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在全球范围内,全球化带来的经济、科技和社会力量正在对文化的传统与价值、国家的边界以及各种社会制度提出挑战.公立教育显然是正在受到挑战的制度之一.许多教育家担心,诸如市场化、私有化、选择性和多样化将危及公立教育已经培育起来的民主和公平的价值观.因此,我们需要对我们所感受的外部压力加以审视,考虑如何才能把全球化、市场力量等等作为重新检视我们教育体系背后的价值观的动力,以便积极地适应这种变化的环境,而不是让其成为推动我们所不希望的变化的力量.  相似文献   

In his writings on school choice and educational justice, Harry Brighouse presents normative evaluations of various choice systems. This paper responds to Brighouse's claim that it is inadequate to criticise these evaluations with reference to empirical data concerning the effects of school choice.  相似文献   

环顾全球,择校在一些国家表现为一种社会现象,而在另一些国家则体现为一项变革政策。近年来,国外择校研究继续向着广与深的方向发展,这既拓宽了我们观察全球择校现象的视野,也深化了我们对西方国家择校政策的认识。本文基于近三年来国外择校研究的最新文献,从择校现象的动因、择校政策的设计和成效方面,描绘本研究领域的前沿图景,并思考相关启示。  相似文献   

从限制到鼓励:国外择校政策透视   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
20世纪80年代以来,西方发达国家义务教育阶段的入学政策出现了一个逆转:从限制择校到鼓励择校。由“大政府”向“小政府”的转变,是推动西方发达国家教育政策转向最主要、最直接的动力。择校政策的实质就是试图借用市场手段来实现改革的目标。目前,公众与研究人员对择校政策的态度褒贬不一。就我国国情而言,近年内不宜推行择校制。  相似文献   

As detailed in the articles throughout this issue, the U.S. education system experienced a number of structural developments throughout the 20th century. These changes served to shift the landscape of decision-making authority in multiple areas of primary and secondary schooling. This article provides an international perspective on the changes undergone by the American system, painting a broad picture of where the trends in the United States’ educational system fit within changes worldwide. To best understand the possible implications of changes in the United States, I describe trends in educational centralization and decentralization in other nations, placing the American changes in a broader context shedding light on where education in the United States could be headed.  相似文献   

This study investigates school choice in a gentrified urban context and examines the ways in which school choice as rhetoric creates false perceptions, how school-choice policies can betray the very principle they espouse, and how choice (while sought after by many) can undermine community. As school choice continues to expand and gain traction politically, it is increasingly important to understand the effects it has on a variety of populations and how the rhetoric surrounding the policy does not correspond with the lived realities on the ground. This research borrows the concept from psychology and economics of “the paradox of choice” (Schwartz, 2004 Schwartz, B. (2004). The paradox of choice: Why more is less. New York, NY: Ecco. [Google Scholar]) and applies it to school choice to demonstrate some of the negative influences of choice on parents and their views of schooling. This research calls into question one of the major arguments for the expansion of school choice—that it provides all parents the opportunity to choose the best fit for their child—by demonstrating that in actual practice choice does not meet parents’ expectation that they are in control of their child’s educational options, regardless of their class background. In this case study the choice system results in a lack of agency, anger and hostility, discontent with schooling options, and an undermining of community connections. Although a number of families do believe they had a choice and were satisfied with their child's school options, or became staunch advocates for their local district schools, the choice landscape still creates tensions.  相似文献   

Research into school choice has focused primarily on parental perspectives. In contrast, this study directly explores children's experiences as they are going through the secondary school choice process in two inner London primary schools. While there were important commonalities in children's experience, in this paper we have concentrated on the differences. These, we argue, lay in (a) children's material and social circumstances, (b) children's individuality, and (c) the ways in which power is played out within families. However, despite both individual and family differences there remains a strong pattern of class-related orientations to choice. We also found that while the vast majority of children were actively involved in the choice process, the children's accounts highlight an important distinction between making and getting a choice. In this particular urban locale, there is less choice for black and white working-class boys than for other groups of children.  相似文献   

Applying a philosophical perspective to the concept of loyalty, I consider how the commodification of education may affect the ties between people. Using both theories of brand loyalty and Albert Hirschman's distinction between exit and voice, I examine how human loyalties may be formed in general and also in the field of education. I conclude that the overemphasis on 'vertical' loyalty (e.g. loyalty of the ruler and ruled, brand loyalty) demanded by marketisation can undermine and may, under certain conditions, erase the very structures of 'horizontal' loyalty (between equal citizens in a democratic society) essential for the civic arena. These structures are also necessary for schools to function in their civic task of educating the future citizenry.  相似文献   

This paper notes some similarities between school choice policies in England and the US and considers how far any convergences can be explained, on the one hand, by broader social changes and, on the other, by evidence of policy exchange. In the first case, it discusses the usefulness of concepts such as post-Fordism and post-modernity and indicates their limitations. In the second case, it identifies relevant neoliberal policy networks within and between the two countries but finds more evidence of the use of overseas examples to legitimate policies at home than it does of direct policy borrowing. Reflecting upon both sets of explanations, it argues for a clearer conceptualisation of the relationship between accounts of the micro-politics of policy making and macro-level theories of change.  相似文献   

This research contributes to discussions about social inequality in school choices in two ways. First, educational choices include the multitude of options families may consider, including choosing a home in a particular area and home-schooling. Decision-making is considered not at a single point in time, but over children's educational careers. Second, this research explores school choices across school district boundaries to include school choices in suburban and rural, as well as urban districts. I use data from a random sample of families with school-aged children living in the Philadelphia Metropolitan area (including some counties in New Jersey) and other counties throughout Pennsylvania to explore the options that families consider for their children's schooling. The data paint a picture of two constellations of families: those who are white, suburban, and middle-income (who primarily select schools based on their neighborhoods and residences), and those composed of lower-income and urban families of color (who rely more on non-neighborhood school options). The differences between these predispositions toward choice suggest that the expanded school choice policies of urban school districts will have little influence on overall school inequality because of the tendency of white, suburban middle-class families to choose public schools in their relatively privileged, suburban neighborhoods.  相似文献   

Gender education has been emphasized in Taiwan in recent years. Related research undertaken such as textbook reviewing and teachers' gender consciousness has pointed out potential problems in regard to gender in education. The process of shaping gender in a school per se has not yet been explored. This article aims to elaborate on how school authorities produce/reproduce stratification of school organization through the differentiation of male-strong/female-weak traits and through the segregation of educational work. An examination of school discourses and institutional arrangements demonstrates the underlying gendered nature of a school culture and the reproduction of differentiation, segregation, and stratification.  相似文献   

<正>[美]艾伦·G.奥斯本(Allan G.Osborne,Jr)[美]查尔斯·J.鲁索(Charles J.Russo)[美]杰拉尔德·M.科托尔(Gerald M.Cattaro)编在越来越多中国家长选择送孩子出国读书、国际学校甚至"在家教育"的背景下,本书及时展示了当今美国家长的各类"教育选择",令读者对美国万花筒般的各类非主流学校有了更多了解,同时反观自身,思考最适合自身情境的"教育选择"。——安娜·金德勒(Anna Kindler)(加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学教授)目前国内对美国教育的理解更多集中于公立学校  相似文献   

教育选择权源自于市场化导向要求,教育公共经费匮乏,社会多层次需求,对义务教育的总的原则,教育机会平等的原则及学习机会平等原则对教育公平问题产生不利的影响,国家推行教育选择权时必须保证公共教育的品质。  相似文献   

This article presents empirical analyses of the effects of independent schools in Sweden. The most important result is that the impact—both the positive and the negative—is relatively marginal. This said, there are now a number of studies that show that when independent schools are established the pupils in municipal schools perform better. Municipal school costs will, however, tend to rise marginally. The effects on school segregation are complex, but the tentative overall result is that independent schools may have added somewhat to the much more significant effect of increasing residential segregation.  相似文献   


We conducted a randomized factorial experiment to determine how displaying school information to parents in different ways affects what schools they choose for their children in a hypothetical school district. In a sample of 3,500 low-income parents of school-aged children, a small design manipulation, such as changing the default order in which schools were presented, induced meaningful changes in the types of schools selected. Other design choices such as using icons to represent data, instead of graphs or just numbers, or presenting concise summaries instead of detailed displays, also led parents to choose schools with higher academic performance. We also examined effects on parents’ understanding of the information and their self-reported satisfaction and ease of use. In some cases, there were trade-offs. For example, representing data using only numbers maximized understanding, but adding graphs maximized satisfaction at the expense of understanding.  相似文献   

教育的区域差距与政策选择   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着我国社会主义市场经济的推进,我国经济发展的区域差距越来越明显,与此同时,教育发展也与经济发展一样表现出随地区而不同的差序格局,这种差距不仅表现在东、中、西三大区域之间,而且也强烈地反映在一个区域的内部。抽样调查研究表明,部分地区内部在人均教育经费、教育普及水平、教师工资、生均公用经费、办学条件等五个方面存在巨大差距。导致这种差距的主要原因是城乡分割的“双二元”体制。打破这种“双二元”体制需要采取建立城乡统一的公共教育体制和在农村地区实行免费义务教育等一系列政策,以及实现农村义务教育管理体制、财政转移支付制度和教育经费来源体制等相关制度的创新。  相似文献   

本文从介绍日本校区制的历史沿革与发展入手,对日本政府在教育领域推行以新自由主义思潮及市场化原理为导的学校选择政策作了深入的描述与剖析。作者指出,学校选择制在教育现场并未得到积极响应和实施,其原因在于加大“差距”及损害大多数民众利益的学校选择政策,在根本上违背了平等与多样性的原则。  相似文献   

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