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目的:探讨以案例为基础的教学法(CBL)在临床免疫学检验技术实验教学中的应用及教学效果。方法:随机选取医学检验技术专业2020级本科大三两个班学生为研究对象,试验组50人,对照组52人。其中对照组采用传统教学,试验组采用CBL教学。对比两组观察指标:实验报告成绩、实验考核成绩及学生满意度等指标。结果:试验组学生实验报告成绩、实验考核成绩及对教学的满意度评价均高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:在临床免疫学检验技术实验教学中应用CBL教学法,可以明显提高学生的学习兴趣,并显著提升实验成绩以及对教学的满意度,值得推广。  相似文献   

医学检验专业主要是培养学生通过物理、化学、生物学、计算机以及生物化学、免疫学等各方面的知识和实验室操作技术来对人体的各类标本进行检验、分析,以获得有关病原体、病理变化及人体脏器功能状态等方面的信息。因此本专业对学生的动手实践操作能力有较高的要求。就目前而言,我国大多数高校由于长期受到传统教学模式的影响,在教学时往往存在理论知识与实际操作技能不连贯、不衔接等问题。本文作者就在医学检验技术专业理实一体化教学改革中遇到的一些问题和积累的一些经验、做法进行探讨,希望能给医学检验专业理实一体化教学改革提供一些参考。  相似文献   

通过抗血清制备开展综合性设计性实验教学,将医学检验多个学科的常用检验技术有机地综合在整个实验进程中,充分体现实验内容的综合、实验方法的多元性及实验手段的多样性。旨在解决临床免疫学检验实验教学中长期以来内容分散、方法单一、与相关课程割裂、分离等不利于学生知识、能力、素质学习和培养的问题,从而提高学生独立思考、独立解决实际问题的能力、创新能力,以及综合分析、实验动手、数据处理、查阅资料、团队合作、科研等综合能力。  相似文献   

随着医学检验技术专业更名,培养目标侧重于如何培养合格的应用型医学检验技术专业人才。《临床免疫学检验》作为医学检验技术重要专业课之一,当前实验教学中不利于应用型医学检验技术人才培养的问题更加凸显。本项目通过以临床检测项目为主线,模拟医院临床检验情景,对实验教学整体思路进行改革,实现教学与临床的无缝衔接,以促进应用型医学检验技术人才的培养。  相似文献   

针对医学微生物学及免疫学检验教材中某些手工操作技术指导上的不足,经过临床调查、分析及实践,提出需要明确的四个技术方面的问题,对于现有实验教材中需要规范化的操作技术加以评定和完善,使广大师生在教学中有章可循,在技术训练中严格有序。  相似文献   

目的:观察CBL教学法在《免疫学检验》实训中的教学效果。方法:选取本院2016年9月至2018年3月医学检验学生作为研究对象,抽取120名,随机将其分为传统实训组与CBL实训组,均60例。分别采用传统教学模式进行实训教学和CBL教学法进行实训教学,观察两组学生实训教学效果。结果:CBL实训组学生实训教学效果明显优于传统实训组。结论:在《免疫学检验》实训中采用CBL教学法能够有效提高学生学习积极性、激发学生对免疫学检验的兴趣、提高学生解决问题能力等,是理想的教学方式,值得推广。  相似文献   

临床免疫学检验技术是医学检验专业具有较强专业性和实践性的一门重要课程。实验课的传统教学模式也基本沿用理论课的教学方法,实验课的教学内容和体系不完善,教学方法和仪器设备陈旧落后等,针对这些不足之处,改进和优化实验教学形式,实现对当今迅速发展的医学检验专业人才的高质量培养。  相似文献   

以提高学生学习兴趣、培养创新思维、提高综合能力为基本思路,对免疫学检验实验教学的教学模式、教学方法、考核体系等进行优化改革,不仅有利于学生掌握免疫学实验的基本操作技能,做到理论联系实际,而且有利于培养学生的创新能力和思维能力。  相似文献   

目的:探究高职医学检验专业免疫学检验实行半开放实验教学模式在对学生能力的培养和提高专业素质上的重要作用。方法:对实验组与对照组进行统计学分析,对照组采用传统实验教学模式,考核以理论知识为主,实验为辅;实验组采用半开放实验教学模式,实行笔试、口试、实践性考试相结合的综合化考核。结果:实验组与对照组免疫学检验总成绩相比显著提高(P0.05)。在理论知识、专业素质、独立判定能力方面,实验组更好(P0.05)。结论:基于建构主义理论的半开放实验教学模式适合检验专业免疫学检验的实验教学,在提升检验专业学生的理论水平、独立工作能力和专业素质等方面有重要作用。  相似文献   

随着分子生物学技术的不断发展,新的微生物检验技术和方法被广泛的研究和应用.近年来经过国内外学者不断努力,已创建不少快速、简便、特异、敏感、低耗和适用的微生物检验技术和方法,尤其是利用分子生物学技术,以核酸生物化学为基础的聚合酶链反应、核酸探针、生物芯片等技术和方法尤为突出.本文就相关分子生物学技术在微生物检验中的最新应用研究进展进行综述.  相似文献   

从计算机硬软件、计算机信息能力、CAI的理论基础、开发工具和学习形态等五个方面试述我国现阶段CAI多层环境。  相似文献   

This study had a two‐fold purpose: first, to determine whether a measurable change in the meaning of the word writing could occur during a writing course; and second, to measure meaning rather than merely student attitudes toward writing. To satisfy these purposes, a semantic differential was administered to students in both regular and developmental classes in a two‐year campus at the beginning and the end of the 10‐week term. The scale measured the meaning of the term writing according to three dimensions: evaluation, activity, and potency. Scores were compared for each student and for each class of students. A significant increase occurred in the activity dimension for students in the regular classes by the end of the term; however, their evaluative rating decreased. Developmental students showed no change. Correlations with other measures of student performance were performed: final grades in the writing course, high school G.P.A., and verbal SAT scores. Regular students’ final grades correlated positively with the evaluation dimension of writing, and their verbal SAT scores correlated positively with the activity and potency dimensions. An inverse correlation was obtained between the developmental students’ verbal SAT scores and their evaluative rating. All correlations were stronger by the end of the term. Implications for writing teachers are discussed. Use of this instrument for measuring change in students’ perceptions of writing is recommended.  相似文献   

This study examined the use of generalizability theory to evaluate the quality of an alternative assessment (journal writing) in mathematics. Twenty-nine junior college students wrote journal tasks on the given topics and two raters marked the tasks using a scoring rubric, constituting a two-facet G-study design in which students were crossed with tasks and raters. The G coefficient was .76 and index of dependability was .72. The results showed that increasing the number of tasks had a larger effect on the G coefficient and index of dependability than increasing the number of raters. Implications for educational practices are discussed.  相似文献   

EDA技术在电子类课程教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周琳 《巢湖学院学报》2010,12(3):139-144
EDA即电子设计自动化,是现代电子工程领域的一门新技术,它为电子设计工作者提供了电路系统的一种全新的设计方法.论文以数字电子钟电路设计与分析为例,介绍了EDA仿真软件MULTISIM在电子类课程教学和设计中的应用.通过实例,展示了MULTISIM的优越性、实用性、可靠性;同时,简单介绍了MULTISIM软件在其他方面的应用,及与相关软件的兼容性.最后,强调了在教学中引入EDA仿真软件,对学生学习方式改革的深远意义.  相似文献   

The first laws for regulating qualification requirements in Lithuanian higher education were passed by the Lithuanian government in 1991. Other laws providing for the nostrification of foreign degrees, awarded under the authority of the former Soviet State, were passed. Lithuania is now proceeding towards the development of bodies and procedures for the accreditation of institutions and programmes, this despite public weariness with over‐bureaucratization.  相似文献   

A bstract .  Ethics penetrates every aspect of Western education. Many of its dominant narratives — education as salvation, as progress, as panacea, and as liberation, for example — are infused with the ethical. Educators are compelled by ethical callings; in fact, education as the call of the ethical informs the singular and collective identities of educators. In this essay, Aparna Mishra Tarc troubles the role of the ethics in Western education using Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's deconstruction of the ethical in philosophy. Spivak's deconstruction reveals how an ethics based in one's idea of what the Other is and should be violates the uniqueness of Others. Spivak challenges educators to examine vigilantly the ethico-political assumptions and discourses underlying ethical acts in the classroom. Drawing on the writings of Emmanuel Levinas, mediated by the thinking of Jacques Derrida, Spivak re-imagines ethics apart from — and as a part of — its metaphysical heritage. Tarc discusses aspects of Spivak's vision for an education borne out of ethical singularity as hearing and responding to the Other's call. Finally, she explores its implications for how one might begin to respond justly to the conditions of others within and alongside of one's own intellectual and pedagogical engagements.  相似文献   

大学化学实验教学改革发展动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
化学是一门实验科学。随着现代科技的高速发展,化学实验对培养优秀的化学专业人才起着越来越重要的作用。本文介绍了目前国内大学化学实验教学改革与发展的动态,供同行借鉴。  相似文献   

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