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教育研究范式转换:从主体性到主体间性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
康伟 《教育科学》2006,22(6):1-4
20世纪80年代以来,我国教育对主体性教育研究的重视,既是教育研究的一大理论收获,也对教育实践起到了积极指导作用。但是,主体性教育研究背后的主客二元对立哲学基础,使主体性教育面临着自身难以克服的矛盾和局限,即用“学生是主体”的理论指导“学生是客体”的实践。笔者明确提出对象的二分法(对象包括主体与客体两部分)、主体性二分法(主体性包括客-主体性与主-主体性两部分),对主体性教育理论进行分析扬弃,确立主体间性教育在主体教育研究中的本体地位,认为主体间性教育就是主体间主体性和理解性平等共在的指导性学习。  相似文献   

In this paper I identify the components of ‘meaningful experiences’ for participants on a wilderness river rafting journey. The research is phenomenologically informed, and includes interviews, journals, observations and follow-up emails from 32 participants on eight Franklin River (Tasmania) 10-day trips. It elicits individual perceptions of meaningful experiences and combines recollections to reveal the commonalities within those experiences. The research identifies two key recurrent ‘streams of experience’ that provide meaning. The two recurrent streams of experience involved, firstly, a feeling of humility and, secondly, being alive to the present. In this paper I focus on the stream of experience surrounding a feeling of humility, highlighting the qualities of the ways in which participants interrelated with their surrounding environments and the structure of such experiences. Additionally, I consider some unique elements of the wilderness river journey that contributed to the experiences that participants valued as meaningful.  相似文献   

主体间性是当代西方哲学在对个人主体性弊端反思的基础上提出的范畴,主体间性作为一种新的人的生存方式和人学理念的世界观对教育理论与实践具有深远影响。从主体间性的视角解读新课程,主体间性的生成和彰显是新课程的价值追求,这一理念体现在新课程的目标观、内容观和过程观之中。  相似文献   

We developed a computerised simulation that utilises embodied modelling by letting students play the role of particles in a liquid. We compared the learning of two eight-grade classrooms that used the embodied modelling simulation during a weeklong learning module on phase change, with a comparison group that used an ordinary simulation with no embodied modelling. In the pre-test, neither group mentioned inter-molecular forces in their explanations. In the post-test, significantly more students from the embodied modelling group mentioned inter-molecular bonds in their explanations than their counterparts who used the regular simulation, and realised that inter-molecular forces influence the motion of particles. However, we found little difference between the groups in students’ ability to relate the magnitude of the inter-molecular forces to the magnitude of the boiling point of the material, showing not only the potential but also the limits in developing complex conceptualisations through this approach. Building on these findings, we discuss the affordances of embodied modelling for learning complex models, and suggest future directions for research into embodied modelling.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the idea of entrepreneurial subjectivity and the ways in which it is shaped by the entrepreneurial discourse in adult education. As a result, we argue that educational practices related to adults form a particular kind of ideal subjectivity that we refer to as entrepreneurial. In order to understand how this entrepreneurial discourse in adult education works, we will analyse how the young adults we have interviewed engage in the discourse and what effects this has for the construction of their subjectivities. Our joint empirical analysis is based on discourse-analytic methodology and on our previous empirical studies. Our research results suggest that participants in adult education end up constructing their subjectivities within the limits and possibilities of the entrepreneurial discourse that are made available to them. Embracing the entrepreneurial discourse construed in terms of autonomy and freedom, young people are expected to make a project out of their own subjectivities. As an effect, education as well as young adults’ autonomy is limited to a question of speaking in accordance with what is expected.  相似文献   

翻译是将原语和原语文化在异域语言和文化中再现的一个过程,也是涉及到作者,译者和读者的一种活动。但近年来译界对谁是翻译的主体这一热点论题展开了非常激烈的讨论。  相似文献   

在时间维度和价值维度上审思高等教育的发展谱系,高等教育的未来与未来的高等教育包含两层含义。其一,指向未来发展路径的高等教育,技术理性与主体性的双向作用不可偏废:技术理性延展了高等教育未来的想象力,主体性纵深了高等教育未来的建构力;同时,技术理性是促成主体性的基础,而主体性引领技术理性的方向,两者共同作用达成高等教育的未来实现。其二,指向未来美好图景的高等教育,需要将主体性置于价值优先地位,以体验式的合作学习进行感入式的沟通对话,发挥主体创造性,超越技术理性,在未来的高等教育的未来中走向真理式的诗意生活。  相似文献   

In this article, a religious education, which combines a respect for relevant critical demands, when analysing religious truth-claims, and a sensitivity to the need to avoid unwarranted criteriological constraints in the analysing process, is examined. Starting with an analytical comment upon Andrew Wright’s critical realist approach in terms of a ‘pursuit of truth’, the question of how to motivate epistemological analyses within religious education is raised and discussed with reference to three relevant sceptical arguments. These arguments are made objects of critical comments, and an illustration of pedagogical and methodological consequences is presented with reference to the new syllabuses for religious education in Sweden. Finally, a constructive re-interpretation of Wright’s approach is elaborated, and a critical position in relation to it is outlined.  相似文献   


As universities have succumbed to market discourses, they have adopted advertising strategies. It is not uncommon to see advertisements for them displayed in such mobile spaces as railway stations and alongside highways. Whilst it is true that such environments have always sought to take advantage of populations in transit, the fact that higher education institutions have turned to them as promotional sites, reflects the fact that the ‘transit’ demographic now includes large numbers of young people and high school students. In this paper, a sample of higher education advertisements found in Sydney’s transit spaces is analysed along with the ‘rationale’ provided by advertising companies responsible for their design. It is argued their existence reflects the fact that universities compete against one another for students and need to develop a persuasive ‘brand’. Thus in line with neo-liberalist constructions of subjectivity, they individualise the educational experience, and translate that experience into an economic asset, as a value-adding process. It is of note then that much of the imagery and copy of the advertising ‘visualises’ education as a journey and underpins the fact that mobility is an inescapable predicate of quotidian life.  相似文献   

理论的发展离不开文字和文本的参与,教育现象学的发展同样如此,这为我们提供了从文本中追寻其发展历程的可能。通过对已有作品的回顾和分析,可以将教育现象学的发展梳理为教育现象学的孕育、产生和繁荣发展三个阶段。这一发展历程对我国教育现象学研究的启示:必须在国际视野下寻求对话,才能促进我国教育现象学研究的繁荣。  相似文献   

In the neoliberal order, the ideal self is self-responsible, enterprising, flexible and self-centred. Regarding this ideal we argue that the rise of therapisation in society, and in education, particularly, links both the therapeutic and enterprising discourses. The article examines how these discourses jointly produce and legitimate the ideal, and thus, the preoccupied subjectivity of the neoliberal order. As a discursive form of power therapisation is observed here to work by directing students to focus on their inner selves – including their problems, vulnerabilities, dependencies as well as reactions to life events – in a therapeutic mode. And it does not stop there. Therapeutic discourses offer a seemingly empowering and flexible subjectivity, which is central in enterprising discourses. At the same time, however, selfhood tends to diminish to the extent that we argue for a need to understand more about the subjectivities that emerge from the alliance between therapeutic and enterprising discourses.  相似文献   

传统方法结合内容与形式来分析汉语中的歧义现象,以便掌握句子结构分析法,并促进对汉语句子结构的理解。而结合语言主观性来理解同一句子形式的多重涵义,可以发现汉语歧义句中渗透着说话人的情感、视角和认识,从而能把汉语歧义现象产生的原因归为移情、视角变化和认识差别。  相似文献   

高职院校要加强高职学生的思政教育工作,扭转"重技能、轻人文"的思政教育现状。运用问卷调查和访谈方式,采用数据分析的方法,对高职学生思政教育现状进行实证研究,并提出要加强师资培训,强化思政课的作用,开发丰富多彩的教材内容,强化实践教学以及大力建设育人环境等建议。  相似文献   


One aim of environmental education is to encourage different ways of generating meanings of, valuing, conceiving, and contextualizing “nature.” The field of aesthetics provides an affective basis for interpreting our perceptions of environments and relations with other more-than-human beings. This critical essay examines some of the key concepts about hermeneutics and phenomenology introduced by philosophers such as Kant, Dufrenne, Bachelard, Merleau-Ponty, Gadamer, and Quintás and then indicates some methodological implications. Our Freirean purpose is to advance how understandings of the nature of the aesthetic experience of nature might inform different research framings, critical curriculum inquiry, and eco-pedagogical explorations of being in, becoming and relating with nature.  相似文献   

激活学生主体意识对培养学生创新精神、发掘学生身心发展潜能、提高学生分析问题和解决问题能力有极其重要的作用。教师具有素质教育理念是激活学生主体意识的前提条件;建立和谐的师生关系,创设宽松氛围是激活学生主体意识的基础;实行灵活多样的课堂教学是激活学生主体意识的主要途径。  相似文献   

Bourdieu’s version of field theory has had an impressive impact on the ways that sociologists of education conceptualize educational practices. These accounts tend to focus on the varying levels of ontological complicity established between students’ cultural dispositions and educational institutions. In this paper, the wisdom of these accounts is acknowledged but it is also suggested that Bourdieu’s field theory does not go far enough to detail the ways that positions in local educational fields embody pedagogic qualities and action trajectories. Drawing on insights from social psychology and relational sociology, a field theory for local educational action is outlined that more adequately accounts for the ways that students and educators directly experience and act upon curricular and pedagogic qualities in educational settings. An empirical example is then offered of the authors’ claims within the context of curricular tracking/streaming, and the article concludes by considering the practical and political consequences of this theoretical shift.  相似文献   

To function in the economic realm, two important resources that individuals need are finances and know-how. Whereas there has been considerable attention on microfinancing, we describe an educational program that focuses on enabling generic skills about the marketplace and complements these important efforts. We conducted research aimed at understanding lives and marketplaces in subsistence contexts in urban and rural parts of a state in South India. We used the research as a basis for developing a consumer and entrepreneurial literacy educational program. This program uses the “know-why”, or an understanding of marketplaces, as a basis for the know-how of being an informed buyer or seller. Despite the difficulties with abstract thinking that low-literate individuals experience, we enable deeper understanding of marketplaces by leveraging the social skills that participants bring to the program and relating educational content back to their lived experiences. Such understanding can enable individuals to place themselves on a path to lifelong learning. Implications of this work for research and practice in non-formal education are discussed.  相似文献   

随着新课改在教学过程中的不断深化,培养和发挥学生主体性成为思想政治教学过程中的重要内容。但长期以来,思想政治课教学普遍存在着以教师讲为中心,学生主体性缺失的现象,教学过程中学生的主动性、能动性和创造性严重不足。现就这一现象谈谈思想政治课堂中如何发挥学生主体性问题。  相似文献   

We present a new and innovative interface that allows the learner’s body to move freely in a multimodal learning environment. The Situated Multimedia Arts Learning Laboratory (SMALLab) uses 3D object tracking, real time graphics, and surround‐sound to enhance embodied learning. Our hypothesis is that optimal learning and retention occur when learning is embodied, multiple modalities are recruited, and learners are allowed to be highly collaborative. We present two geology studies in a high school setting. In the layer cake scenario, students learned more after three days of building and discussing depositional layers in SMALLab than would be expected from a simple retest effect. In the contour mapping scenario, students learned significantly more after creating and discussing maps in the SMALLab environment for three days, compared with a group that received three days of regular instruction with hands‐on projects. We contend that embodied, collaborative, virtual environments have much to offer STEM learners, and the learning gains transcend those that can be expected from more traditional classroom procedures.

SMALLab: Virtuelle Geologiestudien mit Hilfe der Ausdrack verliehenen Gelehrsamkeit mit Bewegong, Geräusch und graphischer Darstellung

Wir zeigen eine neue und innovative Schnittstelle, die dem Körper des Anfängers erlaubt, sich frei in einer multimodalen Lernumgebung zu bewegen. Das situierte Multimedia Kunst‐Lern‐Labor (SMALLab) benutzt 3D‐Objektverfolgungen, reale zeitgraphische Darstellungen und Rundum‐Klangkulissen, um das erzielte Lernergebnis zu verbessern. Unsere Hypothese ist, dass optimale Lern‐ und Merkergebnisse erzielt werden, wenn “zu lernen” Ausdruck verliehen wird, mehrfache Verfahrensweisen ausgewählt sind, und Lernenden erlaubt wird, hoch kooperativ zu sein. Wir legen zwei Geologiestudien in einer High‐School Einstellung vor. Im “Schichtkuchen”‐Szenario lernten Studenten in drei Tagen mehr depositionale Schichten in SMALLab zu bauen und zu erörtern, als von einer einfachen Nachtestwirkung erwartet werden würde. Im Konturangleichungsszenario, lernten Studenten bedeutend mehr nach dem Entwerfen und Erörtern an drei Tagen von Landkarten in der SMALLab Umgebung, verglich mit einer Gruppe, die drei Tage regelmäßig Anweisungen bei der praktischen Projektarbeit erhielt. Wir behaupten, dass kooperative, virtuelle Umgebungen viel dazu beitragen, STEM‐Lernern Lerngewinne anzubieten, und dass sie jene übersteigen, die von mehr traditionellen Klassenzimmerverfahren erwartet werden können.

SMALLab: étudier virtuellement la qéologie en passant par un apprentissage incorpe comportant le mouvement, le son et le graphisme

Nous présentons un nouvel interface innovant qui permet au corps de l’apprenant de se déplacer librement dans un environnement d’apprentissage multimodal. Le Laboratoire d’Apprentissage des Arts Multimedia en Situation (SMALL) utilise le repérage des objets en 3D, du graphisme en temps réel, et une sonorisation enveloppante, ceci pour renforcer l’apprentissage « incorporé ». Notre hypothèse, c’est que l’apprentissage et la rétention sont les meilleurs lorsque l’apprentissage est « incorporé », lorsqu’on fait appel à des modalités multiples et lorsqu’on permet aux apprenants d’être des collaborateurs actifs. Nous présentons deux études de géologie dans un contexte de lycée.Dans le scénario du gâteau fourré, les élèves ont appris davantage après trois jours de construction et de débats sur les couches de sédimentation au SMALLab que ce qu’on pourrait attendre d’un simple effet de contre essai. Dans le scénario de cartographie des courbes de niveau les élèves ont appris nettement plus après avoir crée et débattu pendant trois jours sur les cartes dans l’environnement du SMALLab si on les compare à un groupe qui a reçu trois jours de formation traditionnelle avec des réalisations concrètes. Nous soutenons que les environnements virtuels, collaboratifs, « incorporés » offrent beaucoup de possibilités aux apprenants de Science et de Technologie et que les gains cognitifs dépassent ceux que l’on peut attendre des protocoles de classe plus traditionnels.

SMALLab: como estudiar geología virtualmente a través de un apprendizaje “encarnado” incluyendo movimientos, sonido y grafismo

Aquí presentamos un nuevo interface innovador que permite al cuerpo del alumno moverse libremente dentro de un entorno de aprendizaje multi‐modal. El Laboratorio de Aprendizaje de Artes Multimedia en Situación (SMALLab) utiliza la localización de objetos 3D, el grafismo en tiempo real y un sonido envolvente para realzar el aprendizaje «encarnado». Nuestra hipótesis es que los mejores niveles de aprendizaje y retención aparecen cuando el aprendizaje está «encarnado», cuando muchas modalidades están involucradas y cuando los discentes tienen une fuerte capacidad de colaboración. Aquí presentamos dos estudios de geología dentro de un contexto de enseñanza media. En el escenario del «pastel relleno» los alumnos han aprendido más al final de tres días de construcción y debate sobre las capas sedimentarias que lo que se puede esperar de un efecto de segunda prueba. En el escenario de cartografía de curvas de nivel, los alumnos aprendieron mucho más después de tres días de creación y de debate sobre mapas en el entorno del SMALLab en comparación con un grupo que había recibido tres días de aulas regulares con proyectos prácticos. Sostenemos que los entornos virtuales «encarnados» y colaborativos pueden ofrecer mucho a los alumnos de Ciencias y Tecnologías y que los beneficios cognitivos superan lo que se puede esperar de prácticas más tradiconales en el aula.  相似文献   

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