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If everyone is contributing, if action learning involves collective learning, then new knowledge is created through a collaborative process. This is not expert knowledge and no ‘one truth’ is produced, this is a collective knowledge arising from a common purpose and a shared quest. Such knowledge continues to evolve without the intention to fix or commodify. Collaborative knowledge can be a source of innovation and sustainability, and as such a key process in the knowledge economy and the learning society. However, whilst knowledge economies require constant innovation to promote economic development and trade, this often takes the form of intellectual property production (IP), with the consequent establishment and policing of IP rights, notions that are antithetical to collaborative knowledge creation.  相似文献   

校本课程发展需要大学与中小学的合作,它不仅有利于大学与中小学教师的专业发展,也有利于校本课程的不断改进。大学与中小学合作开发校本课程具有一定的理论与政策基础,并在实践中取得了成效。但大学与中小学合作进行校本课程发展也暴露出了一些问题,我们需要采取多元化的策略加以解决。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to understand how preservice elementary teacher experiences within the context of reflective science teacher education influence the development of professional knowledge. We conducted a case analysis to investigate one preservice teacher's beliefs about science teaching and learning, identify the tensions with which she grappled in learning to teach elementary science, understand the frames from which she identified problems of practice, and discern how her experiences played a role in framing and reframing problems of practice. The teacher, Barbara, encountered tensions in thinking about science teaching and learning as a result of inconsistencies between her vision of science teaching and her practice. Confronting these tensions between ideals and realities prompted Barbara to rethink the connections between her classroom actions and students' learning and create new perspectives for viewing her practice. Through reframing, she was able to consider and begin implementing alternative practices more resonant with her beliefs. Barbara's case illustrates the value of understanding prospective teachers' beliefs, their experiences, and the relationship between beliefs and classroom actions. Furthermore, the findings underscore the significance of offering reflective experience as professionals early in the careers of prospective teachers. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 36: 121–139, 1999  相似文献   

Collaborative knowledge building: A case study   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
What learning conditions are necessary to effectively support the knowledge-building enterprise in a learning community? To answer this question, the case-study method was employed to investigate collaborative knowledge building in a graduate level course designed to incorporate specific constructivist learning principles. These principles included (a) having a collective and authentic community goal to facilitate collaboration and engagement in the community, (b) using cooperative groups to provide for social negotiation and to promote multiple perspectives, (c) personally selecting of course readings and group decision-making to encourage ownership in learning, and (d) employing an integrated set of technology tools to archive the work of the community and facilitate communication. Results indicated that the instructional strategies designed into the course promoted collaborative knowledge building and the acquisition of key concepts through self-directed learning strategies. Results also pointed out the types of technological support required to implement an effective community of learners. A proposed set of guidelines is discussed to assist instructional designers in the design and development of collaborative, knowledge-building environments.  相似文献   

地方性知识是地方居民为适应当地环境而创制并积淀下来的一套行之有效的意义系统与生存智慧。地方性知识内容具有地域性、经验性、丰富性等特征。地方性知识的表达形式具有叙事性、零散性,其探究形式为经验型思维与神秘型思维,其检验形式为价值检验、效果检验。控制外部世界、追寻生活意义是地方性知识生产的基本旨趣。地方性知识的内容、形式与旨趣功能对课程开发有着特殊的诉求。  相似文献   

现代产业学院围绕产业升级对未来人才的能力和素质要求,以育人为根本导向实施知识协同生产,展现出“外部驱动、内部整合、环节互嵌、成果共享”等特征.现代产业学院知识协同生产的核心目标是开发新型课程,其开发的一般机理是有效对接企业需求、敏捷导入技术知识与经验、协同实施与过程优化、关注“增值”与持续改进,体现出产、学两个系统的融合创新.  相似文献   

现代产业学院围绕产业升级对未来人才的能力和素质要求,以育人为根本导向实施知识协同生产,展现出“外部驱动、内部整合、环节互嵌、成果共享”等特征.现代产业学院知识协同生产的核心目标是开发新型课程,其开发的一般机理是有效对接企业需求、敏捷导入技术知识与经验、协同实施与过程优化、关注“增值”与持续改进,体现出产、学两个系统的融合创新.  相似文献   

高职财务会计专业课程体系还保留着传统会计学科体系的烙印。没有突出职业教育特色。财务会计专业应着力推进教育与产业、学校与企业、教学与工作实践、学习与就业的全程化结合,按照职业素养和综合能力开发高职会计课程体系,对于促进高职院校会计教学,培养和提高学生的综合职业能力,具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

Educational technology research and development - A correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-021-09971-w  相似文献   

This article discusses two projects that were aimed at enhancing the opportunities for professional development of the participants through collaboration between classroom teachers and teacher educators. The two projects, the Australian Project for Enhancing Effective Learning (PEEL) and the Canadian Learning Strategies Group (LSG), focused on the teaching and learning practices in secondary school classrooms. We examine those features that we contend have resulted in long-term sustainability and the success of these partnerships. An analysis of our own experiences and other empirical data from both projects illustrate our claims that these small-scale projects have: improved the learning environment in classrooms for students and teachers; created models of professional development for school and teacher educators; and provided valid knowledge about learning and teaching issues in classroom settings. The potential of such projects to achieve these aims depends upon: (a) a mutually held understanding of what types of classroom practices nurture good teaching and learning, (b) a setting where teachers have a strong commitment and control over the project and decide on its direction, and (c) a structure that allows teachers and teacher educators to meet regularly in an atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding.  相似文献   

Structured writing is a method for developing categories of information that can be single sourced, or reused, for various contexts. Creating distinct structures—such as concepts, procedures, and examples—prepares content for the application of XML markup elements that describe each category. A content management system identifies these structural elements, which facilitates reuse and repurposing. Students seeking positions in organizations that single source information must become proficient in structured writing and in writing collaboratively.  相似文献   

Structured writing is a method for developing categories of information that can be single sourced, or reused, for various contexts. Creating distinct structures—such as concepts, procedures, and examples—prepares content for the application of XML markup elements that describe each category. A content management system identifies these structural elements, which facilitates reuse and repurposing. Students seeking positions in organizations that single source information must become proficient in structured writing and in writing collaboratively.  相似文献   

In this paper, I enter a crack to think otherwise about the concept “gossip”. Drawing on previous scholarship engaging with Deleuzian concepts to inform research methodologies, this paper builds on this body of work. Following Deleuze and Guattari, the paper undertakes a mapping of gossip, subsequent to an encounter with a crack. Thinking about gossip as something other than woman’s small talk, the paper follows a line opening up gossip onto an intensive web of affects and Deleuze’s becoming-woman. It concludes arguing that the process of entering a crack unlocked thought, making possible new ways of engaging with data.  相似文献   

王帅  方红 《教育导刊》2006,(10):14-17
在现实的教师教育实践中,由于受客观主义知识观影响,教师专业化知识基础中存在知识的功利化、占有化、权威化和去生活化等问题。要改变这种状况,需要转变知识观,重视教师默会知识的建构,将默会知识作为教师专业化知识基础的新向度。建构的基本理念是:尊重教师的默会知识,重新诠释“掌握知识”的内涵,养成教师通过默会知识发现问题的意识并重新认识学徒制在教师专业化成长中的作用。  相似文献   

The development and iteration of a body of professional knowledge appropriate to the demands of practice is a central concern of studies of professional education and work. This article concentrates on Bernstein’s notion of the ‘region’ of professional knowledge, identifying regions as complex socio-epistemic entities into which forms of knowledge are appropriated and transformed to meet the requirements of practice. In order to better understand the constitution of professional knowledge, there is a need to conceptualise how knowledge is recontextualised between regions, disciplinary ‘singulars’, and professional practice. Two variables, proximity and dominance, are introduced to illustrate how relations between regions, singulars and practice may vary, with implications for what is recontextualised into regions. In some professions, there are pressures for greater proximity between regions as a consequence of changes in work practices, while in others there is the potential for the dominance of recontextualisation processes by market and bureaucratic logics. It is suggested that actors within regions need to find ways to maintain authority over professional knowledge while avoiding the risks of control by bodies ill-equipped to maintain knowledge validity. The analysis provides a lens through which to view developments in the knowledge bases of professional, or professionalising, occupations, and concomitant changes in professional education.  相似文献   

This study focuses on professionals' views on knowledge and knowing in learning from conversations. Our main interest was how learning teams of professionals evaluate knowledge exchange and knowledge explication as knowledge productive, based on their initial views on knowledge and knowing. We used a mixed method research design that combined quantitative and qualitative data collection methods to investigate two study teams of mentors. The teams were comprised of practice teachers and teacher educators that varied in their degree of familiarity with working collaboratively as a learning partnership. The findings of the study suggest that:
• Mentors' beliefs about knowledge and knowing did not necessarily accord with their evaluations of desirable outcomes for knowledge construction in professional conversations. The events that mentors described as memorable learning opportunities were, however, congruent with their evaluations of the value of professional exchange in professional conversations.
• The study teams differed in the way they articulated, elaborated, and evaluated knowledge construction in professional conversations. The teacher educators who comprised one of the study teams and who were familiar with collaborative knowledge construction exhibited a more articulate and worked out position on knowledge construction.
Our findings indicate that the activity and participation in collaborative inquiry may play a more influential role in a team's outcome evaluation than their underlying professional beliefs brought to that activity. To provide further perspectives on how professionals develop shared knowledge in communities of inquiry, we elaborate on this conclusion.  相似文献   

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