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Librarians have a role in working with faculty to provide low-cost alternatives to textbooks. Open educational resources (OER) are an alternative to textbooks in college courses, but there can be barriers to using OER. Are students successful in OER courses? Do faculty see librarians as collaborators in designing courses using OER? What are some alternatives to OER that libraries and library consortia can take advantage of to make college more affordable for students? The following articles address these issues, and the work of the following authors can benefit all types of academic librarians as they contemplate their role in the OER world.  相似文献   

As subject and distance learning librarians, we have a special interest in supporting our faculty and their needs as they explore alternative and more affordable textbook options for their students. In an increasingly digital environment, there are a wealth of resources available at little or no cost to students. Unfortunately, finding these resources can be challenging and time consuming for faculty. This is where librarians step in. Through careful planning and collaboration with faculty, we can help transition course reading to online and open resources. Librarians can assist in this process by helping faculty identify appropriate resources, helping integrate resources into online learning environments, and providing support for student access to materials. This paper will describe this process from start to finish, utilizing our experience supporting a faculty member with an Ethnobotany course textbook as it was transitioned to an online textbook option.  相似文献   

本文对"开放获取"和"精品课题"进行了解读,在阐述目前高职院校精品课程及其开放获取资源建设现状的基础上,对高职院校图书馆开发利用开放获取精品课程资源为教学服务进行了探讨。  相似文献   

从开放存取的含义与发展、高职院校图书馆与特色数据库、开放存取特色数据库资源三个方面,对高职院校图书馆开发利用互联网上的开放存取特色数据库资源进行了探讨。  相似文献   

LibGuides are an essential resource in academic libraries. Although librarians use LibGuides primarily as instructional tools there is little discussion about the application of pedagogical and learner-centered design principles to the design of LibGuides. Current research focuses almost exclusively on issues of usability, resulting in best practices that are user-centered but not necessarily learner-centered. This paper fills the gap in the literature by integrating the findings from user studies with instructional design principles to propose best practices for LibGuides that are both user- and learner-centered. The ADDIE model of instructional design is used as a procedural framework for implementing these best practices.  相似文献   

This paper explores the current state of open educational resources (OER) including notable library-lead and multi-institutional programs. The potential for OER and affordable course material creation and adoption programs to impact student retention and persistence is examined. Potential additional partnerships and future directions for library-lead programs are discussed as well as the framework necessary for assessing the impact of library-lead OER initiatives.  相似文献   

数字图书馆开放式资源与服务描述规范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了实现一站式服务,对网络化的信息资源与服务逐层进行集成化组织和揭示,提供公共登记服务,需要建立开放式资源和服务登记系统,制定相应的开放式资源和服务描述规范。开放式资源和服务描述规范设计原则和方式是:以服务方式描述所有资源和服务;多角度描述服务;基于UDDI的OFSR的描述规范。表2。图3。参考文献8。  相似文献   


As e-resources become more ubiquitous, and the technologies available to access them more sophisticated, libraries have greater opportunities to reach out to global users. However, this same distance means that some users never even set foot in a physical library. This case study will describe how one large academic library started a business, economics, and marketing library online instruction pilot for global users in an effort to replicate library instruction offered at the home institution. Librarians assessed global library use and research needs; prepared unique lesson plans for each global site; and created digital learning objects using synchronous and asynchronous methods to establish an instruction strategy for Business and Economics courses. The goal was to test instruction practices and develop an online instruction template that would be replicable and sustainable for library instruction in other subject areas in New York University Libraries and other institutions.  相似文献   

This article describes a collaboration between the Department of Management and the Li Koon Chun Finance Learning Centre in the Hazel McCallion Academic Learning Centre at the University of Toronto Mississauga. It describes the planning and delivery of a new 4th-year course on Mergers and Acquisitions for the 2011 winter term, along with practical tips on how to build successful collaborations between different organizational units within a university. The strong positive student feedback indicates that this faculty–library collaboration was a success. This experience and partnership can be modeled at many other academic institu- tions.  相似文献   

政府开放数据是当前我国政府迫切需要建设的一项工作,而英美澳等发达国家在政府开放数据领域走在世界的前列.通过重点分析美国、英国、澳大利亚的政府开放数据的策略,探讨了我国目前的现状以及发达国家给我国的启示.  相似文献   


Information literacy is essential for success in undergraduate science programs, but teaching faculty are generally ill-prepared or unwilling to provide intentional support in their courses. Librarians are uniquely qualified to help. In this article, the author presents one example of a faculty–librarian collaboration in which the science librarian is embedded in a first-year, undergraduate course in nanoscience, both as a codesigner of the curriculum and a member of the teaching team. She traces her progress from new appointee to faculty partner, and describes the unique, electronic-journal project they designed to promote the development of information and academic literacies.  相似文献   

This program evaluation reports on the curricular development and integration of library, biomedical informatics, and scholarly communications (LBS) skills into a required informatics course for a new graduate degree program in the University of New Mexico's Clinical and Translational Sciences Center (CTSC). The course built on the opportunity presented by the new degree program to integrate LBS competencies rarely included in most traditional clinical research training programs. This report tracks the experiences and evaluations of two cohorts of graduate students who have completed the course. This article presents lessons learned on curricular integration and offers thoughts for future work.  相似文献   

开放数字图书馆的设计与实现:CSDL的实践   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
张晓林 《情报学报》2003,22(5):520-525
本文在分析国家科学数字图书馆的应用环境特征后 ,介绍了模块化、逻辑集成、开放服务、可伸缩可扩展等开放体系结构的设计原则 ,描述了分布式开放门户体系、开放描述、分布服务、开放整合等开放技术方法 ,并给出了总体框架和技术层级范例  相似文献   

十年来我国图书馆资源共享现状、问题与对策述评   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
总结了十年来我国各类图书馆信息资源共享的现状、问题与对策,分析了各方面所取得的理论成果以及实践经验,并对今后的研究方向提出了建议。  相似文献   

鲁楠 《贵图学刊》2010,(2):11-12
当今社会的发展要求图书馆突破传统的服务手段,利用现代先进技术,拓展服务空间。而文化信息资源共享工程开辟了一个不受地域、时间限制的文化传播渠道,正好符合了这一要求。  相似文献   

图书馆可持续发展及其对制度设计的启示   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
黄颖 《图书情报工作》2002,46(7):100-103
比较图书馆的运行成本(C)、创造的价值(V)和得到的收益(Y)三者之间的关系,认为C=V=Y是图书馆实现可持续发展的基本条件,并进一步探讨这一结论对制定能够实现图书馆可持续发展制度安排的启示.  相似文献   

伴随互联网信息组织活动发展的三个阶段:分类导航、关键词重组信息和多元化网络应用集成,门户网站、搜索引擎和开放平台先后成为三代互联网的主打产品。在新的网络环境下,图书馆应顺应时代潮流开发开放平台以展现自身的优势资源。开放平台以OpenAPI为技术支撑,实现三大基本职能:(1)以内容为纽带,整合图书馆、数据厂商和互联网上的文献资源。(2)以用户为纽带,联通图书馆各个系统的服务功能。(3)以用户关系为纽带,收集散落于图书馆内部、图书馆之间、区域内乃至更广领域的信息碎片。该文对互联网现有的OpenAPI进行梳理并分类,运用SOA理念设计图书馆开放平台的系统架构,实现了基于OPAC的文献信息集成平台,基于OAuth的用户借阅管理平台和联合目录、文献传递与Google地图的Mashup增值应用。  相似文献   

随着中国与非洲诸国在政治、经济、文化等方面交往的扩大与深化,对相关情报信息资源方面的需求越来越迫切。浙江师范大学作为全国四个教育援外基地之一,非洲学学科文献是学校三大文科学术品牌之一。作为学校图文信息资料中心的图书馆,应该满足教学科研的文献资料需求,加强非洲特色文献数据库的建设与开发,确定图书馆中非教育交流信息资源整合的原则,促进全国性的信息资源共享。  相似文献   

Many academic libraries are expanding services to online and distance students to keep pace with enrollment trends in higher education, prompting additional research to evaluate the use and effectiveness of library reference and instruction services to distance users. This literature review explores this research from the perspectives of academic librarians, distance students, and faculty teaching online and distance courses, and finds both commonalities and contradictions among these viewpoints.  相似文献   

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