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Guo Jingming (郭敬明)became well known with his success in organizing"New Concept Composition Contest"(新概念作文  相似文献   

The curiosity of Israeli educators from two separate educational systems (Jewish and Arab) was compared regarding five curiosity dimensions, types of curious people, and values that drive actions. Two assessment modes were employed (Likert-type and open-ended). The quantitative and qualitative analyses showed significant differences between the two groups on most measures, which were illustrated by authentic quotes from the participants. Inferences were drawn based on substantive culture-related explanations, some of which were qualified by response-style accounts. The paper concludes with implications for culturally-tailored professional development to enhance educator curiosity and their assessment for learning practice to nurture the curiosity and self-regulated learning of their students.  相似文献   

S. Ramakrishnan 《Resonance》2011,16(12):1254-1265
Polymers that exhibit high electrical conductivity have successfully been synthesized in the last few decades. The early problems associated with the stability and solubility of such conducting polymers have largely been overcome using chemical intuition and experimentation. A fairly wide range of interesting applications based on these polymers is emerging; some of these are highlighted in this article.  相似文献   

近20多年来,青海保险业有了一定程度的发展,但随着经济体制改革的进一步深化,尤其是面对入世后的新形势,青海保险业在发展过程中将遇到许多新情况、新问题,本对此进行了较为深入的分析,并提出相应的应对策略。  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(4):127-130

Student motivation for achievement is a particular concern in college teaching. The desire for students to learn for the sake of learning is strong, yet this often leads to “dumbing down” the curriculum. In this article, I present a case analysis of motivational dimensions of instructional practice in college classrooms using a social cognitive theory approach. Three dimensions are discussed: task, authority, and evaluation. Examples are provided to describe the role that challenge and support play in each of these dimensions. Implications for student motivation and learning are provided.  相似文献   

普朗克提出量子假设观念,依赖于社会经济的发展,更离不开他的科学直觉。这种科学直觉并非凭空而来,而是长期科学实践的产物。量子假设向"自然界是连续变化的"这一传统的形而上学观念提出了挑战,确立了"自然界是不连续的、跳跃式变化的"新观念,为我们论证体知的认识论观点,提供了一个典型案例。  相似文献   

Three studies on the relationship between curiosity and interest are reported. The first study was a meta-analysis that examined the Pearson correlations between scales assessing curiosity and interest. Based on 24 studies (31 effect sizes), we found that the curiosity scales correlated with the interest scales at a moderate level (r = 0.53), but they had extremely high heterogeneity. The second and third studies applied network analyses (i.e., co-occurrence analysis and correlation-based analysis) to data that was collected using experience sampling method. Across the studies, we found that while the feelings of curiosity reflected feelings of inquisitiveness, the feelings of interest were aligned with positive affect such as enjoyment and happiness. Importantly, an asymmetrical pattern also was found in curiosity-interest co-occurrences: when feelings of curiosity occurred, the co-occurrence of feelings of interest was highly likely, but not so vice versa. Overall, our findings suggest that feelings of curiosity are special cases of feelings of interest that pertain to knowledge acquisition. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Faculty workload is based on the amount of time spent on teaching, research, and service. The workload varies according to institutional focus, teaching field, type of course, course level, and instructional format. Compared with traditional face-to-face courses, online courses require a disproportionate investment of time and effort by faculty, necessitating special consideration when calculating faculty workload. The authors examine the workload for faculty teaching online courses in community colleges, specifically, the number of online classes taught per semester, class sizes for online courses, incentives for online instructors and how the workload for online instructors is calculated. Results indicate inconsistent practices within and between institutions; the workload for online instructors based on class sizes is less than, equal to, or more than that of faculty teaching face-to-face courses. Further investigations into common practices at other institutions and dialogue between administrators and faculty to discuss workload issues are recommended.  相似文献   

中国教育传统的形成是由其社会环境决定的。近代时期的西学东渐通过社会环境的改变从而影响了教育传统的发展。知识分子出于救亡图存的良好愿望引进了教育学,但忽视了传统文化的重要性。鉴于历史的经验及教训,要想使中国教育传统有所发展,就必须建立在国际化和民族化相结合的基础上。  相似文献   

蔡淑兰 《天中学刊》2009,24(4):11-14
教育理念与教育行为脱节的问题,是课程改革存在的主要问题,也是教育研究中一个历久弥新的课题.新课程改革通过一轮又一轮的教师培训,从理论上更新了教师的教育理念,但在实践中,那些落后的、陈旧的甚至错误的行为还在充斥着校园,占据着课堂.这种现象说明,从先进的教育理念到成熟的教育行为,需要一个生长发育的过程.在这个过程中,教师的教育反思就成为教育理念向教育行为转化的关键.  相似文献   

信息时代,大众传播媒介不但是教育的有益补充,同时也对教育造成了极大的冲击和挑战,面对这种情况,教育系统必须从职能、机制、内容、从业人员等诸多方面进行变革,才能实现教育的最终目标。  相似文献   

There is widespread concern that assessments which have no direct consequences for students, teachers or schools underestimate student ability, and that the extent of this underestimation increases as the students become ever more familiar with such tests. This issue is particularly relevant for international comparative studies such as the IEA’s Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). In the present experimental study, a short form of the PISA mathematical literacy test is used to explore whether the levels of test motivation and test performance observed in the context of the standard PISA assessment situation can be improved by raising the stakes of testing. The impact of (1) informational feedback, (2) grading, and (3) performance-contingent financial rewards on the personal value of performing well, perceived utility of participating in the test, intended and invested effort, task-irrelevant cognitions, and test performance are investigated. The central finding of the study is that the different treatment conditions make the various value components of test motivation equally salient. Consequently, no differences were found either with respect to intended and invested effort or to test performance.  相似文献   

我国旅游本科教育在来自教育界本身、旅游人才市场、学生和家长三方面形势的挑战面前,必须大力加强旅游基础理论的研究,进一步明确培养目标和办学方向,调整课程设置,加大教改力度,努力提高学生文化素质、理论水平与专业技能,进一步加强旅游专业师资队伍建设.旅游本科教育挑战和机遇同在.  相似文献   

This paper focuses upon open and distance learning initial teacher education in both primary and secondary sectors and explores the ways in which mentors challenge PGCE students in their professional thinking and classroom practice. It draws upon ethnographic research on mentors and student teachers during one presentation of the course. The data are based on observations of mentors working with students on final student placement, conversations with specialist subject mentor trainers as well as questionnaire and other source material. An analysis of how mentors articulate their knowledge base; the dialogue between mentor and student and the challenge of moving from novice to expert for the student teacher are all considered. Our conclusions have implications for all ITT and will also be a source of valuable practical help for student teachers and mentors.  相似文献   

加入WTO对我国会计的挑战及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国加入WTO后所带来的既是机遇和发展也是考验和挑战,如何应对和协调发展是中国经济面临的重大课题。本文拟对WTO与我国会计的关系和影响做一探讨。  相似文献   

在哲学领域,唯物主义与唯心主义的争论由来已久。在当代,随着自然科学的迅猛发展及人类认识水平的不断提高,唯物主义在这场争论中毫无疑问占据上风,然而,以感受性质问题为代表的意识难题却对其发起了新的挑战。从另一面来看,这正是唯物主义发展的契机,应从新的视角和方法来发展马克思主义意识论。  相似文献   

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