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为了解汉语儿童从图像到文字的早期阅读与读写发展过程的特点,本研究以257名2-6岁儿童为被试,研究了(1)2-6岁儿童图画阅读的眼动发展特点,图画信息获取能力和文字阅读能力的发展特点;(2)4-6岁儿童的汉字视觉解析能力发展状况;(3)4-6岁儿童汉字视觉表现能力发展阶段。从阅读的视觉关注,汉字知觉解析和汉字视觉表现三个层面论证了汉语儿童从图像到文字的早期阅读与读写发展过程,探索了汉语儿童早期阅读和读写的视觉认知关键点,揭示了汉语儿童早期阅读和读写发展的文化独特性。  相似文献   

视觉表象已经成为运动认知心理学的重要课题,关于视觉表象融入乒乓球运动实践方面的研究,均已经取得了很多丰富的研究成果。从视觉研究结论中已经证实了"视觉感知、视觉搜索与知觉技能的熟练程度"之间密切相关。因此,试就视觉表象融入乒乓球训练路径选择与训练作用展开讨论,阐述视觉感知对大脑中枢神经信息反射姿态的认知作用;视觉搜索对运动中信息快速处理协同的感知作用;视野能力对运动中信息时空范畴视觉甄别阈值的控制作用。为此,将视觉表象融入到乒乓球训练实践中,使其对视觉表象认知与转化实际训练效果等方面起到更大促进作用。  相似文献   

平行搜索还是系列搜索问题,是认知过程中视觉搜索领域的一个基本问题.在对当代心理学视觉搜索研究的三个主要理论,即特征整合理论、相似性理论以及引导搜索理论的主要观点以及相关的研究进行介绍和分析的基础上,结合新近的研究结果,认为拓扑先知假设以及生理学机制的研究,是明确"视觉的基本单元是什么"这个基本问题的必要途径.  相似文献   

共情缺陷是导致自闭症儿童社交障碍的重要因素。研究选取了28名3-7岁的自闭症和正常发展儿童,通过生理信号、面部表情和认知绩效等多模态数据的分析,探讨自闭症儿童共情过程中各阶段的特点,分析自闭症儿童共情缺陷的具体表现。研究发现,自闭症儿童的共情能力缺陷主要体现在较差的认知共情能力和较差的面部表情模仿能力;自闭症儿童的共情过程存在正常的自下而上的情绪分享过程和异常的自上而下的认知调节过程。因此,自闭症儿童共情能力的干预重点应聚焦认知调节过程中认知共情能力的提升和表情模仿能力的训练。  相似文献   

随着媒介教育的深入发展,地理视觉素养已成为“读图时代”中学生学习和生活的必备地理素养。借助NVivo 11 plus软件,从认知视角出发,采用扎根理论的方法对国内外地理课程标准文本中的地理视觉表征内容进行编码分析,对地理教育核心期刊文献进行质性分析,对中学地理课堂教学视频片段进行深度实证研究,构建了中学生地理视觉素养认知模型。结果表明:中学生地理视觉素养是在学生外部视觉行为活动和内部加工活动整合的学科活动过程中生成的;学科任务和地理视觉表征是决定学科活动过程的主要因素,学生自身特征直接影响学科活动过程和结果,教师学科活动具有重要的引导、辅助和促进甚至是主导作用;地理视觉素养由意识和习惯、方法和技能、认知能力、修养四部分构成,其中认知能力是其核心,包含七大要素。  相似文献   

视听觉障碍儿童的认知能力   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
本篇主要探究视听觉障碍儿童的基本认知能力。视觉障碍儿童的听觉注意、听觉记忆和听觉表象比正常人更好 ;听觉障碍儿童的视觉搜索 (视觉注意 )、视觉表象、运动表象和视觉记忆比正常人好。这些实验研究更好地支持了特殊教育的三原则  相似文献   

羽毛球运动员心理认知结构主要表现在知觉能力强,识别速度快,记忆容量大,表征效果好,调控能力强等方面。视觉信息搜索、情绪、压力、假动作对运动员心理认知具有一定的干涉;心理认知对运动决策和操作思维有一定干涉。研究羽毛球运动竞赛中运动员心理认知的干涉,可以更好地为羽毛球学习者提高技术水平服务。  相似文献   

选取10名聋人与10名听力正常人被试,采用视觉搜索实验范式,通过操纵图形差异视觉可见性变量,本研究对聋人与听力正常人不同几何变换层次图形的视觉搜索能力进行了比较研究.研究结果表明:(1)视觉搜索图形的知觉显著性主要与图形差异的视觉可见性有关,而与Erlangen纲领所确认的几何变换功能层次关系较弱.(2)聋人与听力正常人对图形刺激集的视觉搜索加工能力不存在显著差异.  相似文献   

正1.前言工作记忆与注意是心理学研究中两个重要的认知结构,人们时刻需要从视觉情境选择中选择有限的刺激进行加工,而工作记忆在注意选择的过程中扮演着关键角色。近些年来,关于工作记忆和注意偏向之间交互关系的研究逐渐成为社会热点,由于视觉信息加工系统的资源有限性,当视野中同时出现大量信息时,视觉注意只能选择与当前任务相关的有限信息。工作记忆对视觉搜索中注意偏向的选择起到非常重要的作用,不同工作记忆对注意  相似文献   

本研究利用眼动记录技术,探讨学习困难儿童(学困儿童)视觉搜索过程的眼动特性。要求被试搜索结束后报告搜索结果。结果发现,与学习优秀儿童、学习一般儿童相比,学困儿童视觉搜索的效率低。在视觉搜索的眼动模式上,学困儿童注视次数多,与其他两组儿童差异显著。结果提示我们,学困儿童的眼动效率低与视觉搜索效率低关系密切。  相似文献   

To examine how visual attentional resources are allocated when learning from a complex animation about the cardiovascular system, eye movements were registered in the absence and presence of visual cues. Cognitive processing was assessed using cued retrospective reporting, whereas comprehension and transfer tests measured the quality of the constructed representation. Within the framework of Cognitive Load Theory, visual cues highlighting the subsystems of the heart were hypothesized to guide attention, reduce visual search and extraneous cognitive load, and enhance learning. As predicted, learners looked more often and longer at cued parts. However, we found no effects of cueing on visual search and cognitive load. With respect to cognitive processing, performance differences were found on the number of statements in the learners’ verbal reports. These findings suggest that visual cueing can guide attention in an animation, but other factors are also important in determining the effectiveness of visual cues on learning.  相似文献   


In classroom, scientific contents are increasingly communicated through visual forms of representations. Students’ learning outcomes rely on their ability to read and understand pictorial information. Understanding pictorial information in biology requires cognitive effort and can be challenging to students. Yet evidence-based knowledge about students’ visual reading strategies during the process of understanding pictorial information is pending. Therefore, 42 students at the age of 14–15 were asked to think aloud while trying to understand visual representations of the blood circulatory system and the patellar reflex. A category system was developed differentiating 16 categories of cognitive activities. A Principal Component Analysis revealed two underlying patterns of activities that can be interpreted as visual reading strategies: 1. Inferences predominated by using a problem-solving schema; 2. Inferences predominated by recall of prior content knowledge. Each pattern consists of a specific set of cognitive activities that reflect selection, organisation and integration of pictorial information as well as different levels of expertise. The results give detailed insights into cognitive activities of students who were required to understand the pictorial information of complex organ systems. They provide an evidence-based foundation to derive instructional aids that can promote students pictorial-information-based learning on different levels of expertise.  相似文献   

随着人工智能时代的来临,编程教育日益受到重视。学生在编程过程中的行为,实质上反映了其对利用计算工具解决问题的认知水平,也映射出其计算思维的发展过程,挖掘三者间的隐含关系有助于通过优化编程任务设计改善对学生计算思维的培养。基于认知目标分类和计算思维三维框架构建映射关系,以Scratch可视化编程任务作为研究案例,采用编程操作视频分析与学生访谈相结合的方法,从编程行为表征的视角对认知水平与计算思维间的隐含关系进行挖掘后发现:一方面,认知水平与编程行为之间存在密切关系,知道与理解是编程行为的基础性认知,应用与分析是编程行为的核心,评价推动学生对编程行为的反思,而创造可激发编程行为产生新的作品。另一方面,在编程活动中,学生的认知水平与计算思维的发展彼此关联且相互促进,编程行为中的低阶认知目标的达成是形成计算观念的基础,编程实践引发的高阶思维认知需求可促进学生对计算思维的领悟。因此,应当遵循认知水平与计算思维的发展规律,有针对性地将面向各类认知目标的编程任务嵌入到教学设计中,方可有效实现利用编程教育对学生计算思维的培养。  相似文献   

教师教学认知能力是以教学系统为认知对象,对教学目标、学习任务、学习者特点、教学策略与方法以及教学情境等进行分析判断的能力,关系到教师专业的发展和有效教学的实现。厘清教师教学认知能力的意涵,关注教师教学认知能力培养的重要性,解析教师教学认知能力的构成要素,进而探寻其形成条件,提出发展策略与实施路径,成为新时期优化与提升教师教学认知能力的重要命题。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine whether behavioral style and cognitive performance predict cognitive development in ELBW children. The children were assessed at age 2 (40 girls, 41 boys) with the Bayley Scales of Infant Development. At age 4 they were assessed with the WPPSI-R, and with the word fluency, visual attention and recognition of incomplete figures subsets of the Finnish Neuropsychological Investigation for Children (NEPSY-R; Korkman et al. 1997). The results indicated that there was stability in cognitive performance from 2 to 4 years of age. Along with cognitive performance, behavioral style, especially orientation-engagement at age 2, was an important predictor of subsequent cognitive performance (WPPSI-R). Significant gender differences were also found. For boys, orientation-engagement factor at time one was the best predictor of subsequent nonverbal cognitive performance, arithmetical abilities and word fluency at time two. In contrast, girls’ cognitive performance measured at the 2-year assessment was the most powerful predictor of nonverbal performance and word fluency at 4 years. As a whole, it seems that behavioral factors merit more consideration in understanding cognitive development than has been thought before.  相似文献   

Although much is known about adults’ ability to orient by means of cognitive maps (mental representations of the environment), it is less clear when this important ability emerges in development. In the present study, 97 seven- to 10-year-olds and 26 adults played a video game designed to investigate the ability to orient using cognitive maps. The game required participants to reach target locations as quickly as possible, necessitating the identification and use of novel shortcuts. Seven- and 8-year-olds were less effective than older children and adults in using shortcuts. These findings provide clear evidence of a distinct developmental change around 9 years of age when children begin to proficiently orient and navigate using cognitive maps.  相似文献   

信息时代对人的要求在很大程度上取决于个人对信息搜索、获取、吸收、传递和创造的能力。学生在网络信息时代应该充分利用网络中丰富的信息资源为语文学习服务,培养快读、快写、快思的语文素养,以适应社会发展的需求。网络信息所显示的快捷、新鲜、繁多、不确定等特点,要求中学语文教师在语文教学中能够帮助学生利用网络有效地筛选并获取信息资源,实现阅读和写作方式的变革和发展。笔者在课堂教学和语文活动课中,尝试利用网络有意识地培养学生搜索和截获语言信息的能力。在网络时代,应用建构主义学习模式,采用探究性学习的形式能够有效地提高学生获取并运用语言信息的能力。  相似文献   

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by cognitive deficits associated with attention. Prior studies have revealed the potential impact of ADHD on basic perception and cognitive ability in patients with ADHD. In this study, bilateral posterior P1 and N1 were measured in 122 Chinese children aged 7–12 years (64 with ADHD) to investigate the developmental characteristics of early perception during visual processing in school-age children with ADHD. For children with ADHD, a larger P1 activity with an atypical developmental pattern was evoked and observed for the visual search performance. These findings offer new insights into the mechanisms of cognitive developmental deficits and intervention techniques in children with ADHD.  相似文献   

Advances in our knowledge of the structure of working memory suggest that under some circumstances, effectively more processing capacity is available to learners if instructional materials use multiple information modes (e.g. auditory and visual) instead of equivalent single mode formats. This paper examined this modality effect from a cognitive load perspective in three experiments using geometry instruction. In accordance with cognitive load theory, it was predicted that the additional processing capacity provided in an audio/visual format would only enhance learning if mental resources were not devoted to extensive visual based search in order to coordinate auditory and visual information. Using two different areas of geometry, Experiments 1 and 2 found that if visual search was clearly high, then audio‐visual instruction was only beneficial if visual indicators in the form of electronic flashing were incorporated into the instructional format. Under high search conditions, a standard audio/visual format without the aid of flashing proved no better than visual only instruction. Experiment 3 attempted to clarify earlier results by using instructional materials trivially low in visual search. Data indicated that a standard, audio‐visual format resulted in superior learning to a visual only format. There was no beneficial effect of electronic flashing in Experiment 3, suggesting that visual indicators were not necessary in areas of low visual search. It was concluded that cognitive load as determined by visual search established the effectiveness of visual indicators.  相似文献   

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