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This study examined the influence of differing volume load and intensity (%1 repetition maximum[%1RM]) resistance exercise workouts on session rating of perceived exertion (sRPE) countermovement jump (CMJ) performance and endocrine responses. Twelve participants performed a workout comprising four exercises (bench press, back squat, deadlift and prone bench pull) in randomised order as either power (POW); 3 sets × 6 repetitions at 45%1RM × 3 min inter-set rest, strength (ST); 3 sets × 3 repetitions at 90%1RM × 3 min inter-set rest, or hypertrophy (HYP); 3 sets × 10 repetitions at 70%1RM × 1 min inter-set rest in a randomised-crossover design. CMJ performance and endocrine responses were measured immediately pre-, post-, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h post-exercise. POW sRPE (3.0 ± 1.0) was lower than ST (4.5 ± 1.0) (P = 0.01), and both were lower than HYP (8.5 ± 1.0) (P = 0.01). Duration of CMJ decrement was longer (P ≤ 0.05) for HYP (72 h) compared to POW (12 h) and ST (24 h). Testosterone concentration was greater (P ≤ 0.05) immediately post-exercise in HYP compared to POW and ST. In conclusion, less inter-set rest, greater volume load and intensity (%1RM) may increase sRPE, duration of CMJ performance decrement and testosterone responses in resistance exercise.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to compare the goodness of fit and the concurrent validity of three regression models of the force–velocity relationship in a unilateral knee extension exercise. The force–velocity relationship and the one-repetition-maximum load in the dominant and non-dominant leg were obtained in 24 male sports sciences students by a progressive protocol. Additionally, the maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) of the knee extensor muscles was recorded. Individual force–velocity relationships were obtained by the linear, quadratic polynomial and exponential regression models. Although the adjusted coefficients of determination of all three models were high, the polynomial model’s coefficient was slightly but significantly higher than the rest of the models (p < 0.05), while the standard error of estimate was slightly higher for the linear than for polynomial model (p = 0.001). MVC was underestimated by F 0 calculated from the linear and polynomial models, while the maximum power was accurately estimated by the linear model. In summary, while the polynomial model revealed somewhat better fit, the linear model more accurately estimates the maximum power and provides the parameters of apparent physiological meaning. Therefore, we recommend using the linear model in research and routine testing of mechanical capacities of knee extensors.  相似文献   

Acute ingestion of ketone salts induces nutritional ketosis by elevating β-hydroxybutyrate (βHB), but few studies have examined the metabolic effects of ingestion prior to exercise. Nineteen trained cyclists (12 male, 7 female) undertook graded exercise (8 min each at ~30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, and 80% VO2peak) on a cycle ergometer on two occasions separated by either 7 or 14 days. Trials included ingestion of boluses of either (i) plain water (3.8?mL?kg?body mass?1) (CON) or (ii) βHB salts (0.38?g?kg?body mass?1) in plain water (3.8?mL?kg body mass?1) (KET), at both 60 min and 15 min prior to exercise. During KET, plasma [βHB] increased to 0.33?±?0.16?mM prior to exercise and 0.44?±?0.15?mM at the end of exercise (both p?.05). Plasma glucose was 0.44?±?0.27?mM lower (p?.01) 30?min after ingestion of KET and remained ~0.2?mM lower throughout exercise compared to CON (p?.001). Respiratory exchange ratio (RER) was higher during KET compared to CON (p?.001) and 0.03–0.04 higher from 30%VO2peak to 60%VO2peak (all p?.05). No differences in plasma lactate, rate of perceived exertion, or gross or delta efficiency were observed between trials. Gastrointestinal symptoms were reported in 13 out of 19 participants during KET. Acute ingestion of βHB salts induces nutritional ketosis and alters the metabolic response to exercise in trained cyclists. Elevated RER during KET may be indicative of increased ketone body oxidation during exercise, but at the plasma βHB concentrations achieved, ingestion of βHB salts does not affect lactate appearance, perceived exertion, or muscular efficiency.  相似文献   


The increased energy demand that occurs with incremental exercise intensity is met by increases in the oxidation of both endogenous fat and carbohydrate stores up to an intensity of ~70% V˙O2max in trained individuals. However, when exercise intensity increases beyond this workload, fat oxidation rates decline, both from a relative and absolute perspective. As endogenous glycogen use is accelerated, glycogen stores can become depleted, ultimately resulting in fatigue and the inability to maintain high intensity, submaximal exercise (>70% V˙O2max). Despite a considerable accumulation of knowledge that has been gained over the past half century, the precise mechanism(s) regulating muscle fuel selection and underpinning the aforementioned decline in fat oxidation remain largely unclear. A greater understanding would undoubtedly lead to novel strategies to increase fat utilization and, as such, improve exercise capacity. The present review primarily addresses one of the most prominent theories to explain the phenomenon of diminished fat oxidation during high intensity, submaximal exercise; a reduced availability of muscle free carnitine for mitochondrial fat translocation. This is discussed in the light of recent work in this area taking advantage of the discovery that muscle carnitine content can be increased in vivo in humans. Furthermore, the evidence supporting the recently proposed theory that reduced muscle co-enzyme A availability to several key enzymes in the fat oxidation pathway may also exert a degree of control over muscle fuel selection during exercise is also considered. Strong correlational evidence exists that muscle free carnitine availability is likely to be a key limiting factor to fat oxidation during high intensity, submaximal exercise. However, it is concluded that further intervention studies manipulating the muscle carnitine pool in humans are required to establish a direct causal role. In addition, it is concluded that while a depletion of muscle coenzyme A availability during exercise also offers a viable mechanism for impairing fat oxidation, at present, this remains speculative.  相似文献   

The Platonic definition of courage as the ‘knowledge of the fearful and the hopeful’ is often eschewed by philosophers of sport. In fact, the passionate nature of sport itself seems to testify against such a definition. Hence, accounts of courage within sport tend to emphasize the affective dimension of courage at the expense of the cognitive dimension. This essay argues in defense of the Platonic vision of courage as a species of knowledge as opposed to contemporary attempts to recover the affective dimension of courage, as exemplified by John Corlett. I shall argue that far from producing an overly intellectualized vision of courage, treating courage as a species of knowledge, even within sport, throws valuable light on the exercise of courage in sport and on the shape of sport itself with regards to the exercise of virtue.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to outline the development of Eysenck and Calvo's (1992) processing efficiency theory (PET) and to summarise research testing its predictions in the sporting domain. PET provides a mechanistic explanation for how anxiety may influence performance through its impact on attentional resources. The central tenet of PET is that as well as pre-empting resources in working memory, increased anxiety provides a motivational function, leading to the allocation of additional effort to attempt to maintain task performance. Research in sport settings has been supportive of the predictions of PET, adopting a range of measures of processing efficiency; including self-reported effort, secondary task performance and psychophysiological indices. Furthermore, cognitive sport psychologists have recently examined direct influences of anxiety on the efficiency of information processing via gaze behaviour analyses. These findings are particularly relevant in the light of a recent update and development of PET; attentional control theory (ACT; Eysenck, Derakshan, Santos, & Calvo, 2007). ACT purports that anxiety reduces attentional control by increasing the influence of the stimulus-driven attentional system at the cost of goal directed control. It is evident that ACT may provide a useful framework for examining the relationship between anxiety, attention and performance in sport skills.  相似文献   

The most recent (1996) drinking guidelines of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) propose that athletes should drink "as much as tolerable" during exercise. Since some individuals can tolerate rates of free water ingestion that exceed their rates of free water loss during exercise, this advice has caused some to overdrink leading to water retention, weight gain and, in a few, death from exercise-associated hyponatraemic encephalopathy. The new drinking guidelines of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), recently re-published in this Journal, continue to argue that athletes must drink enough to replace all their weight lost during exercise and to ingest sodium chloride since sodium is "the electrolyte most critical to performance and health". In this rebuttal to that Consensus Document, I argue that these new guidelines, like their predecessors, lack an adequate, scientifically proven evidence base. Nor have they been properly evaluated in appropriately controlled, randomized, prospective clinical trials. In particular, these new guidelines provide erroneous recommendations on five topics. If novel universal guidelines for fluid ingestion during exercise are to be promulgated by important international bodies including the IOC, they should first be properly evaluated in appropriately controlled, randomized, prospective clinical trials conducted under environmental and other conditions that match those found in "out-of-doors" exercise. This, and the potential influence of commercial interests on scientific independence and objectivity, are the two most important lessons to be learned from the premature adoption of those 1996 ACSM drinking guidelines that are not evidence-based. These concerns need to be addressed before the novel IOC guidelines are accepted uncritically. Otherwise the predictable consequences of the premature adoption of the 1996 ACSM guidelines will be repeated.  相似文献   

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