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Four instructor-led strategies designed to increase faculty teaching response rates were assessed across both small (n?<?50) and large (n?≥?50) class sizes. The interventions included: (a) individual incentives, (b) group incentives, (c) instructor motivation and (d) instructor motivation plus feedback. A comparison group utilizing the standard university strategies was also included in the study. The percentage of answers to open-ended or qualitative questions was measured across groups. The results show that implementing a contingency – whether group or individual – significantly improves the rate at which students complete course evaluation ratings regardless of class size; however, these contingencies, while effective for increasing overall rating response rate, do not promote increased submission rates of qualitative comments. Furthermore, it was found that class GPA did not differ across intervention strategy nor did it influence response rates.  相似文献   

通过书法教学,提高大学生的书写水平和审美情趣,让大学生感受到中华民族悠久的历史和灿烂的文化,感受到书法艺术的博大精深,提升大学生的艺术修养,培养爱国热情和高尚的道德情操。  相似文献   

应用钢琴教学法是在中国钢琴普及教育发展的形势下,本着把高师音乐教育中的学生培养成具有创新精神、高素质、应用型和可持续发展能力教育理念的教学法。在钢琴教育面向大众,传承传统钢琴教学的同时,打破精英教学单一模式,开创中国应用钢琴教育的新局面。通过探索、模仿、即兴,创作等速成学习,启发音乐想象,拓展思维空间,彰显动手能力。  相似文献   

Student evaluations of teaching and learning are playing an increasingly important role in the delivery of high-quality, student-centred education. Insights into student perceptions of their learning experience provide important information that can be used to inform course design and development. The majority of course evaluations take the form of quantitative surveys, but research suggests that a reliance on survey data alone can be problematic from a teaching and learning perspective. Qualitative course evaluations have been cited as a viable alternative to quantitative evaluations, but less research has been conducted into their efficacy when compared to quantitative evaluations. The study on which this article reports attempted to contribute to addressing this shortcoming by describing and assessing a novel approach to eliciting qualitative feedback from students in a research methodology course at a higher education institution in South Africa. Conventional content analysis was used to analyse the qualitative feedback received from students. The qualitative course evaluation approach was then appraised in terms of the degree to which it has the potential to overcome the shortcomings associated with quantitative course evaluations and the extent to which the information gathered could be used to improve the design and delivery of the academic programme.  相似文献   

Research shows that teachers interpret small differences in student evaluations of teaching as meaningful even when available statistical information indicates that the differences are not reliable. The current research explored the effect of statistical training on college teachers’ tendency to over-interpret student evaluation differences. A sample of 225 English, mathematics and psychology teachers evaluated statistical reports of student evaluation data corresponding to a fictional teacher’s courses. Teachers from the three disciplines varied significantly in their statistics training, but there were no differences in their tendency to rate small, non-significant differences in student evaluations as indicative of the need to make improvements in a course. These results illustrate that statistical knowledge alone does not prevent the over-interpretation of student evaluation means.  相似文献   

Evaluation in higher education is an evolving social practice; that is, it involves what people, institutions and broader systems do and say, how they do and say it, what they value, the effects of these practices and values, and how meanings are ascribed. The textual products (verbal, written, visual and gestural) that inform and are produced by, for and through evaluative practices are important, as they promulgate particular kinds of meanings and values in specific contexts. This paper reports on an exploratory study that sought to investigate, using discourse analysis, the types of evaluative practices that were ascribed value, and the student responses that ensued, in different evaluative instruments. Findings indicate that when a reflective approach is taken to evaluation, students’ responses are more considered, they interrogate their own engagement in the learning context and they are more likely to demonstrate reconstructive thought. These findings have implications for reframing evaluation as reflective learning.  相似文献   

近些年流行于我国英语专业的教学方法当属任务型教学法,其倡导教师应当根据学生以及社会的需求选择适当的任务,并使学生运用自己的逻辑思维以及小组合作等方式完成既定方案,过程中不断完善自己的语言知识结构。这恰恰切合独立学院学生的实际,它能够培养学生语言应用技能、提高学生交际能力。在独立学院综合英语教学中科学使用任务型教学法,能够提高学生学习的自主性,引导学生实现将知识转换成技能进而变为人生的一种态度,,并通过任务的完成实施语言教育、文化教育和情感教育。  相似文献   

教师教育课程是教师教育质量提高的关键所在,科学合理的教师教育课程教学评价的标准是培养高水平教师的重要因素,也是教师教育教学质量持续不断提高的有效保障。目前,我国教师教育课程教学存在的诸多问题无不与教师教育课程教学评价的标准有关。在当前我国高等教育“质量工程”和教师教育课程改革的大背景下,应用CIPP评价模式评价教师教育课程教学质量,对促进学生发展、教师发展、课程改进和教学资源优化配置等具有重要的价值。  相似文献   

基于AHP—FUZZY的课堂教学质量评价模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用层次分析法(AHP)将定性的课堂教学质量评价定量化,合理的确定了评价指标权重。运用模糊综合评价(FUZZY)将定量分析还原评价等级,再针对评价指标做单一或综合评价。最后通过实例验证得出科学、合理、有效、可行的基于AHP—FUZZY的课堂教学质量评价模型。  相似文献   

论学生评教及高校教学质量保障体系的改善   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
学生评教是高校教学质量保障的一项根本制度,它的建立使学生拥有了表达教学意愿的常规渠道,有助于高校树立服务学生的办学宗旨。我国高校开展学生评教工作的时间不长,在实际工作中还存在学生代人评教、形式意义大于实质意义、评教结果被误用、制度设计存在漏洞等问题。为此,应从树立正确的学生评教观、构建科学的学生评教制度、借鉴国外的先进经验等方面,改进我国高校的学生评教制度,完善我国高校教学质量保障体系。  相似文献   

Increasingly, student assessments of courses are being conducted online as opposed to administered in class. A growing body of research compares response rates and course ratings of courses evaluated online versus on paper. The present study extends this research by comparing student course assessments before and after the University of South Florida made online evaluations mandatory for all courses. This change only directly affected courses taught on-campus, as online courses were already being assessed online. However, we examine the effect of this change on courses taught on-campus and online, because we expect this change in policy to have differential effects. We hypothesise that by making online assessments mandatory for all courses, online assessments went from a novel method of evaluation to the norm; and, therefore, increased response rates for online courses, but had the opposite effect for on-campus courses. We find mixed support for our hypothesis.  相似文献   

教学评价是新课程评价改革中的重点和热点问题。教学评价可分为课前、课堂、课后评价三类。构建以课后作业评价为主体的发展性教师评价体系,包括作业内容的设置、设计及评阅的指导思想、设计及评价的形式,分析表明该评价体系具有可行性和重要意义,能充分体现教师的工作量和工作绩效,以促进教师的有效专业发展。  相似文献   

由于受到传统应试教育的深远影响,高校英语教学始终还是存在着传统应试教育的身影,但是在很多教学理念以及教学的手段和方法上已经极大地超越了传统应试教育模式的束缚,逐渐给学生营造出了更自由更利于自我发挥的学习环境,但是英语的教学模式改革还应该继续深入的开展下去,这其中对大学英语课程改革所取得的成果我们也应该要有一个更为直观的认识,对大学公共英语课程的教学评测则显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

本文根据高职教育的特点,阐述了建立实践教学质量评价指标体系的目的和基本原则,根据高职建筑工程专业特点,构建了一种较为科学合理的评价指标体系,探讨了实践教学质量评价体系建立时注意的问题。  相似文献   

Using confirmatory factor analysis and G Theory analysis, this article explores the reliability and the validity of a short version of the SET37 questionnaire for students’ evaluation of teaching (SET). The results show that this instrument can be used as a valuable diagnostic instrument for gathering student feedback in internal practices and procedures aimed at both monitoring and improving the quality of instruction in higher education.  相似文献   

Student evaluations of teaching (SETs) are an important point of assessment for faculty in curriculum development, tenure and promotion decisions, and merit raises. Faculty members utilise SETs to gain feedback on their classes and, hopefully, improve them. The question of the validity of student responses on SETs is a continuing debate in higher education. The current study uses data from two universities (n = 596) to determine whether and under what conditions students are honest on in-class and online SETs, while also assessing their knowledge and attitudes about SETs. Findings reveal that, while students report a high level of honesty on SETs, they are more likely to be honest when they believe that evaluations effectively measure the quality of the course, the results improve teaching and benefit students rather than the administration, and when they are given at the end of the term. Honesty on evaluations is not associated with socio-demographic characteristics.  相似文献   

The mobility of African students beyond national territories has become common worldwide. However, the underlying reasons motivating students to leave their countries of origin in pursuit of higher education in other developing nations and why these factors are important have not been fully explored. This study attempts to explore why and how African students travel to the United Arab Emirates for higher education. A push-pull factor theory of the international student’s choice of destination is developed to identify factors influencing the choices made by these students. The analytic hierarchy process is used to examine the relative importance of these factors. The findings of this quantitative study indicate that learning environment and geographic proximity are the two most important factors for African students, while other factors have a moderate impact. The findings contribute to a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the needs and choices of existing and potential students from this continent, with a view to applying a segmentation approach to attract these students.  相似文献   

随着高校教学民主化的发展,通过学生评教来确保公共体育课教学质量的提高已成为高校体育教学管理的重要措施。本研究对高校公共体育课中学生评教现象进行反思,在肯定学生评教积极作用的同时,分析了开展学生评教后随之而来消极影响,提出了规范学生评教的若干建议。  相似文献   

This paper reports on research involving 23 hard science disciplines at a mid-western university. The data show a strong belief that research and teaching are complementary. Despite this, when it comes to time allocation, tradeoffs are necessary between the two functions. More time devoted to teaching is often detrimental to production of research output. More time was spent in research by higher performing researchers because they are more interested in that activity and rewards are attached to it.Administratively, evaluations tend to influence the direction faculty choose to follow. If teaching is to be restored to status equal with research, then the evaluation system must be changed to account for time input, and significant rewards for teaching must be offered.  相似文献   

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