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文化理论的分析与批判及其在大学文化研究中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文首先对组织文化的主要理论进行分类的定性分析与批判,并进一步探讨组织文化要素之间的内在逻辑关系,最后指明组织文化理论在大学文化研究上的贡献与不足,从而为组织文化理论在大学文化研究中的应用奠定基础。  相似文献   


Winthrop University is a public comprehensive university of about 6000 students, 5000 of whom are undergraduates. The Department of Mathematics offers a baccalaureate degree in mathematics, but has no graduate degree programs. As late as 2009, there was essentially no undergraduate research in the department. At this time, faculty made efforts to cultivate a research program that would motivate faculty to pursue more scholarly opportunities and include undergraduates in their scholarship. These efforts began with in-house-sponsored summer programs that lasted a few weeks and grew over the subsequent 5 year period to several externally funded undergraduate research programs, including a National Science Foundation-sponsored Research Experience for Undergraduates program. In this paper, we discuss some lessons we learned in developing a culture of undergraduate research. We focus on the advantages and challenges of undergraduate research at primarily undergraduate universities, offer advice for starting or growing a research program, and provide resources for funding undergraduate research.  相似文献   

本探讨大学工科专业课教学改革与产学研相互依存,相互浸透,相互促进,相得益彰,相辅相成的关系和特点。这不但对高等院校理工科专业教师提高水平和教学质量有借鉴作用,而且对新时期高等院校理工科专业的素质教育也有一定的意义。  相似文献   

吴建强 《教育学报》2005,1(4):83-89
学校文化及其对教师职业能力的影响越来越多地引起欧美学者的兴趣和关注,成为西方教育研究中的一个重要课题。通过比较分析中英大学教师对大学学校文化的感悟.可以发现中英教师对大学运作和管理方面认知的异同,这将为中国大学管理和发展带来有益的启示。  相似文献   

科研自觉:高职院校教师的科研文化诉求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科研文化是组织文化的重要组成部分,而科研文化的最高境界就是科研自觉。目前,高职院校科研氛围不浓、科研意识不强、科研政策缺位、科研自觉虚位、科研素质不高和科研层次偏低等因素影响了教师科研自觉的形成。高职院校应该给教师提供优质的科研文化土壤,同时,教师自身应在实践、学习、反思、写作等诸方面努力走向科研自觉,在科研中幸福成长。  相似文献   

近年来,研究型大学在经费模式和管理方式上都发生了深刻的变化,这些变化的本质体现在"创业型大学""学术资本主义"和"后现代大学"等描述当今学术界的流行术语中。文章研究指向市场力量的转向对学术界内部运作和学术工作性质的影响,实证基础是对美国佛罗里达大学三种不同类型的学术组织的15位教师的半结构访谈,借助一种叙事方法,区分了四种学术信念核心叙事:服务学术的洪堡式叙事、服务社会的象牙塔外式叙事、服务企业的营销式叙事和服务政府的合同式叙事。学术资本主义和市场导向的外部压力对学术工作没有机械的影响,学者基于文化共享和持续的基本假设、价值观、规范和道德承诺来解释和回应新的需求。学术与市场导向的理想与实践往往相互矛盾,相互依存,如何在两者之间找到平衡是学术工作面临的最大挑战之一。  相似文献   

文章结合2019年度上海教育科学研究一般项目“开放教育应对上海养老行业老年照护人才队伍困境的实践研究”课题做前期文献研究评述。养老照护人才培养对于行业发展尤为重要。目前,养老人才培养主要依靠非学历的执业证书教育,相对应的老年服务与管理专业的学历教育在全国悄然兴起。然而,针对养老照护人才如何培养,才有利于行业发展与人才自身发展的问题越发明显。通过梳理国内外文献,研究培养现状与养老照护行业人才困境,结合开放大学教育体系,提出合适理应对建议,为进一步的课题研究做好铺垫。  相似文献   

Ryan Brown  Darin Mohr 《PRIMUS》2017,27(10):926-941
The Georgia College mathematics department has reimagined its major requirements to integrate meaningful undergraduate research experiences. We have developed and implemented a multi-year action plan to transform our major. In this article we discuss how the department has developed and implemented a year-long research experience as a capstone requirement. We address how we gained faculty and student buy-in, built a curriculum to support the experience, and developed assessment and evaluation tools. We conclude with a discussion of challenges and next steps in the program.  相似文献   

本文采用质性研究的方法,通过对某大学生家族崇拜形成的历程进行深度访谈,从受访者具体的生活实际出发,探究大学生精神信仰形成的历程。阐明信仰形成分为困惑、忧患、悟道和神圣化四个阶段;哲学性向、生活事件和年龄对信仰形成提供一定的条件。  相似文献   

2007年高等教育国际论坛围绕"建设和谐文化与中国高等教育"这一主题,对和谐文化建设的意义与内涵,和谐文化建设对高等教育发展的要求,如何发挥大学的功能以推进和谐文化建设,以及高校自身和谐文化建设等方面进行了探讨.  相似文献   

科研导师制:文科本科毕业论文指导的新路径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科研导师制是一种以培养学生科研意识和科研能力为核心任务的教育模式。当前高校文科本科毕业论文现状,反映出本科生的科研意识淡薄、科研能力低下的问题相当突出;本科生科研导师制对解决时下文科本科毕业论文存在的问题具有积极意义,值得尝试。  相似文献   

数学教育本质上就是数学文化的教育.基础教育课程改革以来,各版本小学数学新教材已经将数学文化作为一个新的教学要求渗透于其中,这是《标准》的要求,也是教学的需求.国内已有多套教材在这方面做了有益的探索,以西师版小学数学教材为例说明:小学数学教材中数学文化的题材选取要体现多样化,数学文化的呈现形式可以图文并茂,数学文化有必要并且能够从低年级多维度渗透到小学数学教材中.  相似文献   

This article describes and assesses the effectiveness of a 3-yr, laboratory-based summer science program to improve the academic performance of inner-city high school students. The program was designed to gradually introduce such students to increasingly more rigorous laboratory experiences in an attempt to interest them in and model what “real” science is like. The students are also exposed to scientific seminars and university tours as well as English and mathematics workshops designed to help them analyze their laboratory data and prepare for their closing ceremony presentations. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of student performance in these programs indicates that participants not only learn the vocabulary, facts, and concepts of science, but also develop a better appreciation of what it is like to be a “real” scientist. In addition, the college-bound 3-yr graduates of this program appear to be better prepared to successfully academically compete with graduates of other high schools; they also report learning useful job-related life skills. Finally, the critical conceptual components of this program are discussed so that science educators interested in using this model can modify it to fit the individual resources and strengths of their particular setting.  相似文献   

Theoretically and methodologically, understanding the role of research within art and design practices is a recurring theme within contemporary dialogue and debate. In the published literature, there are many questions around how categories and definitions of artistic research are employed within the increasingly under‐resourced realm of higher education. This article contributes to this larger discussion by building up our knowledge of a particular feature of this landscape: how research policy and planning documents at art and design universities represent and define artistic research. While examining research at the level of practice remains important, we must also understand the symbolic and practical weight that institutional directives carry. In light of recent literature on artistic research and the debates concerning its evaluation and institutionalisation, this article develops our contemporary understanding of the role of the art and design university as an important mediator of conflicting perspectives on the ‘value’ of art and design research. Based on a discourse analysis of research planning documents from Canada's three independent public art and design universities, this article will argue that it is not the definition of artistic research itself that is the most contentious feature of university research planning – it is defining the value of this research that invites conflict and concern.  相似文献   

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