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Previous research has demonstrated a positive association between child maltreatment and adult interpersonal trauma (Arata, 2000, Crawford and Wright, 2007). From a betrayal trauma theory perspective, evidence suggests that the experience of trauma high in betrayal (e.g., child maltreatment by parents or guardians) increases ones risk of betrayal trauma as an adult (Gobin & Freyd, 2009). However, the mechanisms explaining these associations are not well understood; attachment theory could provide further insight. Child maltreatment is associated with insecure attachment (Baer and Martinez, 2006, Muller et al., 2000). Insecure attachment is also associated with deficits in interpersonal functioning and risk for intimate partner violence, suggesting insecure attachment may mediate the relationship between child maltreatment and the experience of betrayal trauma as an adult. The current study tested this hypothesis in a sample of 601 college students. Participants completed online questionnaires including the Child Abuse and Trauma Scale (CATS), the Experiences in Close Relationships – Revised (ECR-R) and the Brief Betrayal Trauma Survey (BBTS). Results indicated that child maltreatment is associated with adult betrayal trauma and anxious attachment partially mediates this relationship.  相似文献   

汪精卫离开重庆之前,蒋介石对其与日本的勾结是有所察觉的,但并未引起足够的重视.汪叛逃至河内的最初一段时间里,蒋为争取汪"回头"是尽了力的,希望汪能够断绝与日本的联系,暂时出游欧洲.尽管汪精卫在局势不明朗之时也曾有游历欧洲的"一闪之念",但强烈的领袖欲与长期的压抑感,以及对抗战前途的错误估计和对日本帝国主义不切实际的幻想,驱使他继续与日本进一步勾结.在劝阻无效的情况下,蒋采取断然措施,却误中副车.尽管此后蒋又做了种种努力,但都于事无补.  相似文献   

张殿兴 《历史教学》2007,2(12):50-54
汪精卫离开重庆之前,蒋介石对其与日本的勾结是有所察觉的,但并未引起足够的重视.汪叛逃至河内的最初一段时间里,蒋为争取汪"回头"是尽了力的,希望汪能够断绝与日本的联系,暂时出游欧洲.尽管汪精卫在局势不明朗之时也曾有游历欧洲的"一闪之念",但强烈的领袖欲与长期的压抑感,以及对抗战前途的错误估计和对日本帝国主义不切实际的幻想,驱使他继续与日本进一步勾结.在劝阻无效的情况下,蒋采取断然措施,却误中副车.尽管此后蒋又做了种种努力,但都于事无补.  相似文献   

本文通过分析《生命中不能承受之轻》其中一位女主人公萨宾娜的成长、爱情和生活经历,探讨作为个体的人在民族历史、社会生活中无奈和被动的境况。  相似文献   

大英博物馆是世界上最大的博物馆。置身馆内,你会觉得自己比平时小了许多。介绍公告里说,这里约有上百种不同的东西可以观赏:报时600年之久的古钟,罗  相似文献   

曼诚 《英语沙龙》2007,(4):11-11
大英博物馆源于医生、博物学家和收藏家汉斯·斯洛恩爵士的遗嘱。他不希望他收集的约7.1万件物品、一个图书馆和植物标本馆在他死后散落消失,于是便在遗嘱中将这一切赠给国王乔治二世作为国家财产;作为回报,国家付两万英镑给他的继承人。如果他的这一请求被拒绝,那么这些收藏将被赠送给海外学术机构。一个庞大而有影响的托管团受命监督他的遗产的处置。国王对此毫无兴趣,但是议会被说服接收了这一赠礼;一项有关成立大英博物馆的议会法案在1753年6月7日获得皇家许可。这一法案规定,推出一个公共彩票以筹集资金用于购买这些赠物并建立一个博物馆。[第一段]  相似文献   

儿童的发现:卢梭的儿童观述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
儿童期是人类个体生命周期中的起始阶段,是不依赖于是否被人发现各观存在的事实。儿童概念的发现、儿童天性的发现、儿童潜能的发现不仅为卢梭的儿童观奠定了历史地位,对今天的现代教育也有着深远的影响。  相似文献   

在英国社会中,与陌生人打交道的行为规则是必须避免盯着人家看,但与此同时又要避免视而不见。在街上遇到陌生人你可以看着渐渐走近的陌生人直到他们离你约有8英尺(约合2.5米)远。在他们经过你时,你要将目光转离他们。通常陌生人之间有一段距离,互相看看不会产生什么不安之感。而彼此之间的距离越近越应避免目光接触。这一点我们在一个拥挤的电梯内可以一目了然。乘电梯的陌生人或是瞟来瞟去或是凝视天花板的细微  相似文献   

英国共识政治述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在战后英国政治发展中 ,英国两大政党保守党和工党形成过两次共识 ,即社会民主主义共识和新自由主义共识。两党共识政治的主要特征是政策的共性与差异性并存 ,其中 ,差异不是根本性的 ,共性是共识政治的主要方面。两党共识的根源在于对某一共同的政治框架的接受 ,两党差异的根源在于政党性质、传统的不同及出于对执政未来的考虑。  相似文献   

British universities differ considerably in the strength of their research orientation. Those of higher prestige tend to have a stronger orientation towards research, while those of lower prestige have a weaker research orientation, A university that is strongly research oriented in one group of subjects is likely to be so in the others it teaches too. It is the conventional wisdom that a good researcher is likely to be a good teacher at undergraduate level, and the negative relationship between the degree of research orientation and undergraduate wastage rates provides some slight support for this. The relationship between research and teaching seems to be more an indirect one (that anyone with the ability to do good research is likely to have the ability to teach well at university level) than a direct one (research makes a university teacher a better teacher).  相似文献   

英国文学中,诗人笔下的月亮,既美丽圣洁,也嫉妒病态;既四处漫游,也反复无常。它既净化人的身心,有时也预示着不祥。不同姿态的月亮,是自然岁月的变化,是诗人不同情感的反射。月亮承载了丰富的英国文化。  相似文献   

《英国病人》中四位主人公的故事貌似各不相干,则反映了一个共同的主题——超越的美好与艰难。  相似文献   

A clear link exists between neurological dysfunction and psychopathology in children, as evidenced by research on the sequelae of developmental childhood brain impairment, the neuropsychological investigation of children with psychiatric disorders, and neuroimaging research. Understanding the neuropsychological basis of a disorder helps teachers, parents, and children better understand the etiology of the disorder and guide classroom interventions. Additionally, identifying morphological markers of childhood mental disorders may lead to earlier and more successful interventions. This article reviews the neuropsychological relationships between brain impairment and childhood mental disorders as well as investigates the biological basis for some common childhood disorders seen in the schools. Emphasis is placed upon the underlying neurological and neuropsychological deficits that constitute disorders, and implications for practitioners are discussed. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 43: 503–512, 2006.  相似文献   

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