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This paper takes seriously the claim that postmodernism has seriously undermined our‘modern’ understanding of what the role of education in a democratic society should be. It therefore seeks to reinterpret this role in a way that confronts the challenge that postmodernism has posed. In order to do this the paper clarifies how postmodernism has now discredited the‘modern’ assumptions on which our view of the relationship between education and democracy has been erected. Drawing on the philosophy of John Dewey, it then reconstructs the relationship between education and democracy so as effectively to resist the challenge that postmodernism has posed.  相似文献   

In constructing a framework for the participation and inclusion in political life of subjects, the Enlightenment also produced a series of systematic exclusions for those who did not qualify: including ‘idiots’ and ‘primitive races’. ‘Idiocy’ emerged as part of wider strategies of governance in Europe and its colonies. This opened up the possibility for pedagogy to become a key technology for the transformation of the savage, uncivilised Other into the citizen. This paper explores the transformative role of pedagogy in relation to colonial discourse, the narrative of the wild boy of Aveyron—a feral child captured in France in 1800—and the formation of a medico‐pedagogical discourse on idiocy in the nineteenth century. In doing so, the paper shows how learning disability continues to be influenced by same emphasis on competence for citizenship, a legacy of the colonial attitude.  相似文献   

The present secondary education system in Kiribati is little changed from its establishment and growth through the colonial years when the island group was known as the Gilbert Islands. It is marked by a heavy emphasis on English language and a curriculum geared to place students in a limited labour market. It is also marked by an uneven distribution of privilege across the population it serves. This article suggests a theoretical basis for critiquing the dominant voices in the educational and colonial past and their representations of Kiribati others. In such a critique, the legitimising technologies and discursive practices that have helped shape these educational practices are exposed. The act of exposing “how they did it” in turn creates the conditions for more equitable educational futures. This article presents a critical postcolonial discourse analysis of some language and language teaching policies from the Kiribati educational and colonial past. Though focused on Kiribati, the ideas here have relevance across the Pacific region.  相似文献   

翻译研究在不断发展的过程中产生了众多的理论流派和各种译学理论思想。后殖民翻译研究已成为近年来翻译界较热门的话题。本文阐述了后殖民主义的一些基本概念并用它的相关理论对归化、异化、杂合化翻译策略进行分析。后殖民主义理论给翻译研究提供了一个新的视角,有助于在翻译研究上实现各种理论方法共融、互补的有效整合,从而推动翻译研究的进一步发展。  相似文献   

翻译研究在不断发展的过程中产生了众多的理论流派和各种译学理论思想.后殖民翻译研究已成为近年来翻译界较热门的话题.本文阐述了后殖民主义的一些基本概念并用它的相关理论对归化、异化、杂合化翻译策略进行分析.后殖民主义理论给翻译研究提供了一个新的视角,有助于在翻译研究上实现各种理论方法共融、互补的有效整合,从而推动翻译研究的进一步发展.  相似文献   

后殖民主义理论的存在与发展策略表现为多栖性特征,这构成了后殖民主义理论的动力之源,使它能够在20世纪后期的文化研究和文学理论中产生广泛而持久的影响。这种多栖性主要表现为理论学派主要人物身份的双栖性、学派主张的复杂性、理论实践的普遍适应性。后殖民主义理论是21世纪最富有活力的文化与文学理论之一,其地位无可替代。  相似文献   

中等职业教育面临的形势、问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
中等职业教育面临着外部的不利环境和自身改革的滞后,极大地阻碍了自身的发展。本对当前中等职业教育存在的问题进行了分析,探讨了深化中等职业教育改革,使之适应经济发展和社会变化,摆脱困境的方法途径。  相似文献   

Japan has often been criticized for allegedly teaching its schoolchildren about the history of Imperial Japan 1895–1945 in selective and misleading ways. Is this criticism justified, and how does it compare with the record of another former colonial power in East Asia: England? International criticism of history teaching in England has been insignificant when compared with criticism of Japan. Yet how much are English schoolchildren taught about the British Empire?This paper is based upon documentary study of national curricula and examinations, together with observations of history lessons at several secondary schools in Japan and in England, as well as interviews with history teachers in both countries, with university students in Japan, and with high-school students in England. It argues that both Japan and England devote relatively little curricular time to the study of their respective imperial pasts. However, this is not necessarily because of a deliberate cover-up of the facts. In each country, teaching about imperialism is partly determined by the way history as a subject is taught. In order to change the way children learn about imperialism, it may be necessary to change the philosophy and practice of history teaching as a whole.  相似文献   

This article expands the ideas presented in Reid and Valle's essay by further exploring the construct of normality and its implications for children in schools. It examines the reasons for the nature of current school policy and practice by explicating who benefits and who loses from typical school structures and recent national legislation. Finally, it advocates for a transformation of thinking about the purpose of schools and suggests a radical restructuring that would support social reciprocity and community.  相似文献   

库切的代表作《耻》是一部典型的"后殖民"小说,其中的后殖民和种族元素一直备受关注。运用后殖民生态批评理论,从殖民和生态的双层视角解读这部小说,可以揭示殖民主义霸权对南非生态环境的影响。在后种族隔离时代,对土地的占有和剥削改变了人们对土地的文化态度,动物生存权受到威胁,民族矛盾加剧,社会角色的转换带来精神上的异化和扭曲。库切对南非的环境正义、族群正义和伦理正义表现出深深的忧虑。  相似文献   

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