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This qualitative study creates a case for teacher learning through increased access to digital knowledge and information made available through the Internet. I ask how reading environments, supported through online access to scholarly texts, might create intellectual engagement and transformative possibilities for teachers within their professional learning communities. This study is based on the experiences of six female teachers’ participation in a research project in a large urban center in Western Canada. Through individual and group interview data, I present three examples of how the teachers engaged in a discourse of social justice. This paper demonstrates the value of providing teachers with digital access to public knowledge through the Internet as a new and distinctive approach to teacher learning that can deepen understanding of the profession within a collective association of learning.  相似文献   

妇女主义是艾丽斯.沃克为治疗美国社会的各种顽疾——种族歧视、性别歧视、环境恶化等问题提出的一套实验性的解决方案。它倡导人们建立一个新的社会秩序,一个男人与女人,各种肤色人种之间,人与自然之间和谐共处的精神家园和物质家园。妇女主义对诸多现实问题提出的解决方案与女性主义乌托邦精神内涵不谋而合,是现代女性主义乌托邦精神的具体再现。  相似文献   

I theorize how the common sense of racialized violence, manifest in public discourse, is engendered by the rhetorical process of racial sedimentation. This meaning-making process fashions a seemingly legitimate text from a reservoir of historically deposited fragments that congeal in response to racial crises as a means of explaining away the threat to the racial status quo and burying critical counterdiscourses. I demonstrate this sedimentation process by analyzing both the dominant and vernacular discourses that emerged in response to eight black churches that were burned in a ten-day period following the June 2015 AME church massacre. I also consider how these vernacular rhetorics mobilize fugitive fragments from what Karma Chávez calls the “undercommonsense” to form a survival discourse and what possibilities those radical (from Latin radix, “root”) meaning-making practices may hold. This essay advances communication studies scholarship by connecting discursive approaches to race and racism with rhetorical scholarship on fragmentation, ideology, and public memory. It offers a vocabulary for confronting civil society’s material rhetorics that mask the material realities of racism and racial oppression, and calls for rhetoricians to take seriously the common-sense racism that perpetuates these dynamics and how it might be revised or contested.  相似文献   

在17、18世纪的法国沙龙中,沙龙女主人广泛参与写作领域、关注教育权、重视自身地位、追求理性,甚至谋求某些政治权利。凡此种种,都是女权主义思想的萌芽,同19世纪女权主义有着相承关系。  相似文献   

在翻译领域之内,西方女性主义试图通过对男性中心语言的解析、重构与改写来颠覆将女性纳入社会底层和将翻译纳入文学附庸的哲学传统。由于带有过于明显的女性性别操控的印记,其翻译语言存在局限性,但同时也开阔了翻译研究的视野,给予我们新的启迪。  相似文献   

Through its analysis of the rhetorical means by which the US Congress overcame jurisdictional objections to federal action on the issue of woman suffrage, this essay argues that the stasis of jurisdiction operates as a mode of assemblage of discourses, institutions, and populations. In Congress, the woman suffrage issue helped re-organize federal and state prerogatives over the management of racial and ethnic relations at home and US leadership abroad. Thus, from a governmental perspective women did not emerge as constituents but as tools of public policy. As a legislative precedent, the 19th Amendment debates prompt critical attention to the particular constraints that the discourses of state institutions pose for feminist political change.  相似文献   

The feminist post-structuralist emphasis on social location has yielded crucial insights within debates about power and reflexivity in educational research; however, spatial location is also at play in the formation of educational ethnographies. Reflecting upon various aspects of a research project with rural students in Ontario, Canada, this paper explores three key elements of what I call the geography of ethnography. These include: (1) the spatial politics involved in constructing a research ‘site’; (2) the shifting location of the ethnographer in research practice; and (3) the liminal space of the focus group. Anchored in specific interactions in ‘the field,’ the paper demonstrates how integrating insights from cultural geography and feminist post-structuralism can yield new ethnographic understandings. I argue that educational ethnographers need to better account for the geography of ethnography in order to attend to the power-laden sphere of ethnographic research.  相似文献   

Drawing from intersectional feminist scholarship, we communicate how Salina and Marelis, both women of color, teach science for social justice in the face of significant institutional challenges. Theorizing from their experiences and practices, we articulate a feminist praxis for school science, which includes (1) building community and collectivist orientations, (2) cultivating joy from/within the margins, (3) naming and dismantling inequities, and (4) repositioning students—practices that have profound implications for improving the school science experiences of underrepresented students in science, including girls of color and other marginalized students. Finally, we highlight the ways in which women of color negotiate, repurpose, and transform institutional and disciplinary barriers to reimagine the world(s) of school science.  相似文献   

张爱玲在《连环套》中借助霓喜的遭遇,呈现她对女性悲剧命运的理解:在男权社会中,女性缺乏必要的自我意识,对自身价值产生误解,甘愿沦为男性的附庸;男性掌控着话语权,使女性处于一种“失语”的状态;女性为了生存而走进无爱的婚姻,在灵与肉的冲突中,性格逐渐发生变异。张爱玲的苍凉叙事,传达出一位女作家对女性命运的隐忧。  相似文献   

Audre Lorde's speech, “The Transformation of Silence into Language and Action, “sheds light on the margins of rhetoric in the sense of the public speech because she examines factors that may cause some people to remain silent while enabling others to speak and act. “Margins” refers both to the parameters employed for defining a practice and the relative place or value of varied activities exemplifying the practice. Lorde interweaves her commentary on the silence surrounding breast cancer with insights about silence drawn from her experiences as a member of several subordinated communities, especially as they relate to the misuse of power to silence those who are different. Her speech comments on silencing and power, sexism, verbal abuse, violence and sexualized aggression, shame, the taboo, and hostile social environments. Paradoxically, Lorde's speech is as much about the possibilities of rhetoric as its limits.  相似文献   

This paper reports on our use of a two-phased, feminist memory work in a project conducted with 11 women, social science students at an Australian university. We begin by describing government-led attempts to widen participation in Australian universities because 10 of the 11 women who participated in our project were from non-traditional backgrounds. We discuss qualitative group research, identifying some of the benefits and limitations of focus groups, before differentiating them from feminist memory work and analysing key findings. Using excerpts from participants’ written stories and oral discussions, we analyse some of the obstacles the women faced trying to complete their studies. Our attention then turns to methodological concerns where we examine memory work as a feminist inquiry method. As second-wave feminists understood several decades ago through their use of consciousness-raising groups, we describe how we derived many benefits from using feminist memory work. The method invites deep reflection on the intersections between the personal and political and can be productive of insights about how people feel, not just think, about their experiences. A sense of solidarity can stem from this awareness amongst participants who have a chance to workshop and thus reinterpret their own stories and those of others, which can mean a growth in self-confidence and a reduction in self-blame.  相似文献   

In Australian universities, non-Indigenous educators teaching Indigenous studies and/or Indigenous content must engage critically with anti-colonialism, not simply as lip service to syllabus content, but also, as an ethical consideration whereby consultation and collaboration with Indigenous scholars must necessarily direct praxis. Such an engagement might be referred to as a ‘critical alliance’: an engagement with Others about whom we are speaking that forms the basis for an ethical relationship. A ‘critical alliance’ with Others seeks always to undermine the colonial relations of power that discursively position both Indigenous and non-Indigenous subjects. This paper explores what such an alliance might ‘look like’ as a feminist practice, what will sustain it or give it substance so it can be a productive contribution to a more socially just pedagogy that gives emphasis to Indigenous struggles and Indigenous knowledge.  相似文献   

This essay argues that corporeal sound, including the spoken voice and the auscultated heartbeat, can be understood as material rhetoric, and that material rhetoric, by extension, should be understood as both a force and a networked fluid. I illustrate this argument through the case study of abortion practices and policies, arguing that both mandated heartbeat auscultation and physician speech-and-display provisions represent the forceful fluidity of material rhetoric and demonstrate the power of such rhetoric to carve out networks of meaning. Through this networking, sound’s material role in defining autonomy takes on a powerful role in debates over fetal personhood.  相似文献   

In this article, we conduct a discourse analysis of the strategic plans of two universities, one from the global South and the other from the global North, to understand how the constitution of space and place reconfigures human experience in the two institutions. We argue that universities do not simply respond to dominant logics of globalization but are active participants in its production. We draw on feminist geographers to elaborate how these universities’ discourses of internationalization reify a division of higher education as local ‘place’ and globalization as abstract global space, ‘out there’. This imaginary spatiality obscures the work of the ‘local’ in producing the ‘global’ with important implications for the redefinition of the student-citizen, useful knowledge, and managerial practices.  相似文献   

At present there is a small, albeit growing, body of literature on pedagogical strategies and reflections which addresses the ways educators attempt to challenge the effects of neoliberalism on higher education. In this article, we reflect upon our pedagogical practices in higher education in this moment of neoliberal transformation wherein, as Sirma Bilge notes, intersectionality is being ‘undone’ in academic feminism. As graduate students teaching in Toronto, Canada, we describe how our commitment to social justice pedagogy works against this ‘undoing’ of intersectionality by embracing vulnerability, discomfort and the possibility of conflict in classrooms that do not simply accommodate, celebrate or include difference. Given that neoliberal renderings of diversity obscure and reinforce unequal relations of power, we demonstrate how we attend to these power relations, particularly racism which is salient to our teaching context, by employing intersectionality as a pedagogical practice and a political intervention to advance social justice.  相似文献   

浅析汉译中女性主义翻译观实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西方女性主义翻译观是20世纪70年代翻译研究"文化转向"的最新发展和女性主义运动相结合的产物。女性主义翻译观超越了传统的翻译理论,强调女性的政治话语权和译者的主体地位,为翻译研究提供了一个女性视角。本文从女性主义翻译观理论入手,阐述了该翻译理论内容及翻译策略,结合女性主义翻译观在中国的研究现状和汉译中的翻译实践,最终论证指出女性主义翻译观对汉译的指导意义及其自身的局限性。  相似文献   

手机短信是新近出现的一股语言科技潮流。它具有移动性好、收发便捷、趣味性强、价格低廉等特点,所以迅速被广大手机用户所接受,成为近年来社会上一道独特的现代文化景观。手机文学短信这一新兴俗文学样式,运用自古有之的各种语音修辞手段,在给我们提供最简单的快乐的同时,也带给了我们音乐之美,让我们从另一个方面感受到了中国现代汉语的语音魅力。  相似文献   

This article begins with a discussion of recent critiques of Fordham and Ogbu’s argument on the ‘burden of acting white’. These critiques point to the stereotypical and homogeneous characterization of the black peer group by Fordham and Ogbu, as well as their inattention to the ways in which schools relegate into the lower tracks those students who behave too ethnically and who do not demonstrate proficiency with dominant cultural attributes. The second half of the article presents data showing that academic achievement is related to peer‐group membership and that schools are largely responsible for which peer group students join. Based on an ethnographic study at a predominantly Latino urban high school, I argue that Latino high achievers do not necessarily experience the ‘burden of acting white’ as Fordham and Ogbu suggest. This was due to the institutional practices at Hernandez High School, which ensured that high achievers and low achievers occupied different academic and social spaces, resulting in little interaction between the groups, and to the very different culture that prescribed the ways in which members of each group could achieve status.  相似文献   


This contribution explores “shuttling rhetorics” to help explain why the story of the National Woman's Party (NWP) framed many suffrage centennial celebrations. Drawing parallels between the tactics of the NWP and the Greenham Common Peace Camp of the 1980s and 1990s, this essay puts forth shuttling rhetorics as a way to trace movement as a mode of resistance. As an analytic, shuttling rhetorics allow critics to unsettle traditional understandings of protest rhetorical situations and understand how (mostly white) protestors’ expectations of violence and survival expose their inherent dependence on body privilege.  相似文献   

内心音乐听觉是一种特殊的音乐想象能力,它是凭借记忆想象和思维来表现音乐,由于长期对音乐的积累,音乐想象力就越丰富,内心音乐听觉就越发达,这些音乐思维活动离不开音乐记忆,音乐记忆是将外界获得的音乐印象长期地保存在意识中的能力。  相似文献   

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