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To solve the Fredholm integral equations of the second kind, a new notion of the least-squares orthogonal polyno- mials of function-valued Pade-type approximation is introduced. On the basis of the error formula, the least-squares function: valued Pad&type approximation is constructed. Their existence and uniqueness are studied. A recursive computation formula of the least-squares function-valued Padetype approximation is given. In the end, an example is given to show that the method is effective and stable.  相似文献   

In the present paper, the formulae for matrix Padé-type approximation were improved. The mixed model reduction method of method is efficient.  相似文献   

A new function-valued partial Padé-type approximation was introduced in the polynomial space,and an explicit determinant formula was derived by means of some orthogonal polynomials.This method can be applied to estimating surplus eigenvalues of the Fredholm integral equation of the second kind when its partial eigenvalues have been known,and at the same time,it can be applied to solving the approximating solution of the given equation.  相似文献   

当函数有较多插值节点时,有理函数插值既不稳定,又无法避免出现极点问题.而重心有理插值不但能够满足已知的插值条件,而且计算量较小,能够很好地保证数值的稳定性,同时利用插值权的合理选取,能够有效避免出现极点.将重心有理插值与Padé-type逼近进行复合,先选取有理函数极点的位置,再根据所有插值点的幂级数确定Padé-type逼近式,然后将其与重心插值函数结合,给出复合重心插值的新方法,最后用实例证明新插值方法的有效性.  相似文献   

1IntroductionIn the analysis of a high degree multivariable sys-tem,it is often necessary to compute a lower degreemodel so that it may be used for an analogue or digitalsi mulation of the system.In this paper,a mixed mod-el reduction method of multivariable linear systemisintroduced.The denominator polynomial of the re-duced model is obtained fromthe Routh table,and itsnumerator matrix polynomial is obtained by the matrixPad啨-type approxi mation(MPTA),which was definedby Gu[1]in virtue of…  相似文献   

An interval Pade-type approximation is introduced and then Routh-Pade-type method (IRPTM) is presented to model reduction in interval systems. The denominator in reduced model is obtained from the stable Routh table, and its numerator is constructed by the interval Pade-type definition. Compared to the existing Routh-Pade method, IRPTM does not need to solve linear interval equations theoretical analysis shows that IRPTM has example is given to illustrate our method. Hence, we do not have to compute smaller computational cost than that interval division in the process. Moreover, of Routh-Pade method. A typical numerical  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONOffsetsareusedinmanyindustrialapplica-tions,suchastoolpathsinnumerical-control(NC)machining,planningpathsformobilerobotsandinCAD/CAMfields.TheparametricrepresentationofcurveinCAGDisbasedonemployingpolyno-mialorrationalfunction.Planecurveanditsoff-setsareusuallydefinedbyparametricformssuchasr(t)=(x(t),y(t));offsetsared()()()ttdt=眗rn,n(t)isnormalvectorofr(t),disdistancealongn(t).Butthegenerationofoffsetcurvesisnotasimpletaskbecausen(t)ingeneralhasnorationalexpression.Sofar…  相似文献   

SVD-LSSVM and its application in chemical pattern classification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRODUCTION Pattern classification is an important problem in the machine learning field and least squares support vector machine (LSSVM) proposed by Suykens is an easy and powerful tool for this problem (Suykens and Vandewalle, 1999a). Only a set of linear equations should be solved during training of an LSSVM, which makes it easy to be realized. LSSVM is based on structural risk minimization (SRM) rule, which en- hances its generalization ability. SRM rule requires that model …  相似文献   

满易 《海外英语》2014,(18):200-202,206
Border crossing is a metaphoric term in sociolinguistics referring to a blurring of English use across different domains of social discourses.This article shows how border crossing in English job-seeking discourse is manifested in a real-life English creative résumé,and how this phenomenon brings about two related consequences,informalization and marketization,through critically analyzing the informal and promotional features of the résumé.It then reaches the conclusion that such border crossing phenomenon reflects a voice by the young in reconstructing their self-identities in job-seeking discourse in post-industrialized,post-modern western societies.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONWiththedevelopmentofscienceandtechnol ogy ,requirementsforthesatisfactoryperformanceofthecontrolprocessesarelargelyenhanced.However,moderncontroltheorybasedonthestate spacemethodcannotmeettherequirementofthepracticalcontrolproblemduetothefactt…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Measurement technology for gas-solid two phase flow has important applications in fields such as process measurement, forecast and control in in- dustry (Teng et al., 2002). At present, most optical measurement methods, such as LDV (Laser Doppler Velocimetry), Laser Dust Particles Measurement Device, use an optical sensor probe that only yields information on a single point or a partial area in the flow field and cannot yield instantaneous multi-ori- entation flow states.…  相似文献   

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