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Sustainability is the capacity to endure. For academic libraries, sustainability may well require a radical recalibration of their historic value proposition. The “Great Recession” has accelerated profound changes in higher education funding and in the perception of higher education as a public good. Can libraries use scarcity to fuel the imagination? Can the singular strengths of libraries boost the ability of higher education to thrive, not merely survive? What can be learned from strategies employed in the Great Depression and other periods of severe constraint? Ultimately, how might libraries increase revenue, engender flexibility, foster collaboration, align activities, reduce costs, strengthen infrastructure, and encourage innovation within the framework of a sustainable academic business plan? This article examines these questions by using the University of Washington's 2Y2D (Two Years to Two Decades) initiative and the UW Libraries companion effort, Building Sustainable Futures, as a case study. 2Y2D provides an inclusive framework for near term action (two years) that will realize an aspirational future in the long-term (two decades). Building Sustainable Futures places a library lens over 2Y2D. The Libraries Research Commons exemplifies the synergistic intersection of the two initiatives and may be instructive for other environments and institutions.  相似文献   

Emotional intelligence is an important area of psychology, which has gained acceptance in almost every academic discipline. It also seems to influence the various academic activities undertaken by students. This article, which is part of a larger study, reviews the literature on emotional intelligence, and its relationship with the academic and nonacademic characteristics of students with an emphasis on the significance of this relationship. This review shows that emotional intelligence of students is a key element for them while handling a stressful situation. It also illustrates that emotional intelligence can be supportive in managing library anxiety among students leading to better academic performance. This article will assist the academic librarians to recognize the role of emotional intelligence in library-related activities of the patrons. It is recommended that future research should give more attention to this area.  相似文献   

Seed libraries are a relatively new innovation in the library field, offering seeds, gardening information, and the opportunity for community and ecological engagement to members. While they are increasingly popular in public libraries, they have not yet established a foothold in academic libraries. This paper defines the nature and role of seed libraries, the current state of seed libraries in North American universities, and offers recommendations for the establishment of seed libraries in academic libraries.  相似文献   


Emotional intelligence is more than an abstract concept. While the leader sets the dominant tone for the rest of the organization, employees at all levels can benefit from learning about and implementing the principles of emotional intelligence. The benefits of improved relationships and efficient emotional auditing have a profoundly positive impact on the quality of the working environment. This article seeks to provide the reader with a basic introduction to emotional intelligence and offer examples of how the theoretical concept can be put into practical use.  相似文献   


The need for research support in U.K. universities is growing at a fast pace and a number of different professional and academic units within universities are involved in the process. This case study takes place in a post-92 higher education institution and discusses the benefit of utilizing a cross-university Community of Practice (CoP) approach to delivering research support services. It takes a qualitative approach, using semi-structured interviews to ascertain the personal experiences of community members. The article's key findings for successful implementation include a common sense of purpose; a shared concern or passion about the research agenda; a sense of community and belonging; trust; a safe environment; and senior management support. Added benefit is demonstrated by enhanced staff knowledge, increased job satisfaction, and profile-raising of the Library and Learning Service. The findings can help libraries in similar positions to use collaborative initiatives to develop research support services.  相似文献   

The J. D. Williams Library at the University of Mississippi launched a pilot program during the 2010 National Novel Writing Month, hosting related events to determine community demand and how such efforts could be quantified. Using participant-submitted word counts and the event's own tools, researchers were able to ascertain that such events had a positive impact on participants’ writing output, at least by the standards of National Novel Writing Month itself, and that there is sufficient community interest to hold future events in an academic library setting.  相似文献   


In December 2017, Clemson University’s administration via the Assistant Vice President for Strategic Diversity Leadership charged each college and the University Libraries with creating and implementing a diversity strategic plan to align with the ClemsonForward institutional strategic plan and assessment system. Clemson University Libraries answered this charge by creating a Libraries Diversity Plan Working Group (LDPWG), which applied a provided institutional framework to conduct an inventory of current diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives and obtain input, feedback, and support from all the Libraries’ faculty and staff as well as the organization and institution administration to create an ambitious diversity strategic plan. The LDPWG worked for sixteen months to create an updated organization mission statement, a sustainable diversity statement, and an accountable roadmap, furthering Clemson University Libraries’ DEI initiatives and impact regarding six strategic priority areas: climate and infrastructure, recruitment and retention, education and training, research and scholarship, leadership support and development, and strategic partnerships.  相似文献   

高校图书馆和公共图书馆学术研究现状的对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于2005-2007年CSSCI数据库来源文献的标引词数据,对以高校图书馆和公共图书馆为单位的论文分别进行统计,采用关键词分析方法,从各类图书馆、图书馆要素、服务、管理、理论、技术、研究方法等方面对两类图书馆的学术研究情况进行对比分析。  相似文献   

Fifty years of the compounding effects of Moore's Law have led to enormous advances in computer processing power. Increased network speeds, the availability of big data, and machine learning techniques have accelerated the development of artificial intelligence; this promises to dramatically change many industries, including libraries. This article offers some thoughts on the effects of automation on employment, the social and political fallout, and the threats and opportunities for academic and public libraries.  相似文献   

高校图书馆图书期刊采购招标的实践与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章着重就高校图书馆图书期刊采购招标实施的重要意义、存在问题及操作过程中应特别注意的几个问题,进行了初步论述,以期能推进这一初创性工作沿着科学、规范的轨道不断向前发展,以取得更大实效。  相似文献   

对近年来四川省高校图书馆在学位论文的收藏、管理与利用过程中所取得的成绩进行了充分肯定,同时又对其存在问题提出了一些具体的改进办法及措施,以期能推动其规范化、特色化建设。  相似文献   

广州地区高校图书馆阅读推广调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以调查数据为依据,在分析广州地区高校图书馆阅读推广现状的基础上,指出阅读推广中存在的问题,提出旨在提升高校图书馆阅读推广的建议和对策:改变“阅读推广非高校图书馆主流业务”的观念.提升阅读推广馆员素质、加强阅读推广活动的策划和评估、利用新信息技术推进阅读的开展、积极开展社会化服务和参与全民阅读活动。  相似文献   

傅敏 《晋图学刊》2012,(5):14-18
基于1999—2011年《中国期刊全文数据库》(CNKI)来源文献的统计数据,对高职院校图书馆和本科院校图书馆为单位的论文分别进行统计,采用关键词分析的方法,从图书馆服务、图书馆管理、图书馆资源建设研究等方面对两类图书馆的学术研究情况对比分析,探寻高职图书馆学术研究的特色之处及存在的不足,以期为高职图书馆今后的学术研究提供一些帮助。  相似文献   

The members of our communities interact with library services, resources, and spaces through a number of touchpoints. In academic libraries, those touchpoints often come through curricular and co-curricular activities. A critical goal of connecting our community to our library via the curriculum is to enhance student learning, which we address through internal activities, such as developing instruction plans and external activities, such as exhibits and workshops. We, then, design rigorous assessments and a multitude of program evaluation projects to measure howwell libraries contribute to student learning so that we can communicate the degree to which we meet that goal. This article is a reframing of that progression—defining our community, what we do for that community, why, and how well—as an invitation to challenge our assumptions about public services and community success.  相似文献   

In 2005, representatives from Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), the Universities at Shady Grove (USG), and the University of Maryland Libraries, explored a potential partnership between their libraries. With different patrons and missions, merging the two library cultures and functions presented challenges and opportunities to administrators and librarians.

This study examines the dimensions and impact on both libraries. It will inquire whether it resulted in a limited, primarily administrative arrangement, or whether the libraries were able to achieve true collaboration. The findings highlight some issues libraries could take into account before embarking into a merger process.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 留学生是高校图书馆的特殊的用户群体,国外高校图书馆对留学生延伸服务的研究已有较长历史和实践经验,通过对相关研究成果的分析为国内高校图书馆提高留学生延伸服务提供意见和建议。[方法/过程] 通过文献分析法对部分国外相关研究和实践进行考察和分析。[结果/结论] 国外相关研究重视案例及数据分析,对不同层次留学生延伸服务提出不同的研究重点,重视比较分析、研究方法的科学性及社交媒介带来的影响。我国高校图书馆留学生延伸服务的研究及其实践应注重多方合作和国际化服务能力的提升,并朝更加细化、多元化和个性化的方向发展。  相似文献   

当前高校图书馆与读者的互动往往还停留在表层,未能充分发挥信息资源的最大效能。从现实空间的互动和网络空间互动两个方面分析了制约高校图书馆与读者深层互动的障碍,并提出了克服障碍的对策。  相似文献   

In 2010, the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education released, “Sustainability curriculum in higher education: A call to action,” encouraging infusion of sustainability topics into universities' teaching and research. Since then, academic programs and research related to social, economic, and environmental sustainability have enriched university curricula. An exploratory study was conducted to determine the position and engagements of academic libraries and information science schools in their contributions to scholarly sustainability activities and curricular initiatives. This article presents the results of the study which reveals a number of engagements by library professionals in the areas of sustainability, such as increasing open access to research, building sustainability-related collections and research guides, and incorporating sustainability content into information literacy. While academic libraries and information science schools are engaged in a broad spectrum of initiatives that support their institutions' sustainability research and curricular functions, this study indicates that such activities require a more targeted approach.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]近年来,随着图情业务发展的不断融合和延伸,图书馆这一职业的边界也变得更加模糊,不仅与其他职业交往加深,而且逐步渗透到如信息咨询、数据分析、出版传播等其他职业领域。探讨研究图书馆面临的新挑战具有重要意义。[方法/过程]从图书馆与上述三个职业之间的关系出发,从研究图书馆的角度,探讨图书馆的业务如何从参考服务到研究咨询服务、从基于书刊到数据驱动、从收藏到出版的进一步延伸,研究转型给图书馆发展带来的新挑战与新机遇。[结果/结论]研究图书馆要在转型中扮演领头作用,致力于探索和发展研究咨询服务、数据驱动服务和学术交流传播服务。  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the status of strategic planning in academic libraries. It discusses the trend towards “dialogic” (e.g. Appreciative Inquiry) rather than “diagnostic” (e.g. SWOT) approaches to strategic planning—a trend aligned with a dialogic movement in organization development. The authors explain the difference between dialogic and diagnostic methods and what made Appreciative Inquiry (AI) a good choice for strategic planning at Oviatt Library, California State University, Northridge (CSUN). In the final section, the authors present a case study of the Oviatt Library project with information about the planning process including staffing for the project. Although focused on academic libraries, the information about strategic planning frameworks and processes is applicable to any type of library.  相似文献   

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