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We are teacher educators trying to recalibrate to the world of Trump. As we search to find our new bearings, we recognize that the markers of meaning that we relied on (such as civility and truth) have been washed away, and we must now redefine how to create meaning in our work, and hope in our worlds. In this article, we combine examples of student interactions from our classes with inner dialogue to chronicle our search for hope. Working in the context of the US South, we highlight how drawing from critical theory allowed us to reach for moments of hope in dark times.  相似文献   

Two studies examined whether hope partially mediates the relationship between socioeconomic status (SES) and academic achievement. Guided by recent theoretical formulations about social class and the social cognitive process, in Study 1 a mediational pathway from SES to academic achievement via hope was documented in a diverse sample of adolescents. The mediational pathway was replicated in Study 2 in a minority sample of high school students. In both studies, hope was found to partially mediate the relationship between SES and grade point average. In addition, the unique contribution of hope to academic achievement replicated across the 2 studies, indicating that the additional stressors and challenges associated with being a minority did not affect the mediation. These results have implications for achievement gap interventions.  相似文献   


Reflecting through the prisms of past, present (“the shape of things that are and were”) and future (“the shape of things to come”), this paper discusses three challenges for sociology of education: the rise of populism and declining faith in ‘experts’; inequities within and re/produced by the sociology of education; and how to enact a sociology of education that can ‘make a difference’ to social inequalities. The paper puts forward some ideas in support of a current and future practice of the discipline that is pluralistic and orientated towards social justice. Arguments are made for the value of public-orientated dialogue that is conducted in a range of registers and the importance of acknowledging and engaging with the ‘debt’ (Ladson-Billings) that is owed to minoritized communities and minoritized researchers. Finally, a case is made for a sociology of education based on the principle of service as enacted through praxis partnerships.  相似文献   

Hope—a multidimensional positive motivational state—is particularly salient with adolescents in the school setting. Cognitive hope focuses on goal attainment cognitions whereas behavioral hope focuses on actions required for goal attainment. Studies rarely examine the contribution of each type of hope to adolescents’ academic functioning and well-being. The present study examines the contributions of cognitive and behavioral hope to academic functioning (i.e., achievement and school engagement) and well-being (i.e., stress and anxiousness) across adolescence among 5th- through 12th-grade students (n = 643). When modeled concurrently, cognitive hope significantly predicted achievement, school engagement, anxiousness, and stress (high school only); however, aspects of behavioral hope only predicted school engagement. Findings provide evidence regarding the unique contribution of both types of hope in school settings and possible areas for intervention to foster hope in developmentally appropriate ways, depending on the age of the students and outcomes of interest.  相似文献   

The ability to shift reading position has long been recognised as a means for politically minded readers – particularly those motivated by Marxist, feminist and/or race-related agendas – to read against the grain and uncover the implicit ideologies in the text. Little research has been conducted on how inexperienced and thus less sophisticated readers learn to make strategic decisions about how they will respond to the reading position offered by the text. Reading against the grain is a highly sophisticated reading practice which cannot be mastered successfully before the reader is able to simultaneously recognise the communicative practices of the author and reject the proffered viewpoint. This paper begins by examining how the novel Push by Sapphire (1996) encourages readers to try out more than one reading position, and in doing so enables her readers to gain the prerequisite skills for future political readings.  相似文献   

Although many young people think climate change is an important societal issue, studies indicate that pessimism is quite common. Finding ways to instill hope could therefore be seen as vital. However, is hope positively related to engagement or is it only a sign of illusory optimism? The aim of the study was to explore if hope concerning climate change has a significant relation to pro-environmental behavior as well as an impact on behavior when controlling for already well-known predictors such as values, social influence, knowledge, and gender. Two questionnaire studies were performed, one with a group of Swedish teenagers (n?=?723) and one with a group of Swedish young adults (n?=?381). ‘Constructive’ hope had a unique positive influence on pro-environmental behavior. Hope based on denial, however, was negatively correlated with pro-environmental behavior in the two samples and was a significant negative predictor in the teenage group. The conclusion is that hope is not only a pleasant feeling but could also work as a motivational force, if one controls for denial. Implications for education concerning sustainable development are discussed.  相似文献   

《法社会学原理》奠定了社会法学这门学科的基本地位。该书阐释了社会法学的基本原则:法发展的重心在于社会本身,而不是立法、法学或司法判决。该书极大地推进了法学界对法学研究对象和研究方法的认识。  相似文献   


Some resilient students with LD succeed ‘against the odds’ and reach college. The goals of the study are to explore their resources and barriers during their studies. The relationships between academic self-efficacy (ASE) and personal resources (sense of coherence (SOC) and hope) among college students with learning disabilities (LD) will be examined. The sample consisted of 438 college students divided into two subgroups: 149 students with LD and 289 Non-LD students. Results indicated that college students with LD reported lower levels of ASE, as well as lower levels of hope subscales and SOC. Persistent challenges of early learning distress experienced by those students during school periods continue to be prevalent during their college years. The ASE was predicted by the personal resources, and the risk factor (tiredness lost its significance). The importance of personal resources (SOC and hope subscales) was further emphasised by the mediation model (PROCESS). They mediated the relationships between LD and ASE. These outcomes call for empowering interventional programmes in order to promote hopeful thinking and personal coherence.  相似文献   

自从中国第一只开放式基金发行以来,开放式基金的发展一直受到赎回的严重制约。对影响开放式基金赎回行为的因素进行了全面深入的分析,为基金管理人控制赎回规模、减少流动性风险提供了切实可行的对策建议。  相似文献   

<红字>代表了霍桑创作的最高成就,作品中凝浓重的霍桑式的宗教死亡意识,作品中的三个主要人物都是经由犯罪、通过死亡而最终获得心灵的救赎.本文通过对三个主要人物命运的分析来探讨<红字>的死亡与救赎主题.  相似文献   

鲁迅的《狂人日记》以短短六千余字揭露了几千年旧社会的黑暗和罪恶,吃人就是他的总罪状,而结束语中救救孩子的呼喊也成为众多学者研究的对象。本文着重分析了救救孩子这一呼喊其实表现了鲁迅深深的绝望,由此反映出鲁迅终其一生都在反抗绝望的战斗精神。  相似文献   

通过文献资料、归纳演绎、逻辑分析等方法,对中国体育社会学研究的现状与存在的问题进行了深入研究,并就未来如何发展提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

大学生归因风格在希望与学习适应性间的调节作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对来自本省三所大学390名大学生的问卷调查,探讨希望对学习适应性的影响以及归因风格在其中的调节作用.结果显示:希望,乐观归因风格、总体乐观在学习适应性上的标准回归系数为正且显著,悲观归因风格的回归系数为负且显著;随着总体乐观水平的提高,希望对学习适应性的影响逐渐增强.结论:归因风格显著调节希望对学习适应性的影响.  相似文献   

对照教师专业化的五个标准,可以发现当前我国的教师专业化陷入了目的困境、知识困境、权力困境、制度困境和伦理困境五大困境。但存在困境并不等于否定教师专业化的必要性和合理性,从困境中我们也看到了教师专业化的希望。  相似文献   

文艺复兴时期欧洲文学的杰出代表莎士比亚,深受希伯来经典著作———《圣经》的影响。他的早期剧作《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的情节结构与《圣经》的U形结构颇为相似,其主人公在此结构的构建过程中起到了救赎作用,饰演了小型基督的角色。  相似文献   

杜威是自觉认识到教学社会性的第一人,他指出传统教育脱离生活、脱离社会的弊端,并致力于将教学活动看作人的完整活动来研究.杜威的教学社会性思想对当前我国教育实践具有借鉴意义,有助于真正地将教学活动转变成现实人的活生生的活动.  相似文献   

朱湘是中国现代文学史上一位纯粹的诗人,毕生致力于新诗的创作和革新,以期通过诗歌救赎人生,却以失败告终.以<夏天>、<草莽集>、<石门集>为路标,可以返回历史现场,探寻朱湘新诗创作的精神之旅.  相似文献   

在美学史上,马尔库塞最鲜明地提出新感性的本体价值;强调作为感性核心因素的想象的超越功能;赋予艺术塑造新感性、构想生存能力和变革潜能的特性;针对西方工业社会唯理论对人的生存自由的压抑,呼吁以新感性救赎世俗,倡导非压抑性生存方式。马尔库塞有关生命本然及审美存在之思,对于人的审美的感性解放以重要启迪。  相似文献   

本文通过对马克思东方理论的分析 ,系统阐述了邓小平建设有中国特色的社会主义理论的基础和现实意义 ,澄清了各种错误认识 ,加深了对马克思主义经典理论的认识和理解  相似文献   

从社会学角度看,"高考移民"现象并不只是单纯的教育问题,而是集合了观念、利益及价值冲突于一身的社会问题。运用社会学冲突理论对"高考移民"现象成因进行深度追问与分析,可以认清各级政府、地方考生群体、"高考移民"群体之间存在的观念、利益、价值冲突,并通过转变观念、均衡利益、明确价值来缓解和降低冲突,达到防治"高考移民"问题的目的。  相似文献   

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