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特殊教育师资的有效培养是促进我国特殊教育事业发展的先决条件和重要途径。在“大特殊教育”理念的指导下,全纳教育的发展趋势带给特殊教育的师资培养和发展新的要求和挑战。在全面理解全纳教育内涵的基础上,寻找我国特殊教育师资培养的问题及出路,并提出教育理念的接纳与转变、教师队伍的专业化、开放的培养体系及资源整合等建议,为我国在全纳教育背景下特殊教育师培养和发展途径提供理论参考。  相似文献   

21世纪以来,芬兰在PISA测试中表现卓越。究其重要原因,芬兰高质量且均衡化的教育背后离不开体系完备、运行良好的针对特殊需要学生的支持模式。在经历了完全隔离式支持模式、半隔离式支持模式和双层支持模式之后,芬兰建立起涵盖一般支持、密集支持和特殊支持的三层支持模式,以尽早发现学生的学习困难,确保所有学生均可以在最佳的环境和适当的支持下受益。此外,这一支持模式还配套了完善的政策法规体系、健全的经费保障机制以及高素质专业化的教师队伍,呈现出平等融合、尽早干预、动态灵活、多元参与以及高度自治等特点。  相似文献   

Educators all over the world are trying to revise and/or build their teacher education programmes to ensure pre-service teachers working on their teaching credentials are competent and ready to manage classrooms from day one. This study surveyed 179 faculty from 30 colleges and universities in Saudi Arabia to find out the extent to which they agreed that their coursework included various skills and knowledge sets leading to competent teachers. Teacher education programmes offering special education teacher preparation programmes at undergraduate level strive to base their curriculum on standards recommended by Council for Exceptional Children. The results showed a moderately strong agreement on most items under the various competency areas. Academic ranks of faculty did not have any significant effect on the extent of agreement. However, faculty from newer programmes, and those with degrees obtained in Saudi Arabia showed a better agreement. This article discusses findings, implications for the special education teacher preparation programmes in Saudi universities, and recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

培养研究型教师——芬兰以研究为基础的教师教育探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自2000年以来,芬兰学生连续四次在国际学生评估项目(PISA)中名列前茅,令世界瞩目。虽然芬兰学生出类拔萃的表现是诸多因素共同作用的结果,但以高品质的教师教育培养高素质的教师是促使其教育成功的关键。本文从芬兰以研究为基础教师教育实施的动因、涵义、理论模型及实施过程等层面,探讨了成就芬兰学生杰出表现背后的教师教育,对我国未来的教师教育的变革具有一定的启示与借鉴意义。  相似文献   

为探讨特殊教育教师工作资源和工作投入的现状以及工作资源对其工作投入的预测作用,以326名特教教师为被试,采用工作资源量表、Utrecht工作投入量表对其进行问卷调查.研究结果显示:特教教师工作投入的总体状况良好,三个维度中奉献得分最高,专注次之,活力最低;工作投入的水平在教龄上存在显著差异,教龄在7至25年的特教教师的工作投入水平显著高于1至3年和4至6年教龄的特教教师;工作投入在所教班级类型上存在显著差异,教育智力落后学生的特教教师比教育盲生的特教教师工作投入水平高,教育各种障碍类型学生混合班的特教教师比教育盲、聋生的特教教师的工作投入水平高;工作控制感和工作独立性对活力和专注具有显著的影响作用,工作控制感对奉献具有显著的影响.  相似文献   

"全纳教育"呼唤中国完善特殊教育政策和教育立法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
"全纳教育"是有影响的国际共识之一。意大利、美国、英国等发达国家是世界上较早实施全纳教育政策的国家,拥有成熟和完善的"全纳教育"体系。将这些国家的"全纳教育政策"与中国的特殊教育政策进行对比,可以找出中国特殊教育政策的不足。国际与国内的教育发展形势需要中国在"全纳教育"基本理念的指导下完善特殊教育政策和特殊教育立法。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a survey of views of inclusive education expressed by nearly 300 Malaysian primary school teachers involved in remedial literacy and numeracy education under the country's Literacy and Numeracy Strategy. Overall, the views expressed were positive towards the principle of inclusion. However, despite common professional development on special educational needs, these teachers lacked a common consensus about the benefits of inclusion; they expressed concern about the lack of teacher skills in this area; and they articulated a negative view of children with disabilities and their families. The paper concludes that further professional development is required to address these shortcomings, and that, given the lack of sufficient teacher educators in this area, it seems likely that the government's aim of implementing inclusive education remains a distant goal.  相似文献   

This research sought to develop an understanding of teachers’ attitudes, sense of self-efficacy and approach to enacting inclusive education in their classrooms in two diverse countries. A mixed-methods research design guided the data collection and analysis. This article focuses on how quantitative and qualitative research approaches were used sequentially and how the findings were finally merged to provide more comprehensive insight into different aspects of teachers’ sometimes contradictory attitudes and approaches to implementing inclusive education. The meta-inferences presented here indicate that merging measurements and meanings can shed light on how teachers’ attitudes and self-efficacy within the implementation of inclusive education are multi-faceted, non-linear and connected to their cultural–historical contexts.  相似文献   

优质的教育必定离不开优秀的中小学教师,而优秀的教师则依赖优良的职前教育。考察芬兰“奇迹教育”背后的教师教育是怎样进行的,可以帮助认识我国中小学教师职前教育的不足之处,并为我们弥补这些不足提供某些启示。  相似文献   

全纳教育及其在中国的发展历程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全纳教育是重要的国际教育思想,主张接纳所有学生,反对歧视和排斥,促进积极参与,注重集体合作,满足不同需求。全纳教育在中国的发展经历了家庭形式、学校形式以及随班就读形式等三个阶段,并正在向人本特教形式的全纳教育阶段迈进。在我国实施全纳教育要考虑全纳教育发展的多元化现状、地区差异以及特殊儿童的残疾类型和残疾程度。  相似文献   

本研究采用Sharma等人编制的<教师融合教育自我效能感量表>以及<融合教育忧虑量表>对上海市110名特殊教育学校教师以及213名普通学校教师进行了调查,结果发现:两类教师对开展融合教育具有一定水平的自我效能感;特殊教育学校教师的自我效能感要高于普通学校教师;普通学校教师在开展融合教学以及与他人合作方面的自我效能感普遍低于特殊教育学校教师,但在行为管理方面,则与特殊教育学校教师没有差异;两类教师对开展融合教育抱有中等水平的忧虑,且融合教育自我效能感与其忧虑水平存在显著负相关,教师对开展残疾学生教学的自信心水平越高,则对融合教育的忧虑越少.教师融合教育忧虑程度对自我效能感的方差贡献率超过50%以上.  相似文献   

特殊教育师资专业化培养的问题与对策   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在教师专业化思潮的推动下,特殊教育教师专业化问题不容回避。本文在综合教师专业化一般概念和特殊教育特点的基础上,提出特殊教育教师专业化内涵:包括掌握科学系统的知识,有效解决实际问题,有充分的专业自主权、恪守职业道德四个方面。从专业化的角度审视当今我国特教师资培养的目标、模式和课程设置存在的问题,并提出相应的对策:完善培养目标,实行课程分层和分流,增强课程实用性,力求课程综合化,加强行动研究能力的培养等。  相似文献   


Early Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) interventions in school environments aim to support the development of the communication skills of children with complex communication needs. Goals of this study were to analyse the teachers’ attitudes towards children using AAC in primary schools in Italy and their perceptions of the barriers and the benefits of using AAC. Two groups of teachers, those with and without AAC experience, responded to an online survey. The five scales of the Teacher Attitude Scale (TAS) questionnaire and two open-ended questions were used to compare the attitudes and the perceptions between the groups of teachers. Results showed that there was a significant difference among the two groups for two of the five scales of the TAS questionnaire. Both groups reported similar barriers and benefits and indicated the use of AAC as being the main barrier. In conclusion, having experience with children who use AAC in class impacts the teachers’ perceptions of their own abilities and the teachers’ perceptions of the abilities of the children.  相似文献   

This study examines whether participation in a 13‐week undergraduate inclusive education course covaried with an improvement in the self‐efficacy of preservice elementary education teachers. We sought to determine whether self‐efficacy was influenced differentially by the type of field‐based placement experienced by students in the course. The results showed that an improvement in student self‐efficacy co‐varied with participation in the inclusive education course, although the field‐based placement did not differentially affect self‐efficacy at a statistically significant level.  相似文献   

Seven final year cohorts of Finnish pre-service primary teachers (N = 384) were given an exit survey, which measured their estimated attainment of knowledge and experience in the 10 domains of professional activity considered critical for new teachers in the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) standards. The results indicated that the profile of the graduates was uneven, showing low levels of satisfaction in the fields of special education and cooperation but high levels of satisfaction in the fields of reflective practice and planning. The satisfaction with the estimated knowledge and experience achieved was divided into three components of pedagogic, instructional and complex skills satisfaction. The central role of teaching practice was considered to be reflected in the results. The areas of low satisfaction were those in which the amount of teaching practice in the teacher education curriculum was considered insufficient to generate enough experience. This was especially so in the field of special education and in meeting the diverse needs of students. The 10-item INTASC scale showed sufficient psychometric qualities. The results are also discussed in terms of the suggested exceptional quality of Finnish teacher education.  相似文献   

采用问卷法对特殊教育师范生的工作价值观及其对特殊教育的态度进行了调查,并针对其中的某些倾向及问题进行了分析与探讨,以求了解学生动向,把握学生思想,为特殊教育专业的课程设置及特教师资的培养与培训提供积极的信息。  相似文献   

加强教师教育改革培养全纳型的教师   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
传统的高等特殊教育教师的培养存在许多问题,急需大力实施改革,目前各个设有特殊教育专业的高校在特殊教育师资培养的改革方面已经进行了一些探索。随着全纳教育的发展,传统的特殊教育教师培训势必向全纳型教师转变。当前的教师教育为实现这一转变提供了良好的契机,构建以培养全纳型教师为宗旨的教师教育体系,应当系统地考虑全纳型教师的培养目标、课程体系和资格认定制度。  相似文献   

In this cross-case study we focus on school-based teacher education in Sweden and Finland. Through the use of focus-group interviews with mathematics teacher educators in Finland and Sweden, the study shows that there are substantial differences in how school-based teacher education is introduced and portrayed in the discourse about teacher education and prospective teachers' learning. The school-based teacher education among the Finnish groups is made relevant in relation to several aspects of prospective teachers' learning. In the Swedish groups, school-based teacher education is portrayed as an organizational problem and few aspects of prospective teachers' learning are brought into the discourse. The results cannot be generalized to the two countries but show interesting conceptualizations of school-based education potentially useful for teacher educators and scholars.  相似文献   

论特殊教育学校师资队伍专业化发展策略   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
从分析特殊教育学校师资队伍中存在问题入手,探索了特殊教育学校师资队伍专业化发展的方法:“以人为本”的理念;提出了关于特殊教育学校师资队伍专业化发展的观点:建立完善的人才制度,改革评价与激励教师的制度,把发展学校的目标与发展教师的个人目标有机地结合起来,营造和谐校园,缓解教师的压力等较“人性化”的观点。  相似文献   

在世界范围教师教育改革的浪潮中,远在北欧的芬兰,以“质量高、差异小、奇迹教育”等评价成为了世界教育的“超级明星”。文章从芬兰的基础教育切入,立足于具体介绍芬兰基础教育成功的一个核心因素:成功高效的教师队伍建设。没有成功高效的教师队伍就没有芬兰基础教育的成功,而成功高效的教师队伍则直接得益于芬兰教师教育大学化的程度、培养模式、质量保证体系、教师评价体系等诸多方面。  相似文献   

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