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In this study, the effects of a form of cooperative group instruction (Student Teams Achievement Divisions) on student motivation and achievement in a high school geometry class were examined. Eighty students were randomly assigned to either a control group receiving traditional instruction or one of two treatment groups receiving cooperative learning instruction. Geometry achievement was assessed using scores from the IOWA Test of Basic Skills and teacher-made exams. An 83-item questionnaire was used as a pretest, posttest, and post-posttest assessment of efficacy, intrinsic valuing, goal orientation, and cognitive processing. Students in the cooperative treatment groups exhibited significantly greater gains than the control group in geometry achievement, efficacy, intrinsic valuing of geometry, learning goal orientation, and reported uses of deep processing strategies. The implications for cooperative group structures and motivation theory are discussed.  相似文献   

新课程改革要求教学要"以人为本,一切是为了学生的全面发展"。而要促进学生全面发展的关键点之一就是要善于激发、鼓励、调动学生的积极性、主动性和创造性,抓住神奇的教学最佳时机相机激励教学。激励教学时机无所不在,本文从激励教学的原则、激励教学时机的模式、方法等几个方面就如何把握激励最佳时机应用于化学教学做了很多创造性的、有益的探索,在研究过程中较好地关注了学生的身心发展规律和认知特点,充分体现了素质教育的新课程理念,以促进化学教学的有效性和学生的全面发展。  相似文献   

The Effects of Student Composition on School Outcomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article explores the concept of compositional effects in school effect studies, their generation and some of the difficulties that arise in their interpretation. Some basic issues are addressed using data from a New Zealand study of secondary schools, and further illustration of some of the “pitfalls” is provided from an English study of primary school performance indicators. The importance of model specification, predictor reliability, and cautious interpretation are highlighted.  相似文献   

课堂教学中,学习活动是一种自主的创造活动。生成性是新课程理念之一,强调学习的自主构建,强调教学的动态生成。本文将从生成性课堂出发,阐述生成性课堂在初中化学教学中的构建和实施策略。  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of secondary school culture on the dual student outcomes of academic achievement and engagement with the institution attended. Elements of school culture were identified, specifically the roles played by administrators, the professional teaching staff, and the adolescent peer group. A mixed-method research design was employed with the primary research instrument taking the form of a survey questionnaire that was distributed to 268 Grade 11 students attending two composite secondary schools in a mid-sized Canadian city. The results demonstrated that institutional culture had a limited impact on student academic achievement but a significant influence on students' perceptions of engagement with their schools.  相似文献   

王欢 《海外英语》2012,(5):98-99
首因效应,是指个体在社会认知过程中,通过"第一印象"最先输入的信息对客体以后的认知产生的显著的影响作用,它是由第一印象(首次印象)所引起的一种心理倾向,许多人习惯称之为"第一感"。作为新教师,在课堂上给学生留下的第一印象显得尤其重要。高中外语新教师在课堂上利用好首因策略,在外语课堂上能显著提升教学效果,提高学生的学习兴趣,增加新教师的从业自信心,从而促进新教师自身专业发展。  相似文献   

以活动为载体,以学生为主体,以教师为主导,以探究为主线,以发展为主题是高中化学生态课堂建设的基本前提。基本过程需要经历三个阶段,即创设情境、发现问题;探究问题、感悟内涵;分析整理、提升总结。同时需要落实四项基本保证,也就是:创设宽松的有支持性的教学环境,必须创设自信的有表现性的心理环境,必须创设和谐的有智慧性的教学氛围,必须创设积极的有参与度的实践时空。  相似文献   

本文通过对《铝的性质》一节的教学 ,探讨在中学化学课堂教学中如何进行研究性学习 ,并通过研究性学习激发学生学习的兴趣 ,使学生形成科学的思维方法和习惯 ,主动地参与学习  相似文献   

科学探究是高中新课程的重要内容,是化学新课程改革的亮点。本文通过典型案例分析高中化学课堂进行科学探究的设计过程和基本策略。  相似文献   

中学生课堂计算机使用对其数学成绩的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在计算机使用对学业成就影响的研究中,研究者得出的结论是不一致的.这可能是因为现有研究多数未能控制其他影响变量,而只能说明计算机使用与学业成就的相关关系.倾向分数方法是一种可做因果推断的统计方法.选取北京市24所中学所有七、八年级学生及其数学教师进行施测,运用倾向分数方法探讨学生计算机使用与数学成绩之间的关系.结果表明:在数学课堂中常使用计算机的学生,其成绩显著高于那些不使用或很少使用计算机的学生.  相似文献   

The authors conducted a study to examine experiences and preferences of middle and high school students in online learning environments. An online questionnaire was supplied to administrators of online schools, who then distributed the questionnaire to students enrolled in their schools. Topics addressed in the questionnaire included involvement in online and traditional school settings, use of special education services, participation in extracurricular activities, actual and preferred interactions with teachers and online peers, bullying, and overall opinions regarding online learning. The findings from this study are explained as well as limitations and implications for future research.  相似文献   

Research apprenticeships for secondary students provide authentic contexts for learning science in which students engage in scientific investigations with practicing scientists in working laboratory groups. Student experiences in these research apprenticeships vary depending on the individual nature of the laboratory in which students have been placed. This study explores potential relationships among student experiences in apprenticeship contexts and desired student outcomes (e.g. science content knowledge, understandings of nature of science, and aspirations for science oriented career plans). The following two research questions guided the study: How do participant experiences in and outcomes resulting from an authentic research program for high school students vary? How does variation in participant experiences in an authentic research program relate to participant outcomes? Primary data sources were student and mentor interviews in addition to student generated concept maps. Results indicated that the greatest variance in student experiences existed in the categories of collaboration, epistemic involvement, and understandings of the significance of research results. The greatest variation in desired student outcomes was observed in student understandings of nature of science and in students’ future science plans. Results suggested that collaboration and interest in the project were experience aspects most likely to be related to desired outcomes. Implications for the design of research apprenticeships for secondary students are discussed.  相似文献   

从各学校开展的研究性学习活动的情况看,课题研究主要有专题系列型和综合型两大类。专题系列型问题主要由教师设汁提出,有一定的连贯性,整个系列的研究可进行一学年.如:催化剂系列;综合型的问题可由教师提出,也可由学生提出,涉及多门学科知识,如《食品中的营养》,涉及  相似文献   

随着课程改革的不断深入,教师教的方式在逐渐改变,学生也改变了学习的方式,但是无论如何,化学学科究其根本是考查学生思维过程的学科,而教师无论采取什么样的方式教都是为了培养学生的思维能力。基于此,针对化学课程的特点,利用"三多课堂"模式,对初中化学教学中使用"三多课堂"的问题进行初步探究,以期进一步培养学生理论联系实际的能力和综合分析的能力,真正实现教育教学为学生的终身发展服务。  相似文献   

高校学生档案是国家人事档案的组成部分,也是大学生重要的人生履历,但是在现实生活中,大学生的档案管理还存在着各种各样的问题,如:学生档案管理工作未受到重视;档案工作者整体素质不高;在校大学生档案意识薄弱等.针对这些问题,文章提出了一些具体的、可操作性的措施来加强和改进这方面的工作.  相似文献   


This study compares learning success of online and on-campus students in a general education soil science course with lab and field components. Two terms of students completed standardized pre- and postassessments designed to test knowledge and skills from the lecture and lab content of the course. There was no difference in overall grade or lab assignment grades between course formats. Online students outperformed on-campus students on the preassessment in the first term and on the post-assessment in the second term; the two populations scored the similarly for the other assessments. Online students showed a 42% grade improvement from pre- to post-assessment; on-campus students had a 21% improvement. Online students also showed better learning success in lab-related knowledge and skills based on individual assessment questions. The students in both populations successfully met the learning objectives for this lab- and field-based science course.  相似文献   

在疫情爆发与学习者个性化需求日益多元化的全球化背景下,传统的学校教育被越来越多的在线资源所替代,而我国目前的在线教育仍然存在着学生自主学习意愿薄弱、自主学习策略欠缺以及自主学习能力不足等诸多问题.学校与教师对于学生也缺乏除传递知识以外的培养与教育.成立于2006年的斯坦福在线高中是一所全日制在线中学,即学生全部在线上便可以完成高中学业并取得毕业证书,其实践过程中的诸多举措与经验精准地回应了在线学习的问题与诉求.在线中学可以成为全日制教育的另一种可能吗?如何营造在线的学校氛围以促进学生自主学习?本文以自主学习理论考察斯坦福在线高中促进学生自主学习的举措并试图阐明它对我国未来构建在线中学的启示.  相似文献   

Journal of Science Education and Technology - Technology can be thought of in two ways: as a set of tools that amplify or extend what we currently do (make it better, faster, stronger), or as...  相似文献   

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