically studied archives in depth with a view on what these archives contain for the non-academic user, what they neglect and what they lack altogether in serving the needs of all citizens in post-colonial states. It recommends that archival scholars as well as archival institutions increase research into this neglected area. Raising awareness may produce academic discourse to help archivists in newly decolonised countries to competently support users whose inquiries currently cannot be answered by the inherited colonial archives collections.  相似文献   


In 2014, as part of their centenary celebrations, the Australian Red Cross initiated a project in which it transferred archives to various national, state and territory institutions across Australia including the University of Melbourne Archives and the State Library of New South Wales. The transfer of this voluminous (but not complete) collection built on earlier transfers of archives to the State Library of South Australia and the Australian War Memorial. This paper charts the origins of the plan to donate the records to public repositories. It interrogates the societal provenance of those collections, recognising that the pluralising of records is an historical process, in which the agency of archivists, historians and administrators must be understood. An investigation of Red Cross records in Australia exposes that process in its contingency, inertia and, ultimately, enthusiasm. The paper also reveals the challenges faced by voluntary organisations in preserving their records, and how historians and archivists both can benefit from assisting such organisations. Finally, this paper argues that the ‘Gift to the Nation’ project, with its national and international significance, reflects a shift in our understanding of the First World War to a transnational paradigm that recognises the important role of voluntary organisations.  相似文献   

Through the Treaty of Paris in 1898, Spain ceded to the United States all its colonial authority over the Philippines, including its other colonies. The Treaty also placed in American possession the Spanish records kept in the various agencies of the former colonial administration of the islands. Upon assumption of its role as the new de facto colonial regime, the American insular government initiated the process of collecting the Spanish colonial records to be housed in a central repository that became the nucleus of the National Archives of the Philippines. An important aspect of understanding the context of archives in post-colonial Philippines is to trace its early beginnings and to examine the archives’ association with former colonial powers. Established against the backdrop of the shift in the continuum of colonial regimes, the archive is undeniably a colonial creation and a manifestation of colonial domination. For the contemporary imagination, however, its very presence represents a common and collective past that consequently contributes to the formation of a “national consciousness” and ironically reinforces the idea of nationhood of the formerly colonized territory.  相似文献   

The 2004 Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) that investigated human rights abuses in Morocco under King Hassan II cited the ‘deplorable state of national archives’ as a major obstacle to its work. In 2013, in accordance with the findings of the TRC, the National Archives of Morocco opened with a colonial fonds, primarily holding records from the period of French colonisation (1912–56). This article seeks to understand the late establishment of a national archives, positing that part of the delay was caused by the focus of Moroccan nationalists on the location of indigenous records and their rejection of colonial archives and historiography.  相似文献   

The educational institutions that train archivists and records managers in Europe and North America have not engaged with the challenges of orality until very recently. As their counterparts in Africa are modelled on the earlier version of European and North American practice, they do not address the relationship between oral cultures and written records either. This article attempts to address this significant omission. It is grounded on evidence gathered during a fellowship at Chancellor College in Malawi and arises from the author??s work in preparing courses on archives and records management for a planned postgraduate degree. The methodological limitations imposed by the author??s lack of the appropriate African language skills are acknowledged. It is observed that the colonial archive has been subjected to vociferous criticism and that oral history programs have been advocated to fill perceived gaps. Yet, paradoxically the colonial archive is itself largely the product of a process of turning oral communications into written records. The nature of the processes and of the products is discussed. It is argued that these archives, like all archives, need to be interpreted as products of their historical and cultural setting. If users can read them ??with the grain??, then they may be able to utilise them for a range of purposes never envisaged by the creators of the records.  相似文献   


Congressional archives are unique among archival collections. Bigger in size and often broader in scope in terms of the kinds of records they contain, these collections place an uncommon strain on academic archives. Before agreeing to assume such a burden, it is important for administrators to understand the special characteristics of a congressional archive and their staff's ability to manage the project while fulfilling their mission to the educational institution.  相似文献   

The hospital health sciences library of today that reaches out to the world knowledge base through electronic networks bears little resemblance to its forebears. Yet to understand the challenges and future directions of the hospital library it is necessary to examine how it began and how it has evolved in more than 200 years. This paper identifies five developmental periods in which major strides were made: the colonial years through the 19th century; World War I to the Great Depression; World War II and the 1950s; the 1960s--the Great Society and the Medical Library Assistance Act; and the 1970s, an era of growth for hospital libraries.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the construction of the “official” archives of the South African apartheid state and the distorted view they contain concerning social and political realities. Therefore, the colonial and apartheid legacies are examined in a broader context as an oppressive social and political system, as well as in the more specific context of how their legacy is reflected in the official archives. The development and popular endorsement of the Freedom Charter of 1955 was a seminal moment of challenge to the increasing oppression of the apartheid state. In later decades, the Freedom Charter became an iconic reference point in the antiapartheid struggle and the inspiration for the construction of a constitutional democracy in the 1990s. The process of its creation stands in stark contrast to the processes of creation of official records and archives. The paper also examines the survival of the Freedom Charter and the struggle to save it from auction in London and secure its safe passage to the National Archives of South Africa. Finally, questions of meaning and ideological significance are asked in relation to the role of a National Archives in the current dominant historical narrative.  相似文献   

Colonial archives and the arts of governance   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Anthropologists engaged in post-colonial studies are increasingly adopting an historical perspective and using archives. Yet their archival activity tends to remain more an extractive than an ethnographic one. Documents are thus still invoked piecemeal to confirm the colonial invention of certain practices or to underscore cultural claims, silent. Yet such mining of thecontent of government commissions, reports, and other archival sources rarely pays attention to their peculiar placement andform. Scholars need to move from archive-assource to archive-as-subject. This article, using document production in the Dutch East Indies as an illustration, argues that scholars should view archives not as sites of knowledge retrieval, but of knowledge production, as monuments of states as well as sites of state ethnography. This requires a sustained engagement with archives as cultural agents of “fact” production, of taxonomies in the making, and of state authority. What constitutes the archive, what form it takes, and what systems of classification and epistemology signal at specific times are (and reflect) critical features of colonial politics and state power. The archive was the supreme technology of the late nineteenth-century imperial state, a repository of codified beliefs that clustered (and bore witness to) connections between secrecy, the law, and power.  相似文献   

从青海上孙家寨出土的西汉晚期军事律令文书木牍,可以推知西汉张良、韩信《兵法》和杨仆《兵录》在内容性质上都是军事律令的结集。作为结集而成的"一本书",《兵法》和《兵录》都附有目录,但它们并不是"目录著作"。其所附目录都是勒编成册的一书篇名目录(contents),而不是"莫之或先"的群书目录(bibliography),也不是"最早的兵书专科目录"。此外,《兵录》之"录"意为"依次记载",并不是"名图书目录为录"之所始。  相似文献   


This article presents a progress report on grassroots efforts to document the Eastern European Jewish genealogical heritage. Most of the resources that are described here were developed by and for genealogists of Jewish ancestry. Until the end of the Cold War, access to Eastern European vital records was often difficult and at times not possible. Because of that, Jewish genealogists focused on ancillary sources such as immigration records and community memorial books. Since then, these have been augmented by an impressive array of guidebooks, serials, and electronic resources (websites, databases).  相似文献   

Khmer Rouge archives: accountability,truth, and memory in Cambodia   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  

This article traces the representations of ethnicity and immigration in mainstream American and Canadian archives since the 1950s. It identifies three main periods of evolution of these ethnic archives: the era prior to the civil rights movement, the 1960–1980s and the 1990s and beyond. Relying on an understanding of archival collections as social constructions anchored in specific historical contexts, the article considers the various political, economic, social and technological factors that affected ethnic archives over time, especially as they relate to changing scholarly and popular conceptions of ethnicity in North America. It pays particular attention to the impact of historical scholarship in fields related to immigration and ethnicity and of postmodernist archival theories that challenge the traditional view of archives as evidence of the past. It suggests that the relationship between ethnic archives and their historical context is dialectical: not only are they affected by the context in which they are developed and managed, but they also have an impact on that context as they favor certain conceptions of ethnicity and types of ethnic groups at the expense of others. Both curators and users of archival materials should therefore pay closer attention to the history of the processes that went into the construction of these archives to avoid falling victims to the illusion of ethnic authenticity.  相似文献   

Mark Hampton 《Media History》2013,19(3):239-246
During the first half of the twentieth century, colonial rule in the Indonesian archipelago was an important marker of international prestige for the Netherlands, which was merely a small power on the European continent, carefully guarding its neutral status against the Great Powers. After World War I, there was growing concern amongst several groups in Dutch society about criticism of the colonial regime in the foreign press. This article considers three organizations that aimed to set up an international information service about the Dutch East Indies in the 1920s. Although private individuals ran these organizations, they had close links with the authorities in The Hague and Batavia, indicating the emergence of a controlled media environment. Moreover, despite the fact that people involved preferred to use neutral terms to describe their activities, they aimed to provide the international public with propaganda supporting the Dutch colonial regime.  相似文献   

余建平 《档案学研究》2021,35(6):135-142
档案作为有保存价值的原始记录,是中国早期众多经典古书的文献来源。汉代以前的档案对经、史、子书的形成有着极为重要的影响。经部文献中的《尚书》,主要来源于商周时期君主颁布的政令,以及对臣民的演讲记录等档案。《春秋》则来源于史官对国家大事的记录,《诗经》《周易》《礼》等经典的形成也或多或少与档案有关。史书与档案的关系更为密切,档案中的纪年、外交辞令、盟誓、军功、属籍、制诏、章奏等文献,构成史书的主要内容。子书中的部分篇章则来源于诸子给君王的上书,这些文书经过后人的编纂,最终成为诸子百家的重要篇章。从档案到古书,表现出选择性存录、文本形态改变和实用性倾向等特征。  相似文献   

社会记忆建构是有效实现史脉延续、文化传衍的重要途径。针对当前叙事型建构研究的不足,本文通过语义组织对档案承载的社会记忆进行重构,促进档案价值的开发利用。在探讨社会记忆与语义组织的逻辑关系的基础上,提出面向社会记忆重构的档案信息语义组织框架。首先通过词表、著录和机器学习等方法提取社会记忆要素、获取要素的语义关系,其次基于信息整合的视角实现社会记忆本体构建,最后基于共享服务的视角提出社会记忆关联数据的转换和发布,为大智移云时代社会记忆全景重现及档案的价值开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   

本文从认知与保障两个角度,结合档案、口述档案与电子文件三个研究对象,梳理我国档案学语境下的“真实性”论题演进脉络。研究发现:在真实性认知方面,档案真实性争鸣由档案学视角转向多学科视角,口述档案真实性论争由国外争论引介演变为国内真伪之争,电子文件真实性讨论由替换传统档案原始性到对接电子证据真实性;在真实性保障方面,档案真伪鉴辨由经验鉴定法发展至多元鉴定方法与技术,口述档案真实性保障由整体性探索走向精细化分析,电子文件真实性保障从探索到发展再到创新性突破。进而提出以下研究展望:构建档案学语境下的真实性概念体系;拓展新型档案管理对象真实性保障研究;重视档案真实性保障过程中的伦理问题。  相似文献   

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