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Technology 2000     

This article describes a collaborative university-school district project for improving teaching and learning by using state-of-the-art educational technologies. The work resulted in the simultaneous improvement of P-12 education and teacher education. The article illustrates some of the important outcomes of a project known as Technology 2000, a collaborative effort between a university, a school district, and a business partner. Through using appropriate educational technologies, pre-service teachers, in cooperation with their supervising teachers in five classrooms at two school sites, engaged in the collaborative alignment of curriculum, instruction, and assessment to facilitate student achievement. The participants believe that the outcomes of this educational technology project have important implications for improving teaching and learning in other schools and teacher education settings.  相似文献   


Teacher research serves as an innovative redirection of the tradition of framing the education of teachers around curriculum policies. It recognizes and encourages teachers as agents of knowing and constructors of knowledge. It is inquiry‐based, frequently collaborative, and invariably generative of teachers’ craft knowledge. British Columbia is currently in the middle of a most ambitious revision of its education system. This system‐wide attempt at innovation has provided an enabling context within which teachers in the province could engage in classroom‐based research as they attempt to build a learner‐focused curriculum. This article describes the teacher research efforts that have been taking place in the province, and attempts to derive important implications for educational policy. Teacher research permitted teachers to honour the educative agenda of schools, suggesting that more, rather than less, structures like teacher research groups be provided for in the implementation of complex educational innovations, and recognizing that posing questions about teaching and learning represents the essence of being a professional educator. Teacher research groups also provided support, stability and challenge in a community of inquirers, suggesting that such structures are necessary for teachers to engage in continuous, public and systemic critique of proposed changes in school. Finally, teachers were enabled to clarify the principles of learning embedded in the new programmes, to distinguish between learner‐focused and learner‐directed teaching, and to address matters of substance rather than react to the change process.  相似文献   

采用定性研究和定量研究相结合的方法,调查了重庆市黔江区农村小学教师专业成长的现状。影响农村小学教师专业成长的内部因素包括知识结构与水平、教学经验与技能、职业发展动机、自我评价机制等;外部因素包括国家教育政策、学校文化氛围、家庭环境等。促进教师专业成长必须坚持多元化策略,教育主管部门、学校和教师自身都要采取不同的方式,在教师成长的各个阶段进行有效的引导和帮助。  相似文献   


In three narrative vignettes, this paper challenges scholars and practitioners of teacher education to consider ways that our courses do and do not engage white teacher candidates to take on racially conscious orientations. The work addressed in this paper has implications for our understandings of how preservice teachers can learn about racial identity in ways that benefit individual teachers and support their work in schools and communities. These findings buttress previous work in ‘second wave’ white teacher identity research and can translate directly into teacher education course and program design. Simultaneously, this research speaks to the broader literature in teacher education, offering evidence to support the value of extended periods of time for new teachers to build authentic relationships and conduct critical study of self and society in a climate where teacher preparation programs face pressure to reduce credits to degree and intensify their focus on preparing students for externally mandated assessments.  相似文献   

自《科尔曼报告》公布至今已经过去了半个世纪,但对于学生学业成绩来说,学校投入与家庭投入哪个更重要的问题在国内外学术界依然没有达成共识。本文利用我国东部和中部5省16个城市中小学校大规模测评数据,采用广义教育生产函数方法,运用两水平线性模型,分析了学校投入和家庭投入要素对教育产出(以学生学业成绩为代理变量)的影响效应。同时,采用Shapley值和Owen值分解技术,识别出对学校教育产出有较大影响的投入要素,得出以下4个方面结论:第一,除生师比之外,办学条件和教师质量等学校投入要素对教育产出结果有显著的正效应。第二,父母参与、父母教育期望等家庭投入要素对教育产出结果有显著的正效应。第三,对于小学平均学业成绩而言,来自家庭的相关投入更重要;对于初中平均学业成绩而言,则是来自学校的相关投入更为重要。第四,相比学校办学条件,教师质量对中小学校平均学业成绩变异的贡献度更大;而且,相比小学,教师质量对初中学校平均学业成绩变异的贡献度更大。基于实证研究结论,提出提高我国中小学教育生产效率的5点建议:一是调整义务教育资源配置结构,优先保障初中阶段学校教育投入;二是改善义务教育阶段教师的工资待遇和工作环境,以吸引更多高素质人才投入义务教育事业;三是通过校外教师专业发展培训、校本教研合作等途径切实提高教师队伍的教学策略水平,尤其要重视提高初中教师的教学策略水平;四是政府和相关部门应尽快出台有关家庭教育的制度规范,强化父母在家庭教育中的主体责任,督促父母积极参与子女教育生产过程;五是学校和社区应广泛开展家庭教育讲座和家庭教育实践培训活动,引导家长树立正确的家庭教育观,掌握科学的养育子女的方法,以提高学校教育和家庭教育联合生产的效率。  相似文献   

教师研究是教师为了解决自己面临的教育与教学问题,为了提高教育质量,在自己工作的中小学校里进行的系统探究活动.教师研究具有内在性、系统思考性、教育取向性等基本特征.教师研究不仅具有改变教师的教学方式和教学态度等多方面的意义,而且对教育知识的发展也具有重要的价值.有助于教育知识发展的教师研究主要有理论检验与完善式、问题解决式、教育创新式、经验培育式等四种.  相似文献   


One of the most controversial and significant of contemporary education reforms has been the teacher accountability movement. From this perspective, low-quality teachers and teaching are a major factor behind inadequate school performance, and a lack of accountability and control in schools is a major factor behind the problem of low-quality teachers and teaching. In turn, to advocates of this reform movement, the solution is to centralize control of schools and hold teachers more accountable. Utilizing a sociology of organizations, occupations and work perspective, the objective of this article was to offer a critique of the teacher accountability perspective and movement. This article draws from, and summarizes, the results of a series of empirical research projects on the levels, distribution and effects of accountability and control in American schools. The argument of the article is that the teacher accountability perspective overlooks some of the most important sources and forms of organizational accountability and control that exist in schools and overlooks the ways schools themselves, and in particular the ways they are managed and organized, contribute to the teacher quality problem. As a result, teacher accountability reforms often do not succeed and can have a negative impact on teacher quality and school performance.  相似文献   

中学数学思想方法研究存在的主要不足有:中学教师研究内容单一;心理层面的实证研究欠缺;思想方法的教学体系还需完善等。分析原因,指出中学教师学科素养的局限、考试的影响等制约了研究;大学教师与中学教学存在隔膜,与研究所需的综合素质有一定差距,与中学的合作未达到实质性;数学教育界与心理学界的研究还未接轨等问题。提出中学与大学、数学教育界与心理学界、教育行政部门等要形成学术共同体,合作建立研究与培训体系等建议。  相似文献   

教育科研能力对教师专业发展和课堂有效教学具有十分重要的意义。但是,在教育教学改革实践中教师的教育科研能力却凸显薄弱,这种状况已经影响到中小学教师专业水平和教育教学质量的有效提升。因此,在职前师范生教育过程中,开设教育科研知识课程和进行教育科研能力培养训练就显得特别重要。近年来,职前师范生教育科研能力培养问题已经得到越来越多学者和专家的关注。概括起来,主要包括以下几个焦点问题:本科师范生教育科研能力的构成要素,本科师范生教育科研能力的现状,本科师范生教育科研能力相对滞后成因,本科师范生教育科研能力培养模式。  相似文献   

大学本科小学教育专业建设问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大学本科小学教育专业应定性在教育,定向在小学,定格在本科,对小学教育专业学生进行综合培养,促进学生全面发展。要合理构建小学教育专业课程体系,使学生在教育理论、学科专业知识、教育科研方法、教学实践能力等方面明显高于中师和小教大专;处理好文化基础与专业基础、教育理论与学科知识、科学与人文的关系。在提高小学教师学历层次、学术水平、科研能力、教学能力和管理能力的同时,促进教师专业化发展。  相似文献   

This participatory action research project responded to the needs for educational reform and involved cooperation between Mahasarakham Municipality, which provided primary school education, and the Faculty of Education at Mahasarakham University, which played a role as academic mentor. The project aimed to improve the quality of education management by empowering teachers. In order to do so the school had to admit restricted opportunity students rather than well qualified ones. The project, which was divided into four phases, took place between 2000 and 2005. It studied collaboration between the teaching staff of the Faculty of Education who worked as academic mentors and a group of 160 teachers at seven municipal schools. In Phase 1 the emphasis was on the development of 40 model teachers from these seven schools, giving them the skills to design curricula, promote learner-centred instruction, and undertake classroom action research for problem solving. In Phase 2 this developmental activity was extended to all 160 teachers. In Phase 3 the emphasis was on the extension of teacher networks to exchange learning among these schools and to develop best practices. In Phase 4 the emphasis was on developing the curricular management system in each school to ensure and enhance quality and in order that teachers could meet national teaching standards. This would promote a positive attitude and enhance the confidence of the parents and the community in the schools because the teachers would be as qualified as those from successful government schools. The interventions used in the four phases were: workshop training, coaching, learning exchanges, clinical supervisory visits, and reflection. The results of the research and development had a positive impact on raising the quality of teaching and the curriculum in the schools and promoted educational opportunities for disadvantaged students.  相似文献   

This ethnographic study of a third grade classroom examined elementary school science learning as a sociocultural accomplishment. The research focused on how a teacher helped his students acquire psychological tools for learning to think and engage in scientific practices as locally defined. Analyses of classroom discourse examined both how the teacher used mediational strategies to frame disciplinary knowledge in science as well as how students internalized and appropriated ways of knowing in science. The study documented and analyzed how students came to appropriate scientific knowledge as their own in an ongoing manner tied to their identities as student scientists. Implications for sociocultural theory in science education research are discussed. John Reveles is an assistant professor in the Elementary Education Department at California State University, Northridge. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 2005. Before pursuing his Ph.D., he worked as a bilingual elementary school teacher for 3 years. His research focuses on the development of scientific literacy in elementary school settings; sociocultural influences on students' academic identity; equity of access issues in science education; qualitative and quantitative research methods. Within the Michael D. Eisner College of Education, he teaches elementary science curriculum methods courses, graduate science education seminars, and graduate research courses. Gregory Kelly is a professor of science education at Penn State University. He is a former Peace Corps Volunteer and physics teacher. He received his Ph.D. from Cornell in 1994. His research focuses on classroom discourse, epistemology, and science learning. This work has been supported by grants from Spencer Foundation, National Science Foundation, and the National Academy of Education. He teaches courses concerning the uses of history, philosophy, sociology of science in science teaching and teaching and learning science in secondary schools. He is editor of the journal Science Education. Richard Durán is a Professor in the Gevirtz Graduate School of Education, University of California, Santa Barbara. His research and publications have been in the areas of literacy and assessment of English Language Learners and Latino students. He has also conducted research on after school computer clubs, technology and learning as part of the international UC Links Network. With support from the Kellogg Foundation, he is implementing and investigating community and family-centered intervention programs serving the educational progress of Latino students in the middle and high school grades.  相似文献   

中小学教师培训首先显示为教师学习,而且是校本学习。校本培训转为教师校本学习的过程,是教师自我教育自我提升的过程,也是学校文化建设的过程。学校引导教师展开学习的活动,教师将从“读书”中获得“自我超越”的热情,学校教育改革将由原来的自上而下转向自下而上,既有针对教育问题的教师学习又有引起行动的反思的校本教研。  相似文献   


In this article, we investigate the use of multimedia information and communication technologies (ICTs) in integrated arts projects in two secondary schools. The ways in which teachers and students make sense of the technologies in relation to the dominant discourses of education/technology policy and educational research are explored before considering the implications for curriculum and teacher development. The ICT in the word contrad(ICT)ions is emphasised to represent the ways in which teachers and students' use of multimedia exposes and makes visible problematic issues in relation to literacy, school subjects and pedagogy.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a mixed-methods study related to K–12 teachers’ understandings of what research is, and what enables or inhibits teacher use of research in the classroom towards informing their instructional practices. In a collaboration exemplifying school board and university partnerships, we examined the nature of associations between teachers and education research(ers). Our findings indicated that teachers felt both connected and disconnected to research practices in education. Participants suggested ways to establish and sustain better links and collaborations among the communities of teaching and research. This paper emphasizes the importance of universities, schools and teachers working together to conduct meaningful research and apply current knowledge in the field of education.  相似文献   

教师成为研究者的教育意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“教师成为研究者”的提出标志着教师已成为中小学教育研究的主体。“教师成为研究者”的教育意义主要体现在生产教育知识,解决教育实践情景中的实践问题;将教育观念和教育理论转化为实践力量;在研究性变革实践中促进教师的专业发展;有利于教师主体的回归。  相似文献   

Jane Courtney 《Compare》2017,47(6):891-907

This research is based on a multi-disciplinary and multi-levelled analysis of evidence to present the case that education reform needs to be contextualised far more widely than is currently practised. It focuses on the voices of Cambodian local teacher trainers through interviews over a five-year period. Interview data is triangulated against academic sources, national policy documents and classroom observations. The research reveals how notions of globalisation and knowledge economy have led to education being driven by measurable outcomes resulting in simplified educational policies that have a negative impact on teacher development. By allowing the Khmer teacher trainers to articulate their opinions on a wide range of themes, the interviews provide evidence to support historical and cultural theories proposed by academics working in the social sciences in Cambodia. This approach identifies that a deeper contextual analysis should enable teacher development programmes to be more closely aligned to national contexts.  相似文献   

This mixed‐method study examined characteristics and predictors of teacher collaboration. Limited research exists that describes the characteristics of teacher collaboration, and surprisingly little work explains the ways in which teaching experience and teachers’ perceptions of the school environment influence teacher collaboration. Questionnaire data were collected from a sample of 118 elementary school teachers in six schools in a northeast urban school district, and interviews were conducted with administrators in each school. Three schools were in their second year implementing the Responsive Classroom ® (RC) approach, and three schools were comparison schools. Teachers reported collaborating approximately once or twice per month, generally with fellow grade‐level teachers about student‐centered topics. Teachers in RC schools reported more frequent formal collaboration than comparison school teachers. In regards to predicting teacher collaboration, teachers who used more RC practices and/or resources reported collaborating more, valuing collaboration to a higher degree, and perceiving greater involvement in school decision‐making, controlling for whether they taught at a RC school. Also, teachers’ perceptions of the school environment related positively to teacher collaboration. The current study adds to the understanding of teacher collaboration and its antecedents, contributing uniquely to the literature on how a school‐wide educational initiative is associated with teachers’ perceptions of their school environment as well as their collaborative behaviors and beliefs.  相似文献   


The increased pluralism in today’s United States society, including our public school student population, has called for physical education teacher education (PETE) programs to train teachers who can respond to the educational needs of students from diverse backgrounds. However, concerns have been raised with educator preparation programs’ ability to prepare teachers to address diversity in our schools. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to discuss the movement toward teaching for social justice in PETE with focus on preparing teachers for cultural diversity; this includes special attention to cultural humility as a missing component in physical education teacher preparation. We discuss the current state of diversity in PETE, leading to a discussion of social justice as a theme in teaching and teacher education in physical education. Next, we detail the underpinnings of social justice pedagogies in physical education and the need for infusing cultural humility in PETE.  相似文献   

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