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Toward the end of his short life, Lev Vygotsky found himself teaching teachers in a remote part of the USSR. Though his influence as a developmental psychologist is well-established, little is known about his approach to teacher development. This article applies the researcher’s core concept, the zone of proximal development to teacher education. The resulting model for educating teaching candidates within zones of proximal teacher development (ZPTD) integrates Vygotskyan theory into Western models of teacher education. Recommendations are offered with regard the four stages of the ZPTD and implications for the content and sequence of the teacher preparation curriculum.  相似文献   

Drawing on sociocultural theory, and a large number of empirical studies conducted on the effectiveness of scaffolding on second or foreign language learning, the authors investigated the application of different forms of scaffolding to improve listening comprehension of the Iranian intermediate English as a foreign language (EFL) learners. To this end, 90 intermediate EFL learners were randomly assigned to 2 experimental groups and a control group. During 15 treatment sessions of listening comprehension instruction, expert peers in the first experimental group assisted their less knowledgeable peers in their listening comprehension tasks. The participants in the second experimental group were asked to assist their coequal peers while doing the listening comprehension tasks, but the participants in group 3 did not interact with each other or even their teacher and no scaffolding scheme was used when they were doing the listening comprehension tasks. One-way analysis of variance and post hoc analyses revealed that the expert peers' scaffolding was the most effective procedure for the intermediate EFL learners' listening comprehension development. Furthermore, coequal peers' scaffolding was proved to be the second effective procedure for the listening comprehension improvement. The findings underscore the relative efficacy of different forms of scaffolding procedure and the superiority of the expert peers' scaffolding over coequals' scaffolding. The qualitative analysis of the recorded data indicated that the implicit scaffolding strategies were more frequently used by the expert peers. However, the explicit scaffolding strategies were more frequently used to by the coequals. The findings of the study underscore the positive potentiality of scaffolding in its different forms for the EFL learners' listening comprehension development.  相似文献   

This article describes a national school improvement project involving five compulsory schools for hard‐of‐hearing pupils, located in different parts of Sweden. Using action research, the teachers tried to change the communication patterns among the pupils by changing their own classroom practices, In this process the teachers tested and used different tools, such as writing, shadowing and facilitating each other, over a three‐year period. The purpose of this article is to examine how tools used in action research can be used to promote learning in relation to the concept of the zone of proximal development. The theoretical framework of the study is based on action research, as a collaborative way of creating knowledge, and on sociocultural learning theories. The basic assumption is that teachers, by using different tools, also challenge each other’s learning. The results show the importance of internalising tools that become owned by individuals or communities of practise. To be able to assume an active role in the zone of proximal development, and to produce knowledge collaboratively, a meaning‐making process was needed. It was found that this could be realised if the participants had an awareness of how to function as a critical friend among colleagues. Furthermore, the results revealed that, by using different tools, different voices can be heard. Three categories of voices were identified.  相似文献   

维果茨基的“最近发展区”概念创造性地阐明了教学、教育与发展之间的辨证关系。赞科夫从“最近发展区”理论中得到启示,建立了发展性教学体系,其“两高”教学原则是“最近发展区”理论在教学实践中发展应用的结果。  相似文献   

动态评价是在评价过程中通过评价者和学生的互动,尤其是在有经验的评价者的帮助下,探索和发现学生潜在发展能力的一系列评价方式的统称。将动态评价的理念引入英语专业写作教学评价中,努力构建一个英语专业写作教学的三级动态评价体系,可以在不忽视教师指导作用的前提下,充分发挥学生的认知主体作用,实现英语写作教学中的评价的互动性、评价的过程性以及评价的发展性,达到最终提高学生英语写作能力和自主学习能力的目的。  相似文献   

本文以最近发展区作为英语听说教学的理论基础,以提高学生的英语运用能力为目的,结合大学英语教学改革的实际,探索了一种新的分课型大学英语听说教学模式,并对这种新教学模式的教学效果进行了问卷调查和分析。  相似文献   

张云义 《教育学报》2002,(10):33-36
批判性是思维的重要品质之一 ,批判性思维的过程是创造性的思维过程。批判性思维有助于学生创造精神的培养。引导和渗透是培养学生批判性思维的主要渠道。“问题探究式”教学、教会学生质疑、重视错例分析、探讨原始问题等都是培养批判性思维的可行途径。  相似文献   

教与学的有效互动--简析支架式教学   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
支架式教学是近二三十年来国外流行的教学模式,它在处理"教"与"学"二者之间的关系方面提出了富有创造性的见解.本文对支架式教学进行了简要的介绍与分析,主要阐述了支架式教学的内涵、理论基础及其特色,最后分析了支架式教学给予我们的若干启示.  相似文献   

This article presents an empirical study of an open educational course in an online peer-to-peer university (P2PU). P2PU is a nonprofit organization offering free educational opportunities. Focus is on how peers are part of creating course content in a Web 2.0 environment. Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have evolved into two different pedagogical directions: content-based xMOOCs and connectivist cMOOCs. cMOOCs emphasizing learning in networks developed informally, where learners are part of creating course content, resemble P2PU`s vision. We investigated processes of interaction in co-creation of tasks in an open educational course and what opportunities and challenges emerge. We employed template analysis for coding data. We report two different processes of interaction between users and organizers: problem identification and co-creation of tasks. This study contributes to understanding a new model of teaching and learning through scrutinizing participation in an open educational course and explores implications for the learning experience.  相似文献   


Massive open online courses (MOOCs) offer opportunities for professional development of environmental educators globally, yet we lack understanding of participants? cognitive and social learning processes and of how instructors can enhance these processes. Based on the Community of Inquiry framework, we used a survey and coded participant discussion board and Facebook posts to examine the cognitive, social, and teaching presence in the Environmental Education: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Addressing Wicked Problems MOOC, offered by Cornell University. Rather than train educators in a specific curriculum, the goal of the MOOC is to expand educators? critical and transdisciplinary thinking about the field of environmental education and to enhance social interactions to support learning, educators, and knowledge co-creation. Results indicate that cognitive presence is higher on the discussion board whereas social presence is higher on Facebook. Over half of cognitive posts focused on exploration, a lower level of learning, whereas just less than a fifth reflected higher level integration, suggesting room for enhancing cognitive learning. Our results suggest strategies to encourage higher levels of thinking and more meaningful social interactions to foster learning, educator support, and co-creation of knowledge, thereby improving online professional development.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a way computer simulations can be used to address the problem of teaching for conceptual change and understanding. After identifying three levels of understanding of a natural phenomenon (concrete, conceptual, and metaconceptual) that need to be addressed in school science, and classifying computer model systems and simulations more generally in terms of the design choices facing the programmer, we argue that there are ways to design computer simulations that can make them more powerful than laboratory models. In particular, computer simulations that provide an explicit representation for a set of interrelated concepts allow students to perceive what cannot be directly observed in laboratory experiments: representations for the concepts and ideas used for interpreting the experiment. Further, by embedding the relevant physical laws directly into the program code, these simulations allow for genuine discoveries. We describe how we applied these ideas in developing a computer simulation for a particular set of purposes: to help students grasp the distinction between mass and density and to understand the phenomenon of flotation in terms of these concepts. Finally, we reflect on the kinds of activities such conceptually enhanced simulations allow that may be important in bringing about the desired conceptual change.  相似文献   

动态评估在特殊儿童评估中的应用   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
本文首先介绍了动态评估的概念及其理论基础。接着论述了各类儿童在动态评估中所表现出的差异、如何对各类特殊儿童开展动态评估以及如何结合具体领域开展评估等问题。最后提出了一些有待解决问题以及具体实施方面的建议  相似文献   

本文首先分析高中体育生学习数学存在的问题:体育生本身自制能力较差,有着比较明显的依赖心理。然后讨论体育生学习数学知识面临的困难。最后提出生本教育理念下高中体育生数学有效教学的策略,不仅要强调个体自尊心,还要给予高中体育生积极的关注。  相似文献   


This paper proposes an alternate model of Vygotsky's zone of proximal development. It is argued that conceptions of the «zone» emphasizing the transfer of skills from adult to child are too narrow, theoretically misleading, and of limited instructional utility. The concept is then examined in relation to Vygotsky's broader theoretical and practical concerns. Examples taken from a recent classroom observational study are provided to illustrate how the concept of the zone can facilitate a critical assessment of children and of the social system created for the children to learn. The focus is on the appropriation and mastery of mediational means, such as writing, assessed not only or necessarily through independent performance after guided practice, but by the ability of children to participate in qualitatively new collaborative activities. The role of the adult isn't to provide structured cues to facilitate performance, but through exploratory talk and other social mediations assist children in taking control of their own learning. The concern is not only with creating individual zones of proximal development, but collective, interrelated zones as part of a teaching system.  相似文献   

A reconceptualization of the zone of proximal development (ZPD) is proposed by introducing the notion of dialogicality and voice. Drawing on Bakhtin’s semiotics, it is argued that the dialogical interactions occurring within the ZPD must be understood in a larger context to go beyond the visible and audible participants. More specifically, in addition to the first voice of the more capable participant and the second voice of the less competent participant, there is a third voice that serves as an immediate agenda of the ZPD. The third voice exerts its influence through the first voice by mediating the latter’s intrapsychological functioning. The compatibility between the agenda of the third voice and the developmental goals of the zone determines whether the progression through the ZPD is enhanced or constrained. Standardized testing is given as an example of the third voice with a focus on its compatibility with the developmental goal of the ZPD. Barohny Eun is mainly interested in developing an instructional model for K-5 English as a Second Language (ESL) students based on the sociocultural theories of Vygotsky. Steven E. Knotek is mainly interested in early intervention and literacy. Audrey L. Heining-Boynton is mainly interested in foreign and second language education.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study ofthe effectiveness of an innovative approach tostaff development, the conceptual changeapproach, which attempts to change teachers'frameworks for conceptualising teaching andlearning. The evaluation investigated theprogramme at three levels: the impact on theconceptions of teaching of the participants,the resultant impact on teaching practices, andthe consequential effect on student learning.Encouraging results were obtained. Theprogramme brought about detectable conceptualchange or conceptual development in two-thirdsof the sample group. Subsequently, all the`changed' teachers received better ratings ontheir teaching practices from their students inthe following academic year while none of thosewho did not change their conceptions showedsimilar gains in student rating scores. Aresultant positive impact on their students'studying approaches was observed for half ofthe teachers who changed their conceptions.  相似文献   

Increasingly, the requirements of applicants to academic faculty positions, promotion and tenure procedures, nominations for teaching awards, or other application processes for innovative teaching grants worldwide include a teaching portfolio or dossier or a statement of teaching philosophy. Current literature provides a spectrum of approaches to constructing a teaching philosophy statement. While these resources provide practical utility, this literature generally lacks conceptual models that provide clear operational definitions and comprehensive frameworks for the process of generating or evaluating a teaching philosophy statement. However, this literature does illustrate the complexity of the task. Each teaching philosophy statement reflects not only personal beliefs about teaching and learning, but also disciplinary cultures, institutional structures and cultures, and stakeholder expectations as well. This synergy among self, discipline, and institutional context guided the development of a conceptual model for constructing a teaching philosophy statement. Based on the authors' survey of the literature, a conceptual model was developed, and then refined in a series of three workshops that included input from graduate students, academic faculty, faculty developers, and academic managers (administrators). The resulting conceptual framework includes the six dimensions commonly found in a survey of faculty teaching philosophies: the purpose of teaching and learning; the role of the teacher; the role of the student; the methods used; evaluation and assessment of teaching and learning; and also includes two framing devices - a metaphor or a critical incident and a device for acknowledging the impact that contextual factors have on teacher decision making. This paper describes the development of this conceptual model, and provides an evaluation rubric that can be applied to assess teaching philosophy statements generated using the proposed framework.  相似文献   

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