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Using a grounded‐theory methodology, we interviewed 14 experienced counselor educators regarding the enactment and development of cultural humility (CH). We present a coherent theory depicting a cyclical process of CH involving lifelong learning. Implications include enacting CH in addressing microaggressions in the therapeutic setting and incorporating critical incident reflection in CH in counselor education.  相似文献   


Teacher education programs have been tasked with the responsibility to develop educators who can successfully infuse technology into their teaching. Despite standards-based expectations, a plethora of technology infusion opportunities, and the importance of faculty roles as models and teachers, physical education teacher education (PETE) programs have yet to demonstrate current expectations for teaching with and about educational technology. In this article, the authors provide a glimpse into the educational technology requirements, challenges, and strategies for teacher education/PETE programs. The authors suggest a call to action among PETE programs to address the issues that prevent PETE graduates from entering their teaching careers less than equipped to effectively use technology to enhance teaching and learning.  相似文献   

《Quest (Human Kinetics)》2012,64(4):416-433

The increasing diversity of the K-12 student population presents challenges and opportunities for growth in the physical education profession. To address the cultural gap in today’s classroom, many people highlight the need to improve the intercultural competence of teachers. The focus of this article is to summarize the shifting demographics of American society, its impact on K-12 education, and how one California physical education teacher education (PETE) program is preparing pre-service teachers for the multicultural classroom. The article also outlines recommendations for PETE programs to address intercultural competence.  相似文献   


Physical education teacher education (PETE) programs are encouraged to develop teachers capable of delivering technology integrated learning experiences. Technological pedagogical content knowledge provides a framework for integrating technology into teacher education programs. Occupational socialization theory describes an educator’s recruitment, training, and socialization in the teaching profession. The purpose of this article is to propose a conceptual framework for helping preservice physical educators develop technological pedagogical content knowledge that is grounded in occupational socialization theory. We specifically recommend a four-phase approach to help preservice teachers (a) build their knowledge and learn to value technology in physical education, (b) observe and explore through instructor modeling and integration, (c) experiment and collaborate with mentoring and scaffolding, and (d) discover through innovation and utilization. These suggestions acknowledge the sociopolitical aspects of learning to teach with technology and implications are discussed along with the need to help preservice teachers transfer technology integration into their professional careers.  相似文献   

新课程理念的提出对传统的学校体育教师以及体育课堂产生了很大的冲击,结合当前国内外学校体育教育改革的趋势,对我国体育课程现状及新课程环境的基本理念进行了剖析,提出新课程环境下的体育教师,要以科学发展观为统领,不仅要不断更新教育教学观念、转变教学模式、加强学习和提高自身素质,而且要善于反思、注重科研。  相似文献   

化素质是由知识,能力,情感,态度,价值观等多种因素整合而成的相对稳定的内在品质的一般休现,化素质教育就是通过知识传授,环境熏陶以及实践体验,以不断将人类优秀的化成果内化为个体相对稳定的内在品质的活动过程,把化素质教育作为一种教育观来认识,其目的是为了放大它的功能和作用。  相似文献   

教师教育特色高校文化建设在以教育中“人”的和谐发展为价值取向、以自然生成为原则、以促成基础教育的发展为成果功能的总建设思想下,可以主要从四方面实现其具体建设方略:一是开拓“潜在课程”的文化建设功能;实行系统的“整风”建设;促成教师教育的教学、科研、管理“三合一”的文化合力;权衡与考量学校不同人群需要,引入差异性的文化建设。  相似文献   

师范院校应确立教师教育新理念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师教育是教师培养和教师培训的总称,其实质是实现教师的职前培养和职后培训一体化,我国师范教育长期以来形成了单一封闭的教师培养模式,随着教育事业的发展与改革,已显露出种种不适应,并面临新的挑战,作为以师范教育为主体的师范院校,必须确立教师教育的理念,进一步增强内涵,扩展外延,实现教师培养与教师培训的有效结合。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between the self-concepts and cultural diversity awareness of 100 European–American pre-service teachers. The Tennessee Self-Concept Scale:2 and the Cultural Diversity Awareness Inventory were administered as a test–retest to ascertain if changes in cultural diversity awareness occurred during a stand-alone multicultural course, and if so were they related to the study participants' pre-test self-concepts. The findings indicate that a statistically significant relationship does exist between total self-concept and total cultural diversity awareness. However, not all five components of self-concept consistently predicted the direction or magnitude of change in the five elements of cultural diversity awareness. These results imply that urban teacher educators should consider both constructs when developing intervention strategies to thwart student resistance to multicultural tenets in stand-alone cultural diversity courses.  相似文献   

师范教育的德育是所育人才能否为师的根本。当下我国师范教育的德育面临德与智失谐、德与文失谐、德与行失谐的窘境。师范教育的德育既有普通德育的共性,又有其固有特性,是更为严苛和神圣的德育范式。因此需要用原点思维对师范教育的德育进行审慎思考,让师范教育的德育回归“善”之本真,同时将“情”之德育融于现实生活,把德性的养成作为塑造德育格局的重心,进而追求德育的“美”之境界。建构师范教育的德育体系必须立足当下中国社会现实,在中华传统优秀文化滋养下分析当代师范教育的德育理路,探寻师范教育的德育文化语境与路径。从面向“新时代”,植根祖国大地,围绕职业素养三个方面,分别探讨在“时间”文化语境、“空间”文化语境和“职业”文化语境中的中国特色师范教育的德育(树人)之道,凸显当代中国师范教育德育的实践逻辑、国际视野和专业属性。  相似文献   

目前我国高校体育教师的信息素养主要表现为:信息意识弱、对现代教育技术掌握不够.文章通过文献资料研究,对信息素养的内涵作以界定,论述了高校体育教师信息素养的结构并提出获取信息的途径,希望能帮助体育工作者迅速、准确地检索、挑选、整理那些分散而又互相交叉渗透的具有重要价值的信息,提高信息素养,为教学、训练和科研服务.  相似文献   

高师院校必须突出和加强文化素质教育在教师教育中的地位与作用。这是基础教育改革的需要,是优化教师教育课程结构的需要,也是师生教育生命成长的需要。安庆师范学院以文化素质教育为基础,深入开展"读书工程、研究工程、教改工程、文化工程",创建"文化育人"的"软环境";构建人文、科学、艺术通识教育平台,弘扬地域文化特色;开展形式多样的人文教育,突出文化素质教育先进典型的示范与放大作用,建立"双进"平台、实施顶岗支教,提高师范生的教育生命质量,不断探索教师教育的新途径、新方式,努力追求现代教育的目标。  相似文献   

新时期最激烈的竞争,不仅表现在经济和科技领域,还有培养人才的教育竞争。师者,传道授业解惑。提高学生各方面的素质,关键是要提高教师各方面的素质。文章通过研究,阐明了继续教育的涵义和价值,探讨了体育教师继续教育的意义,提出了体育教师继续教育应明确教育对象、目标,更有针对性、模式更加多样性的方向,旨在提高体育教师继续教育质量。  相似文献   

文化素质教育不仅关系到国家、民族的前途和命运 ,也关系到高等院校自身建设与发展。但由于种种原因 ,文化素质教育尚未引起足够的重视。在新的历史时期 ,必须深化对文化素质教育的理性认识 ,把握好文化素质教育的基本原则 ,全面推进和实施文化素质教育  相似文献   

从国家教委首次提出"文化素质教育"至今已有二十余年。文化素质教育既是高水平的常识教育,也是价值观教育。我国高校文化素质教育课程体系建设已经取得了一定的成果,形成了以中国人民大学、复旦大学为代表的"板块"模式,以华中科技大学为代表的"核心课程"模式,等等。但是在教学实践中尚存在课时安排不合理、缺乏专任教师、考核方式欠科学等问题。  相似文献   

Science education doctoral programs often fail to address a critical piece—the explicit attention to the preparation of future science teacher educators. In this article, we argue that, in addition to developing skills and a knowledge base for research, doctoral students must be given the opportunity to observe, practice, and reflect on the pedagogical knowledge necessary to instruct science teachers. In particular, we contend that the construct of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) can be adapted to the context of knowledge for teaching science teachers. We use the PCK construct to propose a model for the development of knowledge for teaching science teachers, grounded in our experiences as doctoral students and faculty mentors. We end by recommending a vision for doctoral preparation and a new standard to be included in the ASTE Professional Knowledge Standards for Science Teacher Educators.  相似文献   

While quality physical education teacher education requires recruits to be trained in the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary for effective teaching, research stemming from socialization theory and role theory indicates that this may not be adequate. Pre-service teachers also need to be made aware of organizational challenges they will face when transitioning into their first teaching position. These challenges stem from the ways in which recruits are socialized into physical education, and are related to the complex, sociopolitical structure of schooling. The purpose of this article is to provide a review of the organizational challenges faced by beginning physical education teachers and to present recommendations for how teacher training programs can better prepare pre-service teachers to meet these challenges. The discussion includes both general and specific strategies that can be implemented to provide pre-service teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to enhance their ability to navigate life in the sociopolitical contexts of schools. Preparing students for the realities of school life should correspond with a decrease in reality shock and the washout effect.  相似文献   

Reflection and reflective practice are key concepts in the educational literature as well as in research on physical education (PE) and physical education teacher education (PETE). The purpose of this article is to review the current empirical knowledge base for reflection and reflective practice in PE and PETE from 1995 to 2011. The review includes empirical research published in peer reviewed journals on the topics on reflection and reflective practice in the contexts of PE and PETE. There were 33 articles included in the review. Most of the research is conducted in the PETE context, where it was found that pre-service teachers do develop their reflective capabilities. However, the results also indicate students make little progress on critical reflections. In the PE context, it was found that teachers express a need for reflective communities. Theoretical and methodological challenges with the reviewed literature are discussed and suggestions for further research proposed.  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济高速发展,特殊教育越来越受到重视,但云南省特殊教育的发展仍相对落后.在分析云南适龄特殊儿童受教育情况、特殊教育学校发展状况、特殊教育学校师资现状的基础上,论述了云南特殊教育体育教师培养与培训的必要性.建议在昆明学院开展特殊教育体育教师的培养与培训,以满足云南省特殊教育发展的需求.  相似文献   

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