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Culturally responsive instruction has the advantage of helping diverse students make academic gains. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of culturally infused mathematics lessons on the academic achievement of five middle school Latino students with specific learning disabilities in a resource classroom. We used an ABACACA multiple treatment reversal design, in which two forms of culturally responsive instruction (B) and its modification (C) were compared with the traditional instruction (A). The results of the study indicated that the modified culturally responsive mathematics instruction (C) was associated with increases in positive gains in participants' daily mathematics quizzes. Limitations and implications are discussed in relation to culturally responsive instruction for middle school Latino students with specific learning disabilities.  相似文献   

International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education - Fractions are an important mathematical concept for elementary students. However, students with mathematics learning disabilities (MLD)...  相似文献   

The purpose of this synthesis is to summarize the effectiveness of peer‐mediated interventions on the mathematics performance of both students with disabilities and those at risk for mathematics disabilities. Meta‐analytic techniques were used to calculate mean effect sizes for 17 studies that met inclusion criteria. Results indicate that peer‐mediated interventions in mathematics are moderately effective for improving students' mathematics performance. Also, findings are strongest for students at risk for mathematics disabilities, elementary‐aged participants, and mathematics computation content. Recommendations for future research and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

As classrooms begin to adopt a greater number of digital technologies such as computers and tablets, it is important for educators to understand how effective such tools can be in aiding in the delivery of instruction to students who struggle in mathematics, such as those identified with a learning disability in mathematics. One digital‐based instructional strategy with a limited research base for students with a learning disability is video modeling. Through a single subject alternating treatments design, this study compared the use of video modeling to face‐to‐face explicit instruction for teaching geometry word problems to three secondary students with a learning disability in mathematics. Across 10 sessions of intervention, all three students demonstrated improved performance on all dependent variables with both interventions, while the explicit instruction condition produced slightly greater accuracy scores for two of the three students. The results and their implications for the field of mathematics are discussed.  相似文献   

从元认知的角度分析高中数困生的成因及其转化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高中数学学习困难生的元认知水平不高主要体现在:(1)不能很好地预期或计划自己的学习,(2)不能自觉地使用有效的学习方法,(3)缺乏对学习的有效监控,(4)缺乏对学习的某个阶段及学习完成之后的评价、反思习惯.为此,实际教学中可以运用以下策略帮助他们实现转化:(1)加强学习方法的指导,(2)加强学习过程中的监控、调节训练,(3)注重学习完成后的评价、反思.  相似文献   

Although science has received much attention as a political and educational initiative, students with learning disabilities (LD) perform significantly lower than their nondisabled peers. This meta‐analysis evaluates the effectiveness of instructional strategies in science for students with LD. Twelve studies were examined, summarized, and grouped according to the type of strategy implemented. Effect sizes (ES) were calculated for each study. Across all studies, a mean ES of .78 was obtained, indicating a moderate positive effect on students with LD science achievement. Findings also align with past reviews of inquiry‐based instruction for students with special needs, indicating that students with LD need structure within an inquiry science approach in order to be successful. Additionally, results suggest that mnemonic instruction is highly effective at increasing learning disabled students' acquisition and retention of science facts.  相似文献   

Abstract. This study investigated the effects of teaching middle school students with mathematics disabilities equivalent fraction concepts and procedures using the concrete‐representational‐abstract (CRA) instructional sequence or the representational‐abstract (RA) instructional sequence. Twenty‐six students formed the CRA group, and 24 students formed the RA group. The two treatment groups received carefully sequenced instruction over 10 lessons. The only difference between the two treatment groups was that the CRA group used concrete manipulative devices for the first three lessons while the RA group used representational drawings. Analyses of the data indicated that students in both treatment groups improved overall in their understanding of fraction equivalency from pretest to posttest. On all achievement measures, students in the CRA group had overall higher mean scores than did students in the RA group. Implications for classroom instruction and suggestions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

为探查数学学习障碍学生在数学语言转换方面的特点,本研究以自编材料分别对数学学习障碍学生、普通学生(含优、中、差三类学生)进行了纸笔测试,结果发现:(1)数学学习障碍学生在自然语言转换为数学图形语言时缺乏空间想象,对自然语言中表示图形信息的文字信息利用不完全;(2)在数学语言之间的相互转换过程中表现为数学学习障碍学生的数学符号文字化和数学符号图形化能力不足.  相似文献   

Abstract. A multiple baseline design was employed to test the effect of manipulative instruction on the perimeter and area problem‐solving performance of middle and high school students who had been diagnosed with LD in the area of mathematics. Modeling, prompting/guided practice, and independent practice in conjunction with manipulative training were employed to teach both perimeter and area problem‐solving skills. Analysis of data revealed that the students rapidly acquired the problem‐solving‐skills, maintained these skills over a two‐month period, and transferred these skills to a paper and pencil problem‐solving format. This research extends previous findings by revealing that use of concrete manipulatives promotes the long‐term maintenance of skills.  相似文献   

Homework is an important activity in the lives of school‐aged children, including students with learning disabilities (LD). Characteristics often associated with LD (e.g., poor organizational skills) may adversely impact the rate and quality of homework completion. In this study, a multiple‐probe across‐students design (Horner & Baer, 1978) was used to evaluate the effects of instruction in a comprehensive, independent assignment completion strategy with regard to homework completion rates and the quality of products completed in response to assignments given in general education classrooms. Eight of nine students mastered use of the strategy, and their homework completion rates and the quality of their homework products improved. Associated with these improvements were increases in quarterly grades and teacher ratings of the quality of the assignments. Thus, direct instruction in a comprehensive strategy comprised of organizational behaviors can result in independent completion of more homework by students with LD. Nevertheless, instruction in organizational skills alone appears insufficient to produce a 100 percent submission rate: student motivation to complete assignments and mastery of the skills required, as well as the appropriateness of assignments for students, need to be addressed.  相似文献   

学习障碍儿童的写作表现与教学策略研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
具有写作困难的学习障碍儿童在所有学习障碍儿童中占据最高的比例,是学校教育中值得关注的群体.本文从写作认知过程、写作动机过程以及写作结果几个方面对学习障碍儿童的写作表现进行了分析,并基于写作干预研究的成果对学习障碍儿童的写作教学处置进行述评.  相似文献   

对高师数学专业学生数学成绩的调查及思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于扩大招生,高师院校数学专业新生的综合素质有所下降.入校后学生的数学成绩迅速分化.且专业成绩与高考成绩关联度不大。应该完善高考选拔制度,高师数学专业应实施分层次教学.为社会培养不同规格的人才。  相似文献   

We reviewed eight studies that described learning differences between students with learning disabilities (LD) and students with mild mental retardation (MMR). A total of 639 students, 6–20 years old, participated in these studies. Study authors examined students' inductive reasoning and their performance during guided inquiry and more lengthy interventions in reading and math. Students with LD and students with MMR were assessed in terms of learning ease, pre‐ to posttreatment gains, and the maintenance, transfer, and application of knowledge acquisition. Students with LD statistically significantly outperformed students with MMR on both inductive reasoning and guided inquiry tasks. They made reliably larger gains following interventions in reading and math. Across all learning tasks and contexts, students with LD displayed greater consistency transferring and applying conceptual knowledge to new tasks. Regarding maintenance, results were mixed. Implications for categorical instruction are discussed.  相似文献   

数学障碍儿童抑制能力的发展性研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本研究采用数值-大小干扰(magnitude-size Stroop)范式,探讨了不同年级数学障碍儿童和普通儿童抑制能力的差异.结果发现:(1)两组儿童在刺激冲突条件下的反应时显著长于刺激一致条件下的反应时,刺激冲突条件下的正确率显著低于刺激一致条件的正确率;(2)儿童在需要抑制能力参与的刺激冲突条件下的反应时随年级升高呈递减趋势;(3)数学障碍儿童只在需要抑制能力参与的刺激冲突条件下的正确率显著低于普通儿童,而在不需要抑制能力参与的刺激中性条件和刺激一致条件下两组之间没有显著差异.本研究认为,数学障碍儿童抑制能力发展迟缓是数学障碍产生的原因之一.  相似文献   

This pilot study examines the pattern of performances of 55 Chinese-American students with limited English proficiency (LEP) who were classified as learning disabled. The results indicate that the students in this study fell behind academically. The analysis reveals that the general pattern of performances of LEP Chinese-American students with learning disabilities is similar to that of English-speaking peers with learning disabilities. Although their full-scale IQ fell into the low average range, there was a significant discrepancy between verbal IQ and performance IQ. Their deficits in phonetic skills were related to the changed family situation, to the unique linguistic features of Chinese language, and to the instructional approaches at school. Based on the findings of this pilot study more appropriate assessments and better application of theory are needed for these students.  相似文献   

国外学习困难学生研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
自1896年摩根发现词盲现象,从医学角度确定学习困难的概念以来,有关学习困难的研究一直受到教育界、心理界和医学界的广泛关注,并已成为一个重大难题。世界各国的研究者分别从学习技能、社会性、心理特点等方面对学习困难进行了研究。一、学习困难的界定和类型1.学习困难的界定学习困难,也称“学习失能”(Learning Disabilities)或学习不良,这一概念由美国学者柯克(S.kirk)在20世纪60年代首先提出,用来标示那些智力正常而学业成绩长期滞后的学生。从20世纪80年代末以来,人们在界定学习困难时,回避对原因问题的争论,而普遍接受美国学习困难…  相似文献   

学习困难学生的学习策略研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
该文通过对 1 4 3名初中学习优秀学生和 1 2 6名初中学习困难学生的学习策略比较研究 ,结果发现学习困难学生的学习策略明显低于学习优秀的学生 ,特别是元认知策略 ;初中学习困难学生的学习策略没有显著的性别差异 ,但从整体上看 ,女生的学习策略要稍高于学习困难男生的学习策略 ,尤其是元认知策略 ;初中学习困难生的学习策略存在显著的年级差异 ,主要表现为初三学困生的学习策略比初一、初二的学困生好。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore methods to enhance mathematical problem solving for students with mathematics disabilities (MD). A small‐group problem‐solving tutoring treatment incorporated explicit instruction on problem‐solution rules and on transfer. The transfer component was designed to increase awareness of the connections between novel and familiar problems by broadening the categories by which students group problems requiring the same solution methods and by prompting students to search novel problems for these broad categories. To create a stringent test of efficacy, we incorporated a computer‐assisted practice condition, which provided students with direct practice on real‐world problem‐solving tasks. We randomly assigned 40 students to problem‐solving tutoring, computer‐assisted practice, problem‐solving tutoring plus computer‐assisted practice, or control, and pre‐ and posttested students on three problem‐solving tasks. On story problems and transfer story problems, tutoring (with or without computer‐assisted practice) effected reliably stronger growth compared to control; effects on real‐world problem solving, although moderate to large, were not statistically significant. Computer‐assisted practice added little value beyond tutoring but, alone, yielded moderate effects on two measures.  相似文献   

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