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企业所持有的应收票据在到期之前,如果出现资金短缺,可以持未到期的票据向银行申请贴现。贴现是指票据持有人将未到期的票据转让给银行,由银行按票据的到期值扣除贴现日至票据到期日的利息后,将余额付给企业的融资行为。票据贴现应办理背书手续,由持票人在票据背面签章并注明被背书刊号。签章人称为背书人,受让人称为被背书人。票据到期日由被背书人持票据向付款人收取票款。  相似文献   

从《票据法》第30条条文来理解,似乎是否定了空白背书具有法律效力,但是该务存在着立法上的漏洞,在实践中也欠缺可操作性。从各方面综合衡量,我国票据法应当立法承认空白背书的法律效力。最高院《关于审理票据纠纷案件若干问题的规定》第49条从司法的角度肯定了空白背书的法律效力,但是无法解决各种票据转让形式下空白背书的连续性问题,应当对其作扩大解释,并结合背书的基本原理加以应用。  相似文献   

票据作为一种有价证券,在商业流通中具有信用特征,对于保证商业交易资金、货物等民事权利的顺利流转有重大作用。由于其对于市场经济的繁荣稳定所具有的重要意义,票据的使用必须受到相应法律法规的规范。以票据转让制度与民法中债权转让制度的比较为视角,从票据权利特征切入,对票据权利的背书转让制度所体现的商法精神进行阐释,以期说明票据背书制度的法律本质,为今后相关研究提供了启示。  相似文献   

流通是票据的目的性功能。背书转让是票据流通的最主要方式。票据法上关于背书禁止的规定对票据的流通性产生着重大影响。约定的背书禁止和法定的背书禁止是背书禁止的两种形式,两者对票据的流通性均产生一定的限制。  相似文献   

票据的本质特征在于其流通性。文章从背书的形式与背书的分类两个方面,以《美国统一商法典》为依据,结合与大陆法系票据法的比较,分析、阐明美国票据法背书制度的一些特点。在并非削弱而是增强票据流通性的前提下,美国票据在票据的形式及转让的灵活性方面,较之传统大陆票据法,均有所突破和创新  相似文献   

银行承兑汇票作为商业汇票结算方式的一种,是企业之间债权债务关系的外在票据表现,银行承兑汇票的规范使用需注意票据背书转让、票据的贴现、票据到期提示付款、超过提示付款期银行承兑汇票的处理等细节。  相似文献   

现代社会以证券设质担保融资的方式甚为普遍,尤以国际贸易中商业票据的设质为最,但票据质在理论上尚有一些问题需要澄清。本文就票据质的生效条件、不可转让之票据能否设质以及票据设质背书的性质等问题谈谈自己的看法。  相似文献   

期后背书是票据法的重要内容,对于界定“期”的标准在理论上出现了多元化,这些标准的相同点是对期后背书的法律效力加以限制,完善期后背书制度,明确期后背书的效力与持票人的权利,对完善我国票据立法具有重要意义。  相似文献   

票据权利的善意取得旨在保护善意受让人,以增强票据在流通和使用上的安全性,其构成要件有四:须从无权利人取得票据;须依票据法的转让方法取得票据;须基于善意而取得;须付出相应的对价。适用善意取得时要注意四点:一是善意取得的法律效果表现为受让人原始取得票据权利,而不继受票据证与人的权利瑕疵;二是受让人能够依背书连续证明自已为合法持票人;三是票据权利的善意取得应以有效成立的票据为前提;四是要注意票据善意取得与票据抗辩的限制的区别  相似文献   

由于我国《票据法》第12条关于票据善意取得的规定过于笼统,实务中对于票据善意取得的适用范围存在很多争议。本文试图就票据善意取得适用范围方面三个突出的争议问题进行分析探讨并得出结论:在让与人为无民事行为能力人和无权代理人、在以单纯交付的方式转让无记名支票、在票据背书不连续但有其他合法证明的三种情况下可以成立票据善意取得。  相似文献   

保险代位求偿权是保险法中的一项重要制度。我国《保险法》已确立财产保险中存在代位求偿权制度,但在人身保险中却排除代位求偿权的适用。本文借鉴他国法律规定,探讨能否适当放宽保险代位求偿权的适薅范围,在我国人身保险合同中针对部分险种适用保险代位求偿权的问题,以期完善法律规定中的不足之处。  相似文献   

近年来,名人代言虚假广告的现象时有发生,而我国《广告法》对名人代言广告没有规定,因此,关于名人代言虚假广告的法律责任问题倍受关注。为了完善我国广告立法,规范名人广告,进而明确名人代言虚假广告的法律责任,必须明确名人在代言广告合同中的法律地位,厘清名人代言虚假广告应负法律责任的法理基础,进而明确名人代言虚假广告的法律责任。  相似文献   

我国票据担保实践中以单纯交付方式设立票据质权的情形屡见不鲜,对此理论界纷争不止,司法实践也未能达成共识,甚至存在矛盾与冲突。《民法典》出台前,有关票据质押的法律规范,如《担保法》《票据法》《物权法》及相关司法解释等存在诸多矛盾冲突之处。《民法典》生效后,根据第441条之规定,应当认为《民法典》与《票据法》之间是相互分工而非互斥关系,有关票据质权的原因关系由《民法典》调整,设质背书行为之作为与效力问题当由《票据法》调整。是故,票据质押须满足质押合意、设质背书、交付票据三个要件方可设立。  相似文献   

On the basis of the expectancy‐value theory of achievement, this paper aims to examine the relative contributions of gender‐stereotype endorsement and gender identification on expectancies for success in STEM fields. In a sample of 880 Croatian primary school pupils of approximately 12 years of age, stereotyped beliefs about gender‐appropriateness of STEM‐related professions (stereotype endorsement) and self‐perception as a typical representative of one's gender (gender identification) were first assessed. Participants also reported their expectations for success in each of the STEM‐related professions previously used for establishing stereotype endorsement. Stereotype endorsement and gender identification separately interacted with gender to predict expectancies for success in STEM‐related professions. Higher levels of stereotype endorsement and gender identification fostered stereotype‐consistent expectancies for success in STEM fields (higher expectancies for boys than for girls). Implications are discussed in terms of strategies to encourage girls to engage in STEM‐related careers.  相似文献   

Objective. This study examines variations in attitudes regarding child discipline by race/ethnicity and by characteristics of the residential neighborhood. Design. A survey of 3,115 adults living in 13 different neighborhoods in Texas was conducted. Respondents were asked to rate the effectiveness of 8 different discipline strategies: Explain, Ignore, Slap Hand, Spank with Hand, Threaten, Time Out, Withdraw Privileges, and Yell. Chi square analysis and multilevel logistic regression analysis were used to examine variations in the endorsement of these strategies by race/ethnicity, neighborhood structural characteristics, and neighborhood social processes. Results. Latin American respondents considered yelling and threatening to be less effective than did European American respondents. Neighborhood conditions were related to the endorsement of harsh discipline such as yelling and threatening, time out and withdrawal of privileges, and explaining to the child why the behavior is unacceptable, but they were not related to the endorsement of the use of physical discipline. However, the nature of the associations differed by race/ethnicity. Neighborhood cohesion and collective efficacy were associated with decreased endorsement of yelling/threatening for African American and U.S.-born Latin American respondents, and decreased endorsement of time out/withdrawal of privileges for European American respondents. Neighborhood physical disorder, social disorder, and fear were associated with increased endorsement of time out/withdrawal of privileges among European American respondents but were not associated with the endorsement of these strategies among ethnic minorities. Conclusion. Attitudes about discipline are shaped by myriad factors, including cultural heritage and community context. Furthermore, the influence of neighborhood conditions on parenting attitudes may be different for different racial/ethnic groups.  相似文献   

名人代言是一种常见的营销手段,同时是一把"双刃剑".文章分析了名人代言和企业选择名人代言的商业价值与风险,认为:名人要全面了解企业,企业要科学选择名人,名人形象要与企业产品的生命周期相吻合,一旦发生危机,名人与企业都要立即采取相应措施,积极应对,以最大限度消弥负面影响.  相似文献   

从经济学的角度分析行政审批制度不规范是产生腐败的直接原因,审批制度严重滞后于市场经济,供需关系失衡是造成腐败的深层次原因,只有推进行政审批制度的改革才能达到减少腐败产生的目的。  相似文献   

As educators of future law enforcement and social service personnel, one of the most important objectives of faculty members within the social sciences disciplines is to foster a sense of empathy toward victims of crime among their students. Empathy toward victims of crime, and domestic abuse in particular, is vastly important as evidence suggests that the reactions survivors encounter upon disclosure influences reporting behavior to law enforcement. Moreover, evidence indicates that by fostering empathy toward domestic abuse survivors among students, social science educators can reduce the endorsement of harmful victim-blaming attitudes that these individuals may otherwise carry with them into their public service. However, despite the importance concerning teaching empathy within the classroom, a dearth of information exists—particularly in the criminal justice pedagogical literature. To address this gap, the objective of this study was to assess several active learning activities designed specifically to foster victim empathy in students. To gather feedback about how these activities affected students, we utilized standard Likert scales as well as several free response questions.  相似文献   

This study proposed and tested a model based on stereotype threat theory. The hypothesis is that women who are exposed to a low percentage of women in a science program are more likely to endorse the gender stereotype that science is a male domain, which will in turn undermine their autonomous academic motivation. A total of 167 women university students enrolled in science programs participated in an 18-month longitudinal study. Results partially support our model. Although the low percentage of females in science programs was related to endorsement of the gender stereotype, there was no effect of prior stereotype endorsement on subsequent autonomous academic motivation.  相似文献   

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