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We examined the preferred mode of arm coordination in 14 elite male front-crawl swimmers. Each swimmer performed eight successive swim trials in which target velocity increased from the swimmer's usual 3000-m velocity to his maximal velocity. Actual swim velocity, stroke rate, stroke length and the different arm stroke phases were then calculated from video analysis. Arm coordination was quantified by an index of coordination based on the lag time between the propulsive phases of each arm. The index expressed the three coordination modes in the front crawl: opposition, catch-up and superposition. First, in line with the dynamic approach to movement coordination, the index of coordination could be considered as an order parameter that qualitatively captured arm coordination. Second, two coordination modes were observed: a catch-up pattern (index of coordination?=??8.43%) consisting of a lag time between the propulsive phases of each arm, and a relative opposition pattern (index of coordination?=?0.89%) in which the propulsive phase of one arm ended when the propulsive phase of the other arm began. An abrupt change in the coordination pattern occurred at the critical velocity of 1.8?m?·?s?1, which corresponded to the 100-m pace: the swimmers switched from catch-up to relative opposition. This change in coordination resulted in a reorganization of the arm phases: the duration of the entry and catch phase decreased, while the duration of the pull and push phases increased in relation to the whole stroke. Third, these changes were coupled to increased stroke rate and decreased stroke length, indicating that stroke rate, stroke length, the stroke rate/stroke length ratio, as well as velocity, could be considered as control parameters. The control parameters can be manipulated to facilitate the emergence of specific coordination modes, which is highly relevant to training and learning. By adjusting the control and order parameters within the context of a specific race distance, both coach and swimmer will be able to detect the best adapted pattern for a given race pace and follow how arm coordination changes over the course of training.  相似文献   

Tethered swimming is a method often used to measure or enhance the physical and technical resources of swimmers. Although it is highlighted that the technique used in tethered swimming is probably different from that used in free conditions, there are few comparative studies on this subject. The current study aims to compare fully tethered and free swimming based on kinematic hand parameters (orientation, velocity and acceleration of the hand, sweepback and angle of attack), which are known to act directly on the generation of propulsive forces. The results show that there are significant differences during the stretch and catch phases but less during the insweep and upsweep phases. Tethered swimming makes it possible to estimate the propelling forces generated by the hand in free swimming at distance and middle-distance paces, but overestimates it at sprint pace. However, in view of the modifications of the kinematic parameters, it should not be used under repeated conditions of use, such as for the development of swimmers’ capacity.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to examine the influence of leg kick on the pattern, the orientation and the propulsive forces produced by the hand, the efficiency of the arm stroke, the trunk inclination, the inter-arm coordination and the intra-cyclic horizontal velocity variation of the hip in sprint front crawl swimming. Nine female swimmers swam two maximal trials of 25 m front crawl, with and without leg kick. Four camcorders were used to record the underwater movements. Using the legs, the mean swimming velocity increased significantly. On the contrary, the velocity and the orientation of the hand, the magnitude and the direction of the propulsive forces, as well as the Froude efficiency of the arm stroke were not modified. The hip intra-cyclic horizontal velocity variation was also not changed, while the index of coordination decreased significantly. A significant decrease (13%) was also observed in the inclination of the trunk. Thus, the positive effect of leg kick on the swimming speed, besides the obvious direct generation of propulsive forces from the legs, could probably be attributed to the reduction of the body’s inclination, while the generation of the propulsive forces and the efficiency of the arm stroke seem not to be significantly affected.  相似文献   

Many coaches often instruct swimmers to keep the elbow in a high position (high elbow position) during early phase of the underwater stroke motion (pull phase) in front crawl, however, the high elbow position has never been quantitatively evaluated. The aims of this study were (1) to quantitatively evaluate the “high elbow” position, (2) to clarify the relationship between the high elbow position and required upper limb configuration and (3) to examine the efficacy of high elbow position on the resultant swimming velocity. Sixteen highly skilled and 6 novice male swimmers performed 25 m front crawl with maximal effort and their 3-dimensional arm stroke motion was captured at 60 Hz. An attempt was made to develop a new index to evaluate the high elbow position (Ihe: high elbow index) using 3-dimensional coordinates of the shoulder, elbow and wrist joints. Ihe of skilled swimmers moderately correlated with the average shoulder internal rotation angle (r = ?0.652, < 0.01) and swimming velocity (r = ?0.683, P < 0.01) during the pull phase. These results indicate that Ihe is a useful index for evaluating high elbow arm stroke technique during the pull phase in front crawl.  相似文献   

Active drag force in swimming can be calculated from a function of five different variables: swim velocity, tow velocity, belt force, power output and exponent of velocity. The accuracy of the drag force value is dependent on the accuracy of each variable, and on the contribution of each variable to drag estimation. To calculate uncertainty in drag value, first the derivatives of the active drag equation with respect to each variable were obtained. Second, these were multiplied by the uncertainty of that variable. Twelve national age and open level swimmers were recruited to complete four free swimming and five active drag trials. The uncertainties for the free and the tow swim velocities, and for the belt force, contributed approximately 5–6% and 2–3% error, respectively, in calculation of drag. The result of the uncertainty of the velocity exponent (1.8–2.6) indicated a contribution of about 6% error in active drag. The contribution of unequal power output showed that if a power changed 7.5% between conditions, it would lead to about 30% error in calculated drag. Consequently, if a swimmer did not maintain constant power output between conditions, there would be substantial errors in the calculation of active drag.  相似文献   

Breast displacement has been investigated in various activities to inform bra design, with the goal of minimising movement; however, breast motion during swimming has yet to be considered. The aim was to investigate trunk and breast kinematics whilst wearing varying levels of breast support during two swimming strokes. Six larger-breasted females swam front crawl and breaststroke (in a swimming flume), in three breast support conditions while three video cameras recorded the motion of the trunk and right breast. Trunk and relative breast kinematics were calculated. Greater breast displacement occurred mediolaterally in the swimsuit condition (7.8, s = 1.5 cm) during front crawl and superioinferiorly in the bare-breasted condition (3.7, s = 1.6 cm) during breaststroke, with the sports bra significantly reducing breast displacements. During front crawl, the greatest trunk roll occurred in the sports bra condition (43.1, s = 8.3°) and during breaststroke greater trunk extension occurred in the swimsuit condition (55.4, s = 5.0°); however, no differences were found in trunk kinematics between the three breast support conditions. Results suggest that the swimsuit was ineffective as a means of additional support for larger-breasted women during swimming; incorporating design features of sports bras into swimsuits may improve the breast support provided.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the influence of level of skill and swimming speed on inter-limb coordination of freestyle swimming movements. Five elite (2 males, 3 females; age 18.9?±?1.0 years, height 1.71?±?0.04?m, body mass 62.1?±?7.0?kg) and seven novice (age 22.0?±?2.0 years, height 1.77?±?0.04?m, body mass 74.8?±?9.0?kg) swimmers swam a sprint and a self-paced 25?m freestyle trial. The swimming trials were recorded by four digital cameras operating at 50 Hz. The digitized frames underwent a three-dimensional direct linear transformation to yield the three-dimensional endpoint kinematic trajectories. The spatio-temporal relationship between the upper limbs was quantified by means of the peak amplitude and time lag of the cross-correlation function between the right and left arm's endpoint trajectories. A strong anti-phase coupling between the two arms, as confirmed by peak amplitudes greater than 0.8, was noted for both groups and swimming speeds. Significantly higher (P <?0.05) peak amplitudes were observed for the sprint compared with self-paced swimming. No significant differences in the strength of inter-limb coupling were noted between the elite and novice swimmers (P >?0.05). Time lags were very close to 0?ms and did not differ between groups or swimming speeds. We conclude that in freestyle swimming, the intrinsic anti-phase (180° phase difference) inter-limb relationship is strongly preserved despite the physically powerful environmental influence of the water and this “preferred” pattern is not affected by level of skill. In contrast, increasing movement speed results in stronger inter-limb coupling that is closer to the anti-phase inter-limb relationship.  相似文献   

We examined the preferred mode of arm coordination in 14 elite male front-crawl swimmers. Each swimmer performed eight successive swim trials in which target velocity increased from the swimmer's usual 3000-m velocity to his maximal velocity. Actual swim velocity, stroke rate, stroke length and the different arm stroke phases were then calculated from video analysis. Arm coordination was quantified by an index of coordination based on the lag time between the propulsive phases of each arm. The index expressed the three coordination modes in the front crawl: opposition, catch-up and superposition. First, in line with the dynamic approach to movement coordination, the index of coordination could be considered as an order parameter that qualitatively captured arm coordination. Second, two coordination modes were observed: a catch-up pattern (index of coordination= -8.43%) consisting of a lag time between the propulsive phases of each arm, and a relative opposition pattern (index of coordination= 0.89%) in which the propulsive phase of one arm ended when the propulsive phase of the other arm began. An abrupt change in the coordination pattern occurred at the critical velocity of 1.8 m. s(-1), which corresponded to the 100-m pace: the swimmers switched from catch-up to relative opposition. This change in coordination resulted in a reorganization of the arm phases: the duration of the entry and catch phase decreased, while the duration of the pull and push phases increased in relation to the whole stroke. Third, these changes were coupled to increased stroke rate and decreased stroke length, indicating that stroke rate, stroke length, the stroke rate/stroke length ratio, as well as velocity, could be considered as control parameters. The control parameters can be manipulated to facilitate the emergence of specific coordination modes, which is highly relevant to training and learning. By adjusting the control and order parameters within the context of a specific race distance, both coach and swimmer will be able to detect the best adapted pattern for a given race pace and follow how arm coordination changes over the course of training.  相似文献   

现代蛙泳技术提高游进速度的途径,一是增加推进力,二是减少前进阻力,三是两者有机结合;腿部技术出现了三种减少收腿阻力的技术;划臂技术主要是加大推进力和减少阻力的技术;而配合游过程中则特别要注意滑行技术。  相似文献   

In order to measure active drag during front crawl swimming a system has been designed, built and tested. A tube (23 m long) with grips is fixed under the water surface and the swimmer crawls on this. At one end of the tube, a force transducer is attached to the wall of the swimming pool. It measures the momentary effective propulsive forces of the hands. During the measurements the subjects’ legs are fixed together and supported by a buoy. After filtering and digitizing the electrical force signal, the mean propulsive force over one lane at constant speeds (ranging from about 1 to 2 m s‐1) was calculated. The regression equation of the force on the speed turned out to be almost quadratic. At a mean speed of 1.55 m s‐1 the mean force was 66.3 N. The accuracy of this force measured on one subject at different days was 4.1 N. The observed force, which is equal to the mean drag force, fits remarkably well with passive drag force values as well as with values calculated for propulsive forces during actual swimming reported in the literature. The use of the system does not interfere to any large extent with normal front crawl swimming; this conclusion is based on results of observations of film by skilled swim coaches. It was concluded that the system provides a good method of studying active drag and its relation to anthropometric variables and swimming technique.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to assess technical changes during constrained swimming in time-to-exhaustion tests. Ten swimmers of national standard performed a maximal 400-m front crawl and two sets of exhaustion tests at 95%, 100%, and 110% of mean 400-m speed. In the first set (free), swimmers had to maintain their speeds until exhaustion and mean stroke rate was recorded for each test. In the second set (controlled), the same speed and individual corresponding stroke rate were imposed. The durations of the exhaustion tests, relative durations of the stroke phases, and arm coordination were analysed. For each speed in the “controlled” set, the exhaustion tests were shorter. Moreover, variables were consistent, suggesting a stabilization of stroke technique. Under the free condition, stroke rate increased to compensate for the decrease in stroke length. At the same time, swimmers reduced the relative duration of their non-propulsive phases in favour of the propulsive phases. Thus, swimmers changed their arm coordination, which came close to an opposition mode. These two constraints enable swimmers both to maintain their stroking characteristics and develop compensatory mechanisms to maintain speed. Moreover, stroke rate can be seen as a useful tool for controlling arm technique during paced exercise.  相似文献   

通过水槽的水下摄像系统,对3名上海优秀运动员和4名一线运动员进行水下打腿动作测试录像,利用图像解析软件对技术录像进行分析,结果发现:优秀组队员的水下潜泳腿连贯性优于一线组队员;个性化的专项技术训练、能力训练、核心力量训练等有利于打腿能力的提高,为运动成绩的提高起到促进作用。  相似文献   


This study used both an instantaneous net drag force profile and a symmetry timing to evaluate the effect of the breathing action on stroke coordination. Twenty elite swimmers completed a total of six randomised front-crawl towing trials: (i) three breathing trials and (ii) three non-breathing trials. The net drag force was measured using an assisted towing device mounted upon a Kistler force platform, and this equipment towed the swimmer at a constant speed. The net drag force profile was used to create a stroke symmetry index for each swimming trial. Analysis using the symmetry indices identified that the majority of participants demonstrated an asymmetrical instantaneous net drag force stroke profile in both the breathing and non-breathing conditions, despite no significant differences in the time from finger-tip entry to finger-tip exit. Within the breathing condition, the faster swimmers compared to the slower swimmers demonstrated a lesser percentage of overlap between stroke phases on their breathing stroke side. During the non-breathing condition, the faster participants compared to the slower swimmers recorded a reduction in the percentage of overlap between stroke phases and less duration in the underwater stroke on their breathing stroke side. This study identified that the majority of participants demonstrated an asymmetrical net drag force profile within both conditions; however, asymmetry was less prevalent when examining with only the timing symmetry index.  相似文献   

This study aimed to analyse the kinematic, kinetic and electromyographic characteristics of four front crawl flip turn technique variants. The variants distinguished from each other by differences in body position (i.e. dorsal, lateral, ventral) during rolling, wall support, pushing and gliding phases. Seventeen highly trained swimmers (17.9 ± 3.2 years old) participated in interventional sessions and performed three trials of each variant, being monitored with a 3-D video system, a force platform and an electromyography (EMG) system. Studied variables: rolling time and distance, wall support time, push-off time, peak force and horizontal impulse at wall support and push-off, centre of mass horizontal velocity at the end of the push-off, gliding time, centre of mass depth, distance, average and final velocity during gliding, total turn time and electrical activity of Gastrocnemius Medialis, Tibialis Anterior, Biceps Femoris and Vastus Lateralis muscles. Depending on the variant, total turn time ranged from 2.37 ± 0.32 to 2.43 ± 0.33 s, push-off force from 1.86 ± 0.33 to 1.92 ± 0.26 BW and centre of mass velocity during gliding from 1.78 ± 0.21 to 1.94 ± 0.22 m · s?1. The variants were not distinguishable in terms of kinematical, kinetic and EMG parameters during the rolling, wall support, pushing and gliding phases.  相似文献   

To evaluate the propulsive forces in front crawl arm swimming, derived from a three-dimensional kinematic analysis, these values were compared with mean drag forces. The propulsive forces during front crawl swimming using the arms only were calculated using three-dimensional kinematic analysis combined with lift and drag coefficients obtained in fluid laboratories. Since, for any constant swimming speed, the mean propulsive force should be equal to the mean drag force acting on the body of the swimmer, mean values of the calculated propulsive forces were compared with the mean drag forces obtained from measurements on a Measuring Active Drag (MAD) system. The two methods yielded comparable results, the mean difference between them being only 5% (2 N). We conclude that propulsive forces obtained from three-dimensional kinematic analysis provide realistic values. The calculation of the propulsive force appears to be rather sensitive to the point on the hand at which the velocity is estimated and less sensitive to the orientation of the hand.  相似文献   

析110米栏跑过栏时的摆臂及腿臂动作配合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文指出了我国高栏水平较五、六十年代相比的落后原因,并以此为依据,在分析了跨栏步基本技术后,提出了摆臂在跨栏时的重要作用,进而阐述了腿臂动作合理配合的最佳技术特点。  相似文献   

应用阻力与速度的平方成正比定律[1][2],审视在竞赛速度条件下游泳体位与打腿配合技术。认为身体水中姿态与打腿技术的合理性与否在于通过技术动作所产生的推进阻力纯值的大小来给予评价。以此为依据,提出在竞赛条件下,游泳体位姿态与打腿配合技术相关的两种新技术观点:对水中人体姿态流线型的新诠释;快频率、小幅度打腿技术在竞赛速度条件下对水中游泳体位的影响。  相似文献   

The undulatory underwater sequence is one of the most important phases in competitive swimming. An understanding of the recurrent vortex dynamics around the human body and their generation could therefore be used to improve swimming techniques. In order to produce a dynamic model, we applied human joint kinematics to three-dimensional (3D) body scans of a female swimmer. The flow around this dynamic model was then calculated using computational fluid dynamics with the aid of moving 3D meshes. Evaluation of the numerical results delivered by the various motion cycles identified characteristic vortex structures for each of the cycles, which exhibited increasing intensity and drag influence. At maximum thrust, drag forces appear to be 12 times higher than those of a passive gliding swimmer. As far as we know, this is the first disclosure of vortex rings merging into vortex tubes in the wake after vortex recapturing. All unsteady structures were visualized using a modified Q-criterion also incorporated into our methods. At the very least, our approach is likely to be suited to further studies examining swimmers engaging in undulatory swimming during training or competition.  相似文献   


Kinematic analysis of swimming is of interest to improve swimming performances. Although the video recordings of underwater swimmers are commonly used, the available methodologies are rarely precise enough to adequately estimate the three dimensional (3D) joint kinematics. This is mainly due to difficulties in obtaining the required kinematic parameters (anatomical landmarks, joint centres and reference frames) in the swimming environment. In this paper we propose a procedure to investigate the right upper limb’s 3D kinematics during front crawl swimming in terms of all elbow and shoulder degrees of freedom (three rotations of the shoulder, two of the elbow). The method is based upon the Calibrated Anatomical Systems Technique (CAST), a technique widely used in clinics, which allows estimation of anatomical landmarks of interest even when they are not directly visible. An automatic tracking technique was adopted. The intra-operator repeatability of the manual tracking was also assessed. The root mean squared difference of three anatomical landmarks, processed five times, is always lower than 8 mm. The mean of the root mean squared difference between trajectories obtained with the different methodologies was found to be lower than 20 mm. Results showed that complete 3D kinematics of at least twice as many frames than without CAST can be reconstructed faster and more precisely.  相似文献   


In freestyle swimming the arm action is routinely quantified by stroke count and rate, yet no method is currently available for quantifying kick. In this study, we assessed the validity and reliability of inertial sensor technology (gyroscope) to assess kick count and rate. Twelve Paralympic swimmers completed a 100-m freestyle-swimming time-trial and freestyle kicking-only time-trial three times each in a season. An algorithm was developed to detect the up and down beat of individual kicks from the gyroscope trace. For comparative purposes, underwater video analysis provided the criterion measure. The standard error of the estimate (validity) for kick count, expressed as a coefficient of variation, was 5.9% (90% confidence interval 5.5 to 6.4) for swimming, and 0.6% (0.5 to 0.6) for kicking-only trials. The mean bias for kick count was ?1.7% (?2.4 to ?1.1) for swimming, and ?0.1% (?0.2 to ?0.1) for kicking-only trials. Correlations between the sensor and video for kick count were 0.96 (0.95 to 0.97) for swimming, and 1.00 (1.00 to 1.00) for kicking-only trials. The typical error of the measurement (reliability) between trials was approximately 4% for kick count and rate. The inertial sensors and associated software used generated sufficient validity and reliability estimates to quantify moderate to large changes in kick count and rate in freestyle swimming.  相似文献   

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