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The calculation of university teachers’ teaching workload has a direct impact on the teachers’ work initiative and incentive mechanism. This article takes two factors—the quality and quantity in university teachers’ teaching work—as the basis for comprehensive assessment in establishing a calculation model for teaching workload so that the calculation of teaching workload can achieve more of objectiveness,comprehensiveness, fairness and feasibility  相似文献   

高校计算机公共课在教材出版、教学观念、教学实施和考核导向等方面出现的“错位”是产生“学非所用”现象的主要原因。发挥教学团队作用编写“学用结合”特色的教材、努力转变教学观念、变革教学模式和方法、改革考核和评价方式等改进对策能提升高校计算机公共课教学质量。  相似文献   

针对开展大学数学实验课的必要性和目前开展过程中所存在的问题,探讨和研究了大学数学实验课的教学模式,提出了以教学内容、教学形式、教学方法为主体的教学模式,从而进一步促进大学数学实验课的开展,有效地提高大学数学实验课的教学质量.  相似文献   

关于信息通讯技术对大学教学影响的理论分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从大学教学的理论基础和教学理念的角度 ,深入分析了信息通讯技术在大学教学中应用时所存在的一系列理论和实际问题。文章阐明 ,在信息科技时代 ,以计算机网络等为代表的信息通讯技术确实对大学教学的组织和实施产生了多方面的重要影响 ,并为其改革和发展开拓了一条新途径。但是 ,大学作为一个具有悠久历史和深厚文化传统的教育机构 ,其在“高深学问研究”基础上所产生的旨在追求知识发展和精神解放的教学宗旨 ,即所谓的“大学教学理念” ,是影响和制约大学教学改革和发展的重要因素。那种认为由于信息技术教学方法的应用而可能使未来大学教学演变为一种虚拟电子过程的观点 ,是缺乏理论和实践依据的  相似文献   

大学英语网络教学改革已实施多年,然而在实践中如何提高大学生网络学习效率却始终是一个难题。以学生为中心的形成性评估注重对学习过程的评价,较之传统的评价模式,它更能全面、客观地评价学生的学习,因此有助于提高大学英语网络学习效率。  相似文献   

比格斯的“互动——发展”式教学观提倡教学是一个动态发展的过程,教学过程包括准备阶段、实施阶段和收获阶段,涉及教师、学生、教学内容和教学环境四大要素。以此为基础可以建构出一个“三阶段、四维度”的高校教学质量评价模型。  相似文献   

为提高高职物理教学效果,采用层次分析法探讨了基于第三方评价的高职物理案例教学的作用和意义,总结了基于第三方评价的高职物理案例教学的实施要点,提出了基于第三方评价的高职物理案例教学效果评价的基本原则,建立了基于第三方评价的高职物理案例教学效果评价的指标体系。  相似文献   

This study, using student ratings of lecturers, examines the perceived effect of the lecturer’s ability to communicate effectively. The relationship between the standard question—’The lecturer was able to communicate ideas and information clearly’—and the global rating question—’Overall, the lecturer is an effective teacher’—was investigated in 7072 undergraduate standard teaching surveys from one university, using the lecturer’s language background as a factor. The results show that overall student ratings of English as a second language (ESL) lecturers are, on average, 0.4 points lower on a five‐point scale than student ratings of native English speaking lecturers. There is a strong interaction between this average difference and the lecturer’s faculty, with little difference in arts (humanities and social sciences) through to 0.6 points difference in science. The study also found that, of the four categorical questions used in the university’s standard teaching survey, the ‘communication’ question had the highest correlation with the ‘overall’ question. The correlation (R?=?0.96) suggests that the standard teaching survey is overly influenced by the students’ perception of this one aspect of teaching—reflecting a transmission model. The rating difference between ESL and native English speaking lecturers is briefly explored. In addition, the paper briefly considers the implications of the above findings for teacher development and for student expectations against a background of a growing ESL student population.  相似文献   

Quality mentoring is fundamental to preservice teacher education because of its potential to help student and novice teachers develop the academic and pedagogical knowledge and skills germane to successful induction into the profession. This study focused on Jordanian preservice primary teachers' perceptions of their mentoring experiences as these pertain to science teaching. The Mentoring for Effective Primary Science Teaching instrument was administered to 147 senior preservice primary teachers in a university in Jordan. The results indicated that the greater majority of participants did not experience effective mentoring toward creating a supportive and reflexive environment that would bolster their confidence in teaching science; further their understanding of primary science curriculum, and associated aims and school policies; help with developing their pedagogical knowledge; and/or furnish them with specific and targeted feedback and guidance to help improve their science teaching. Substantially more participants indicated that their mentors modeled what they perceived to be effective science teaching. The study argues for the need for science-specific mentoring for preservice primary teachers, and suggests a possible pathway for achieving such a model starting with those in-service primary teachers—much like those identified by participants in the present study—who are already effective in their science teaching.  相似文献   

This paper presents a contingency theory of approaches to teaching in Higher Education adopted by university academics who teach heterogeneous student cohorts within a changing university context. The study is located within the substantive context of academics within Australian universities who teach within the broad field of management studies. Orthodox grounded theory is employed to generate a contingency typology comprised of four separate teaching approaches: Distancing, Adapting, Clarifying, and Relating. The model demonstrates how academics utilise a variety of teaching approaches to address their ‘main concern’, namely maintaining their professional competence within the context of a rapidly changing university landscape and significantly heterogeneous groups of students. We have labelled this process ‘Maintaining Competence’. This model stresses the importance of the twin forces of structure and individual agency in determining teaching approaches. It emphasises the value of analysing what academics actually do in the classroom situation, rather than concentrating on normative assumptions of what they should do in terms of best practice.  相似文献   

互联网和信息技术已经引发了我国在线教育的一系列变革,而建立科学、高效的在线课程运营模式是推动大学在线教育改革纵深发展的重要任务之一。当前,由大学自主开发的课程平台运营及维护费用压力大,面临可持续发展问题;第三方课程平台运营在线课程具有委托代理性,但存在商业化、官僚化气息浓郁,教学内容趋同及课程特色不足等问题;小规模专有课程平台运营在线课程专业性强,但无法提供个性化的辅助教学及就业指导服务。借鉴国外"OPM提供商-大学合作运营"的模式,可以尝试通过建立基于学位项目的在线教育服务收费模式并通过课程平台运营监管及风险预警机制的建立保障大学自建平台的持续运作;由第三方课程平台组建一支专业技术团队加强与教师及院校管理人员的联动,并通过在线教育知识产权管理服务体系的完善确保公平竞争的市场秩序;加强专业虚拟教辅团队建设为学生提供多样化辅助教学和就业服务,并通过专项财政支持政策的有效落实进一步加强大学与小规模专有课程平台的合作。  相似文献   


As we move forward in the new millennium, the call for reform in teacher education programs increases. One reform model, offered by Nel Noddings, focuses on the students’ affect, emotion, and intellect. Noddings proposes the use of fidelity—focusing on the individual and the quality of relationships—as a cornerstone in teaching and teacher education. Fidelity in teacher education utilizes a process that includes modeling, dialogue, practice, and confirmation. This paper explores the fundamentals of a fidelity‐based approach to teacher education and examines a university course and its fieldwork component by analyzing the structure and methods of each using the fidelity framework. If we expect our pre‐service teachers to create caring learning environments, they must first be taught about caring environments by their professors. The use of fidelity in teacher education programs is one model that allows for caring environments as well as content application.  相似文献   

设置教学型教授,能使专注教学的人安于教学,擅长教学的人乐于教学,是突出大学教学中心地位,切实提高大学教学质量的需要。教学型教授并非是反对设置教学型教授的人所认为的只会教学不会科研或者是教学好而科研差的教授,而是教学学术型教授。教学学术观下的大学教学是优秀的学术性教学,是与科研(专业学术)享有同等地位的学术工作,教学研究也是科学研究,教学学术成果与科学研究成果享有同等地位。因此,评聘教学型教授并没有放弃对教师科研业绩的要求。只要教学好且具有丰富的教学学术成果或丰富的专业学术成果或两者兼备者皆可以评聘教授,其中,教学好是共同的基本条件。  相似文献   

项目教学是目前高校教学改革研究和探讨的重要课题之一。文章通过对项目教学法相关理论的分析,从教学内容体系的模块化变革、课堂教学的具体实施、教学评价的改革等三个方面探讨了项目教学法在商务日语翻译教学中的具体操作策略。研究成果为高校商务日语翻译课程的教学改革带来新的培养理念和切实可行的运作方案,并对推进高校应用型日语人才的高效培养发挥了一定的推动作用。  相似文献   

A contemporaneous system of teaching university graduates is not able to prove, in practice, that the adaptation process has a positive influence on graduates. Analysis of such problems serves as a way to arrange a new education course oriented to robotics at the Department of Industrial Robotics, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Technical university in Kosice. The new course, proved by 3 years of practice, results from closer binding with professional practice providing pedagogical teaching in the preparation process of graduates. The model is derived from manufacturing, engineering, and technologists modification (introduced in the USA around 1985) in our present teaching process conditions.  相似文献   

体育教育专业“全程实践教学模式”研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
师范院校是培养教师的摇篮,为提高体育教育专业学生的实践能力,以适应社会经济的发展和高等教育改革的需要,根据普通高校人才培养目标,构建合理课程体系,提出“全程实践教学模式”体系,为高师体育教育专业在培养人才模式与教学改革方面提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Using a scenario-based analogue experiment embedded within an online survey, 174 masters-level counseling students located at a university on the Southwest Coast of the United States provided data to test the notion that the teaching alliance—a framework for enhancing the quality of the student-instructor relationship—is (a) important in multicultural counseling course education, and (b) linked to relevant outcomes. Results offer preliminary evidence of pedagogical utility for the alliance model within a multicultural course context.  相似文献   

Current debates regarding justice in university admissions most often approach the question of access to university from a technical, policy‐focussed perspective. Despite the attention that access to university receives in the press and policy literature, ethical discussion tends to focus on technical matters such as who should pay for university or which schemes of selection are allowable, not the question of who should go to university in the first place. We address the question of university admissions—the question of who should go to university—from an ethical perspective. We find that most discussions draw on a generic conception of what the university is good for that is too thin to provide deliberative guidance and hold that a full account of the ethics of admissions needs to take into account the distinctive good that the university provides—knowledge and understanding. This view, we hold, does not imply that measures should not be taken to widen access to university; however, the basis for such measures should be grounded in that distinctive good in the first instance.  相似文献   

Is the ideal of a one-size-fits-all university model—where universities are capable of successfully performing all competencies simultaneously—ever achievable? Has the balance between teaching and research activities grown even more fragile or is such a balance unfeasible? In this paper, we review studies of institutional diversity in higher education and bibliometric analyses. We prose a two-dimensional typology based on diversity in teaching and research by scientific fields. We investigate the diversity in teaching and research, respectively, at the disciplinary level and address whether these primary activities mirror each other. As a measure of mismatch between the two activities, we assess the distribution of students and publications by scientific fields through a clustering analysis. Our study of higher education institutions (HEIs) in Russia reveals that private universities are less diverse both in research and teaching and have high teaching intensity compared to state universities. Expectedly, universities in the rankings have more diverse profiles and they have a higher research intensity.  相似文献   

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