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欺负行为作为一种攻击行为一直受到学者和公众的广泛关注,但人们关注的大多是欺负行为给欺负者与受欺负者带来的身心伤害,对欺负事件中的旁观者群体研究还不足.本文将在已有研究的基础上从旁观者的分类、旁观者的行为理论、影响因素等几个方面来对欺负中的旁观者行为进行较为系统的梳理,以期为后续研究及实践干预提供理论依据.  相似文献   

周朝正 《文教资料》2011,(16):119-120
美国校园欺负行为干预以州为单位,政府积极参与干预行动,同时干预欺负者、被欺负者和旁观者,理论研究紧密联系实践。我国应该重视校园欺负行为,建立一个由个人、家长、学校、国家共同参与的干预体系,理论研究结合实践,制定长期的干预方案。  相似文献   

作为社会情感能力的重要表现,欺凌与非欺凌情境下旁观者助人行为的培养受到社会各界的广泛关注。然而,在实践中,缺乏合适的、可行性强的理论模型作为助人行为的干预依据。以旁观者干预模型和亲社会行为模型为基础,结合期望理论和动机圈理论,建构了旁观者助人行为的“阶段动机模型”。该模型从外部环境、认知过程和个性因素三个角度进行综合分析,将影响亲社会行为的各种动机分为效价动机、效能动机、期望动机三个阶段,详细阐述了旁观者助人行为的产生过程和影响因素。利用该模型设计的旁观者助人行为干预体系在北京市一所小学进行应用实践,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

欺负是中小学生经常发生且较为普遍的一种现象,对中小学生的健康发展具有危害性。从自我认知、情感认知和同伴交往等方面分析欺负者、受欺者、旁观者的人格特点,联系个人、家庭、学校、环境等因素与欺负行为的关系,针对这些因素提出建议措施对校园欺负行为进行有效干预,建立社会—学校—家庭—儿童的四级模式,以期减少欺负行为的发生。  相似文献   

校园欺凌一直是各个国家的“心病”,引发了很多学者的关注。近年来我国校园欺凌事件频发,成为危害儿童青少年身心健康的社会性问题。以往研究多注重欺凌者——受害者的二分结构,对其中的旁观者效用鲜有关注。旁观者群体作为校园欺凌的第三方,他们在欺凌事件中的反应与行为直接影响着欺凌者和被欺凌者的行为。因此,从校园微生态视角看,旁观者干预应当成为预防和阻止校园欺凌的一个重要切入口,通过建构“同心圆”式的同伴支持计划、强化课堂亲社会生态规范、营造反欺凌学校文化氛围,将旁观者转化为积极的校园欺凌干预力量,以最终消除校园欺凌,使学校真正成为风清气正的学生成长乐园。  相似文献   

既往校园欺凌防治研究,将欺凌事件产生与发展归因于欺凌者或受害者具备特定性格特征,从而给出以老师、家长等成年人作为治理主体和针对性矫治欺凌者与受害者性格特征的策略,事实证明,治理效果不彰。校园欺凌中欺凌者的行为是在与其他同伴的交往互动中形成的,应从群体交往互动的社会层面重新解读校园欺凌,相应地,校园欺凌的治理要着重改变其他同龄旁观者对待欺凌的态度,并将学生视为欺凌治理的重要主体。校园欺凌旁观者包括四种类型,其中,受害防御者在干预欺凌发生、影响欺凌走向与消减欺凌损害方面可发挥积极作用,对此应采取措施促进其他类型欺凌旁观者向受害防御者转变。影响欺凌旁观者向受害防御者转变的因素包括学校、班级反对欺凌的环境与文化氛围,受害防御者及其责任的明确程度,旁观者的认知同理心和情感同理心程度。据此,可通过组建圆桌会议、成立欺凌处理小组、开发反欺凌模拟游戏等方式促进旁观者积极干预校园欺凌。  相似文献   

通过对337名大学生的问卷调查,探讨了大学生人格特质和社会观点采择能力对网络欺负中旁观者行为的影响机制。结果发现:社会观点采择在利他性和正向干预、负向不干预之间具有部分中介作用,在社交性和正向干预、负向不干预之间具有部分中介作用。社会观点采择在利他性和负向干预之间以及社交性和负向干预之间具有完全中介作用。因此,可通过提高旁观者的社会观点采择能力营造和谐安全的网络环境。  相似文献   

近年来,中小学生欺凌行为逐渐被公众所关注,我们认识到未成年人世界中暗涌的欺凌行为正在对学生的身心造成难以预估的伤害,而旁观者行为在中小学生欺凌行为中发挥着重要作用。个人、家庭、学校、社会都是影响旁观者行为的重要因素,促进旁观者积极干预可从以下三个方面做起。学校:建立支持体系,营造共情氛围;家庭:树立积极榜样,重视情感互动;社会:治理社会失范,加强舆论引导。  相似文献   

校园欺凌旁观者研究是校园欺凌研究中不可忽视的方面。旁观者的道德冷漠,对校园欺凌的积极干预和有效治理具有负面影响。个体道德认知偏差、学校道德教育乏力、家庭道德环境渲染、社会文化环境制约,是构成校园欺凌旁观者道德冷漠的主要原因。促进校园欺凌旁观者向敢为者转化,实现伦理复苏,需要提升个体道德认知能力、重建基于关怀的道德、营造反欺凌家庭教育环境、匡正社会文化环境、发挥"四位一体"合力作用。深化对校园欺凌旁观者道德研究,对于有效发挥围观群体在校园欺凌事件中的积极干预作用,具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

旁观者是校园欺凌中不可忽视的道德主体。根据关怀关系的存在形态,可将旁观者分为积极旁观者与消极旁观者。从道德层面上看,影响消极旁观者行为的因素主要有道德认知不足、道德情感错位以及道德行为偏差。学校引导和干预消极旁观者道德关怀的策略包括加强关怀教育,培养学生的道德责任感;建立关怀关系,调动学生的关怀情感;完善治理制度,提高学生的关怀能力。  相似文献   

漏洞补充乃是针对特定的生活事实,建构恰切的具体法律规范的过程。一些漏洞补充理论认为,漏洞补充中具体规范建构的支撑材料必须要到各种社会规范资源中去寻找。作为民间规范之典型的习惯是人类法律的来源、早期发展的表现形式和法律社会化的重要途径;同时,习惯还是建构具体法律规范的重要基础和在规范缺失的情况下人们行为模式选择的基础性资源。民间规范作为漏洞补充因素的合理性,不仅以自身的本质理性得以展现出来,而且还能够通过对其它漏洞补充因素的支撑作用展现出来。  相似文献   

Violence against women and girls is a global concern, and particularly salient in humanitarian settings. Successful efforts to prevent gender-based violence in humanitarian settings must address a wide range of issues, from discriminatory laws to explicit community support for violence, and yet, at the core of these efforts is reducing oppressive gender and social norms. This study examined local attitudes towards and social norms around responding to physical and sexual abuse of girls through interviews conducted with adolescent girls (n = 66) and with caregivers (n = 58) among two conflict-affected populations: villages in South Kivu in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Sudanese and South Sudanese refugees in Ethiopian camps. The findings suggest how communities use violence as a tool to enforce the importance of girls practicing community-defined “good” adolescent girl behavior, and have implications for gender-based violence programming among other conflict-affected populations.  相似文献   

Changing and challenging social norms is essential to preventing gendered violence, and education is widely regarded as a key means through which this can happen. Whilst good-quality research exploring the outcomes of such educational interventions exists, very little is known about what actually happens inside educational spaces aiming to instigate change. This gap limits understandings of how and why change does (or does not) happen. This paper aims to address this by providing an opportunity to peer into a ‘space for change’. To do this, observational data are analysed from a non-formal education programme aiming to empower girls to be free from violence in Kenya. Three moments are explored which illustrate ‘empowerment’, ‘subversion’ and ‘resistance’. The paper also explores the often hidden stories of the facilitators, showing that who teaches can be as important as the curriculum used in determining what happens inside educational spaces for change.  相似文献   

The effects of social group norms (inclusion vs. exclusion vs. exclusion-plus-relational aggression) and school norms (inclusion vs. no norm) on 7- and 10-year-old children's intergroup attitudes were examined. Children (n = 383) were randomly assigned to a group with an inclusion or exclusion norm, and to 1 of the school norm conditions. Findings indicated that children's out-group attitudes reflected their group's norm but, with increasing age, they liked their in-group less, and the out-group more, if the group had an exclusion norm. The school inclusion norm instigated more positive attitudes toward out-group members, but it did not moderate or extinguish contrary group norms. The use of school norms to counteract the effects of children's social group norms is discussed.  相似文献   

提倡性法律规范在现实立法中大量存在,而且有不断增多的趋势,但并未被法理学界所重视。文章在理论和实证两个层面分析了提倡性法律规范的内涵及特征,指出其价值主要体现在法的现代精神、法的人性化、肯定性评价的行为引导和社会构建作用以及节约了法的创制和运行成本等方面,并从广义的"社会科学视角"来阐述了立法中大量存在且不断增多的提倡性法律规范带给我们的法理学启示。  相似文献   

埃里克森认为,法律仅指由政府发布的组织规则;相对于法律,其它规则如个人伦理、合约、社会规范和非政府组织规范等都称为非正式规范。作者通过实证调查发现,有了法律,法律之外的社会规范不仅没有消失,反而深刻地检验着法律。而处于转型期的中国,法律日益增多,同时,社会规范也广泛存在,形成不同层次的"无需法律的秩序"。法律与社会规范都能起到维护秩序和社会稳定的功能,但是二者具备自身优势的同时又都有其局限性,文中关注法律与社会规范在我国社会运作中互动和协调的深层动因,力求在达到平衡的基础上促进二者各自社会功能的实现。  相似文献   

青春创伤电影《少年的你》结合青少年题材与现实主义题材,对校园欺凌和校园暴力作出了深刻反映和深度反思。影片反映了家庭、学校、社会的缺位造成的青少年成长困境,对发生在施暴者、受害者、旁观者三者之间的校园暴力现象及其所诱发的人性异变与性格扭曲作出了生动图解与深刻揭露,并在最后展现出让主人公从知识、爱情、友谊及社会生态的修复中重建青春人格、实现自我拯救的美好意愿,由此完成主人公的成长叙事。  相似文献   

埃里克森认为,法律仅指由政府发布的组织规则;相对于法律,其它规则如个人伦理、合约、社会规范和非政府组织规范等都称为非正式规范.作者通过实证调查发现,有了法律,法律之外的社会规范不仅没有消失,反而深刻地检验着法律.而处于转型期的中国,法律日益增多,同时,社会规范也广泛存在,形成不同层次的"无需法律的秩序".法律与社会规范都能起到维护秩序和社会稳定的功能,但是二者具备自身优势的同时又都有其局限性,文中关注法律与社会规范在我国社会运作中互动和协调的深层动因,力求在达到平衡的基础上促进二者各自社会功能的实现.  相似文献   

Adopting a deep approach to learning is associated with positive academic outcomes. In the current paper, we extend this analysis in a university context by recognising that learners are not isolated individuals, but share important social identifications with others. Using online surveys at an Australian university, we examine the effects of discipline social identification and educational norms on the adoption of learning approaches. Students from a range of academic disciplines indicated their social identification with their discipline, their perceptions of peer norms within their discipline of study, and what their own learning approaches were. Results demonstrate a significant role of discipline-related social identification in predicting learning approaches, even after controlling for personal factors and quality of teaching. Moreover, perceived norms moderated this effect. Students’ approaches to learning are affected not simply by their salient self-concepts, but by their salient discipline-related self-concepts and the norms embodied in the learning environment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to examine the protective effect of social support in the relationship between exposure to violence and psychopathology. Exposure to violence in the family and exposure to violence in the community were examined separately. Exposure to violence was further divided according to whether violence was experienced as a victim or as a witness. Internalizing and externalizing forms of psychopathology, as well as post-traumatic stress symptomatology were examined. METHOD: Participants consisted of 65 high-risk adolescents admitted consecutively to psychiatric inpatient units. Data were collected by means of individual interviews, self-report questionnaires, and hospital charts. RESULTS: Social support emerged as a protective factor with respect to the maladaptive effects of family violence, experienced as either a victim or as a witness. In contrast, social support did not appear to buffer the maladaptive effects of community violence, regardless of whether violence was experienced as a victim or as a witness. In fact, the relationship between community violence and psychopathology was found to be generally nonsignificant regardless of social support status. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that exposure to family violence may affect development differently than exposure to community violence, allowing social support to effectively buffer the effects of family, but not community violence. This finding highlights the importance of examining violence exposure that occurs within the family separately from violence exposure that occurs within the community.  相似文献   

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