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Mouth rinsing using a carbohydrate (CHO) solution has been suggested to improve physical performance in fasting participants. This study examined the effects of CHO mouth rinsing during Ramadan fasting on running time to exhaustion and on peak treadmill speed (Vpeak). In a counterbalanced crossover design, 18 sub-elite male runners (Age: 21?±?2 years, Weight: 68.1?±?5.7?kg, VO2max: 55.4?±?4.8?ml/kg/min) who observed Ramadan completed a familiarization trial and three experimental trials. The three trials included rinsing and expectorating a 25?mL bolus of either a 7.5% sucrose solution (CHO), a flavour and taste matched placebo solution (PLA) for 10?s, or no rinse (CON). The treatments were performed prior to an incremental treadmill test to exhaustion. Three-day dietary and exercise records were obtained on two occasions and analysed. Anthropometric characteristics were obtained and recorded for all participants. A main effect for mouth rinse on peak velocity (Vpeak) (CHO: 17.6?±?1.5?km/h; PLA: 17.1?±?1.4?km/h; CON: 16.7?±?1.2?km/h; P?ηp2?=?0.49) and time to exhaustion (CHO: 1282.0?±?121.3?s; PLA: 1258.1?±?113.4?s; CON: 1228.7?±?98.5?s; P?=?.002, ηp2?=?0.41) was detected, with CHO significantly higher than PLA (P?P?P?>?.05). Energy availability from dietary analysis, body weight, and fat-free mass did not change during the last two weeks of Ramadan (P?>?.05). This study concludes that carbohydrate mouth rinsing improves running time to exhaustion and peak treadmill speed under Ramadan fasting conditions.  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact that mouth rinsing carbohydrate solution has on skill-specific performance and reaction time following a fatigue-inducing bout of fencing in epee fencers. Nine healthy, national-level epee fencers visited a laboratory on two occasions, separated by a minimum of five days, to complete a 1-minute lunge test and Stroop test pre- and post-fatigue. Heart rate and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were recorded during completion of the fatiguing protocol. Between fights the participant’s mouth rinsed for 10?seconds, either 25?ml of 6.7% maltodextrin solution (MALT) or water (PLAC). Blood lactate and glucose were recorded at baseline, pre- and post-testing. Results showed an increase in heart rate and overall RPE over time in both conditions. There were no differences in blood glucose (F(1,8)?=?.63, P?=?.4, ηp?=?.07) or blood lactate levels (F(1,8)?=?.12, P?=?.70, ηp?=?.01) between conditions as a function of time. There was a significant improvement in lunge test accuracy during the MALT trial (F(1,8)?=?5.21, P?=?.05, ηp?=?.40) with an increase from pre (81.2?±?8.3%) to post (87.6?±?9.4%), whereas there was no significant change during the placebo (pre 82.1?±?8.8%, post 78.8?±?6.4%). There were no recorded differences between conditions in response time to congruent (F(1,8)?=?.33, P?=?.58, ηp?=?.04) or incongruent stimuli (F(1,8)?=?.19, P?=?.68, ηp?=?.02). The study indicates that when fatigued mouth rinsing MALT significantly improves accuracy of skill-specific fencing performance but no corresponding influence on reaction time was observed.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate mouth rinse (CMR) is a novel method proposed to enhance endurance performance lasting ≤ 60 min. The current study examined the influence of CMR on anaerobic performance tasks in 11 collegiate female soccer players after an overnight fast. Athletes completed two experimental sessions, during which carbohydrate (CHO; 6% maltodextrin) or taste- and colour-matched placebo (PLA) mouth-rinse solutions were administered in a counterbalanced, double-blinded design. Three rounds of a 5-min scrimmage bout and series of performance tests including a single countermovement vertical jump (1VJ), a set of four consecutive vertical jumps, a 72-m shuttle run (SR72) and 18-m sprint comprised each trial. Thirst sensation (TS), session TS, ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) and session RPE were assessed as secondary outcomes. The first SR72 approached significance (p = 0.069), but no significant between-trials differences were observed for any of the mean performance tasks. The highest 1VJ scores did not differ for the first (CHO = 47.3 ± 3.4, PLA = 47.7 ± 3.5 cm; p = 0.43), second (CHO = 48.0 ± 4.1, PLA = 47.9 ± 3.5 cm; p = 0.82) or third bout (CHO = 47.4 ± 3.9, PLA = 48.1 ± 3.9 cm; p = 0.26). TS approached significance (p = 0.053) during the first bout. No significant differences (p > 0.05) were found for any of the perceptual variables. Current results fail to support ergogenic influence of CMR on anaerobic performance tasks in collegiate female athletes.  相似文献   

Caffeine and coffee are widely used among active individuals to enhance performance. The purpose of the current study was to compare the effects of acute coffee (COF) and caffeine anhydrous (CAF) intake on strength and sprint performance. Fifty-four resistance-trained males completed strength testing, consisting of one-rep max (1RM) and repetitions to fatigue (RTF) at 80% of 1RM for leg press (LP) and bench press (BP). Participants then completed five, 10-second cycle ergometer sprints separated by one minute of rest. Peak power (PP) and total work (TW) were recorded for each sprint. At least 48 hours later, participants returned and ingested a beverage containing CAF (300?mg flat dose; yielding 3–5?mg/kg bodyweight), COF (8.9?g; 303?mg caffeine), or placebo (PLA; 3.8?g non-caloric flavouring) 30 minutes before testing. LP 1RM was improved more by COF than CAF (p?=?.04), but not PLA (p?=?.99). Significant interactions were not observed for BP 1RM, BP RTF, or LP RTF (p?>?.05). There were no sprint?×?treatment interactions for PP or TW (p?>?.05). 95% confidence intervals revealed a significant improvement in sprint 1 TW for CAF, but not COF or PLA. For PLA, significant reductions were observed in sprint 4 PP, sprint 2 TW, sprint 4 TW, and average TW; significant reductions were not observed with CAF or COF. Neither COF nor CAF improved strength outcomes more than PLA, while both groups attenuated sprint power reductions to a similar degree. Coffee and caffeine anhydrous may be considered suitable pre-exercise caffeine sources for high-intensity exercise.  相似文献   

Ballistic limb motion is enabled by proximal “core” stiffness. However, controversy exists regarding the best method of training this characteristic. This study sought to determine the most effective core training method to enhance distal limb athleticism. A total of 12 participants (24 ± 3 years, 1.8 ± 0.05 m, 76.8 ± 9.7 kg) consisting of Muay Thai athletes performed a core training protocol (Isometric vs. Dynamic, with Control) for 6 weeks, using a repeated measures design to assess performance (peak strike velocity, peak impact force, muscular activation) in various strikes. Isometric training increased impact force in Jab (554.4 ± 70.1 N), Cross (1895.2 ± 203.1 N), Combo (616.8 ± 54.9 N), and Knee (1240.0 ± 89.1 N) trials (P < 0.05). Dynamic training increased strike velocity in Jab (1.3 ± 0.2 m · s?1), Cross (5.5 ± 0.9 m · s?1), Combo (0.7 ± 0.1, 2.8 ± 0.3 m · s?1), and Knee (3.2 ± 0.3 m · s?1) trials (P < 0.05). Isometric training increased Combo impact force 935.1 ± 100.3 N greater than Dynamic and 931.6 ± 108.5 N more than Control (P < 0.05). Dynamic training increased Jab strike velocity 1.3 ± 0.1 m · s?1 greater than Isometric and 0.8 ± 0.1 m · s?1 more than Control (P < 0.05). It appears that both static and dynamic approaches to core training are needed to enhance both velocity and force in distal limbs.  相似文献   

Twenty-six male and female collegiate and semiprofessional/professional soccer players (age = 20.4 ± 2.0 years; height = 172.1 ± 8.2 cm; weight = 70.7 ± 10.8 kg) participated in this study to determine the reliability and validity of a field anaerobic shuttle test (FAST) and the Cunningham and Faulkner (1969) treadmill anaerobic speed test (AST). The relationship between the AST and FAST was also investigated. Intraclass reliability coefficients were acceptable for the FAST (.96) and AST (.97) with no significant difference between the means at T1 and T2 (FAST = 56.0 vs. 55.8 sec; AST = 41.9 vs. 41.4 sec). Poor reliability for the Wingate Anaerobic Test (WAT), .83 (W), .70 (W · kg-1), necessitated correcting the validity coefficients for attenuation, FAST vs. WAT = -.89 (W) and -.71 (W · kg-1); AST vs. WAT = .82 (W) and .74 (W · kg-1). These coefficients provide preliminary evidence that the construct being measured is anaerobic work capacity. The results (FAST vs. AST = -.85) indicate that FAST and AST appear to be measuring the same construct. Further research is needed to substantiate the validity of AST and FAST scores as measures of anaerobic work capacity of collegiate and professional soccer players.  相似文献   


The current study examined the effect of acute caffeine ingestion on mean and peak power production, fatigue index and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) during upper body and lower body Wingate anaerobic test (WANT) performance. Using a double-blind design, 22 males undertook one upper body and one lower body WANT, 60?min following ingestion of caffeine (5?mg*kg?1) and one upper body and one lower body WANT following ingestion of placebo (5?mg*kg?1 Dextrose). Peak power was significantly higher (P?=?.001) following caffeine ingestion in both upper and lower body WANT. Peak power and mean power was also significantly higher during lower body, compared to upper body WANTs irrespective of substance ingested. However, caffeine ingestion did not enhance mean power neither in upper nor lower-body WANT. There were no significant differences in mean fatigue index as a consequence of substance ingested or mode of exercise (all P?>?0.05). For RPE there was also a significant substance ingested X mode interaction (P?=?.001) where there were no differences in RPE between caffeine and placebo conditions in lower body WANTs but significantly lower RPE during upper body WANT in the presence of caffeine compared to placebo (P?=?.014). This is the first study to compare the effects of caffeine ingestion on upper and lower body 30-second WANT performance and suggests that caffeine ingestion in the dose of 5?mg*kg?1 ingested 60?min prior to exercise significantly enhances peak power when data from upper and lower body WANTs are combined.  相似文献   


The current study examined the effect of acute caffeine ingestion on mean and peak power production during upper body Wingate test (WANT) performance, rating of perceived exertion, readiness to invest effort and cognitive performance. Using a double-blind design, 12 males undertook upper body WANTs, following ingestion of caffeine (5?mg*kg?1) or placebo. Pre-substance ingestion, 60?mins post substance ingestion and post exercise participants completed measures of readiness to invest physical and mental effort and cognitive performance. Peak power was significantly higher (P?=?.026), fatigue index greater (P?=?.02) and rating of perceived exertion lower (P?=?.025) in the presence of caffeine. Readiness to invest physical effort was also higher (P?=?.016) in the caffeine condition irrespective of time point (pre, 60?mins post ingestion and post exercise). Response accuracy for incongruent trials on the Flanker task was superior in the presence of caffeine (P?=?.006). There was a significant substance?×?time interaction for response speed in both congruent and incongruent conditions (both P?=?.001) whereby response speeds were faster at 60?mins post ingestion and post exercise in the caffeine condition, compared to placebo. This is the first study to examine the effects of caffeine ingestion on this modality of exercise and suggests that caffeine ingestion significantly enhances peak power, readiness to invest physical effort, and cognitive performance during WANT performance.  相似文献   

在全球背景下对传统武术和现代武术进行文化解读,不但有助于提高对其概念的理解,而且更能提高我们对两者的认识,传统武术是建立在我国传统文化基础之上的一种武术文化,而现代武术则是在西方体育文化影响下,在传统武术的基础上发展起来的一种竞技性体育文化。对两者的深入研究有利于武术事业的进一步发展。  相似文献   

文章采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法和统计分析法等研究方法,抽样调查涪陵城区10所小学开展武术活动的情况,掌握城区小学开展武术活动的现状,分析影响武术活动开展的不利因素,从而提出:改善师资状况;提高学生对武术的认识;严格按照《课程标准》,认真制订武术教学计划;通过多种渠道丰富武术教学的方式;开展丰富多彩的武术活动等对策。  相似文献   


Carbohydrate (CHO) mouth rinse has been shown to improve time trial performance. Although the exact mechanism remains un-established, research postulates that there are oral cavity receptors which increase neural drive. Increasing the duration of the mouth rinse could potentially increase stimulation of these receptors. The aim of the current investigation was to determine whether the duration of mouth rinse with 6.4% CHO affected 30-min self-selected cycling performance. Eleven male participants (age =24.1±3.9 years) performed three 30-min self-paced trials. On one occasion water was given as a mouth rinse for 5 s without being ingested placebo (PLA), on the other two occasions a 6.4% CHO solution was given for 5 and 10 s. Distance cycled, heart rate, ratings of perceived exertion, cadence, speed and power were recorded throughout all trials. The main findings were that distance cycled during the 10-s mouth rinse trial (20.4±2.3 km) was significantly greater compared to the PLA trial (19.2±2.2 km; P<0.01). There was no difference between the 5- and 10-s trials (P=0.15). However, 10 out of 11 participants cycled further during the 5-s trial compared to PLA, and eight cycled further during the 10-s trial compared to the 5 s. In conclusion, although there was an improvement in distance cycled with the 5-s mouth rinse compared to the PLA it was only significant with 10 s suggesting a dose response to the duration of mouth rinse.  相似文献   

高涛 《体育科技》2010,31(4):31-37
运用实地考察法、访谈法、比较分析法对当前我国大众武术发展模式和大众跆拳道发展模式进行比较分析,认为体育行政部门和跆拳道组织对大众跆拳道高效、有序的组织管理和支持推广,适应现代社会生活人们健身、修身、娱乐需求的发展理念,适应体育大众化、产业化发展的道馆式传播实体和经营模式,全面、规范、明确的段位制度是大众跆拳道发展模式成功的经验。而与之相比,大众武术缺乏国家体育行政部门的有力支持和组织管理,处于民间自发的状态,习武谋生的陈旧观念以及乏竞争力、难以适应体育大众化、产业化发展的馆校传播实体;技击、套路分离的段位制度等制约了大众武术的发展。  相似文献   

奥运会的正式竞赛项目跆拳道在作为竞技体育项目的发展道路上光彩夺目,同时关于跆拳道的学术研究也随之不断增加,其中,韩国跆拳道史学研究更成为了体育学界关注的焦点。为了进一步完善韩国跆拳道史学研究,运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法以及访谈法等研究方法,对韩国跆拳道史学研究的范式、研究方法的特征进行分析,并对日后跆拳道史学研究的方法提出建议。研究得出:迄今为止韩国的跆拳道史学研究在方法上存在片面性及合理性的问题。韩国跆拳道的史学研究可分为跆拳道的形成过程与发展过程两方面,对跆拳道形成过程方面的研究可采用考据、历史比较法、口述史方法对跆拳道第一代传习者以及最初的技术体系进行分析研究;对跆拳道发展过程方面的研究可采用历史比较法、统计法、马克思主义研究方法等,对跆拳道发展过程中的竞技化、海外传播等领域进行研究。  相似文献   

跆拳道成为1988年汉城奥运会项目后,在几十年来已风靡整个中国,并深受到广大青少年喜欢。而健身武术作为我国的传统文化,其发展速度显得较慢。本文通过对"跆拳道热"这一现象的分析,构建群众性健身武术的推广模式,促使健身武术真正被广大群众所喜爱,为全民健身和发扬中国传统体育文化,具有十分重要的推广意义和价值。  相似文献   

传统武术的发展思路与对策研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
传统武术的产生、发展至今已历经数千年,它以民族传统特色文化为内涵,以攻防格斗为根本内容,以涵养身心为目的,是一项中华传统的技击术、健身术、修心术.通过查阅大量的文献资料和调查,就传统武术发展中存在的一些问题加以分析与讨论,对传统武术的发展提出看法与建议,旨在扬长补短,探索武术发展与传播之路,引起共鸣,各抒己见,为传统武术这一传统民族文化的振兴繁荣作出贡献.  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料研究方法,从教学训练学的视角,在阐述心理训练的内涵与外延的基础上,论述了心理训练对培养武术运动员的重要性,总结了影响武术运动员训练的心理因素和理念转变,在此基础上简述了几种专项心理训练的方法。  相似文献   

对武术馆校武术套路运动员运动损伤的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解我国青少年武术运动员运动损伤的现状及原因,从武术馆校选取青少年运动员进行问卷调查及访谈,并做统计和分析。结果显示:损伤部位分布在踝、膝、髋等关节,大腿、小腿及腰部肌群等部位。损伤类型以肌肉拉伤和关节损伤的比重较大。损伤原因主要与运动员的身体状况、训练内容、运动负荷、比赛及训练安排有关,并提出了针对性的预防措施。  相似文献   

竞技武术国际化发展的创新研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
运用体育社会学、体育史学、体育管理学、体育创新学、市场营销学、运动训练学、武术理论基础及奥林匹克运动等有关原理,对竞技武术国际化发展的现状进行了剖析。竞技武术的改革与创新发展必须树立全球意识;在发展观念、武术科学理论、竞技技术、武术教学训练方法及发展模式等方面进行创新,构建超越竞技武术的新型发展体系,促进竞技武术的国际化发展步伐。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法,分析传统武术的文化内涵。以武术之礼、武术之美、武术之技击精神以及武术的本土文明特征,指出传统武术在高职体育教学中的应用价值。并通过对台州地方拳种的调研分析对此论点提供支持。  相似文献   

以浙江省高校16支武术队的运动员为研究对象,提出影响武术套路运动员比赛时临场发挥的各种因素,并针对不同的影响因素制定出适应性训练的内容与方法,为运动员达到最理想的临战状态,取得最佳的比赛成绩提供参考依据。  相似文献   

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