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This study addressed the polarization among theoretical perspectives in moral psychology regarding the relative significance of parents and peers in children's developing moral maturity. The sample was composed of 60 target children from late childhood and midadolescence, 60 parents, and 60 friends who participated in parent/child and friend/child dyadic discussions of a series of moral conflicts. The quality of parents' and friends' verbal interactions, ego functioning, and level of moral reasoning in these discussions was used to predict the rate of children's moral reasoning development over a 4-year longitudinal interval. Results revealed that interactions with both parents and peers were predictive of children's development but that these two types of relationships influence development in rather different ways. Implications of the findings for the understanding of these socialization agents' roles in moral development are discussed.  相似文献   

This study explored whether and how teachers’ beliefs about moral values are reflected in the student-teacher relationships (i.e. levels of control and affiliation in teachers’ and students’ perceptions of this relationship), and in teachers’ cultural competence. A positive association was found between teachers’ paternalist beliefs and their own perceptions of control. A negative association was found between teachers’ liberal beliefs and students’ perceptions of affiliation. Positive associations were found between teachers’ liberal beliefs and the metacognitive and motivational components of cultural competence. We discuss the implications for preparation of teachers to reflect on the manifestations of their beliefs in practice.  相似文献   

汉语作为占世界1/4的人口共同使用的语言,承载着华夏民族五千年文明的传承和积淀,如今日益彰显其在国际经济文化交流合作中的重要作用。因此,如何适应时代发展的需要,将汉语作为中国与世界沟通的桥梁,提升汉语的国际地位,让汉语真正走向世界,让中国文化真正走向世界,成为当前对外汉语教学的重要任务和发展方向。  相似文献   

Associations between moral-related traits, such as justice sensitivity (JS), the tendency to negatively respond to injustice, and moral development are largely unknown. From May to December 2018, 1329 5- to 12-year-olds (M = 8.05, SD = 1.02; 51.2% girls, 1.3% transgender and gender-nonconforming) from Germany rated their JS, moral reasoning, emotions, and identity; parents and teachers rated children's theory of mind (ToM) and empathy. Victim JS (caring for own justice) predicted more attributions of positive emotions to norm transgressors in structural equation models (β = .295). Altruistic JS (caring for other's justice) predicted less attributions of positive emotions (β = −.343) and a stronger moral identity (β = .392) unless ToM was considered. Particularly altruistic JS showed associations with advanced moral development. Hence, moral-related traits deserve more attention by moral-development research.  相似文献   

During the 1991 Persian Gulf War, the apparent success of the Patriot missile defense system served as the official centerpiece of a rhetorical campaign to portray Operation Desert Storm as an unprecedented mission ushering in a new era of American military dominance based on technological superiority. Post‐war disclosures have not only cast serious doubt on Patriot's wartime performance, but have also exposed a widespread program of strategic deception employed by Pentagon officials to protect the fiction of Patriot's Gulf War wizardry. This essay explains how Gulf War audiences were misled, assesses the rhetorical windfall flowing from perceived Patriot effectiveness, and criticizes the Pentagon's campaign of strategic deception as normatively bankrupt.  相似文献   

文化图式是已知事物和信息储存于大脑中的知识结构,跨文化交际中文化图式发挥了重要的作用.认识文化图式、构建文化图式可以有效地提高跨文化交际能力.文章从文化图式理论对跨文化交际活动的作用的过程、文化图式理论对跨文化交际作用的分类等方面对文化图式在跨文化交际中的运用进行分析.  相似文献   

语言是文化的一个组成部分,又是文化的载体。因此,外语教学不应只是单纯地教授语言系统本身,必须和文化教学同步进行,语言学习不能独立于文化学习之外。本文从外语教学的文化内容出发,论述了培养跨文化意识的重要性及一些具体可行的方法。  相似文献   

在21世纪的信息时代,伴随着中国对外开放的深入,中外企业在日益频繁的交往和碰撞中互相影响着对方的国家文化、企业文化及社会价值观。尤其是不了解价值观的差异会给跨文化交际带来极大的障碍。为了深入学习英语语言运用的技巧,该文分析讨论了以美国为代表的西方价值观在思维方式和言语交际中的特点和表现,从而进一步促进中美两国在价值观上的相互理解并了解语言运用上的差异。  相似文献   

文中通过分析中美两国对于奥运金牌及荣誉归属权的不同理解的案例,阐述了集体主义与个人主义价值观是造成两国文化差异的根本原因,探讨了集体主义与个人主义的不同特点,指出了解不同国家的价值观有助于消除文化差异导致的交际障碍,从而保证成功地进行跨文化交际。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to examine how science content knowledge, moral reasoning ability, attitudes, and past experiences mediate the formation of moral judgments on environmental dilemmas. The study was conducted in two phases using environmental science majors and nonscience majors of college age. Phase One determined if environmental science majors exhibited higher levels of moral reasoning on nontechnical environmental social issues than on general social issues and examined the extent to which possible mediating factors accounted for differences in moral reasoning. Phase Two was qualitative in nature, the purpose of which was to observe and identify trends in conversations between subjects as to how certain mediating factors are revealed as people form moral judgments. The framework on which this study was constructed incorporates a progressive educational position; a position that views science education as being interdisciplinary, and a social means to a social end.  相似文献   

礼貌准则存在于每一种文化中,礼貌准则的遵循也是跨文化交际获得成功的一个重要因素.但是,不同的文化背景对礼貌的认同标准是不一样的.一种文化中所推崇的言语或非言语方面的礼貌准则并不一定适合于其他文化.因此,在跨文化交际中要了解并遵守对方的交际礼貌准则,才能达到交际的成功.  相似文献   

Previous research has identified different moral judgments in liberals and conservatives. While both care about harm/fairness (‘individualizing’ foundations), conservatives emphasize in-group/authority/purity (‘binding’ foundations) more than liberals. Thus, some argue that conservatives have a more complex morality. We suggest an alternative view—that consistent with conservatism as ‘motivated social cognition’, binding foundation activation satisfies psychological needs for social structure/security/certainty. Accordingly, we found that students who were dispositionally threat-sensitive showed stronger binding foundation activation, and that conservatives are more dispositionally threat-sensitive than liberals. We also found that in a heightened threat situation liberals (especially social liberals) showed increased binding foundation activation. These results support the view that the binding foundations function differently in our moral cognition than the individualizing foundations.  相似文献   

在跨文化交际中,不仅要重视言语行为,也要重视非言语行为.只有保持两者的和谐统一才能进行成功的跨文化交际.  相似文献   

全球化的进程是文化冲突与融合、趋同与多样性并存的跨文化交流的过程,它的实现基础是人员的交流;人面对新的文化环境时,必然要遇到文化休克的问题.所以,研究全球化背景下的文化冲突与融合、跨文化交流及其中的文化休克等问题,对于我们理解和寻求建立国际文明新秩序具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationships among oppositional defiant attitudes, moral reasoning, moral value evaluation and self-reported delinquent behaviour in adolescents (N = 351, MAGE = 13.8 years, SDAGE = 1.1). Of particular interest were the moderating effects of age, educational environment and gender on the relationship between moral reasoning and delinquency. The results indicate that oppositional defiance was a strong positive correlate of delinquent behaviour, particularly in late adolescence. Furthermore, moral reasoning was modestly and negatively related to delinquency, but only for males. No moderating effects for educational environment were observed. Moreover, moral value evaluation was uncorrelated with delinquent behaviour when controlling for other sociomoral processes. These findings invite further research on the relationship between attitudes and behaviour, with respect to causal links and practical applications within behavioural interventions.  相似文献   

The importance of education in developing morally sensitive individuals who use principled moral reasoning when facing dilemmas has been widely acknowledged. In the context of the criticism levelled at the Irish higher education system for failing to fulfil the role of intellectual leader and moral critic within the public domain, this paper examines the impact of education level (both undergraduate and post-graduate) and type (arts or technical/profession-based) on moral reasoning using 311 Irish participants from a wide variety of educational backgrounds. An enhanced understanding of the impact of education on moral reasoning will facilitate the development of educational initiatives aimed at augmenting moral reasoning in higher-level students.  相似文献   

文化差异是跨文化交际中的一大难点,往往以文化负迁移的方式影响信息的传递。在英汉互译中,文化负迁移对词义的影响主要表现在语义的空缺、冲突、联想和语用等方面。了解作为不同体系的中西方文化,探究各自的思想基础和基本观念,通过对比分析,从深层次上认识文化思想差异,促进世界优秀文化的交流。  相似文献   

The characteristics of Chinese learners and the factors influencing these characteristics become increasingly an important focus of research in the field of educational psychology, sociology and comparative education ever since the publication of the book, The Chinese Learner: Cultural, Psychological and Contextual Influences, edited by Watkins and Bigg in 1996. The recent essay collection edited by Chan and Rao in 2010, Revisiting the Chinese Learner: Changing Education, Changing Contexts, proposes a conceptual framework for guiding the further inquiry and documents some of the important developments in this line of research. This essay review synthesizes these developments emerging from the book, comments on the potentials of these developments in challenging the existing theoretical and empirical understanding about the relationship between Chinese learners, their learning and their social, cultural and pedagogical contexts. It further raises some conceptual and empirical questions about the constant and emerging characteristics of Chinese learners in the above contexts that are worth further examination.  相似文献   

Although much research has been done on the internalisation of education, issues related to intercultural professional learning, especially in the school education context, remain underexplored. This study examines the potential of boundary brokering in facilitating cross-cultural professional learning in an international school context. This article reports the qualitative findings from an interview study with seven non-ethnic Chinese language teachers who resided at the borders of Chinese and western communities of practice on their boundary brokering experience in bridging the different norms of being and practice in the Chinese teacher community and the western communities in international schools in Asia. Interview responses from the participants show that the participants’ cultural brokering generated critical and eclectic perspectives and practices, and reshaped the power landscape in the workplace. At the same time, their cultural brokering was shaped by the interactions among power relations within and across communities of practice, social suggestions on cultural brokering and the boundary brokers’ self-positioning. The findings suggest that cultural brokering could serve as a potential teacher professional development tool to foster reciprocal learning across culture borders. The complex network of influencing factors at play suggests that, in order to facilitate positive cultural brokering, it is necessary to adopt a systemic approach that underscores resetting valued skills and expertise within and across communities, creating a positive school culture that encourages reciprocal learning and managing individual teachers’ brokering mentalities and capacities.  相似文献   

This study investigated children's, adolescents', and young adults' reasoning about the teaching of a variety of values in the school and family contexts. One-hundred and sixty participants in four age groups (8-, 10-, and 13-year-olds, and college students) evaluated acts involving the teaching of values and laws that regulate the teaching of these values. Both the valence (positive or negative) of values and the context in which they were presented (school, family) were systematically varied. Results showed that a variety of factors were considered in evaluating the teaching of values, including context, the valence of the value, and the type of value being taught. Participants' reasoning about values education was found to be multifaceted and included distinctions between moral values that reflect justice and rights, and values that reflect other forms of personality traits and social values. The findings suggest that conceptions of values education may be better understood within models of social reasoning that draw distinctions between types of values (e.g., moral and other values) and account for the increasing capacity to differentiate social contexts and spheres of legitimate governmental regulation with development.  相似文献   

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