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高职院校的微积分教学应该帮助学生理解微积分知识,培养其解决实际问题的能力.而教学软件在其中发挥着重要作用.当前已有的微积分教学软件的缺陷明显,特别是缺乏探究性,需要在设计、制作、使用及评价等环节找出不足,并提出相应对策.如教学软件的选题要有针对性、设计要体现探究性和微积分教学方法、制作者要与制作工具匹配、使用与评价需要有先进的理念和恰当有效的方法.  相似文献   

本文通过分析软件体系结构课程教学中存在的问题,进行了软件体系结构课程建设和教学改革的实践。建立了基于Web的软件体系结构教学资源库和全真案例库,注重理论和实践的结合,为学生提供了课堂外的在线学习和远程教育平台,并建立了基于模糊层次分析法的课程改革和教学效果评价模型,从学生评教、教师评学和用人单位评价三个方面对近年来的教学效果进行评价。实践表明,通过基于问题、基于榜样的案例教学和互动研讨,不仅帮助学生获得了解决实际问题的能力,而且为学生早日成为合格的软件架构师打下了基础。  相似文献   

"生物统计学"是我国高校生物科学、植物生产类的专业基础课,具有较强的理论性和实用性。为了让学生更好地学习和掌握这门课程,针对教学中存在的问题,结合多年的教学实践和该门课的教学特点,提出在教学中应选择合适的教材并优化教学内容,以多媒体技术与传统教学方式相结合的教学手段,同时加强田间试验与软件应用相结合,来激发学生学习兴趣,加深对所学内容的理解和掌握,培养学生科学开展试验设计与应用统计软件分析数据的能力,改革考核方式等观点和建议。  相似文献   

师范生教学技能训练需要教师反馈和评价,而由于师生比例过大等因素导致教师的反馈和评价远远不足,系统利用视频标注技术实现了对微格教室三分屏视频的同时批注,并且可选择文字、手写和语音等多种批注方式,方便了教师远程在线点评学生的教学技能训练,方便了学生清晰有效地反思自己的问题,从而不断提升教学技能训练的效果。  相似文献   

学生评教作为评价教师授课质量的主要方式被各国高校普遍采用。日本在传统文化和观念上与我们有着很多相似之处,因此在学生评教方面也与我们有很多共性的问题。本文详细分析了日本高校学生评教的现状和存在的各种问题,对我国的学生评教有重要启示。  相似文献   

Student evaluation committees play a crucial role in internal quality assurance processes as representatives of the student body. However, the students on these committees sometimes experience difficulty in providing constructive and structured feedback to faculty in an environment characterised by a strong power differential between student and staff. This study aimed to evaluate a leadership and quality assurance training implemented for students involved in internal quality assurance. Furthermore, we explored how students give shape to their internal quality assurance role. Students from three health sciences programmes participated in a mixed methods study to evaluate the training and reflect on their internal quality assurance role. Overall, the students were very enthusiastic about the training. Qualitative data analysis indicated that in their internal quality assurance role, students: (1) harnessed the power of the entire student population; (2) tried to create focus and take charge; (3) searched for a common ground with staff, and (4) they explained how they dealt with the power differential. Providing training for students with internal quality assurance roles is a valuable endeavour. Future research needs to investigate further ways to help students to contribute to internal quality assurance processes in higher education.  相似文献   

This mixed methods study investigated high school students’ evaluations of scientific arguments. Myside bias occurs when individuals evaluate belief-consistent information more favorably than belief-inconsistent information. In the quantitative phase, participants (n?=?72 males) rated belief-consistent arguments more favorably than belief-inconsistent arguments; however, they also rated strong arguments more favorably than weak arguments, which indicated they did not evaluate the arguments exclusively on whether they were belief-consistent. In the follow-up qualitative phase, we conducted interviews with purposefully-sampled students who showed either higher or lower levels of myside bias. Results indicated that students in both groups applied normative evaluation criteria to the arguments. However, students who showed little or no myside bias applied the same evaluation criteria to arguments independent of whether they were belief-consistent, whereas students who showed high levels of myside bias applied different evaluation criteria to belief-inconsistent arguments. These findings suggest that procedural and conceptual metacognition may play a role in the extent to which individuals reason independent of their beliefs.  相似文献   

集成电路实验是电子科学与技术专业的重要专业实验课,以往教学中存在着教学方法陈旧、实验课程联系松散和实验软件落后等问题。难以适应新时期人才培养的需要。教学改革势在必行。从高等院校集成电路实验课程的教学目标入手,应用“点”与“面”相结合的教学手段和形式多样的教学方法对课程进行改革创新,突出学生的主体作用,因材施教。可以有效提高教学效果。提升学生的创新能力。  相似文献   

为提高《Java web 应用程序开发》课程的达成度和改变“一试定结果”的考核方式,根据 OBE 的教育理念和《Java web 应用程序开发》课程在河南工业大学软件工程专业课程体系中的地位及其所支撑的毕业指标点,制定课程目标、课程大纲,设计“以学生为中心”的课前准备、课堂教学和课下自学教学过程,以及全程化多维度的课程考核方式和评价办法。通过各个教学环节的设置和实施,充分调动学生自主学习能力,使学生有兴趣学,能自学,思中学,做中学。实践证明,在 2016 级比 2015 级学生平均绩点低的情况下,该课程 3 个目标达成度分别提高了 0.3、0.1 和 0.2。  相似文献   

高职院校"学生评教"实践的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生评教是学生作为评价主体对教师的教学工作做出的评价,是学校教学质量监控体系中不可或缺的重要一环[1].通过对兰州石化学院学生评教的目的意义和实施过程的深入分析,探讨了高职院校学生评教的具体做法、效果和存在的问题.  相似文献   

提问是英语课堂中经常用到的教学方式之一。提问之后,教师针对学生的表现给予恰如其分的评价是提问有效进行的保证,没有评价的提问是不完整的提问。在某种程度上,评价直接影响到英语课堂教学活动的成败和教学预设目标的达成。文章提出了英语教师在提问评价中存在的问题,指明了恰当评价的意义,着重探讨了欣赏性评价、批判性评价和非言语评价等不同策略,希望对英语教师的课堂提问评价有所启迪和促进。  相似文献   

The language used in environmental education texts has linguistic features that affect students' comprehension of concepts and their ability to envision solutions to environmental education problems. This paper shows what 143 middle school students focused on and what they failed to focus on when reading texts about biodiversity issues and identifies linguistic features of the texts that can account for this. Since much evaluation of students' knowledge of academic subjects, including environmental education, is done through reading and writing assignments, it is important to examine how environmental education texts present issues to students and what students write after reading environmental education texts. We suggest that features of texts such as abstract nouns and lack of explicit agents impede students' full comprehension of complex issues and obscure the causes and solutions to environmental problems. We present guidelines for teachers and materials writers to make abstract concepts more accessible to middle school students.  相似文献   

Too difficult, too abstract, too theoretical – many first-year engineering students complain about their mathematics courses. The project MathePraxis aims to resolve this disaffection. It links mathematical methods as they are taught in the first semesters with practical problems from engineering applications – and thereby shall give first-year engineering students a vivid and convincing impression of where they will need mathematics in their later working life. But since real applications usually require more than basic mathematics and first-year engineering students typically are not experienced with construction, mensuration and the use of engineering software, such an approach is hard to realise. In this article, we show that it is possible. We report on the implementation of MathePraxis at Ruhr-Universität Bochum. We describe the set-up and the implementation of a course on designing a mass damper which combines basic mathematical techniques with an impressive experiment. In an accompanying evaluation, we have examined the students' motivation relating to mathematics. This opens up new perspectives how to address the need for a more practically oriented mathematical education in engineering sciences.  相似文献   

In educational contexts, understanding the student’s learning must take account of the student’s construction of reality. Reality as experienced by the student has an important additional value. This assumption also applies to a student’s perception of evaluation and assessment. Students’ study behaviour is not only determined by the examination or assessment modes that are used. Students’ perceptions about evaluation methods also play a significant role. This review aims to examine evaluation and assessment from the student’s point of view. Research findings reveal that students’ perceptions about assessment significantly influence their approaches to learning and studying. Conversely, students’ approaches to study influence the ways in which they perceive evaluation and assessment. Findings suggest that students hold strong views about different assessment and evaluation formats. In this respect students favour multiple‐choice format exams to essay type questions. However, when compared with more innovative assessment methods, students call the ‘fairness’ of these well‐known evaluation modes into question.  相似文献   

目前高职 CAD/CAM 课程教学存在着一些问题:内容没有结合专业特色来设置侧重点,软件教学缺乏与其它课程的关联,教学方式单调,软件版本的选用脱离行业企业一线等。为此提出以下一些对策:教学软件选择应与企业一致,注重 CAD/CAM 软件与其它课程的相互关联,教学内容的安排要结合专业特色来设置侧重点,教学方法应灵活多样,改革课程考核方式。  相似文献   

借助可视化软件CiteSpace,绘制我国1999—2021年高中生综合素质评价研究的知识图谱,可以发现,我国高中生综合素质评价研究大致经历了前期酝酿、初步探索、深入论证3个阶段,主要聚焦“综合素质”“普通高中”“高考改革”“高中学生综合素质评价”“学生评价”等热频关键词,取得了许多有价值的成果,但遗憾的是,在一些重要理论问题上人们仍然没有达成共识,在高校招生录取如何参考使用高中生综合素质评价问题上仍然没有取得实质性突破。未来,高中生综合素质评价将加强学理研究,澄清综合素质评价的诸多理论问题;拓展研究视角,提升高中生综合素质评价的科学性;同时,聚焦高校招生“参考使用”高中生综合素质评价的有效突破点,实现大数据等现代信息技术与学生综合素质评价的耦合,探索高中生综合素质评价“扎根中国,融通中外”的主要路径,有效规避高中生综合素质评价的公平性风险等。  相似文献   

有好的教师,才有好的教育,作为思想政治理论课的教学承担者,高校思想政治理论课教师的教学状况一直是教育界关注的一个热点话题,而学生是教学过程的直接参与者和体验者,学生的评价是教学评价体系的一个重要组成部分,因此,笔者试图从实证的角度以学生的视角来评价思想政治理论课教师的教学情况,找出思想政治理论课教师在教学过程中所存在的问题,并根据这些问题提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

何琳  陶权  黎洪坤 《高教论坛》2011,(6):114-116
为适应社会经济发展需要,体现高职教育的办学目的和服务社会的重要途径,各高职院校为了提高学生的技能,便于学生的就业,同时,加快高职院校自身的发展和特色建设,纷纷开展了职业技能培训和鉴定,但是培训课程并不理想,没有体现出院校和专业特色,本文从适应社会和学生需要出发,分析了存在问题,并提出解决问题的方法和措施,希望能给同行有所启示。  相似文献   

王小燕 《现代教育技术》2010,20(10):135-137
考试是教学中的一个重要环节,对考试成绩进行分析和试卷质量进行评估对教师改进教学,提高试卷质量有着积极而重要的指导作用。文章利用较为普及的MSExcel软件对兰州理工大学四级模拟考试进行了成绩分析和试卷质量评估,对广大教师进行考试分析具有一定的实际指导意义。  相似文献   

我国有相当部分的中学生在学校过得并不开心,中学生幸福感缺失的原因为:社会上存在过度功利主义的价值取向;学校里信仰教育缺失,评价方式过于单一,传统的教学方式依然大量存在,部分教师的职业素养有待提高;家庭中问题家庭增多,给中学生带来负面影响。增强中学生幸福感的策略为:让中学生尽可能多地体验到成功的快乐;创设快乐的情景,组织...  相似文献   

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