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思想有多远,我们就能走多远。强烈的规划意识和较强的教育设计能力,是品牌学校的基本标志。——题记 2001年春,我曾经考察过德国的一所具有八十年校龄的老学校。这所学校每隔三到五年就研制一本《学校发展白皮书》,明确或完善学校的办学纲领、  相似文献   

2001年教育部将研究性学习作为一项特别设立的教学活动以必修课形式纳入《全日制普通高级中学课程计划(试验修订稿)》,北京市从2002年开始实施。为了保证研究性学习课程的顺利开展,北京四中用一个多学期的时间进行了精心准备:校长带领各科教研组长赴上海考察、学习,回来后以教研组为单位充分讨论,教研组长间又进行了认真交流。在全校干部、教师统一思想、统一认识的基础上,制定了北京四中研究性学习课程实施方案。目前,北京四中以科技俱乐部为龙头,在科技活动、研究性课程和学科教学中全面开展研究性学习,既推进了高一年级研究性学习课程的…  相似文献   

American educational policies over the last 40 years have represented an uninterrupted movement toward centralization. This article analyzes three terms that have become critical to the centralization of American education. More specifically, this article reviews the development, language, and source of the thematic terms and associated language of achievement gap, NCLB, and school turnaround. The author contends that the level of each term's entrenchment in American education varies but that their impacts have all grown from a top-down initiative, and although the terms represent separate concepts, they have been linked in meaningful ways to drive centralization.  相似文献   

This article elaborates a presentation made upon reception of the E. L. Thorndike Career Achievement Award in Educational Psychology from Division 15 of the American Psychological Association. It considers how value aspects of motivation apply to efforts to develop students' appreciation for school learning. Currently, we have only limited knowledge about situations that afford opportunities for learning school content with appreciation of its value, how to exploit those affordances, or even their benefits to learners. We need to develop our theorizing about the benefits that students may derive from learning in school and determine what curriculum makers and teachers might do to foster students' appreciation for these benefits. Teaching for appreciation requires ensuring that what is taught is worth learning, explaining the value of this content and modeling its applications, and scaffolding learning by engaging students in activities that allow them to experience its valued affordances.  相似文献   

The text of this commentary was adapted from a speech given to the North American Education Negotiators. In it, Gould examines some perspectives of one of the nation's two largest teacher organizations, the American Federation of Teachers, on educational reform, teacher quality, and compensation. He argues that collective bargaining serves as an important tool for structuring the educational system. The potential for educational change is one of the reasons why we should examine the potential benefits of pursuing improvements through the bargaining process.  相似文献   

在大力提倡和谐社会建设、终身教育观念日趋普及、学校教育特别是基础教育课程与教学改革逐步深入的形势下,对学校及学校教育的理解应该回归基本面.重新多维度、全方位地解读和定位“学校“的涵义,具有理论上澄清基本学理、实践中敞亮事物本身这样的双重意义.从学生、教师、学校、社会和国家以及文化诸方面入手,对世纪初新形势下的“学校“概念做多维度的解读.  相似文献   

Recent research into the phonological aspects of children’s early reading development holds that English beginners are more aware of word-sounds at the onset and rime level than at the individual phoneme level. A link is suspected with the comparative irregularity of English orthography. As it is widely assumed that children need to be aware of phonemes before they can benefit from a traditional phonics approach, a ‘new’ phonics or ‘rhyming analogy’ approach has been recommended as an easier route than traditional phonics for English beginning readers. This paper argues, however, that English beginners are just as capable of a phonemic approach as beginners in other languages, that phonemic awareness is not a precondition, that beliefs to the contrary are based on misunderstanding, and that systematically applying grapheme-phoneme correspondences throughout each word is an excellent basis for word-identification even in English. These claims are supported by test results.  相似文献   

薄弱学校改造一直是美国关注的议题之一。总结美国按照2002年《不让一个孩子掉队法》开展薄弱学校改造的实效,明确自《2009美国复苏法》实施以来薄弱学校改造过程中出现的争议,并展望奥巴马政府修订经《不让一个孩子掉队法》重修之后的《初等与中等教育法》中有关薄弱学校改造条款的动向,可以跟踪和了解美国十年来在薄弱学校改造方面的进展情况。  相似文献   

Little is understood about how campus educators within Academic Affairs and Student Affairs use institutional websites to articulate what their institutional commitments to diversity, inclusion, and social justice are and how they are enacted. Through an exploratory content analysis using LePeau’s (2015) framework on pathways to partnership (i.e., complementary, coordinated, and pervasive) to address diversity, inclusion, and social justice aims, we examined 23 institutional websites to determine what types of Academic Affairs and Student Affairs partnerships institutions employed. Findings revealed predominantly complementary partnerships, which means maintaining the distinct cultures of Academic Affairs and Student Affairs in diversity, inclusion, and social justice efforts.  相似文献   

Research in Higher Education -  相似文献   

"院校研究"是什么,不是什么--解读美国"院校研究"   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
"院校研究"是流行于欧美高等教育领域的一个专门术语.就美国的经验而言,"院校研究"可以理解为"是研究者基于本校情境、针对院校运行中的实际问题所作的应用性研究,是高等学校为改进管理决策、促进院校发展而设定的一个专门的实践领域".作为一种独特的研究形式,"院校研究"有别于传统意义上的"高等教育研究".它是高等教育研究的一种新的范式,是现代高等学校实施科学化管理的重要手段.  相似文献   

制度缺失与制度伦理--兼议教育制度建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制度与伦理的关系是一种形与实的关系:制度是物化的伦理,伦理是制度的内核,两者无法剥离。由于任何一种制度都是一种物化的伦理,所以任何制度上的缺失实际上也都是某种意义上的伦理缺失。因此,制度的改革实质上也是伦理的改革,而推动制度改革的诸多维度中一个十分关键的维度就是推动伦理的改革。就我国的教育领域而言,我们可以明显观察到的制度缺失有3种。  相似文献   

薄弱校改造一直是美国关注的问题之一,校长领导力是影响改造结果的决定性因素;能够成功领导薄弱校改造的校长具有一些特殊的素质特征;运用行为事例面试法(BEI)可以测试出候选人是否具备这些素质特征,从而选拔出适当人选,成功实现薄弱校的改造。  相似文献   

第三次国际数学与科学水平测试(TIMSS1999,Third International mathematics and Science Stuay的缩写)录像研究发现:参与的7个国家8年级数学教学中与现实生活联系的数学问题所占比例为9%-42%,平均为22%,与学生成绩没有必然关联。对LPS(The Learner’s Perspective Study的缩写)北京和上海4位教师连续10节以上课的中间5节共计20节录像课的编码研究,得出其相应值为11%,且主要以综合应用形式集中出现在应用专题教学中。在教学中,数学与现实生活的联系不应有统一标准,数学教学是多样化的。  相似文献   

20世纪初期以来,美国职业教育发展的价值取向经历了由“社会效率主义”到“实用主义”的转变。不同时期,在不同职业教育发展价值取向的支配下,美国职业学校教师的职业角色也经历了一个不断变化的过程。进入新世纪,美国社会开始步入“服务时代”,“服务”正在成为美国职业学校的一种新的经营理念,职业学校的教师也开始向“服务型”教师的职业角色转变。  相似文献   

Spain is, together with Portugal, the only OECD country where school principals are democratically elected from the teaching staff of each primary and secondary school by a School Council, where all members of the school community are represented. While this unique feature of the Spanish system entails many promises in terms of deep democracy and, equally important, the potential legitimacy of change promoted by school leaders, the reality seems to be somewhat less romantic. This paper explores the limitations and constraints faced by school principals in Spain to actually perform their role as school leaders in primary and secondary schools. Based on a major study that we carried out for the National Institute for Quality and Evaluation (INCE) in 2002, involving more than 20,000 questionnaires and 30 Focus Groups (with teachers, principals, school inspectors, administrators, education experts and parents), the paper deals with the impact of leadership on school improvement and change, especially as far as teaching and learning processes are concerned. Despite their democratic legitimacy, or perhaps precisely because of its unexpected effects, the elected principal in Spain faces constraints which de facto position himself or herself between a practice of permanent transaction with colleagues and the mounting pressure of transformation and accountability coming from outside the school. Results from this research suggest that such constraints are determining that the practice of school leadership in Spain is management and maintenance-oriented rather than change-oriented, thus casting doubts about the very model of school leadership.  相似文献   

中小学教师继续教育的开展对主讲教师的能力素质提出了更高的要求,作为培训基地的主讲教师必须具备学习能力、教学能力、研究能力和组织能力才能适应素质教育和创新教育的需要,才能更好地完成自己所承担的培训任务。  相似文献   

This article discusses how integrating technology into microteaching exercises within teacher education programs can help develop reform-oriented and reflective teacher leaders.  相似文献   

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