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The focal concern of this article is the investigation of the transfer and sustainability of the reflective process into the work environment. Specifically, the identification of the variables which support or challenge practitioners to continue the ongoing process of reflection in practice contexts is addressed. The article describes a study carried out over a seven-year period with students/graduates from a master's in social work (MSW) professional qualification programme in Ireland. The research involved gathering data on participants’ experiences of reflective teaching and learning while on the course and in the initial years of their work as practitioners. In the early phases of the data collection, participants referred to developing epistemological awareness through the reflective process while on the course. This was in the context of a scaffold for reflection through journal writing and mentored portfolio inquiry. The outcomes of the study offer considerable insight into the challenges and value of developing a reflective teaching and learning environment in professional education. In particular, the work highlights how it impacts positively on professional practice.  相似文献   

It can sometimes be difficult to engage students in ‘real life experiences’ within the classroom. In one Bachelor of Social Work program, the development of a Social Work Studio (the Studio) has provided students with opportunities to engage in simulated social work practice in a safe and supportive environment. This article reports on a small exploratory study of students' responses to a survey that sought their views and reactions to the development of this Studio initiative. Findings were analysed from a sociocultural perspective. They indicate that students' responses to the development of the Studio reflect their emerging constructions of the cultural world of social work.  相似文献   

近年来,随着国家经济实力的增长,与社会民生紧密相关的社会服务工作也愈加备受关注,社会服务水平的专业化与方式的多样化也成为当前社会工作专业教育中除理论本土化外最为迫切要解决的问题之一。如何高效培养具备专业理论同时拥有实务操作能力的专业人才,并形成具有专业特色的社会工作人才教育模式是目前全国高校社会工作专业发展的重中之重。其中又以"实务导向"型社会工作教育模式是较为新颖的一种,即高校与社会服务部门合作共建。"实务导向"型社会工作教育是指进行以社会工作职业化为目标的资格教育,明确地把针对工作岗位的实践能力作为人才培养的核心理念,注重实践、实训及实习教育。社会工作专业是一个以实操为最终考核目标的专业,理论教授与理念的传导固然是整个专业教学中的基础,但最终还是要回归到具体的服务项目中,并以有效的服务项目立项和执行为根本,考察社工与同工、志愿者等同为提供社会服务行业的区别,即职业化、理论化和专业化。然而中国高校在社会工作专业教学中,长期以来均是以传统的课堂理论教学作为主要培养手段,即使有个别高校开始关注社工专业的实操训练,但由于实操平台的欠缺、硬件设施的滞后、实训与课堂教学的课时冲突等等问题的存在,都提醒着要推动社会服务的整体水平发展、培养高素质的社工专业人才,以"实务为导向"的社会工作专业新型教育模式的转变已迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

面对近年来我国离婚率的持续上升,专业社会工作亟待加强。可系统开展婚姻家庭的治疗性工作,运用团体社会工作开展婚姻家庭教育,开展专业社会工作教育与培训。  相似文献   

随着我国教育的改革、社会的发展与变迁,我国当代学生出现了很多心理、行为和人际交往的社会问题,传统的学生工作已经无法满足大部分学生健康成长的需要。在这种情况下,学校社会工作以其全新的工作理念和方法,成为解决学生问题的有效途径之一。在学校中进行社会工作并结合小组工作等社会工作方法为学生的健康成长提供帮助,从而对未来和谐社会的建设具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

行动反思教学模式是在直接行动经验中建立知识、技巧和价值观的,在这种模式下,教学的过程是一种双向的互动的过程。社会工作实务类课程是社会工作专业教育特色的集中体现,此类课程的实施质量直接影响学生专业水平的提升以及专业价值理念的形成。本文尝试探索适应有关课程的行动反思教学模式,并相应提出运用行动反思教学模式的具体教学理念与方法。  相似文献   

学校社会工作的使命是促进学生与其所处环境的和谐共处,可通过传统治疗武、学校变迁式和社区学校式等模式实施学校社会工作。  相似文献   

The current study sought input from a national sample of social work (SW) and criminal justice (CJ) educators (N = 276) to explore characteristics of those who use service learning in the two disciplines, differences in the conceptions of and beliefs about service learning, and distinctions in how it is used and implemented. This study offers the first explicitly cross-disciplinary comparison of service learning within two related, but distinct disciplines. The results indicated that SW educators, compared to their CJ peers, used service learning more frequently and perceived fewer barriers to using it. Additionally, a higher percentage of SW faculty members reported using service learning at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, suggesting that SW educators may be more likely to see the value of service learning across education levels. Among those who reported that they have used service learning, few differences were found between the two disciplines.  相似文献   

实践教学旨在培养学生理论联系实际的专业实践能力、创新能力,完成培养创新人才综合素质全面提高的艰巨任务。社会工作专业实践教学质量监控是确保社会工作人才培养质量的重要手段,也是新形势下强化基层基础建设、推进社会管理专业人才就业的有效途径。寻求实践智慧,勇于探索,提高社会工作专业实践教学质量,通过社会工作专业创新实务中心的社会实践,是打开培养创新型社会工作人才之门的金钥匙。  相似文献   


This article considers the distinctive contribution that sociological perspectives have made to understanding reading as a profoundly social and cultural activity, differentiated by the specifics of time and place. Literacy researchers, using a social lens, have sought to explore, explain and redress inequalities in access to and uses of literacy in its different forms. This has often meant championing pedagogies premised on dialogue and connection. Yet this may conflict with an emphasis in current policy on children mastering a relatively narrow skills-based definition of literacy as they begin to learn to read. The article explores how the tension points in the literacy curriculum, intensified in test-based accountability systems, can be navigated in this light.  相似文献   

马佳佳 《滁州学院学报》2013,15(1):34-36,40
苏轼的寓言作品是宋代寓言的优秀代表。其寓言长于揭示北宋中后期的政治面貌,描写在当时的社会习俗、人情世态和道德风尚中出现的种种弊端,社会现实指向很强,并且具有深刻的哲理性和强烈的政治性,常于嬉笑怒骂中,隐含着作者的社会心态,散发着独特的智慧和精神之光。在探索作者社会心态的同时,也有助于我们更好地理解作品。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine how social competence and other generic skills can be developed in teacher education using a pedagogical model called Integrative Pedagogy. This model is based on the idea of integrating the four basic components of expertise: Theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge, self-regulative knowledge, and sociocultural knowledge. The subjects of the study were 95 student-teachers. The data were collected with questionnaires. In addition to social skills, the student-teachers reported learning of domain-specific skills, generic academic skills, skills for acting creatively in different situations and development of independence. We conclude that the model of Integrative Pedagogy is feasible in teacher education.  相似文献   

随着社会转型的加速,我国的高等院校也日益出现众多的社会性问题.一定程度上使高校传统思政工作陷入了困境。本文认为,高校中“福利弱化、风险强化”是重要的结构性因素,迫使我们反思传统的制度设置.并探索在新的形势下如何增进高校学生的社会福利。本文运用专业社会工作的概念体系来呼应和充实“以人为本”新理念.讨论了建构专业社会工作的可能性和必要性,并提出了初步的设想。  相似文献   

While the term critical pedagogy embraces a range of writers and literature, a common feature of all is a belief that education and society are intrinsically inter-related and that the fundamental purpose of education is to improve social justice. However there are perceptions that critical pedagogy has been more successful in critiquing educational and social practices than in achieving actual change. In this paper I explore two areas that critical pedagogy can address to move beyond critique: the importance of a movement formed by diverse elements, in which difference and disagreement are harnessed to help drive change; and the use of this diversity to direct change at a range of levels. My analysis draws specifically on literature that challenges managerialist assumptions about change as a simple, technical process, focusing instead on the complexities of the social world and the attendant complexities of achieving educational and social change.  相似文献   

In terms of collective memory, few issues match the import of the representation of the Holocaust and the ways in which such collective memory is presented is often fraught with controversy. A recent controversial site of memory is the Simon Wiesenthal Center's Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles. This essay examines the representational strategies of the museum, arguing that its critics have failed to consider important aspects of the museum's representational practices. Specifically, the museum's representation of the Holocaust involves liminality, structured to engage audiences, preserving the Holocaust as a profoundly important historical event while emphasizing personal responsibility in the prevention of hatred, violence, and genocide. By exploring the museum's novel approach of leading visitors through breach, liminality, and reintegration, we may better understand the ways in which historical presentations can accentuate a liminal and thus a potentially significant experience with the past, and we may learn more about how collective remembrance can be promoted to encourage contemporary responsibility.  相似文献   

社会工作与环境息息相关,环境正义应成为社会工作的重要议题。在灾害社会工作中,社会工作者需要将环境正义融入全生命服务过程。就“自然—社会”而言,自然环境正义与社会环境正义具有不可分割性,社会工作者不仅需要对自然环境过度开发与弱势群体不公平制度安排持批判态度,而且要对现有环境不平等状况给予高度关注。就“正义—课程”而言,为了在社会工作服务中融入环境正义理念,需要培养学生践行专业正义的价值观与使命感。就“正义—重建”而言,社会工作者一方面倡导不能将“更好的重建”作为灾后消耗自然资源的借口,另一方面将服务对象从“受灾群体”向“弱势群体”转变。就“性别—正义”而言,社会工作者将性别作为灾害服务的关键指标,尤其需要关注妇女群体。就“环境—人类”而言,社会工作者必须重新考虑“人在环境中”的专业理念,这已成为灾害服务中复杂与关键的新兴领域。尽管灾害会进一步加剧环境不正义问题,但也提供了前所未有的改变机遇。社会工作者需要在环境正义视角下建构灾害全生命周期服务新实践模型,从根本上摆脱传统对环境正义议题的忽视。  相似文献   


This research reveals the social relations of the art world through an investigation of visual artists’ ordinary art-making practices. Drawing on extended ethnographic research, the article attends to art and ordinary work, clarifying how visual artists’ work, is not only shaped socially and historically, but also reveals tensions about what counts as art and who counts as an artist. The article clarifies how today’s art world valorises conceptual approaches – centred on mobilising concepts and ideas, while devaluing expressivist approaches – centred on accessing intuition or inspiration. The article makes visible an increasingly conceptual, academic art world in which an expressivist practice is harder to sustain. By tracing shifting forms of work and shifting social relations, the study contributes to educational research on art, while calling attention to organisational processes that deeply shape artists’ lives.  相似文献   

本文针对农民工力量的异军突起,并引起社会各界的强烈关注的现象,通过对近年学术界对该群体研究情况的综述,指出研究中的漏洞和不足之处,并用社会工作的专业原理和角度来给出对策建议。  相似文献   

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