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We have earlier reported overall teacher emphases on six general educational goals. In the present study we present school level analyses of the same goal variables. The new focus of the present study was on possible school differences in teacher goal emphases. It is assumed that school differences may indicate a process of teacher socialisation in schools, particularly if these characteristics are relatively stable over time. About 40 schools were analysed at two points in time and they were represented by two different samples of teachers (144 and 157 teachers). We analysed both individual goal variables and goal profiles defined by how the teachers ranked the six goals. Only the 'profile approach' indicated school-specific goal priorities. The results also showed that the degree of goal consensus in schools should not be regarded as an aspect of the school climate. In addition, the measure of school goal consensus was weakly related to other examined aspects of the school climate.  相似文献   

中学教学建模活动为中学生创造发展空间   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
开展中学数学建模活动,为培养创造精神和实践能力提供了一条途径,教学建模活动可以让学生尝试发现问题和提出问题,经历科学地结局问题的过程,学会与他人合作,创造潜能得以开发。  相似文献   

This paper describes the analysis of teachers’ journal reflections during an inquiry-based professional development program. As a part of their learning experience, participants reflected on what they learned and how they learned. Progress of subject matter and pedagogical content knowledge was assessed though surveys and pre- and posttests. We found that teachers have difficulties reflecting on their learning and posing meaningful questions. The teachers who could describe how they reasoned from evidence to understand a concept had the highest learning gains. In contrast those teachers who seldom or never described learning a concept by reasoning from evidence showed the smallest learning gains. This analysis suggests that learning to reflect on one’s learning should be an integral part of teachers’ professional development experiences.  相似文献   

职业倦怠是个体在体力、精力和能力上都无法应付外界的要求而产生的身心疲劳与耗竭的状态。教师是职业倦怠的高发人群。以中学教师为被试,采用问卷调查与个别访谈的方法考察教师的职业倦怠状况及对学生的影响,发现教师职业倦怠对学生的学习和生理心理健康发展有显著的消极影响。分析教师职业倦怠产生的原因主要有教师职业的特点、各方面对教师的评价以及教师的个人因素。克服教师职业倦怠,既要通过教师个人自身努力,同时社会各界和教育行政主管部门及领导也要予以深切的关注和积极的支持。  相似文献   

采用《教师职业认同研究》量表对西藏地区209名中学教师进行职业认同调查,了解其职业认同状况。结果显示:(1)西藏地区中学教师整体的职业认同水平较高;(2)西藏地区中学教师和内地中小学教师在职归属感和职业行为倾向上存在显著差异;(3)西藏地区中学教师的职业价值观在学校所在地上存在显著差异;(4)西藏地区中学教师的角色价值观在性别、职称、所教科目上差异显著。  相似文献   

In the design of teacher education courses, assumptions are inevitably made about the nature of teaching, how teachers learn to teach and the substance of that learning. This paper examines some common assumptions and compares them with theoretical frameworks emerging from recent research on teachers’ knowledge and thinking. It is suggested that the theories and methods of research in this area have an important role to play in helping both to conceptualise and to evaluate programmes of professional training, and thereby contribute to the improvement of teachers’ practice.  相似文献   

Excel在中学数学建模中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2002年3月18日公布的《高中数学课程标准》征求意见稿,中学“数学建模”将成为高中数学的一个专题课程。这一变化,凸显了数学的应用价值,反映了社会生活的各个方面对数学教育新的要求,实际上,这也是现代教育技术对数学教学产生深刻影响的必然结果。以往人们认为不容易甚至不可能解决的实际问题,由于强有力计算工具的介入而变得轻而易举了。从另一角度来看,“数学建模”课程的设置,无疑对中学师生运用计算工具的要求提高了。Excel是集文字、数据、图形、图表以及其他媒体对象于一体的流行软体,因其操作简便、函数丰富、…  相似文献   

简述了中学数学建模教学的必要性,开展建模教学的方法、教学途径,并提出了若干的建议。  相似文献   

西北农村中学教师专业发展对促进西北地区基础教育发展具有举足轻重的作用。西北地区特殊的地域特征导致西北农村中学教师在专业发展上存在一定的问题,而教师网络学习共同体为促进西北农村中学教师专业发展提供了新的途径和方法。利用IM即时通讯工具的特点,建立教师网络学习共同体可以促进学习者间的协作和交流,可以为教师的专业发展提供技术、资源和服务的支持,同时其学习过程注重学习者非智力因素的培养,通过双向交互实现共同学习、共同进步及知识重构,促进教师的专业发展。  相似文献   

The Teacher Education and Professional Development Goal of the National Education Goals (20 U.S.C. § 4) states: By the year 2000, the Nation's teaching force will have access to programs for the continued improvement of their professional skills and the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to instruct and prepare all American students for the next century.  相似文献   

This study describes a collaborative study involving a teacher and university researcher using learning environment research to transform a middle school science learning environment. Habermas' idea of knowledge constitutive interests (technical, practical, and emancipatory) is used as a perspective to make sense of the learning environment. Student perceptions of science and the nature of science were explored. Classroom observations and student interviews were the primary data sources. Students perceived science as primarily a set of facts to be learned and did not view it as an inquiry method or a social process. Despite the characterization of the course by the teacher and students as hands-on and experimental, technical interests were prevalent. Through negotiation, a plan of action was outlined for recreating the learning environment to make it more practical and emancipatory, as well as more consistent with contemporary perspectives on the nature of science.  相似文献   

一、中等职校专业课合作学习的内涵 合作学习通常是以学习小组为基本形式,系统利用教学中动态因素之间的互动,促进学生的主动学习,并以团体成绩为评价标准,小组成员共同达成目标的教学活动.中等职校专业课合作学习,不仅具有合作学习固有特征,又赋予了一些新的内涵.  相似文献   

This experimental study reports findings on the effects from a year-long reading intervention providing daily, 50-minute sessions to middle-school students with identified learning disabilities (n = 65) compared with similar students who did not receive the reading intervention (n = 55). All students continued to receive their special education services as provided by the school. Results indicated statistically significant findings favoring the treatment group for sight word reading fluency following intervention. Small effects were found for phonemic decoding fluency and passage comprehension. No other statistically significant differences were noted between groups. The findings suggest that while gains on word reading fluency resulted from the additional reading treatment, accelerating the reading performance of students identified with learning disabilities may be unlikely to result from a one-year, daily intervention provided to students in groups of 10-15.  相似文献   

中学地理学科的学法指导分课前预习法、复习归纳法、分组讨论法、撰写论文法和课外实践法。为适应素质教育要求,在学法指导过程中还应做到:开展心理辅导、因材进行学法指导、重视自学实践、开展形式多样的学法指导、指导学法与改革教法相结合。  相似文献   

在小班化教育教学实验推进过程中,小组互助合作学习已经成为化学课堂的重要学习方式。由于教师缺乏对合作学习实质的正确把握,合作学习的实效性没有得到彰显。针对化学课堂教学中小组合作存在的种种问题,可采用如下教学策略:灵活多样的分组方式,确保小组内人人担责;分层递进的问题设计,确保小组内人人满足;形式多样的实验探究,确保小组内人人提高;恰如其分的即时评价,确保小组内人人成长。  相似文献   

在小班化教育教学实验推进过程中,小组互助合作学习已经成为化学课堂的重要学习方式。由于教师缺乏对合作学习实质的正确把握,合作学习的实效性没有得到彰显。针对化学课堂教学中小组合作存在的种种问题,可采用如下教学策略:灵活多样的分组方式,确保小组内人人担责;分层递进的问题设计,确保小组内人人满足;形式多样的实验探究,确保小组内人人提高;恰如其分的即时评价,确保小组内人人成长。  相似文献   

在地理教学中,教师要充分发挥学生的主动意识,培养其自主学习能力。具体来说,精心做好课前预习工作,注重学法的有效指导,梳理知识、提高学生的自主思考能力,整合知识、建立地理认知结构。对此,文章将详细阐述。  相似文献   


The sources of satisfaction and dissatisfaction of university and public school participants in a middle school Professional Development Schools (PDS) partnership were investigated. Of the 86 participants in 12 collaborative inquiry partnership groups, 66 completed a 22-item questionnaire at the end of their 1st year of PDS participation. Results indicated that satisfaction appeared to outweigh dissatisfaction and that members of co-led (a university and a school leader) groups were more satisfied with group leadership and with the PDS experience overall than were members of singly led groups. A number of sources of satisfaction and barriers to satisfaction were identified. Implications of the results for the long-term viability of the PDS model are discussed.  相似文献   

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