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南京是中国享誉海内外的历史文化名城和十朝都城。南京教育历史悠久,传统深厚,颇多鲜明的地方特色。南京教育史是一部令人深思、令人警醒、令人振奋的历史,是中国教育史中一颗璀璨的明珠。  相似文献   

作为教育史研究的新兴领域,教育身体史致力于研究历史上教育参与者的身体活动与教育理念、制度、实践等之间的相互关系。当前,教育身体史研究主题涵盖了身体的生理、心理、以及社会文化面向中身体的动态或静态表现;就研究对象而言,研究者更关注教育中的女性与儿童身体。同时,注重对于实物、影像等新史料的发掘与利用,基于福柯规训理论、知觉现象学和具身认知理论,采用隐喻、文本解读、话语分析和影像分析等方法展开研究。未来的教育身体史研究,应该警惕“身体”的模糊性,使相关研究从混沌走向清晰;应该注意对身体进行恰当深描,避免“抑身”或“扬身”的极端失重;在拓展跨学科研究与合作的同时,也要坚守身体史研究的教育立场。  相似文献   

A reanalysis of colonial education is necessary in order to highlight its multifaceted and hybrid nature in specific colonial contexts. Although in general, colonial education served the socio-political needs of the colonial machinery, the colonial government's hegemonic authority over the school curriculum did not operate as a totalising project. It was fettered by issues of political and social expediency that required both assimilation and accommodation in dealing with the sensitivities that were part and parcel of colonial rule. Influenced by theories of colonialism, this study used primary and secondary sources, in order to provide a nuanced understanding of the colonial history curriculum in Botswana. The paper argues that colonial rule was not merely a result of a foreign administration, but operated subject to local (counter-veiling) conditions, which reflected the complexities of the colonial context, and inadvertently influenced colonial education policy and practice, as well. Moreover, in the quest to create room for the incorporation of indigenous histories, the colonial authorities unwittingly came to reinforce the cultural hegemony of the principal Tswana groups. This provided the basis for the framing of history curricula in ways that inadvertently rendered the histories of the ethnic minorities invisible.  相似文献   

把学习历史知识局限一隅的小历史教育观,是在特定历史条件下形成的,而当今中国社会特别是青少年人文精神缺失日益突出的现状催促我们必须树立大历史素质教育观,即历史教师的育人观、教育部门历史教学的质量观、学生的成才观和整个社会的知识观协调一致,素质教育才能落到实处。  相似文献   

“湖广填四川”是清代影响四川至深至远的移民运动。本文基于对清代移民史的认识,认为既有的清代四川移民史成果大体上可以分为两大研究取向,即人口史视野下的移民史研究及区域史背景下的移民史研究。在此基础上,笔者提出了对未来深化区域移民史研究的粗浅看法。  相似文献   

日趋繁荣的区域教育研究不断推动着区域教育学的发展,加速着区域教育学的成熟化进程,然而各种复杂的因素相互交织,使作为初创学科的区域教育学身陷困境、举步维艰,始终处于一种失语状态。为认清学科发展过程中的根本问题之所在,我们有必要对其所处的困境及其原因予以反思,寻求走出当前困境的途径,以使区域教育学摆脱当前的发展困境和合法性危机,逐步确立区域教育学的学科地位,最终获得学科身份的共识性认同。  相似文献   

This study on a “new” history of education is written from the perspective of a participant in the process of discarding Soviet intellectual and physical boundaries. The fall of the Berlin Wall has, over the past two decades, become a continuous process in post-Soviet societies, when the now liberated historians of education were faced with a new challenge, namely integration into the newly opened world. The only allowed theory, Marxism-Leninism, reduced historians of education to superficial methodology and its trivialisation. However, the collapse of the USSR did not immediately result in new theoretical concepts, because historians were busy discovering fresh facts in newly accessed archives and libraries. Soon, topics on the history of education were being addressed by social scientists, who had succeeded in learning the latest theories, enabling them to present historic material to the general public in a global context. “Acts-and-facts history” slowly lost its place in university courses. Similar to the Revisionists of the 1960s in the West, today historians of education in the Baltics look to the common narratives and borrow theories from the social sciences. Current research in Latvia focuses on the Soviet legacy, internationalisation of education and the stories of those “whose voices have not yet been heard”.  相似文献   

地域文学史研究视野中的明清文学史研究具有以下特点和价值:一是以区域文学发展演变为线索,以"横剖"式的解构、建构,与文学通史、断代史、文体史构成互补;二是以呈现区域"文学生态"的方式,考察文学史的特质,从而发掘文学深刻的内涵与意蕴;三是以区域作家作品、文学风气为研究对象,微观分析与宏观考察相结合,以"多元"的形式弥补文学通史、断代史、文体史粗线条描述的不足.明清区域文学史研究的问题与误区主要有:缺乏创新意识,转抄旧的文学史;局限于旧的文学史观,沿袭旧的书写模式;缺乏宏观的文学史意识,描述或杂乱无章,或"失实"、"空疏";文献发掘不深,流于表面.在未来的一段时期内,有关研究将在以下几方面取得长足的发展:填补一些地域文学史的空白;从大的区域到小的区域;从地域文学通史到地域断代史、文体史.  相似文献   

研究了作为教育学科中的基础学科--教育史,在教师教育中的作用长期被忽略的原因,探讨了教育史的教师教育价值以及教师教育中教育史课程的教学原则、内容和方法等问题.笔者认为,教育史是教师教育专业课程中不可或缺的组成部分;教育史学科应当在教学原则、内容和方法深入革新,以胜任其承担的教师教育任务.  相似文献   

作为具有学科方向意义的“区域史”研究的兴起,标志着愈来愈多的史家把地理学的或者空间的角度放在了其理论视野的首要地位,同时也说明区域史是史学研究自身发展的必然趋势,是推动史学研究向深度和广度进展的一个有效途径。在区域史研究方兴未艾的今天,重温梁启超20世纪初年以来有关史地整合的理论建构有利于区域史研究的深入开展。  相似文献   

In the past few years, worries about decreasing jobs or even the possible disappearance of the history of education as a field of study have frequently surfaced. Hence, the question arises as to whether the history of education, as a field of study, has a future – or is it, as many authors have remarked, in danger? This article starts from the idea that our field of study is definitely not alone in its struggle: many branches of the humanities have fallen victim to similar appeals of economic efficiency and relevance. In response to these developments, digital humanities in particular have been identified as a way out of the impasse. Therefore, this article explores the ways in which digital humanities or digital history can offer valuable contributions to the future of the history of education. This paper advocates that, although digital humanities or digital history cannot magically make our problems disappear, historians of education should further embrace the possibilities digital technology has to offer for the investigation of our educational past. I argue that digital technology not only has the potential to make our lives considerably easier; it can also help in addressing new research questions, give new meaning to existing concepts within the history of education and further enhance the interdisciplinary character of our discipline.  相似文献   

教育史学科的未来,是与教育史学科百年历史和学科现实状况密切联系的,我们必须从学科的历史条件和现实条件出发,对教育史学科进行历史总结和理论建设,加强教育史学科的基础建设,重视教育专史的研究,确立教育史学科的基础地位,同时注意教育史研究的国际化,从而进一步增强自主研究的能力,以推动教育史学科的发展。  相似文献   

自熊明安的《中国高等教育史》问世以后,中国近代高等教育史也逐渐形成了一个专门的研究领域。时至今日,中国近代高等教育史在研究上主要表现为四种模式:中国近代高等教育史的宏观研究,近代中国大学的个案研究.区域高等教育发展研究以及大学与区域社会互动发展研究。由于中国近代不同区域发展状况各异.从大学与区域社会互动发展的角度对中国近代高等教育进行研究,可以更加明晰地了解影响中国近代高等教育发展中很多具体的区域性人物和事件,并为当代中国高等教育发展提供更加具体和客观的借鉴。  相似文献   

中国教会教育是特定历史条件下中西文化教育的产物,也是中国近代教育的重要组成部分。由于它与中国传统教育截然不同,采取的是新式教育,因而对中国近代社会、文化教育等产生了比较大的影响。它作为一门新兴的课题,学术界研究探讨了中国教会教育史的历史发展轨迹及所存在的几种范式,但总体来说,研究的现状还处于一个初级阶段。目前,仍有诸多问题亟待开发与深化。  相似文献   

“历史感”与本科历史学专业教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"历史感"是人文科学的产物,"历史感"教育在高校本科历史学专业中具有必要与重要的地位.目前,高校普遍缺乏"历史感"的教育,"历史感"往往被混同于历史观,需要从教与学两方面引起重视并贯彻"历史感"的教育.  相似文献   

This article reveals perspectives based on experiences from twentieth-century Danish educational history by outlining contemporary, test-based accountability regime characteristics and their implications for education policy. The article introduces one such characteristic, followed by an empirical analysis of the origins and impacts of test-based accountability measures applying both top-down and bottom-up perspectives.

These historical perspectives offer the opportunity to gain a fuller understanding of this contemporary accountability concept and its potential, appeal and implications for continued use in contemporary educational settings. Accountability measures and practices serve as a way to govern schools; by analysing the history of accountability as the concept has been practised in the education sphere, the article will discuss both pros and cons of such a methodology, particularly as it relates to contemporary education governance.  相似文献   

高距 《中国地质教育》2009,18(3):152-155
大地构造学是联系许多地质分支学科的纽带,并直接与矿产资源、地质灾害的形成和分布以及地形地貌、气候环境的变化密切相关,在地质科学中占有非常重要的地位。本文按照学科发展,将大地构造研究发展历史分为四个时期,对各个时期研究状况作了简要回顾。特别对本世纪以来超越板块构造阶段大地构造研究中的问题和发展方向作了总结和展望。  相似文献   

我国高校历史教育中的唯物史观教育有两条基本途径,即唯物史观原理教育和以唯物史观为指导的历史知识体系教育。目前,我国高校唯物史观教育中存在唯物史观原理教材僵化、以唯物史观为指导的通史和各专门史教材改革滞后以及从事唯物史观教育的教师知识结构不完善等问题。因此,我们必须对其进行多方面改革。  相似文献   

教育的历史发展过程是教育史研究的客观对象,也是教育史评的客观基础和确立教育史评标准的重要依据.教育史学评论的社会标准往往集中体现为一定的阶级和政治标准,尤重其"资治"功用,但必须尊重教育历史的客观事实,遵循教育史学自身的客观规律.教育史学评论的学术标准主要是史学内容的真实性和表现形式的完美性.  相似文献   

Portuguese schools hold important collections, most organised in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This scientific heritage, however, is still to be discovered. This article focuses on the creation, development, and role of natural history collections in Portuguese secondary schools, between the second half of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century, that is, before and after the introduction of laboratory-based teaching in science education. Material culture is thus used to expand the current narrative of science teaching in Portugal, by tracking these kinds of collections. Contrary to the current view on science teaching in Portuguese secondary education, in this article I argue that by focusing on collections, and more generally on the material culture of secondary schools, a new picture emerges that contradicts the traditional discourse emphasising the scarcity of appropriate school buildings, infrastructure, and equipment. A brief overview of the current state of Portuguese natural history teaching collections is also provided, drawing attention to their vulnerability, given the absence of a general policy or guidelines orienting its conservation.  相似文献   

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