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This study investigates the effects of an intensive 1-week Inquiry-Based Science and Technology Enrichment Program (InSTEP) designed for middle school-aged female students. InSTEP uses a guided/open inquiry approach that is deepened and redefined as eight sciences and engineering practices in the Next Generation Science Standards, which aimed at increasing female students’ interest in science and science-related careers. This study examined the effectiveness of InSTEP on 123 female students’ pre-assessment and post-assessment changes in attitudes toward science and content knowledge of selected science concepts. An attitude survey, a science content test with multiple-choice questions, written assignments, and interviews to collect data were all used to measure students’ attitudes and content knowledge. A within-group, repeated measure design was conducted, and the results indicated that at the post-intervention level, InSTEP increased the participants’ positive attitudes toward science, science-related careers, and content knowledge of selected science concepts.  相似文献   

Starting with the premise that better assessment leads to more informed decisions about student learning, we investigated the factors that lead to assessment improvement. We used “meta-assessment” (i.e., evaluating the assessment process) to identify academic programs in which the assessment process had improved over a two-year period. The use of both quantitative and qualitative methods allowed us to understand the factors leading to assessment improvement better. Through these efforts, we discovered that a program’s assessment environment and use of resources were the predominant factors leading to improvement. One resource in particular, assessment consultation, was the most cited reason for improved assessment.  相似文献   

试析PISA科学素养测评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际教育评估项目PISA对青少年科学素养的测评,因其规模、过程、内容、标准、功能等的标准化运作和成功实践,越来越引起人们的关注。文章简要介绍了PISA监测项目的概况,深入剖析其科学素养监测的特点,以期对相关研究和实践有所裨益。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effectiveness of a guided inquiry integrated with technology, in terms of female middle-school students’ attitudes toward science/scientists and content knowledge regarding selective science concepts (e.g., Greenhouse Effect, Air/Water Quality, Alternative Energy, and Human Health). Thirty-five female students who were entering eighth grade attended an intensive, 1-week Inquiry-Based Science and Technology Enrichment Program which used a main theme, “Green Earth Enhanced with Inquiry and Technology.” We used pre- and post-attitude surveys, pre- and post-science content knowledge tests, and selective interviews to collect data and measure changes in students’ attitudes and content knowledge. The study results indicated that at the post-intervention measures, participants significantly improved their attitudes toward science and science-related careers and increased their content knowledge of selected science concepts (p < .05).  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

认为我国学位点评估体系存在着政府合格评估引导不够、社会中介教育评估机构缺失、研究生培养单位自我评估意识不强和三类评估协同不力等主要问题。指出学位点评估体系改革要构建合理的多元主体参与的学位点评估体系,加强政府合格评估的引导作用,积极培育社会中介教育评估机构,充分发挥学术组织的学术力量,增强研究生培养单位自我评估意识。同时提出学位点评后体系改革的意见,即学位点评估体系应强化学术力量和市场力量,向国家体制、学术体制和市场体制的中心转移,是学位点评估体系改革的方向所在。  相似文献   

专业评估:内部学者治学和外部同行评议的协调   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为专业的本质、专业评估的目的以及境外的专业评估实践都一致指向专业评估的核心在于校内学者治学和校外同行评议的统一.但是,由于我国历史和现实的因素,致使我国专业评估核心体制的缺失,专业内部自评机制的匮乏,专业设置分类过细以及"专业"概念文化交流不对等,从而导致我国专业评估始终无法全面推行.因此,只有建立内部学者治学和外部同行评议相结合和协调的评估体制,进一步深入调整专业设置方式和人才培养模式,以更加宽广的视野来看待和改革我国的"专业"文化指向,才能从根本上解决我国专业评估存在的问题.  相似文献   

本文结合具体案例介绍了PISA测评化学学科素养的特点,提出PISA试题在化学出题上,对创设情境的注重、互动性的问答方式以及开放性的评分方式都是鼓励学生应用知识、分析解决实际问题的好借鉴。  相似文献   

To propose recommendations to implement outcomes-based assessment program review in a California Community College District, a grounded theory analysis was performed within the district. The findings generated were cross-referenced with findings from a multi-institutional case study analysis. A key finding from the cross-reference was the need for the leadership to clarify across all levels of the organization who the audience is for the data generated from the program review process; to clarify the indicators that each audience requires; and to clarify how that audience intends to use results generated from the process prior to designing the outcomes-based assessment process.  相似文献   

In this study, the author developed a model to describe academic self-concept (ASC) in science and validated an instrument for its measurement. Unlike previous models of science ASC, which envisage science as a homogenous single global construct, this model took a multidimensional view by conceiving science self-concept as possessing distinctive facets including conceptual and procedural elements. In the first part of the study, data were collected from 1,483 students attending eight secondary schools in England, through the use of a newly devised Secondary Self-Concept Science Instrument, and structural equation modeling was employed to test and validate a model. In the second part of the study, the data were analysed within the new self-concept framework to examine learners’ ASC profiles across the domains of science, with particular attention paid to age- and gender-related differences. The study found that the proposed science self-concept model exhibited robust measures of fit and construct validity, which were shown to be invariant across gender and age subgroups. The self-concept profiles were heterogeneous in nature with the component relating to self-concept in physics, being surprisingly positive in comparison to other aspects of science. This outcome is in stark contrast to data reported elsewhere and raises important issues about the nature of young learners’ self-conceptions about science. The paper concludes with an analysis of the potential utility of the self-concept measurement instrument as a pedagogical device for science educators and learners of science.  相似文献   

在我国高等教育学分制改革深化的过程中, 各高校业已开展了不同形式的学业指导活 动。美国作为学业指导的发源地,经过一个多世纪的实践与发展,在该领域积累了丰富的经验。调查 结果显示,对学业指导教师的培训、激励以及对学业指导的评估是美国高校稳定学业指导质量和 提高学业指导效率最为关键的因素。这三大因素在不同层面上互相配合与交融,保证了美国学业 指导的良性运转。以美国高水平研究型大学为研究对象,通过案例分析培训、评估以及激励的最佳 实践,可为我国大学的学业指导发展提供成功经验。  相似文献   

Located in Lafayette, Indiana, Purdue University has a well‐established history as a land‐grant university with strong science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) programs. Purdue’s learning design and technology (LDT) program resides in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction within the College of Education. Residential PhD and master’s programs as well as fully available online master’s programs are provided. The LDT program has specialized offerings in a corporate or education track for their master’s students, embracing various needs and interest in corporate, government, and non‐profit settings as well as K‐12 and higher education settings, respectively. The LDT program has 10 full‐time well‐established faculty members, and they are actively involved in research and development activities, often involving students. The program is working on developing the knowledge and skills of the program’s graduates by incorporating innovative approaches such as competency‐based programs, badging, and portfolios. –Yeol Huh, PhD, and Sung “Pil” Kang, PhD, column editors  相似文献   

Certain segments of science are becoming increasingly commercialized. This article discusses the commercialization of academic science and its impact on various aspects of science. It also aims to provide an introduction to the articles in this special issue. I briefly describe the major factors that led to this phenomenon, situate it in the context of the changing social regime of science and give a thumbnail sketch of its costs and benefits. I close with a general discussion of how the topic of commercialization of academic science is relevant to science education.  相似文献   


To examine the usefulness of the Slossen Intelligence Test (SIT) and the Quick Test (QT) with poor readers, the relative validities of the SIT and the QT were examined by comparison to the more comprehensive Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC). Intercorrelations of fifty-six poor readers, scores on all three tests were obtained. SIT and WISC (Full Scale) IQ’s (r =. 60) were significantly more closely related than were QT (Total) and WISC (Full Scale) IQ’s (r = .49) although scores from both of the brief tests were significantly correlated with WISC scores. The results are discussed in terms of test characteristics, and implications are drawn in terms of purpose for testing.  相似文献   

阿斯贝格症儿童的评估与干预   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
阿斯贝格综合症 (Asperger’sSyndrome ,AS)是一种主要以社会交往困难 ,及异常的兴趣行为模式为特征的儿童广泛性发育障碍。其评估与儿童孤独症有所不同 ,但在干预与治疗上可参考孤独症的原则与方法。  相似文献   

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