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Schon's [1983] account of “reflection‐in‐action” as a process of “refraining” experience as it proceeds has attracted considerable interest among teacher educators. But that interest has been accompanied by a great deal of confusion, perhaps because “reflection” is such a broad term with familiar meanings. Schon distinguishes the more familiar reflection‐on‐action from reflection‐in‐action that he sees occurring spontaneously within action.

A challenge facing those who stress reflection as a central feature of professional education for teaching involves finding ways to recognize and record the process of reflection‐in‐action in classrooms. This paper promotes discussion of what it means to analyze teaching from the perspective of reflection‐in‐action. After outlining some problems associated with recognizing reflection‐in‐action, data are considered from studies of metaphors and personal accounts of learning to teach. One teacher illustrates the potential of inferring reflection‐in‐action from accounts of changes in teaching practices. Parallel documentation of observations of teaching and interviews about that teaching emerge as a promising approach to the documentation of reflection‐in‐action in classrooms.  相似文献   

This article analyses the overall performance of the Peer‐Assisted Student Support (PASS) Scheme in the Business School at the University of Glamorgan. Observations were made over a seven‐week period to measure the effectiveness of the scheme in terms of enhancing the student learning process. Weekly attendance was measured to establish patterns of demand in terms of age, gender and mentored subject area. Further quantitative and qualitative research was undertaken to provide an insight into the perceived benefits of the scheme in relation to student social development and academic performance. The empirical findings of this article show that PASS attendance is female dominated. Moreover, the research suggests that contrary to previous research, the majority of benefactors reside in the under‐21 age group. The findings also highlight that academic and laboratory‐based subjects are a considerable strain on PASS resources and more significantly superior academic performance is positively correlated with regular PASS attendance.  相似文献   

This study investigated the benefits of computer‐assisted instruction (CAI) for middle‐school students attending remedial reading classes. As a supplement to a strong language‐based reading curriculum, a CAI programme that works on strengthening phonics word identification skills was provided to students in the treatment group. These students were compared with control students taught by the same teacher but without CAI support. Students in the treatment group showed greater reading gains than control students. Group differences in gain scores were significant in the area of decoding skills. These results show that a skills‐based CAI programme can boost decoding for struggling readers in middle school.  相似文献   

Evaluation is an inherent part of education for an increasingly diverse student population. Confidence in one’s test‐taking skills, and the associated testing environment, needs to be examined from a perspective that combines the concept of Bandurian self‐efficacy with the concept of stereotype threat reactions in a diverse student sample. Factors underlying testing reactions and performance on a cognitive ability test in four different testing conditions (high or low stereotype threat and high or low test face validity) were examined in this exploratory study. The stereotype threat manipulation seemed to lower African‐American and Hispanic participants’ test scores. However, the hypothesis that there would be an interaction with face validity was only partially supported. Participants’ highest scores resulted from low stereotype threat and high face validity, as predicted. However, the lowest scores were not in the high stereotype threat/ low face validity condition as expected. Instead, most groups tended to score lower when the test was perceived to be more face valid. Stereotype threat manipulation affected Whites as well as non‐Whites, although differently. Specifically, high stereotype threat increased Whites’ cognitive ability test scores in the low face validity condition, but decreased them in the high face validity condition. Implications for testing and classroom environment design are discussed.  相似文献   

Drawing on role theory and socio‐constructivist ideas about learning, this study explores how peer‐tutoring can support tutors’ learning. The sample comprised ten 16–17‐year‐old biology tutors, working with twenty‐one 14–15‐year‐old students from a science class over eight weeks. Data were collected through an online wiki, tutor interviews, paired tutor discussions and video recordings. Tutors’ perceptions of their role motivated them to learn the material, and their learning was supported by discussion and explanation, revisiting fundamentals, making links between conceptual areas, testing and clarifying their understanding, and reorganising and building ideas, rehearsing them, and working through them repeatedly, to secure their understanding. When tutors employed long answer questions, there was evidence of reflection on their learning and links made between conceptual areas. When preparing to tutor, tutors could focus on key points and engage with basic ideas from alternative perspectives. Mental rehearsal of peer‐tutoring episodes helped them appreciate weaknesses in their own subject knowledge.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role and significance of co‐operation (clustering) between small primary schools in rural areas across England and Wales. By increasing the range of resources available and enlarging staff and pupil peer groups, clustering can counter many of the challenges that confront curriculum delivery in small schools. However, effective inter‐school liaison can be impeded by fears surrounding the loss of individual school autonomy and logistical barriers caused by the nature of rural localities. Just as significantly, reductions in local authority support for cluster schemes combined with increased incentives to compete for pupils may be curtailing useful co‐operation. Findings from a sample of small‐school headteachers suggest, however, that despite recognition of these detrimental pressures, clustering is likely to remain central to a wider set of local coping strategies which are making a significant contribution to the viability of rural education provision.  相似文献   

The present study explores Greek primary school teachers’ perceptions and views on pupil diversity in the classroom environment. A large-scale survey was carried out in order to examine teachers’ perceptions about pupil diversity and to identify personal and/or educational characteristics that can influence or predict these perceptions. The outcomes of the study reveal that Greek primary school teachers view diversity as a challenge more than as a barrier in teaching and learning, they can recognise at a high level the key elements of differentiated instruction as part of managing pupil diversity in their class and hold a negative-to-neutral stance on traditional curriculum implementation practices. The most influential factors and predictors of these perceptions and views are also presented and discussed.  相似文献   


This article considers how teachers can begin to reconcile their value for creativity with a pedagogy that supports it. First, teachers’ experiences of finding themselves caught in the middle between valuing creativity and helping students conform to the constraints of the classroom are considered. Next, the role that constraints play in creativity is discussed. Finally, a new way of thinking about creative expression, called ideational code‐switching, is proposed. Ideational code‐switching represents the ability to move between intrapersonal creative interpretations and interpersonal creative expression. The article closes with suggestions for how teachers can support students’ ideational code‐switching and thereby encourage creative expression in their classroom.  相似文献   

This case study investigated the integration of laptop computers into an elementary classroom in a low socioeconomic status (SES) school. Specifically, the research examined classroom management techniques and aspects of authentic learning relative to the student projects and activities. A mixed methods approach included classroom observations, interviews with the teacher, interviews with the students, and analysis of student projects. The results provide insight regarding the benefits and challenges of integrating wireless technology in an elementary classroom with at‐risk students. In addition, the project resulted in a web site with sample lesson plans (including objectives, required materials, NETS competencies and extension activities), teacher reflections and training tips.

Les ordinateurs portables dans la classe élémentaire: un enseignement authentique avec des élèves ‘à risque’

La présente étude de cas porte sur l'intégration des ordinateurs portables dans une classe élémentaire d'une école pour enfants de milieux peu favorisés. La recherche a porté plus particulièrement sur les techniques de gestion de la classe et sur les aspects de l'apprentissage authentique qui sont liés aux projets et aux activités des élèves. L'approche mixte qui a été utilisée a comporté des observations de classes, des entretiens avec le professeur, des entretiens avec les élèves et l'analyse des projets de ces élèves. Les résultats fournissent un éclairage sur les avantages et les défis de l'intégration d'une technologie «sans fil» dans une classe élémentaire avec des élèves «à risque». Le projet a également abouti à un site Web comportant des plans de leçons (comprenant les objectifs,les matériaux requis,les compétences Réseau et les activités d'extension), les réflexions des professeurs et des «tuyaux» sur la formation.

Laptopcomputer im Grundschulunterricht: Authentische Anweisung für die Arbeit mit belasteten Schülern

Diese Fallstudie untersuchte die Integration von Laptopcomputern in den Grundschulunterricht einer Schule mit einem niedrigen sozioökonomischen Status (SES‐Schule). Insbesondere prüften die Wissenschaftler Unterrichtsmanagementtechniken und Aspekte authentischen Lernens in Bezug auf die Schülerprojekte und Aktivitäten. Ein Ansatz mit unterschiedlichen Methoden enthielt Beobachtungen im Klassenunterricht, Interviews mit dem Lehrer, Interviews mit den Schülern und Analysen von Schülerprojekten. Die Ergebnisse gewähren Einblicke in Nutzen und Chancen, drahtlose Techniken im Grundschulunterricht mit belasteten Schülern (‘at‐risk students') zu integrieren. Außerdem führte das Projekt zu einer Web‐Site mit beispielhaften Stundenplanungen (mit Angabe der Unterrichtsziele und der erforderlichen Materialien, NETS‐Kompetenzen und weiterführenden Aktivitäten), Reflexionen der Lehrer und Ratschlägen für Übungen.

Los ordenadores portatiles en aulas de primaria: una educación auténtica con alumnos de riesgo

Este estudio de caso se basa en una investigación sobre la integración de los ordenadores portátiles en una clase básica dentro de una escuela de bajo nivel socioeconómico. Más específicamente los investigadores examinarón las técnicas de administración del aula y los aspectos de aprendizaje auténtico relacionados con los proyectos y actividades de los alumnos. Con el enfoque sobre una metodología mixta, se pudo incluir observaciones de aulas, entrevistas con el maestro, entrevistas con los alumnos y un análisis de los proyectos de los alumnos. Los resultados ofrecen una comprensión de las ventajas y de los desafíos de la integración de una tecnología inalámbrica dentro de aulas de primaria con alumnos de riesgo. Otro resultado del proyecto fué la creación de un sitio web con ejemplos de planes de lecciones (incluyendo objetivos, materiales requeridos, competencias en redes y actividades de extensión) algunas reflecciones de profesores y informaciones sobre la formación.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A peer‐prompted social skills programme was introduced to two teachers in a local Head Start preschool programme, and changes in standardised social skills, observed play and problem behaviours were examined. The first teacher was given continuing classroom consultation and training directly addressing the use of the social skills programme. The second teacher was given an equivalent amount of consultation, but no consultant‐initiated efforts were made to support the use of the programme. Significant improvement in standardised measures of social skills and observed levels of associative/co‐operative play behaviour were found only in the skill‐specific consultation classroom. No changes were found for problem behaviour for either classroom. The data suggest that reinforcing the children for appropriate social interactions is not sufficient. Rather, peer support and consultation must be available for the teacher to produce significant changes in the children's behaviour.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature about peer and self‐assessment in university courses from the point of view of their use, and the suitability of their use, in the first year of university study. The paper is divided into three parts. The first part argues that although first‐year students are involved in many of the studies that report on the use of peer and self‐assessment in higher education, the proportion of these studies that do so is somewhat less than in other year levels. In addition, relatively little of this work directly and explicitly discusses the suitability of peer and self‐assessment for students and courses at this year level. The second part of the paper provides an introductory exploration of the relationship between peer and self‐assessment, and specific features of first‐year assessment, learning and teaching. Three issues relating directly to the suitability of peer and self‐assessment in the first year are explored. In the third part, the paper briefly discusses the desirability of implementing peer and self‐assessment, in general, before seeking to extend this specifically to the first year. The paper concludes by recommending that greater use can and should be made of peer and self‐assessment in the first year of university study.  相似文献   

This study is an investigation of the impact of collaborative teaching by student‐teachers and classroom teachers on children’s enjoyment and learning of science. The paper describes findings from a project in which undergraduate science specialist student‐teachers were placed in primary schools where they ‘co‐taught’ investigative science and technology with primary teachers. Almost six months after the student placement, a survey of children’s attitudes to school science revealed that these children enjoyed science lessons more and showed fewer gender or age differences in their attitudes to science than children who had not been involved in the project. The authors discuss how this model of collaborative planning, teaching and evaluation can both enhance teacher education and improve children’s experience of science.  相似文献   

Recent initiatives to enhance retention and widen participation ensure it is crucial to understand the factors that predict students' performance during their undergraduate degree. The present research used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to test three separate models that examined the extent to which British Psychology students' A‐level entry qualifications predicted: (1) their performance in years 1–3 of their Psychology degree, and (2) their overall degree performance. Students' overall A‐level entry qualifications positively predicted performance during their first year and overall degree performance, but negatively predicted their performance during their third year. Additionally, and more specifically, students' A‐level entry qualifications in Psychology positively predicted performance in the first year only. Such findings have implications for admissions tutors, as well as for students who have not studied Psychology before but who are considering applying to do so at university.  相似文献   

In this paper the authors utilise findings from the Economic and Social Research Council‐funded InterActive Education project to present a characterisation of the sub‐culture of school music with Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in England. They consider the opportunities and challenges ICT presents to the teaching of primary (ages 4–11) and secondary (ages 11–18) classroom music through an investigation of the perceptions, personal philosophies and pedagogical styles of seven teachers with whom they worked over a period of three years. Their work is underpinned by Goodson and Mangan’s definition of subject sub‐culture and they draw on Shulman’s notion of ‘knowledge bases’ in order to categorise and discuss the data. Through the identification and elaboration of key themes, the authors provide a snapshot of the emerging sub‐culture of music and ICT in schools.  相似文献   

Tom has a mouse atschool.It has pink eyes,ablack nose, and big ears.  相似文献   

①噢,教室里有只蜜蜂。②在哪儿?看,在灯上。③现在在哪儿?在风扇上。④看,在墙上。闪三O冬这是什么?是蜜蜂。不,是黑板。⑥r有只蜜蜂在黑板上。噢,真是只蜜蜂。呵呵。A bee in the classroom@郭连元~~  相似文献   

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