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After a general comment on the observation that continuing education is offered mainly in management and engineering areas, attention will be focused on engineering continuing education (ECE)programmes at university level: ECE specificity compared to management continuing education; hotu to structure ECE provision; which kind of pedagogical methods and content.  相似文献   

The educator's point of view stresses the development potential of education, together with respect for human rights. It is seen that nations need to make clear policy statements in this respect, and the consequent planning and curricular issues, together with some relevant strategies, are indicated.
Zusammenfassung Im Standpunkt des Pädagogen wird gemeinsam mit der Anerkennung der Menschenrechte das Entwicklungspotential der Bildung betont. Nach Meinung des Autors müssen Nationen in diesem Zusammenhang klare politische Aussagen treffen, und der Artikel befaßt sich mit der entsprechenden Planung sowie Themen zum Curriculum und einigen relevanten Strategien.

Résumé Le point de vue de l'éducateur souligne le potentiel de développement offert par l'éducation, ainsi que le respect des droits humains. Il s'avère que chaque nation doit énoncer clairement sa politique à cet égard; l'auteur indique les questions de planification et de curriculum qui en découlent, ainsi que quelques stratégies pertinentes.

The politician's point of view refers to studies which prove that neither a socio-economic development plan which ignores population questions, nor population education in isolation, can succeed. Educated people tend to have fewer children and to provide better education for them, while girls marrying before the age of 20 have little hope of continuing education and are subject to other social pressures. Examples are given from population education programs in Egypt.
Zusammenfassung Der Standpunkt des Politikers bezieht sich auf Studien, die beweisen, daß sich weder ein Bevölkerungsfragen ignorierender sozial-ökonomischer Entwicklungsplan noch die Bevölkerungslehre allein durchsetzen können. Gebildete Menschen haben im allgemeinen weniger Kinder und bieten ihnen eine bessere Erziehung, während Mädchen, die vor dem 20. Lebenjahr heiraten wenig Hoffnung auf weiterführende Bildung haben und anderen sozialen Auflagen unterliegen. Programme über die Bevölkerungslehre in Ägypten werden angeführt.

Résumé Le point de vue du politique se réfère à des études qui démontrent que ni un plan de développement socio-économique qui laisse à l'écart les questions de population, ni l'éducation en matière de population (EmP) faite sans considération du contexte, ne réussira. Les gens instruits tendent à assurer une meilleure éducation à un nombre réduit d'enfants, tandis que les filles mariées avant l'âge de 20 ans risquent de perdre la chance d'une éducation continue et sont soumises à d'autres pressions sociales. L'auteur donne des examples tirés de programmes d'EmP de l'Egypte.

范梅南的《教学机智》、《生活体验研究》和《儿童的秘密》等书近来在大陆相继出版,引起了国内学者和一线教师对教育现象学的极大关注。人们对教育现象学很感兴趣,但又有诸多疑问。什么是教育现象学?教育现象学做什么?如何运用教育现象学来从事教育和教育研究?本文尝试做出回答。  相似文献   

Teaching assistants (TAs) at a major university were surveyed about the annual campus-wide and departmental TA training programs in which they had participated. Responses from these TAs differ markedly from reports based on surveys conducted with the administrators of such training programs. Current training practices can be improved by considering more seriously the TA's point of view.Janet Lee Jones received her B. A. from Pomona College in 1984, concentrating in psychology and Chinese language. Her Ph.D. was awarded in 1989 in the area of cognitive science, with a specialization in psycholinguistics. She has supervised undergraduate and graduate teaching assistants for the past five years. Dr. Jones now teaches a wide variety of psychology courses and interdisciplinary seminars at Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colorado.  相似文献   

论管理哲学的学术视野及其功能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
哲学学科的管理哲学是根据哲学思维的根本特性反思人类管理实践而形成的哲学理论。管理哲学虽然与管理学具有不同的研究对象、研究方法和研究目的,但是管理哲学必须根植于聚焦管理实践的管理学土壤中,以各种管理理论作为自己的反思对象,从中概括和提升出管理哲学的基本范畴和理论,由此承担特定的学术使命与社会功能。  相似文献   

Young children enjoy studying about other cultures when they experience them in a concrete, hands-on manner. Cross-cultural study by young children should encourage them to experience a culture from an indigenous child's viewpoint. Learning facts and information about a culture is less important than experiencing how children from other places might play a game or what they might eat for dinner.Cynthia Szymanski Sunal is a professor of early childhood education and a social studies specialist at the University of Alabama. Barbara Gibson Warash is a clinical Associate Professor and Director of the Laboratory Preschool at West Virginia University.  相似文献   

Although we pretend that only humans, or perhaps animals, can call to us, this essay takes seriously those familiar moments, spells of time, when we lose ourselves staring out into the ocean or down into campfires. In those moments, we are drawn by the flames, by the waves, into reveries. It is not just humans or animals or plants: we are drawn by things, and things have something to teach us, something with countless aspects. If we give the lead to things, we will discover that things matter—beyond measure.  相似文献   

李岚清在国务院副总理任期间长期主管教育工作,是我国素质教育的积极倡导者和推动者。他的素质教育观主要体现在五个方面:克服应试教育倾向,加强人的全面发展;高度重视德育素质,强调工作的实效性;弘扬中华传统美德,国情教育常抓不懈;重视提高身心素质,倡导健康第一思想;身体力行普及美育,推进教育的艺术化。给我们的主要启示有四点:素质教育是阶段教育,更是终生教育;素质教育是教育思想,更是教育实践;素质教育是知识教育,更是创新教育;素质教育是学校教育,更是社会教育。  相似文献   

从体的角度,通过对余秋雨散体定位的分析,阐述散的体分类不够系统、科学,散体的原有规范已经不能涵盖新的散样式,从而进一步论述余秋雨散批评中存在的缺失与散体分类的缺陷有着必然的关系。认为世人对散体的建设重视不足,应持续地对一种学现象进行跟踪,摒弃浮躁与意气用事,以期散批评能达到深入、公正的效果。  相似文献   

教育学:科学抑或艺术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“教育学是科学还是艺术”是教育学史上的经典论题之一。围绕这一论题,基于不同的学术立场和文化语境,学者们提出了一些富有启发性的观点。总体上,“科学”指向“知”,追求符合教育事实的规律;“艺术”指向“行”,探寻指导教育实践的规则。因此,两者的对峙实质上是“科学理论”与“实践理论”的分野。随着教育学作为统一的知识体的瓦解,“教育学是科学还是艺术”这一论题面临着前提性的困境,但又由于其对教育学发展路向的暗示,获得了在现时代的存在合理性。  相似文献   

文章以"叙述视角"为切入点,探讨汤亭亭如何通过"多重复合化的视角"以及"视角间的转换"来揭示《中国佬》中的主题意义。汤亭亭有效地运用视角的优势,回顾了先辈的奋斗史,将历史事实和想象相结合,重新书写华裔和华裔的历史。  相似文献   

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