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随着自驾车旅游热潮的到来,它的市场潜力就更显巨大,对于开发旅游产品的旅行社来说,这无疑是一个重要的商机.自驾车旅游作为一项旅游产品既具有一般旅游产品的性质还具有自身特点.结合南阳市一些旅行社自驾车旅游产品的实例,分析了南阳市自驾车旅游产品开发的现状和问题,并提出了开发自驾车旅游产品的对策.  相似文献   

本文介绍了批判性思维在中国的引入与发展, 并对中国大学生批判性思维教育的现状及存在的问题进行了剖析,最后论述了如何通过“开放式教学、 探究式教学、 逻辑教学、 信息素养教育、 测评方式以及跨学科教学” 等教育实施策略,研究中国语境下大学生批判性思维的培养, 以期为中国批判性思维研究的理论和实践提供启示和参考。  相似文献   


Based on an ethnographic study, this article presents the class-based disparities of Chinese parents’ usage of WeChat, the dominating social networking mobile application in China, in their educational involvement. We find that middle-class parents are the privileged ones who have exploited the use of WeChat not only as a medium for communication, but more as a mode of influence. Through WeChat, their various forms of capital are channelled to catalyse changes in their children's education. In contrast, working-class parents tend to act as absent participants in using WeChat for their educational involvement. We argue that WeChat has brought forth the consequence of widening the arena for winning or losing at the educational game for parents from different social classes. We call for corrective policies and guidelines on the usage of WeChat and other SNSs technologies in home–school dynamics.  相似文献   

This study examines the differential patterns of school success of rural students as a result of China’s market transition. The process dimension, how families from different social backgrounds within rural society get involved in rural schooling and how this contributes to the inequality of school success within rural society, is investigated. The data analysis suggests that schools as institutions provide few official channels for rural parents to participate in rural schools and help their children to achieve school success. This raises the importance of families’ strategic initiatives to employ guanxi within family, community and between school and family. These make the point that guanxi and their employment have become an important mechanism for social inclusion and exclusion in the competition for advantages in school success in post-socialist China.  相似文献   

应用型硕士研究生的培养应紧密结合地方经济发展需要,服务地方产业发展。对福建省各地市的机械装备制造产业及其规模以上企业分布情况进行了调研,提出福建省机械装备七大特色产业与优势产业群对应用型高层次人才特殊需求情况,分析了福建省各大高校机械装备相关学科研究生专业方向对地方产业的支撑能力以及应用型硕士研究生培养与地方产业集群适应性,提出相应的建议与对策。研究结果可为其他地区应用型硕士研究生培养的结构合理化提供参考依据。  相似文献   

学术类社会保障硕士研究生培养是当前社会保障学科建设发展的重要任务之一。以学校的培养目标和培养大纲为指导,以教学和科研为重点,提升学生的学术和实践能力。通过研究学术类社会保障硕士研究生培养存在的问题,分析培养模式和培养理论的革新,进而拓宽思路,增加理论知识的学习和科研能力的提升,推进新时期学术类社会保障硕士研究生培养的优化、调整和升级。本文通过对比分析国内部分高校学术类社会保障硕士研究生的培养方案,探析当前培养机制存在的问题,并提出“三位一体”系统培养模式,以完善培养机制。  相似文献   

目前我国社会考试制度正处在新的历史起点上,这个新起点既包括已取得的成就与辉煌,也包括存在的问题与矛盾,更展示着未来的前景与趋势。然而,如何度量三者间的相互关系,人力资本理论无疑是极为重要的理论依据。人力资本理论指导下的社会考试人才培养模式,核心是把握社会考试人才培养模式的架构层次、内涵蕴义和行为方式,而关键是要在人力资本理论的展开中,为社会考试寻求一条改革与创新之路。  相似文献   

旅游商品开发中的物流瓶颈研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅游商品的开发对于旅游业的发展有着重要意义,但是中国旅游商品市场的发展一直缓慢,以前的很多讨论都是集中在如何做好产品上.郑州大学旅游资源规划中心的调查发现,物流业不配套是瓶颈之一.在考虑各个相关部门利益的基础上,提出一条可行之路,即分两步走.首先在大城市展开,发展到一定程度,再慢慢开展较偏远地区的物流业务.就大城市的市场而言,初级阶段,政府要扮演重要角色.偏远地区,中国邮政系统可以起到重要作用.  相似文献   

对台湾技职教育师资培育的历史发展、内容以及实施等进行了分析,总结出可供中国大陆职教师资培育借鉴的经验,即:科学化、具体化的职教师资培育政策设计;实施“教师赴业界研习方案”和“双师制度”,实现校企优势资源“双向”沟通;建立、健全职教师资专业标准,引入产业界专家入校任教等。  相似文献   

试论学生问题意识的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生问题意识是学生创新精神的起点,高度重视学生问题意识的培养,为中外教育家所共识。本文针对我国学生问题意识比较薄弱的问题,从教育环境、问题情境角度,论述如何培养学生的问题意识。  相似文献   

甘南州具有较好的旅游资源优势,旅游业对当地经济社会发展起到过一定的积极作用。通过对甘南州旅游业发展现状进行调研,指出了甘南州旅游业存在的问题,并提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

现代学校制度变革:正式制度与制度社会资本的有效配合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
盛冰 《教育学报》2005,1(2):65-70
科层化、官僚化的教育体制已使学校变成一个毫无生气的组织,一个不能激发人的主动性和创造性的组织。现代学校制度的危机就在于制度社会资本的下降。因此,当今改革的一条重要途径是让学校成为“自组织”治理体系,让其中的制度社会资本即非正式制度“复活”或“再生”,即充分发挥习俗、规范、学校化、学校氛围、隐蔽课程的作用,因为它们往往比正式制度具有更好的潜在约束作用,更能节约交易费用,从而更有利于学校发展。但是,良好的制度设计应该是正式制度与非正式制度达到有效配合。  相似文献   

浅析桂林婚庆蜜月旅游的开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在新兴消费方式的引导下 ,婚庆蜜月旅游市场开始凸显在旅游经营者眼前。婚庆蜜月旅游是一新旅游专项产品 ,具有客源市场广阔、消费水平高、重游率高等特点。桂林开发此项旅游新产品具有诸多优势条件和重要实践意义 ,应采取积极对策进行开发。  相似文献   

大学英语教学中跨文化意识的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来,大学英语教学只重视语言知识的传授和语用能力的培养,忽视了对学生进行文化教学,导致学生跨文化意识较为薄弱。在言语交际时易产生意义岐解、禁忌语与数字误用、施仪冒失或失礼等现象,教师应充分利用现行教材、巧借西方节日节事活动、大力开展多种课外活动让学生体验中西文化差异,品味西方文化内涵,感受异国文化魅力,从而培养学生跨文化意识,提高跨文化交际能力。  相似文献   

全球化的到来使人们的价值观念、心理态度、思想行为都处于重新定位和变革之中,为青少年成才带来机遇的同时也充满挑战。如何在人才济济、压力重重的信息时代增强自我发展、自力更生的能力,养成不畏艰险、积极进取的自强人格。这不仅是当前学校人格教育的重要使命而且是适应全球化对现代人才的新要求,也正是本文探讨全球化进程中青少年自强人格培养的价值所在。  相似文献   

New public management (NPM) reforms have typically undermined teachers’ autonomy, values, and status in society. This article questions whether such reforms automatically have these outcomes or whether and how possibilities for local adjustment of such reforms may prevent negative outcomes. Drawing on empirical case studies from two Danish municipal schools and the concept of organisational social capital, we investigate how two reform initiatives – ‘student plan-based school–home collaboration’ and ‘teamwork’ – were locally adjusted into collaborative practices. The analysis demonstrates surprising local adjustments of the reform initiatives, while also revealing some ambiguities. The results demonstrate that some reform initiatives can lead to new collaborative leadership and management practices in schools that solve the central school leadership and management tasks of coordination and planning. This indicates that collaborative leadership and management practices may emerge from NPM reforms, and that such practices can prevent negative outcomes of such reforms.  相似文献   

随着教育的不断发展,原有的定向越野教学已经无法满足现代化教学的需求。其不仅要求学生掌握相应技能,同时也要求其能将相应的能力和技能融为一体。本文主要从提高越野跑能力、提高体能训练能力、提高创新能力、提高识图用图能力四方面,对定向越野教学能力培养进行分析、探讨。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the differences between the two cultural groups of Jewish and Arab teachers on several variables and to analyse their link to stress. Specifically, I examined sense of coherence (SOC), sense of school community and job satisfaction among regular Jewish and Arab teachers in regular schools and classes who have special education students in their classes. Furthermore, I investigated how the different coping resources – SOC and sense of school community – explain the stress reactions of state anxiety and state anger directly and indirectly via job satisfaction and also the direct prediction of stress by job satisfaction. Data were gathered from 634 Jewish and Arab teachers (80% Jews) who completed self‐report questionnaires that measured SOC, sense of community, employee satisfaction inventory, state anxiety and state anger. Differences in SOC and sense of school community were found between the two groups such that Jews reported stronger SOC, and Arabs reported stronger sense of school community. Further differences were revealed in the links of the different coping resources to stress reactions. The results are discussed against the backdrop of cultural background and the salutogenic model.  相似文献   

读图能力是制图教学中的三大能力之一.指出读图能力的培养,必须注重把知识的传授和技能的训练过程有机的结合起来。  相似文献   

语言和文化相互依存,学习外语必须了解这门语言所承裁的文化。本文简要阐述了在大学英语教学中培养学生跨文化意识的必要性,探讨了一些在教学中培养学生的跨文化意识的方法。  相似文献   

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