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According to Alasdair MacIntyre's influential account of practices, ‘teaching itself is not a practice, but a set of skills and habits put to the service of a variety of practices’ ( MacIntyre and Dunne, 2002 , p. 5). Various philosophers of education have responded to and critiqued MacIntyre's position, most notably in a Special Issue of the Journal of Philosophy of Education (Vol. 37.2, 2003). However, both in that Special Issue and since, this debate remains inconclusive. Much of this earlier discussion seems to accept that teaching is a unique case in being a putative practice that does not fit readily into MacIntyre's account. In fact many supposed practices, including some nominated by MacIntyre himself, do not fit his account. A constructive critique of this account leads to a refurbished, broadly MacIntyrean account of practice. This will clarify the issue of whether teaching and a range of other activities are, indeed, practices.  相似文献   

在现代全球化历史语境中,高等院校教师如何透过大学生的文化心理观来界定、梳理与解读其求知欲,从而有目的地带着种种问题意识进行有效性的乃至新颖性的课堂教学,对营造或培养更高层次的现代新型的师生互动教学关系将具有极为重要的现实意义。诚然,良好的师生课堂互动教学是现代高等院校教育的根本品质,更重要的则是产生深远的启示、影响及价值。因此,该论题将立足于三大问题面向学生进行别开生面的阐释:"追求优越",学生成长的内驱力;"心理导引",教师课堂教学践行的新思路;"乐教"与"乐学",教学相长。  相似文献   

近年,随着高职教育的发展和电视行业市场的需求,新闻采编与制作专业相继出现在很多高职院校,新闻教育在近些年也取得了一些成绩。然而,因为新闻专业的高实践性和高校实践条件不足的矛盾,使得高校新闻采编与制作专业的实践教学现状远不尽如人意,出现了许多问题。面对这种现状,作为高校教师的我们必须通过认真思考和实践来寻求一条适合新闻采编与制作专业的实践教学改革路线。在此,主要在分析新闻采编与制作专业实践教学现状的基础上探索实践教学改革新思路。  相似文献   


This article reflects upon the neoliberalisation of higher education and its effects on teaching practice. It is argued that a neoliberal discourse of teaching excellence has the effect of working against, and potentially undermining, the emancipatory potential of higher education. The article reflects upon attempts to navigate disciplinary power in the neoliberal university and considers whether critical, emancipatory praxis is possible or if complicity in, and co-option by, neoliberalism is inevitable. Ultimately, it is concluded that individual teachers have some scope to pursue approaches which counter neoliberal dominance but that this is heavily constrained. A broader, collective, project will therefore be necessary if alternative (critical, emancipatory) visions of teaching and learning in higher education are to successfully challenge neoliberal hegemony and the negative effects of this in the academy.  相似文献   

一体化教学同传统教学相比,有着自身独有的特点和明显的优势,表现为"双师型"师资配备为保证教学质量提供可靠的前提条件;理论和实践的紧密结合突出技工教育的职业性强、专业性强的特点,也符合青少年生理和心理发展的特点;教学过程中任课教师有更多的机会开展思想品德教育;产教结合,变消耗性实习为生产性实习,教师教有特点,学生学有所长.  相似文献   

Teaching is a complex practice that requires teachers to draw upon their content knowledge, pedagogical approaches and strategies, and knowledge about learners in order to support learning. Integrating technology into the teaching and learning practice of a classroom is a strategy that many teachers are drawing upon. This article reports on the initial findings on information communication technology (ICT) implementation in Kenyan secondary schools and discusses factors affecting effective technology integration. The study used questionnaire and classroom observation data to examine what types of ICTs for education are available in secondary schools in Kenya and what training teachers have had in using ICTs for education; teachers’ perspectives regarding the role of ICT in teaching and learning; and what factors might influence ICT integration in teaching and learning in public secondary schools in Kenya. The study found that while few teachers are integrating ICT into their teaching and learning, many teachers are implementing ICT in their teaching.  相似文献   

范例教学理论是三大教学论流派之一。其主要思想是为了改变传统教学中学生所处的被动地位,提出把传授知识和培养能力结合在一起。同时按照教育部关于高等教育职业化的要求,重新定位范例教学的意义,即淡化理论,强化实践,实现学生技能和企业需求的对接。将范例教学理论引入计算机课堂,可以提升课堂教学效果,从范例教学的理论依据、基本原则人手,结合范例教学的实践经验探讨FLASH动画教学中范例教学的实施。范例教学中容易出现的问题,应该从理论和范例配套、教师角色转变、创新教学评价等方面规范教学,为新形势下实施范例教学落下重彩之笔。  相似文献   

Reflection is not a new concept in the teaching of higher education and is often an important component of many disciplinary courses. Despite this, past research shows that while there are examples of rich reflective strategies used in some areas of higher education, most approaches to, and conceptualisations of, reflective learning and assessment have been perfunctory and inconsistent. In many disciplinary areas, reflection is often assessed as a written activity ‘tagged onto’ assessment practices. In creative disciplines, however, reflective practice is an integral and cumulative form of learning and is often expressed in ways other than in the written form. This paper will present three case studies of reflective practice in the area of Creative Industries in higher education – Dance, Fashion and Music. It will discuss the ways in which higher education teachers and students use multimodal approaches to expressing knowledge and reflective practice in such a context. The paper will argue that unless students are encouraged to participate in deep reflective disciplinary discourse via multi-modes then reflection will remain superficial in the higher education context.  相似文献   

高等教育内涵发展需要提升教师的教学水平,教师教学水平的提升需要有目的、有组织的"教学卓越"实践,世界著名大学普遍重视教师发展中心的建立以及教师教学能力的培养,当前我国高校亟待处理好教学与科研的关系,提高对教师"教学卓越"的认识,将教学视为一种学术活动。江南大学成立教师卓越中心,系统开展教师的"教学卓越"工作,所采取的九项措施是高校教师教学发展的一个案例。  相似文献   

This case study explores the affordances a weblog (blog) offered to “Ms. Frizzle,” an urban middle school science teacher and exceptional blogger, to support her professional identity development. The 316 posts she wrote over 1 school year were systematically analyzed and triangulated with data from e-mail exchanges and interviews with Ms. Frizzle and her colleagues. Ms. Frizzle used her blog to tell stories of herself and her classroom, reflect on her practice, work through dilemmas, solicit feedback, and display competence, among other things. By doing so, she was able to wrestle with many issues that are central to the practice of urban science teaching and be recognized by herself and others as a “reform-minded” teacher committed to excellence and equity in education. To realize these benefits, however, Ms. Frizzle invested significant time and energy into her blogging and made certain uses of blogging features. Thus, although this study empirically supports the potential of blogging for teachers' professional identity development, it also indicates that the way in which teachers use blogging will determine the extent of the benefits they can derive from this practice.  相似文献   

Currently, there is a resurgence of interests in phenomenology in education. This article sheds light on the importance of hermeneutical phenomenology in teaching and learning based on the lived experience of a Sioux Indian adolescent boy, elicited from an ethnographic case study conducted at an alternative high school in the US. Employing narrative inquiry, this article seeks phenomenological ways of understanding students' lived experiences and explores the meaning of the pedagogical practice of hermeneutical phenomenology in education. I delve into how hermeneutical understanding of the phenomena of students' lived experience can catapult both students and teachers into the personal growth and development in a reciprocal way. It is my hope that such an understanding will facilitate an educational aim that focuses on the ontology of being and becoming while students' existence is brought to the center of teaching and learning.  相似文献   

Computing is being introduced into the curriculum in many countries. Teachers’ perspectives enable us to discover what challenges this presents, and also the strategies teachers claim to be using successfully in teaching the subject across primary and secondary education. The study described in this paper was carried out in the UK in 2014 where teachers were preparing for the mandatory inclusion of Computing into the curriculum. A survey was conducted of over 300 teachers who were currently teaching Computing to elicit their perspectives on challenges and strategies. From the analysis of the data, extrinsic and intrinsic challenges were identified for both teachers and students. In addition, a variety of pedagogical strategies were recommended by teachers from their own practice. In categorising approaches taken by teaching to support students five key themes emerged: unplugged type activities, contextualisation of tasks, collaborative learning, developing computational thinking, and scaffolding programming tasks. Further investigation could support whether these strategies can alleviate the challenges of teaching and learning of Computing for students and teachers. In particular developing student resilience in Computing is seen as a challenge while not many strategies are suggested. The results of this study will be useful for teachers who are new to the teaching of Computing.  相似文献   

Although research has consistently shown that culturally embedded archetypes of teaching powerfully shape the ways teachers conceive of their work and lives, it remains unclear why or how these archetypes continue to exert such influence. This paper argues that the strength of teaching archetypes might usefully be attributed to their continuing potential for translation as what MacIntyre calls not-yet-completed narratives.This claim is supported by drawing on accounts from Jewish day school teachers about their lives and work. A portrait is offered of a teacher whose image of teaching is not only grounded in an influential patriarchal archetype, it also contributes to a significant transformation of the archetype in terms of its gender and its construction of the teacher's role. The case suggests that traditions of teaching remain vital by generating new literatures of practice.  相似文献   

The purpose of this practice paper is to promote the teaching of learners with neurodevelopmental conditions from a neurodiverse perspective. The challenge teachers face in having to draw on up-to-date research evidence and theoretical perspectives, and align these with practical considerations to generate contextualised teaching strategies, are addressed with the introduction of a three-factor model. The utility of considering pupil assessment data gathered from a strengths-based perspective is positioned as a central component to bridging the gap between the incipient neurodiversity literature and the realities of applied teaching practice. Two case examples have presented that draw on the proposed three-factor model to demonstrate how teachers can assess and teach learners from a neurodevelopmental perspective. These case studies focus on supporting learners with Autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in a secondary setting.  相似文献   

现代性消弭了人存在的高贵性,是教师精神矮化的时代症候。这导致建基于此的教育科学、教师教育、教师道德等都对教师的本体性问题隐而不谈。此外,犬儒主义将相对主义与怀疑主义发挥到极致,让教师精神进一步衰微,教师丧失了教育信念,对新概念、新理论采取拒绝态度,教学走向娱乐化与迎合化。从卑微走向高贵,教师首先可以从对真善美的超越性理解与追求入手,重思教师职业的爱与卓越,重思教师生活的审美性,让教师的成长之路更具道德与审美实践之意蕴。其次,需要把教师教育从科学恢复到人学,进行本体论、存在论的思索,实现教师的觉醒与解放,进而让教师获得人之为人的高贵。  相似文献   

In the first part of this paper the marked differences between the stances of some philosophers of education who view the field as a self-contained discipline and MacIntyre's contrasting view are outlined and discussed, with the author seeing the greater merit in MacIntyre's position. This leads on to a review in the second part of the paper of the differences between MacIntyre and Dunne on teaching as a practice and on the range of issues that underlie these differences. Again, the paper argues in favour of MacIntyre's claim that teaching is subservient to the good it serves, in this case the good of the learner and of the community. Criticisms are then made, however, of how MacIntyre conceives of the good of the community, and of its promotion by learning. In particular, his advocacy of partisan universities and his arguments for rationalising the rivalries between them are faulted. In its concluding part, the paper finds more merit in the pedagogical features of MacIntyre's late work Dependent Rational Animals, particularly the rationale advanced for educating independent practical reasoners.  相似文献   

National Teaching Fellows (NTFs) in the UK are celebrated individuals who have made a successful claim for teaching excellence to the Higher Education Academy. This paper reports the results of an empirical study of NTFs with expertise in online learning, which measured their pedagogical beliefs and online teaching practices, using a ‘teaching conceptions’ model. Given the growth of online teaching within higher education, this paper seeks to establish whether excellent teachers ‘practise what they preach’ in online environments and can support other less able colleagues in developing their online practices.  相似文献   

We explored how new Teachers of Color grappled with equity and excellence as they were constructing science teacher identities while learning to teach in a teacher education program committed to equity, justice, and excellence, and eventually teaching in urban schools where inequities and injustices persist. The theoretical framing, compiled from various bodies of literature, weaved together what we consider as essential parts of teacher identity construction and provided a lens with which to examine how conceptions of equity and excellence that the study participants were constructing meshed with their multiple identities, considerations on legitimate knowledge production, and dialectical relationships with which they grappled. Using transcendental phenomenology, we learned from and with three Black and Latinx teachers and their narratives. The teachers intertwined similarly and differently their evolving conceptions of equity and excellence into their evolving science teacher identities as they engaged in forms of contentious local practice and reflected on their experiences as science Teachers of Color teaching predominately Students of Color. Their multiple identities were meshed with histories of larger institutions—science, schooling, and society—and together these were shaping their conceptions of equity and excellence. The intermingling of equity and excellence, which was guiding the curricular and instructional decisions they were making in their classrooms, was also linked to what they considered as legitimate knowledge production in science classes and what counted as knowledge that their students needed to know at different times. The various dilemmas defined by opposing poles with which they were grappling also functioned as scales on which their coordinated equity-excellence unit of meaning was forming. Based on the study, we offer insights into practices that science teacher educators may consider as they prepare new teachers, and work with practicing teachers, to embrace and coordinate equity and excellence in their ever-developing science teacher identities.  相似文献   

通过实证研究和调查发现,开展各类专业教学实践活动,融师范教育和师范生专业技能训练于专业基础英语课程,给学生提供大量上台展示、反思和成长的机会,对职前英语教师的师范技能培养会产生积极的影响。  相似文献   

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