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This paper describes the setting up of a Mathematics Laboratory which could help to complement the theoretical teaching of this subject by presenting real situations similar to those the Engineering student wilt encounter in future.  相似文献   

用于地壳问题研究的所有数学方法统称"地质数学"。中国地质大学(北京)是以地质、资源、环境、地学工程技术为主的特色高校,能够不断提供丰富的地质数学问题。本文给出"地质数学专题研究"融入数学课程教学的重要性,并积极探索该教学模式,包括其融合点、教学方案、教学内容分析、特色及实践途径。  相似文献   

案例教学法在工科专业数学教学中的应用探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以工科专业的高等数学教学为例,分析案例教学法相比传统教学法所具有的优势,说明工科专业数学教学引入案例教学模式的必要性和面临的障碍,在此基础上,探讨实施案例教学法的原则和思路。  相似文献   

Ability, motivation, work challenges, and environment?these things set the pattern for a successful engineering career. One company, through a personal approach, is endeavoring to develop a better understanding of these factors in order to assist its young engineers in fulfilling their true potential. It is expected that this "Personal Follow" program will result, ultimately, in more effective utilization of engineering personnel, furtherance of professional growth and development, and greater technical contributions from these young members of the profession.  相似文献   

数学是一门基础课程也是一门应用课程,数学教育不仅仅是学好专业理论知识,本文提出将数学建模思想和方法融于教学中,探讨了数学教学的设计和想法,激发学习兴趣,培养学生应用数学知识解决实际问题的能力,为提高创新应用能力的素质教学改革提供参考.  相似文献   

如何利用工程案例教学促进《信息系统集成技术》的学习,从而提高教学质量,增强学员的任职能力是一个值得认真研究的问题。围绕这一主题,探讨了工程案例教学在《信息系统集成技术》教学中的具体实践,包括精心设计案例、围绕案例创新教学过程;最后分析了采用工程案例教学所产生的效果。  相似文献   

This paper describes an experiment devised to increase our understanding of good teaching practices. Each of two instructors selected a topic and on two consecutive mornings they taught a topic of their choice to a group of 21 experienced and competent tertiary educators but without expertise in the subject area being taught. The organization of the experiment is outlined, and the subject matter selected and strategies adopted by the instructors are described. Outcomes of the experiment are reported in two ways: in terms of general comments provided by the independent evaluator and in terms of the participant's reactions to the exercise. While mathematics teaching was the basis of this study, the peer review process described has general applicability to all disciplines.  相似文献   

1 随机事件与概率1 1 重点内容事件与概率的概念 ,加法公式、乘法公式和全概公式。1 2 难点内容条件概率 ,古典概型中的概率计算。1 3 复习要求1 )了解随机事件的概念。学习随机事件的概念时 ,要注意以下两个特点 :在一次试验中可能发生 ,也可能不发生的事件为随机事件 ,即随机事件的发生具有偶然性 ;在大量重复试验中 ,随机事件的发生具有统计规律性。2 )掌握随机事件的关系和运算 ,掌握概率的基本性质。了解必然事件、不可能事件的概念 ,了解事件间的关系(包括事件之间的包含、相等、和、积、互斥 (互不相容 )、对立、差等关系 )及…  相似文献   

融数学史于数学教学中   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从吸引学生兴趣,改变学生的数学观,增强学生克服困难的勇气,帮助学生理解数学概念,培养学生严谨的学术作风等方面阐述大学数学教学中融入数学史知识的独特作用,并且指出了在大学数学课堂中该如何恰当运用数学史知识。  相似文献   

当前,将数学史与数学教育相联结的教育价值己得到了各国教育界的认可.HPM研究已经从当初对必要性的探讨逐步走向实践研究,尤其关注的是数学史在课堂中的实际应用.对我国中学生进行数学史的教育应做到:(1)将数学史引入中学数学教学的方式,应以"融入"的方式为主;(2)在教学设计时,要综合考虑教学要求、学生认知和数学概念的历史发展等因素:(3)在教学上应以课本为主,对于选取的数学史材料宣做适度的筛选和剪裁;(4)教师可概略性地提出欲补充的数学史料,其它相关资料可由学生自行上网查询.  相似文献   

数学核心素养的科学评价是落实"把立德树人作为教育的根本任务"的重要举措。数学课程标准提出了6个数学核心素养,本文通过案例对核心素养的测评从情境与问题、知识与技能、思维与表达、交流与反思4个方面和必修课程结束、选修Ⅰ课程结束、选修Ⅱ课程结束3个水平进行分析讨论,以期为数学核心素养的测评提供思路。  相似文献   

Abstract. This article presents three in‐depth case studies focused on supporting students with learning challenges to learn math strategically. Participants were three eighth‐grade students enrolled in a learning assistance classroom who were of at least average intelligence but who were performing significantly below grade level in mathematics. These case studies document the processes by which these students were supported to self‐regulate their learning in mathematics more effectively. We begin by outlining important instructional foci in mathematics education for intermediate or secondary students with learning disabilities, along with what research indicates are effective instructional processes. In that context, we introduce the theoretical principles underlying the instructional model used here—Strategic Content Learning (SCL). Based on analyses of case study data, we describe how SCL instruction was structured to promote strategic learning. Throughout the discussion, intervention processes are described in sufficient detail to be of use to practitioners.  相似文献   

很多幼儿教师在组织整合性活动时,常常感到无法将活动向纵深推进。比如,一个主题只能进行一至两周,而不能像别人所组织的活动那样可以持续四五周甚至更长时间,且幼儿仍然非常感兴趣、非常投入。笔者期望通过对美国某幼儿园开展的一个关于苹果的方案教学活动的述评,给我们的幼儿教师  相似文献   

本文从高职数学层面的角度,依据数学美的主要特征,通过数学美的主要表现形式的两个案例,介绍了如何将数学美融入高职数学教学课堂中,并说明其必要性及有效性。  相似文献   

本文从高职数学层面的角度,依据数学美的主要特征,通过数学美的主要表现形式的两个案例,介绍了如何将数学美融入高职数学教学课堂中,并说明其必要性及有效性。  相似文献   

This paper reports a case study of one student’s pattern of engagement in an eighth-grade algebra class. The student, Bryan, was a participant in a yearlong study of mathematical communication in middle school classrooms. His case is interesting both because of the striking differences between his being engaged and disengaged in classroom work, and because of the reasons he gives for his pattern of engagement. Several current theories of engagement and motivation are discussed as we attempt to gain insight into his actions and explanations. All are successful in describing parts of Bryan’s behavior. However, we argue both empirically and theoretically that none serve to characterize what we feel is the core of Bryan’s decision about engagement: his affective assessment of mathematics. We provide an analysis based on Rychlak’s (1988, 1994)Logical Learning Theory to give insights into Bryan’s assessment of mathematics, and discuss what this approach adds to our understanding of this particular case. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

莫庆美  吴松平 《贺州学院学报》2010,26(2):98-100,118
针对贺州学院理工本科学生学习<高等数学>课程状况作抽样调查,分析调查结果得到关于学习状况的几个方面的信息,综合信息,分析存在的主要问题,从教师、学生、教学方法等方面提出有关对策.  相似文献   

工科数学实验课初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
开设数学实验课的目的就是给学生一个客观环境,对某些有关自然科学的综合性问题,能够用数学实验提供的方法手段去思考,从而有利于培养学生理论和实际相结合的能力。  相似文献   

Many authors have discussed the question why we should use the history of mathematics to mathematics education. For example, Fauvel (For Learn Math, 11(2): 3–6, 1991) mentions at least fifteen arguments for applying the history of mathematics in teaching and learning mathematics. Knowing how to introduce history into mathematics lessons is a more difficult step. We found, however, that only a limited number of articles contain instructions on how to use the material, as opposed to numerous general articles suggesting the use of the history of mathematics as a didactical tool. The present article focuses on converting the history of logarithms into material appropriate for teaching students of 11th grade, without any knowledge of calculus. History uncovers that logarithms were invented prior of the exponential function and shows that the logarithms are not an arbitrary product, as is the case when we leap straight in the definition given in all modern textbooks, but they are a response to a problem. We describe step by step the historical evolution of the concept, in a way appropriate for use in class, until the definition of the logarithm as area under the hyperbola. Next, we present the formal development of the theory and define the exponential function. The teaching sequence has been successfully undertaken in two high school classrooms.  相似文献   

随着我国产业结构优化升级,产教融合培养专业学位研究生显现出较强的必要性和适用性。明确了多元主体协同推进的产教融合是培养专业学位研究生的鲜明特征。将“产教融合”育人关键环节在资源、信息、制度等要素整合的广度和深度进行分类,提出“弱融合”“形式融合”“局部融合”“强融合”4种类型。通过纵向年度对比和横向学位类型对比分析了我国专业学位研究生培养中的产教融合发展状况。纵向比较发现,双师型导师指导仍处于“形式融合”阶段,案例教学、实践教学逐渐发展为“强融合”,学生实习实践处于“形式融合”,毕业考核处于“局部融合”,职业资格认证从“弱融合”逐渐过渡到“形式融合”;横向比较发现,医学类专业学位职业导向性更强,多环节实现了“强融合”,管理服务类专业学位对应职业包容性较高,需强化案例教学质量,工程类专业学位实践制度仍需继续完善。  相似文献   

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