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1.A little thing that makes a BIG difference.一件不起眼的小事可以引发天差地别的转变。2.Keep yore face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows. 常常面向阳光,阴影就在视觉中忽略。3.Attack every problem with enthusiasm...as if your survival depended upon it. 以百倍的热情攻克每一个难题,仿佛它关系到你的生死。4.Attitudes are contagious...Is yours worth catching?  相似文献   

创业理论:多元的研究视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为一个新兴的研究领域,创业理论研究视角呈现出了多元的特点。对目前创业理论研究的不同分析视角进行梳理,可以概括描述各种主要分析视角的创业理论观点。随着研究的深入,创业理论将有更多的分析视角,其研究也将在较长时期内维持多元化的发展特点。  相似文献   

Research in Religious Education: Perspectives for the Future   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The impact of committed guests in Religious Education at school is focused in this study. Ten pupils (age 17) were sampled to contribute as informants in semi-structured interviews. The data consist of eight texts (interview excerpts), which are interpreted within a hermeneutic approach, specifically by taking the formal features into consideration (cf. Ricoeur), for example, the occurrence of negations. Some of the texts illuminate I–Thou relations (Buber), whereas other texts are interpreted in relation to the effect histories of certain conceptions (Gadamer).  相似文献   


This mixed-methods study of 507 trans and gender-nonconforming students (75% undergraduate, 25% graduate) aimed to understand (a) what institutional factors are associated with the presence of more trans-inclusive policies/supports, (b) what trans-inclusive policies/supports are viewed as important by different groups of trans students, and (c) how the presence of such policies/supports is related to trans students’ sense of belonging on campus and their perception of campus climate. Results indicated that religiously affiliated institutions and two-year institutions tend to lag behind in their inclusivity of trans students. Gender-inclusive restrooms, nondiscrimination policies that are inclusive of gender identity, and the ability to change one’s name on campus records without legal name change were among the supports that students valued most. Students articulated many concrete suggestions for institutions seeking to be more inclusive of their trans students. The known presence of trans-inclusive policies/supports was related to a greater sense of belonging and more positive perceptions of campus climate. These findings provide consultants and practitioners with guidance in identifying and promoting systems-level changes needed to support trans students.  相似文献   

What counts as evidence in the school choice debate?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article has two chief purposes. It presents a substantive reappraisal of a decade of school choice research in the UK. This reappraisal is used as a case study illustrating the elasticity of the notion of social science ‘evidence’, when wielded by academics in an area where strong ideological preconceptions struggle with the lack of a sound quantitative tradition of research. The focus here is on the changing socio‐economic compositions of schools in an era of choice. A prediction from theory and from small‐scale studies had been that schools in England and Wales would become more segregated in terms of indicators of socio‐economic disadvantage after the Education Reform Act 1988. The first large‐scale study of the actual compositions of schools suggested that this did not happen. This study was then subjected by a majority of UK academics in the field to a level of criticism that was not applied by them to subsequent, but seemingly inferior, studies that reached an opposite conclusion. The criticism involved widespread misquotation and misunderstanding that was not picked up by ‘peer’ review. What, therefore, counts as evidence in the school choice debate?  相似文献   

本文对美国密歇根州立大学Yong Zhao(赵勇)博士主编的<教师应当了解的技术知识观点与实践>一书进行了介绍和简评.该书主要回答了两个问题教师们应该知道些什么技术?怎样使教师有效地掌握所需的教育技术?我国虽然也同样面临着这两个问题,但这方面的研究却几乎是空白.本文在对本书内容进行简单评介的基础上,探讨了该书对我国教育技术研究的启示作用.  相似文献   

The evolution of scholarship in comparative education in the USA has reached a point where several observations are possible. While there is variation in methodology and theory, three principal perspectives tend to be represented in most contemporary articles published in the top journals in the field. These might be referred to as being area studies based, social science disciplinary based, or development/planning studies based. In this article we briefly trace the evolution of these perspectives, identify some stress points in the field, and look ahead to whether or not the field is facing competition among these perspectives or convergence. We suggest that the field of comparative education, not being bound by one or another of these perspectives, can play a significant role in the reconstruction of learning.  相似文献   

灾害政治学是灾害学与政治学互相交融产生的新兴学科,尽管其研究成果并不丰富,且仍在为学科范畴的划定和研究框架的定型而努力,但其研究意义和重要性随着世界范围内灾害事件的增加和加剧而日益凸显。本文在探寻政治与灾害内在联系的基础上,对现有灾害政治学研究的视角作出宏观、中观和微观的划分,并且对其研究范式的演进进行了历史梳理,以期对灾害政治学能够获得广泛认可、具有独立性的学科身份做出一定理论贡献。  相似文献   

The astute reader, after some study of the previous two articles, will note a fundamental difference: We (Witt, Gresham, & Noell, this issue) propose that data supporting the efficacy of behavioral consultation (BC) is such that we would categorize BC as 'Not Proven Effective' and Erchul and Schulte (this issue), with some qualification, argue that BC should be categorized as 'Proven Effective.' The differences between the two articles derive from important epistemological, logical, and philosophical differences about the accrual of data into a systematic body of knowledge. In this article, we highlight the areas of difference with the goal of improving our knowledge base about BC, which we hope continues to evolve as a practice and a science. We address three topics: (a) epistemology, (b) functional analysis versus problem analysis, and (c) efficiency versus effectiveness.  相似文献   

Example-based learning has been studied from different perspectives. Cognitive research has mainly focused on worked examples, which typically provide students with a written worked-out didactical solution to a problem to study. Social-cognitive research has mostly focused on modeling examples, which provide students the opportunity to observe an adult or a peer model performing the task. The model can behave didactically or naturally, and the observation can take place face to face, on video, as a screen recording of the model's computer screen, or as an animation. This article reviews the contributions of the research on both types of example-based learning on questions such as why example-based learning is effective, for what kinds of tasks and learners it is effective, and how examples should be designed and delivered to students to optimize learning. This will show both the commonalities and the differences in research on example-based learning conducted from both perspectives and might inspire the identification of new research questions.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代《英语语音模式》(SPE)的问世标志着生成音系学终于冲破结构主义的羁绊成为了一门崭新的学科。在随后的几十年中,生成音系学的标准理论在实践中不断经受检验并得到更新,各种以非线性音系为核心的理论学派推陈出新,它们采用独特新颖的多元研究视野,在SPE的基础上实现了质的飞跃。  相似文献   


In recent years there has been considerable debate in the UK about the impact and value of educational research. At the same time, the Teacher Training Agency (TTA), the body with responsibility for funding teacher education in England, has been keen to promote the idea of teaching as an evidence-based profession. This paper analyses the findings of a TTA questionnaire, designed to investigate teachers' views on research (which projects had previously influenced them and which issues they would like to see researched in the future) and the value they attributed to it. The findings point to the need for the concerns of teachers to be given greater weight when research agendas are set and funding allocated, but they also suggest that if research is to influence classroom practice, then it is vital that teachers are again given extended opportunities for further professional study alongside those who are conducting research.  相似文献   

多维视野中的受众研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在传播研究中,人们的受众观念经历了多种视野的变迁,受众曾先后被视作靶子、社会类别、消费、商品及解码等等。从总体倾向来说,这些视里的变迁体现了从强调受众的被动性到强调受众的主动性,从关注受众的社会因素到关注受众的化因素的特征。  相似文献   

现代学校建筑不仅是遮蔽场所,更是之所以称为"学校"的学习空间。超越仅从建筑学出发的学校建筑设计,重视建筑的润物育人和文化传承创新价值,新一代学校建筑设计需要建构基于现代教育学、心理学、建筑学、艺术学和文化学等多学科视角的新理论,从而夯实本领域的未来发展基础。  相似文献   

现代汉语歧义研究已近60年,考察其研究的视角和方法主要有结构的(层次分析、变换分析)、语义的(语义关系、语义特征、语义指向分析)、信息处理的("潜在歧义""制约"与"优选"的分析)、语用的(歧义度、语用、语境歧义分析)、认知的(意象图式、实验、实证、倾向性分析)等。要揭示歧义的现实性还可从社会语言学的视角进行言语社区和语言变异的分析。  相似文献   

With the influx of whiteness literature into the cultural studies scene, this essay attempts to locate four major trends or lines of thought within a diverse body of work. Further, the impact of this research on education is considered in order to determine how whiteness studies might inform multicultural education initiatives. Ultimately, the essay is designed to provide a conceptual frame that organizes this research while arguing that whiteness is of premier concern to educators in the efforts to promote diversity, equality, and social justice in education.  相似文献   

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